The Closet Domme: Caught

“Turn over. I want to see if you came with me.” I instructed Rick, as I basked in the afterglow of taking him.

He reassurered me, “I didn’t Mistress. You didn’t tell me I could.”

“Move up on the bed. I want you to rest a while.”

I was feeling so good after fucking him in the ass. I felt whole …somehow more complete. I spooned him for a bit then turned off the lights then softly closed the door leaving him to rest after my assault on his body. I was glowing, walking on air and decided to blow his mind with one of those kisses that melts him. I eased the door back open to give him that last treatment and froze in my tracks. Rick didn’t know I was watching as he pleasured himself. I sawhed as he stroked his erection, but quietly backed out of my bedroom without a word.

In the living room I grounded myself, then calmly woke Rick up. “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

There was a confused look on Rick’s face. He had no idea why I was asking.

I repeated myself, “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

“I don’t understand why you seem angry Mistress. Did fucking me displease you?”

“I saw you.” I snapped.

His eyes were pleading with me for clarification. “Go stand in the corner facing the wall.” He quickly got up and did as I said. I sat on the bed and watched him move across the room then stop in the corner near the wooden Discipline chair. I stared at his back, his hips, and his entire body for a long time. My eyes moved over him taking in those details I loved. After twenty minutes of tense silence I said, “The whip or my hand?”

Rick took a deep breath then answered, “Your hand Mistress.”

Usually I would have him lay across my lap but I still had the dildo strapped to me so I had to do it with him standing. I picked up the dice then sat behind him. He compiled when I told him to lean forward and brace his hands on the wall. “After our encounter, you disrespected me by touching yourself. I saw you masturbate, do you deny it?”

“No Mistress.”

“You are never to touch yourself sexually without my permission or instruction. That is not a new rule.” My voice was calm and steady yet full of disappointment.

“I know.” He said, softly.

“If you know, then what is your excuse?”

“With all due respect Mistress, I only touched it briefly.”

“And you felt it was ok to waste your seed rather then give it to me, your one and only.”

“No ma’am, you misunderstand…I did not cum, I…”

I cut him off, “How dare you. Obviously you don’t know your place.” I rolled the dice then multipled the outcome by three. The number three signed all the ways I owned him – mind, body and soul. Lucky for him, I rolled 4 which means he would receive 12 swats.

I began the count with each stroke, “One… two…”

Rick sucked in air each time. He was being strong for me. I had so much respect for him when he accepted things like a man. I was getting so turned onBecause each time I spanked him it was like a jolt of electricity was sent to my clip. I began rocking back and forth in the chair, causing the shorter end of the dildo to fuck me.

“…three …four…five…” My hand stung as it made contact with his bottom. Rick’s butt cheats were warm and red. This was so damn hot, too hot for words, “…six …seven …eight…” The spanking was slow and deliberate. I was on the verge of an orgasm but made myself concentrated. We were both new to this lifestyle and learning as we went along. I was still torn about enjoying the discipline but didn’t know how to change the fact. All I could hope was that Rick wouldn’t resent me for it. My voice softened, each number came out with a moan, “…nine …ten …eleven …twelve…”

There, I was done. I was also aroused, wet and pretty much stuck to the chair. These spankings were infrequent. They were definitely punishment but I found them unexpectedly and overwhelmingly sexually fulfilling. They were not meant to hurt Rick, they were symbolic discipline. What was important was the act of his bending over my knee …and the fact that he knew I had the right to make it hurt if I so chose. I always made sure my spankings stung, like when you popped a naughty child’s hand, but nothing more.

I got up and made my way to the bed, my lifelike cock bobbing as I went. I stretched out then beckoned him over. His love was so pure and beautiful as he knelt beside the bed.

“You have permission to lay beside me after you tuck me in. I need to cum again.” There was a bit of hunger in my voice as I twisted my nipples then brought one up to my tongue to suck.

Always the good submissive, he did as I said, his eyes never meeting mine. I spooned myself behind him, my lubricated dildo pressed to his sensitive ass. I slid myself in and out, in and out gently this time. Waves of pleasure were filling me as I penetrated him. I was gentle and loving this time kissing his upper backand shoulders. Taking Rick was like a drug and I was addicted. This second time was over too quickly. I came all over his backside, “If I ever catch you masturbating without permission, I will multiply the outcome of the dice by ten, and use the whip.”

I knew he was scared at the prospect but he never showed it outwardly. Strong. He was so strong for me. My protector, my lover and my submissive all rolled into one. Yes I owned and took care of him but he was still a man. More man then I had ever been with, yet he would do anything I instructed. All of these thoughts ushered in my final orgasm. It washed through me slow and easy. I relaxed my body on top of his and melted into his being. We were one in that moment.


Things just kept getting worse for Rick. A week later he was on thin ice yet again. It was 10pm when we stood at Mark’s door. “If I see even a hint of jealousy tonight your punishment will be severe.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“I have thought long and hard about this. Your punishment will be that for 30 days, anytime you make love to me you must use a condom. I am sure that as a man, you know the difference between the sensings of bare skin verses latex. You must learn to take responsibility for your actions and see how your failures affect me. You will have to live with the guilt that it is your job to please me but that I will come away from our sexual encounters unsatisfied. The guilt that my pussy won’t milk your cock when or IF I cum. For a whole month I am being denied pleasure that I have a right to.”

“I understand Mistress.”

“Well understand this. I have needs and if you can not fulfill them, even if it is temporary, I will have to look elsewhere for a submissive.” I only added that part to give additional incentive. Rick was married, and knew deep down that I had other lovers. He also knew that I had no wish to dominate anyone else. Our relationship was not monogamous but that was a line I would not cross./p>

Just then, Mark answered and invited us in, saying that his other guests would be leaving shortly. I was pleased forgetting how handsome he was, but he didn’t hold a candle to my Rick…my love. If the Gods were on my side tonight I would have two, the wonderfully familiar, and the intriguing new.

Before I left my house with Rick, I told him that if tonight went as planned, it would wash away all recent transgressions. That means he had extra reasons for pleasure me. He also had instructions to mingle and keep himself busy. After all, we were not joined at the hip. I went in one direction and he went in another, drinking and chatting, mingling and making new friends. It was inching towards 11 when I looked over and saw him speaking to a woman. I knew that she was interesting because I had actually spoke to her earlier in the evening but that didn’t matter. She was petite and very pretty. If given the chance, I would fuck her, so I knew that he would too. I caught Rick’s eye from across the room and smiled. I mouthed the words,I love you, and used my feminine wiles to will him away from her. He got the hint like a good sub and I was very pleased. We had a double standard when it came to matters of love and sex. In general I did not want to witness, hear about or think about Rick with any other woman besides myself. I wanted to be the center of his universe and sexuality. Occasionally, I allowed stories of his exploits from earlier days and things about his wife. Rick used good judgment on when to sprinkle those things in and had never made me feel like less of a woman by making comparisons. I stood alone.

I was deep in thought when the last guests left and Mark signed me from the stairs. I saw him but made him wait until I finished my drink. Martina rushes for no one. He watched as I set me empty wineglass on the coffee table then slowly made my way over there. I didn’t acknowledge him I just kept walking straight upstairs and into his bedroom. Mark followed and shut the door behind us.

* * * * * *

While alone, we discussed what I wanted to happen in this threesome. Forty minutes later Mark ventured downstairs to retrieve Rick. When they returned I was still naked on the bed. There was a momentary flash of question in Rick’s eyes as they scanned my body and the surrounding bed, but no jealousy. Mark and I hadn’t made love we had only kissed and cared but that was none of my sub’s business. He needed to think the worst since this was a test.

My voice was made for dispatch, “Undress and join me on the bed Rick.”

“Of course Mistress.”

Mark slipped off his robe and boxers then positioned himself behind me in a spoon. Rick was appreciated but joined us, knowing how much this night means to me. He also knew that any outward sign of disrespect would have dire consequences. Now we were face to face, eager and uneasy all at the same time. I let my hands cares his wait just as Mark was caresingmine. “Kiss me.”

And he did, leisurely and natural. I pulled Rick in closer to me as our connection intensified. My hand wandered downwards as I pulled away. “Tonight we will only have oral sex. Mark will taste me, I will taste you, and you will taste Mark. We will be joined in a triangle.” I got up on my knees and repositioned myself. My sub moved diagonally on the bed and Mark slide over until we each had the desired person’s genitals in proximity to our mouths. Now we were all in position to give and receive pleasure. “If you aren’t sure what to do, follow my lead.”

I slide my palm up Rick’s thigh and rested it on his hip. My other hand fondled his soft penis. I looked over and saw him staring at Mark’s. He was about the same size as Mark so he shouldn’t have have been intimidated at all. In the past, he consistently devoured my pussy and now I was expecting him to do the same to this stranger’s cock. Now we were all in position to give and receive pleasure. The question was,would he proceed or chicken out.


The title ‘The Closet Domme’ referers to having secrets or skeletons. M’s secret is that she is into power games. In my fansies, she is a vanilla girl discovering her kinky side and expressing it through role play in an affair.

–Sacred Beauty


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