At her apartment, Jacky showed and then sat looking at her close wondering what to wear. The possibilities before her were all so tame. She had not moved with any of her domme outfits because she didn’t want those memories. Now, she had no idea what to wear for her current mood. Luckily, she had kept all her shoes. As she sat for a moment, the memory of her play date with Brad ran through her head. He had cum so much and his noises, God his noises. Before she knew it she was starting to get wet once more.
A smile spread across her face as she formulated a plan for what to wear. A few minutes of anxious preparation and she was out the door in her trench coat with red heels beneath it, a purse and small backpack in her hand. It was her turn to skip down the hallway as she planned the night with Eric in her head.
A familiar smile greeted her as Eric’s door opened. He was in jeans and a dark grey t-shirt. His hair was slicked back; he looked every bit the gentleman in front of her.
“Hey, a trench coat huh? Is it going to rain, or did you just get caught up after work and come straight here?”
“Neither.” Eric looked at her puzzled as she walked into his apartment. She put her bag and pursuit on the counter and turned back to him smiling. Eric locked his door.
“Okay, are you ready to go eat then?”
Jacky smiled and started unbuttoning her coat. With each button it became clearer that eating wasn’t on her mind. As the last gave way, Eric stood transferred. When her coat fell to floor behind her, she stood there in front of him naked except for her red heels. Her hair up in a bun she looked as close to a domme as she could without the leather outfits that she used to have.
“Oh shit.” Eric’s face was blank as he stared at her. She stepped closer to him staring into his face as she did.
“Get on your knees and I’ll feed you here first.” Eric looked at her for a second as she spoke and then didexactly as he was told kneeling down in front of her. The heat of his body as he passed by nearly made her exploit. Then, his hands seized her hips pulling her into him. As he looked up into her face he guided her left leg over his shoulder giving him full access to her body.
He moved slowly teasing as their eyes stayed locked. His breath oozed across her pussy and it caused her arms to shoot out propping herself against the back of his closed front door. His tongue ultimately caused their star to break as her head flew backward and she cried out.
Eric explored her slowly, savoring her body as he held her against him. When he started to suck on her clip it was all she could do to keep her legs from buckling. With every noise and moan she made, she felt his grip on her hips tighten. When she explored all the pen up tension she had from earlier with Brad released at once and she showed Eric’s mouth in hot liquid. He paused to swallow and then went back to his attentions carefully, a much slower exploration this time as he held her there.
A few moments passed and she was able to put her leg back down and look at Eric. His face was red and full of desire; he had at some point relaxed to sitting back on his feet. The top of his t-shirt was wet in a delicious pattern around the collar. The look lasted only a second before she allowed her knees to relax down so she could straddle him kneeing.
Eric took the opportunity, grabbing her head to kiss her and snaking an arm around her back he sprung forward easing her onto the ground on her back. She admired his strength then unlike Juan who had thrown her Eric could hold her and ease her down while still only holding her with one arm.
His mouth found her once they were both on the ground and his hands fumbled with his pants. In only a moment he had his jeans undone and was easing them down his legs while still kissing her. In another second he was at the entrance to her sex and his mouth was upon her neck.
“Oh fuck you feel good.” Eric’s words came out as a passing thought as he filled her.
Jacky moaned as he moved, he felt so perfect and eased all her desire that had built on her way here. By the third or fourth entry into her, Eric’s arms moved to hold himself up, braced on either side of her chest on the floor. His elbows grazed her sides as his hands held her Shoulders. It was too good, and before long Jacky broke their kiss as her back arched from the floor.
“Oh fuck Eric, harder, please.” The groan that erupted from her was deep and dark. She needed to be fucked and fucked hard by him now. Her body needed to explode once more. Jacky’s legs wrapped around his waist and she locked her ankles to hold him to her. She still wore her red heels and she Felt the plus on the sides of the shoes crush as she held on.
Eric was quick to comply, slamming into her body again and again. They moved too quickly to kiss or even touch, this was just fucking. It was hard and raw and exhaust.
“Oh FUUUUCK…it’s too good J, are you close?” Eric nearly begged as she watched the veins in his neck pop out. He moaned as he moved the next time. His request had not stopped his movements.
“Just don’t stop, I’ll cum with you…just look into my eyes.” Her hands moved to his face to hold his gaze in front of her.
“FUCK…FUCK…AAHHHHHHH!” Eric buried himself deep as he looked into her face. She felt his cock pulse and his hips rock and then her body unraveled.
“OHHHHH…YES ANGEL..YES!” She cried out as her body locked around him. They both shivered together on his entryway floor, all control having left they were just there for the next few minutes breathing together and looking at Each other.
Eric eventually subsided and moved his head to rest on the top of her chest as he relaxed back onto his elbows. Jacky wrapped her arms around his head and shoulders holding him there.
An eternity later, he raised his head andkissed her lightly, smiling. “So, now do you want to do dinner?”
Jacky smiled and laughed, releasing her legs she let them fall out to his sides. “You might need to change first, you smell like pussy.” She laughed more as he smiled at her.
“I seem to smell like pussy a lot around you.” Eric laughed as he took time to kiss her neck as he exited her body. He rolled out of her arms then and to his side pulling his jeans and briefs back up.
“It’s like garlic dear, if you eat enough to keep you healthy you’re bound to smell like it sometimes.” Jacky smiled as she spoke.
Eric cached as gathered himself up and stood. He reached his hands out then helping her to stand as well.
“Like garlic huh? You’re pussy always tastes sweet nothing like garlic, my God, you’re crazy you know that.” Eric had her pressed with her back against the wall as he leaned his body against her. His kisses were sweet as he looked into her eyes.
“Shower before we go?” She asked him sweetly.
“If we get in that shower together, we are never going to go anywhere. Something has gotten in to you tonight.”
“Let’s order Chinese then and watch movies here, what you think?” She smiled as Eric trailed kisses over her face.
“Absolutely, but first tell me what has you so excited?” Eric released her turning to walk into his kitchen.
“You may not want to Know. Hey, do you have some comfy stuff I can throw on; I only brought a skirt and tank top with me.”
Eric put down the glass he was filling with ice and seized her once again. His lips were sweet and started to reignite her immediately.
“I do want to know. You can tell me anything. Now, come here and let’s both get comfy.” Eric turned and took her hand leading her to his bedroom. Jacky couldn’t help but glance at the bed as she walked in. The thought of being pinned face down as he ravaged her made her mind already float back to wanting more of him.
“Ok, you know I told you I ate lunchwith that boy the other day, well I think he is turning into a new toy. I didn’t tell you much about our lunch because I thought it was a one-time thing, but today I played with him again. And…well…Eric are you okay?” Eric had opened his drawer and was rummaging inside when he stopped suddenly. He showed looking up at her.
“I’m alright; I’m just kind of getting used to the idea of you doing your thing with other guys.” He looked back down and then produced a pair of shorts with a string tie for the wait handing them to her.
“Hey, if we need to just be friends for you to be okay, that’s fine, but don’t get weird on me. Friends first was our rule, the rest is just fun. If it’s more for you, then you have to tell me.” She couldn’t do this; just the Thought of jealousy in this man was enough to flood her prior world crashing back into her mind. Jacky could never go back to that, never.
“I know, and it’s cool. I just, I’m getting used to it is all. Trust me, I want to keep you as a friend, who else is going to understand how fucked up I am? Now get dressed and take off those heels, you look ridiculous my dear.”
“I do? You are covered in pussy juice and your pants are undone.” Eric smiled and dropped his pants to the floor grabbing a pair of shorts for himself. Jacky stepped out of her heels and stepped into the rather large pair of shorts pulling the tie as tight as she could and then folding them over at the wait several times.
When Eric’s shirt came off, she caught a glimpse of him sniffing the collar and smiled to herself as she walked up to him.
He smiled and handed her a white tank top undershirt from the same drawer. God, he looked good right then. He had on blue mesh shorts and his chest was completely exposed. The grin across his face made her wonder how This man could ever have been hurt so badly that he wouldn’t have a girlfriend by now.
“Hey eyes off the candy Jacky, let’s go order food huh?”
Finishing up the last of the Chinese food they ordered, Eric and Jacky sat in his living room watching Simpsons and laughing. It was he who returned to the topic she had only just mentioned early.
“So, tell me about this new toy.”
“Do you really want to know Eric? I promised you I would be safe, and I am. So, if you don’t want to know more it’s OK.”
“No, come on, tell me what does he do?”
“He’s…well he’s a Sheriff.”
“Jacky, you must be kidding. What the hell?”
“I know, I was just in Court the other day on that criminal case I told you about and we just sort of clicked. And, he was persistent, man.”
“What’s he like, describe him to me.”
“Well, he’s younger…not sure how old, dark brown hair, crazy bright blue eyes, a few inches taller than me, and fit, but not crazy muscle like you. And, he’s funny.”
“Okay, as long as I can still take him if he tries anything with you.”
“Oh honey, he better not try anything with me, I killed the last one that did that.” She looked at Eric smiling, not sure if it was her getting over everything or just her trying to lighten the mood surrounding her crazy revelations. In any event, he smiled back and snapped his chopsticks at her.
“Smartass. So, you told me some details of prior adventures, tell me what you guys did after the pizza lunch – nondate thing.”
“Eric, are you sure…it’s not too much? Oh, and my beer is a little empty buddy.” She smiled trying to give him a natural out.
Eric stood up and walked to the fridge grabbing another beer for her and himself. When he returned he sat down and looked at her.
“Look, I’m not an ease in kind of guy. So, if we are doing the friend thing, then yea just tell me.”
“Well, you know that pizza place we’ve been to before and how there’s that small alleyway between?” Eric nodded waiting, “I sort of dry humped there while I gave him a hand job.”
“You’re fucking crazy.” Eric laughhed, and relaxed into his role as the friend she remembered before their relationship became sexual. “So, did you sort of dry hump him and jerk him off, or didn’t you?”
“I did, and honestly it was fucking hot. Then, of course, I was like oh shit he’s young and he’s a cop…fuck this I’m stupid, but…”She almost blushed telling Eric, it was like he was a girlfriend suddenly.
“Bu you saw him today when you filed your brief…fuck is that why you were late? Man I was fucking hungry.” He played poked her in the arm as he spoke, fully relaxing in his role.
“So, yea, jerked him off in the courthouse garage in his uniform…and way fucking hotter. He makes noises like you wouldn’t believe. Things is I tried to say no, but he was so persistent like a cute little puppy…please make me cum, please…and you know how I love cum.” She was just dishing out loud before she realized what she had said.
“Cheers to that, it sounds fucking hot.” He clinked beers with her.
“Idon’t know, am I crazy, I mean he’s a cop. He cums nice though.”
“Man, you and that cum…so then what, you had to rush over here and get your fill from a real man?”
“Fuck you. You got your fill, and you fucking loved it. It’s different with him, he’s a toy and you’re a friend with benefits. Totally different. Of course, if you want to be jerked off in a semi-public place that can be arranged.”
“This is going to sound weird, but I have to ask. Did you wash like whatever before we…?” Eric had a testing look.
“No, why, didn’t you taste his cum on me?” Eric’s face fell as the words came out as if a ton of bricks hit him, and she cracked laughing hysterically, “Eric, my dear, unless you asked for me to do that, I’m not into the nasty sharing his with you, etc. I showed and washed my hand and everything else.”
“You bitch; you had me going for a second there. And no, I’m not really interested in that. Maybe, just give me a heads up if you are going to be you know potentially…well.”
“Jesus, I get it and I’ll let you know, don’t get gross on me. And don’t ask the following up shit of will I use a condom and shit. I do unless I see tests and know he’s exclusive. You know I have the IUD thing though, so no babies or any shit.”
“Just be safe, and don’t wear out that pussy, I like it too much.”
“Haha, I should make you eat me out now and taste your own cum.” She smiled at him testing him as she took another swig of her beer.
“What if I said you should suck me and taste your cum?” He moved his head mockingly. Jacky moved slowly, turning and sitting her beer down on the table near his. Then, she pounded and was on his mouth in a second.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Her voice deepened as she looked into Eric’s face and smiled. Her hands moved fast undoing the tie on his shorts as she kissed him. In an instant she was on her knees in front of him and playing with his sadly only half-hard cock.
“Oh fuck…hahaha…you win.” He told as he stiffened in her mouth. She was rough with him with only the thought of tasting his cum in her mind. All that talk of watching Brad cum had made her hungry and Eric’s was always so sweet.
“Mmmmmm…give me that load…I”m hungry now.” She pulled her mouth away from him to speak, but only for a second as she went back to shoving him as far in as he would go and then sucking on him hard as she pulled him back out.
“Oh, God, that fucking dirty mouth, you are so hot when you talk like that.” His fingers laceled into her hair pulling it from her face as she continued her fevered movements. Her pussy was dripping soon, waiting for him blow and picturing her blue angel moaning as she stroked him. She could almost smell the raspberry lot again.
“Oh Jesus, slow down, I’m getting close fast. God, the thought of you pinning him with your pussy wet and thinking about getting over here to me. You tasted so fucking good too.” He was musing out loud as hewatched her enjoy his cock.
Jacky took a deep breath then and relaxed her throat. She had wanted to do this for a while and was almost bitter she hadn’t yet. A release of her hand allowed her to go for it and the numbing of the alcohol made it easy. Jacky shoved her mouth all the way to the base of Eric’s cock feeling it sliding to the back of her throat and down enough to accommodate his length.
“OH.. FUCK. Jacky I can’t, I’m…” His hand seized in her hair as he went silent and cum shot from his cock down her throat. Jacky was forced to slide him out enough to allow her more breath, and he finished on her waiting tongue allowing her to taste his sweetness in her mouth. When he was finished she cleaned him, and watched him shiver with each extra lick.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now. Fuck I’m awesome.” She smiled at him daring him to say otherwise.
“That feels ridiculously good, no one has ever…oh my God Jacky.” Eric’s face was blank as he looksed at her full of awe. She just sat there watching him as he caught his breath and calmed.
“So, now can I peg you?”
From there, Jacky could enjoy both worlds. Eric made her feel safe and loved like only a true friend could, and the thought of having Brad when she wanted made it that much sweeter. Of course, she couldn’t keep Brad waiting too long.
Now, her pussy dripped as she stood there, after making Brad wait for a week before he received her message and it had clearly made him excited.
A simple instruction of “meet me in our garage spot,” was all he needed.
“What time Lady J?” His response was perfect and came within a minute of her original text. What a lovely toy he was becoming, and today he would get to taste her.
Jacky stood there now, minutes before their scheduled meeting and pondered just what she would do with her little friend.
“Hello.” His voice started her and she turned smiling.
“Get into the backseat and take off that shirt angel.” Her words were forceful, and he compiled quickly. He throw his bag into the front seat of the car, closed the door and climbed into the back with her. In another instant, Brad was dutifully unbuttoning his tan shirt. She enjoyed seeing him like this, just after work. It seemed almost dirty for him to be here with her.
When he removed his tan long sleeve shirt, his move to remove that white t-shirt underneath was her undoing. She had not seen Eric since Sunday because he had been off fighting some fire in the hills, and here was this nice specimen of a young man before her. He had tattooed arms with skulls down to just above his elbows. On his upper right chest was a navy anchor which ended just above his perky little pink nipple on that side. He was beautiful!
“Now what Lady J? Tell me how I can please you.” Brad smiled even as his breathing started to grow heavier.
“Aren’t you a pretty little angel, lay back on the seat.” The predator came out, ready for her meal. Brad turned and lay down raising his legs onto the seat and bending his knees.
Jacky turned and crawled across him coming to rest between his knees as she started to kiss him and lick him just above his belt. His small trail of hair from the top of his pants played on her tongue as she made her way up his stomach. As she continued upward she made sure that her body pressed against cock, giving him a full tease of what she wanted to do. Brad’s face was flushed when she reached his eye level.
“Lift your head a little.” Brad compiled lifting his head from the seat, his abs flexed against her body as she reached out to the floor and grabbed his white t-shirt. She moved to where her hips pressed against his ass as if she was fucking young Brad and folding the shirt in half putting it behind his head. Brad lay his head back down and just watched her as she shifted against his balls and cock with her pelvis.
Jacky leaned seizing hisnipple in her mouth and played before sliding back up to his face.
“You are going to make me cum now angel…and if you do well, then I will let you cum today.”
“Oh fuck yes, I would love to.” Brad almost surprised, it seemed going down on women was one of his interests. She moved along his body more until she could straddle his chest. It was then she lifted her skirt revealing that she had already removed her panties. The pencil skirt slide easily over her hips until her dark curls were fully visible.
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