Text after text had come in over the next two days as Jacky trusted through her work that week. Eric was persistent in his effort to talk with her. His first few texts over the last week had been calm and just checking in to see how she was. Then, he had started asking if she was mad. She responded once there, saying she wasn’t mad, just busy. By the time the second Wednesday came, he was practically Begging for her to talk with him. She still refused to respond. She had even skipped her Krav class the last two nights in an effort to put distance between the two of them.
It wasn’t that she didn’t care about Eric or was angry. It was just that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go there again and relive that old life. Part of her never wanted to tell him what happened at all, and just leave it at fun stories of crazy adventures that he was mesmerized by as much as she was by his work. His strong arms were a product of that work and it was partly what drew her to him. I mean, after all, what girl doesn’t like a fireman. He was so tame and her stories had made him excited. Plus, he could not be more understanding of needs and willing to not push, but just be friends as it were. Months had gone by like that, and then of course, he made his suggestion of benefits to their friend as a way of pulling them both out of their funk, and here she had ruined it all by opening her mouth.
Now, Here she sat on Friday after not going to class all week, and ignoring yet another request to come by and talk as she sipped on more bourbon trying to number her brain. She figured eventually she would talk to Eric, but just not tonight and not until she figured out what she should tell him and what she shouldn’t.
As she poured another glass, that option was foreclosed. The doorbell rang out starting her. The movie she had on TV was some horror flick from the 80s or 90s, which only accentuated her reaction to the sudden interruption. Walking to the door she realizedthat that last double shot had been perhaps one too many for entertaining a guest. A gaze through the peephole confirmed just that as she saw Eric’s worried star on the other side.
“Jacky, I know you are in there, I can hear the TV, so just open the door. I’m worried.” He was so sincere and seemed so concerned now in person that she couldn’t help herself. A throwing of the deadbolt and she was turning the knob to let her concerned buddy inside.
Eric didn’t advance to her or reach out; he just walked through the open door and stood looking at her.
“I’m fine…see…now can you relax and let me be in peace?” Jacky’s words were just a little slurred, but the sudden desire she felt just being in his presence had started to clear some of her fog already.
“Bullshit. Now, can I lock your door so we can sit and drink together and relax? I miss hanging out. I haven’t talked to you at all in a week and I’m off tomorrow just like you.”
“Fine, lock the door.” Eric complied turning to lock the door and throwing the deadbolt. When he turned back, she was standing in the kitchen wondering what she was supposed to say now.
“So, what are you drinking my dear Jacky?” Eric smiled softly and approached her.
“Maker’s, want some?” She offered the glass out to him with no smile on her face.
“And how many bourbons have you had sexy?” Eric looked at her head tilted and smile growing.
“A few, in my own house, and I can have as many as I would like.” It was her turn to smile back, finally regaining some of her tenacity in the moment.
“Then, I shall pour my own glass if that’s okay.” He walked past her to the cupboard, a little closer than he had to walk if she was honest. He smelled musky and nice as he passed and she felt more alcohol fog lift as she felt her body temperature rise.
He reached the cupboard then and reached in to get a glass. Eric’s bicep slide out of his shirt a little more, revealing part of his upper tattoo.Those muscles, she thought, they would be her undoing with this man. Jacky must have been lost in that thought for just a second too long because she suddenly realized she was staring into his brown eyes. Eric’s eyebrow was raised as he looked back at her as if asking what she was staring at.
“What? I can’t imagine how I would tie you up? You know where the liquor is.” She stopped; the turn to sexual banter was unintentional. She hadn’t meant to put her thoughts on display, in fact, she was not even remotely interested in sex before he walked in, and yet here he was. He turned, smiling as he opened the pantry.
“You can imagine anything you want. I was just surprised you were even…uh…considering… Hey where’s that bottle of Jack Daniel’s you used to have in here?” And, it crashed back in again. The reason she had not contacted him back, the reason she didn’t want him here.
“I throw it out. It was an old bottle, and I don’t drink it anymore.” Her voice trailed offas she caught his sideways glance. He seized the Maker’s then and without another word poured himself a half-glass.
Eric turned and moved towards her, approaching right in front of her. Her heartbeat sped up as his scent drew in close and she could feel the heat he radiated. When his arm brushed past to set his glass on the counter to her left side, she witnessed. Fuck, did he notice, no it was only a small sight right? Eric smiled as he turned to his right and opened the freezer door.
After a little rummaging, he produced one ice cube, which he slip into his own glass. God, the sight of the ice cube in his fingers, melting as it touched his flesh was driving her crazy right now. Jacky had the sudden urge to shake her head and get back in control, when he produced a second ice cube.
“You shouldn’t drink it warm you know.” He smiled as he approached just in front of her. She tilted her glass and he slide the ice cube in, never losing eye contact.
The air went out of the room then and it was just the two of them in a small bubble. Her heartbeat sped up immediately and every noise and motion around seemed to move slowly as she watched. Eric inserted his fingers one by one into his mouth sucking the water from each one as he looked at her.
Then, he politely took the drink out of her hand with his right hand. His other arm reached around her to pick up his drink, which means he grow Even closer to her body. The brush of Eric’s arm along her side left a streak of imperceptible sex that ignored more of her senses. Jacky couldn’t believe how slowly he was moving, and tried in her mind to wrestle with whether or not it was just her mind processing slowly. He leaned up then, now holding two glasses and barely an inch from her. She was smoked against her counter top and fixed on his eyes.
Jacky cracked then, unable to hold her composure. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was lack of seeing him the last week, or maybe just a release from the thoughts that had plagued her brain. But, she cracked. She had to know if he felt the same, so she reached her hand out in that slow moment and trailed her fingers up his left thigh. A few inches into her movement, she knew exactly where Eric’s thoughts were.
Her fingers danced over his hard head and made their way up the length of his trapped shaft. Eric was definitely on the same wavelength. Perhaps it wasn’t the time or her thoughts that were slow, maybe it was Eric as well. Could he have been hoping that she would make the move, waiting to gauge where her mind was before pounding?
Jacky heard the sound of the glasses on the counter and in the next instant her mouth was captured by his. Eric’s tongue finding hers almost immediately as she moved to his zipper. There were no words between them only soft sights between kisses. Her fingers slithered their way into his khaki pants. She just needed to be one layer closer to his cock, just one layer. Eric’s breath caught as she played with his head, feeling moisture see through his briefs.
Then, it was Eric’s turn. His hand slid down the back of her yoga pants and under her panties seizing her ass cheek. His touch was welcome and her head went back as his other hand joined. This gave him access to her weakness and he was kissing and licking her neck immediately.
She moaned and fumbled to get her hand out of his pants so she could breach that last layer of fabric and touch him, really touch him. Eric took his opportunity once her hand was out and crouched. His hands had taken her pants and panties down as he moved. All he had to do was slide each of her feet out so that she was naked from the wait down. When he stood again, she was hoisted up and then sitting on her countertop as he spun around.
Eric’s mouth was back on hers as he dropped his pants and seized her once more. Jacky’s head was spinning in the suddenness, but her pussy was ready for him. His fingers only briefly explored, testing to see if she was ready. He groaned as he did. There was something about how wet she got that drove him crazy. Jacky had no idea why it was such a surprise..
The next thing she knew she was completely swept up into Eric’s arms as he held her ass in his palms. Jacky flung her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his thick wait. Then the fire was finally abated as he slid his head into her waiting pussy. They locked eyes as he pulled her down burying his cock inside of her.
“Oh, yes…oh Eric.” Her words moaned out. The feeling was amazing, and just what her body needed.
“Mmmmm…my god you feel so good.” Eric’s words were breathy as he leaned her against the counter. His thrusting started almost involuntarily, but its pace escalated quickly. Until they were Both panting with each thrust together.
“Oh yes…yes…please don’t stop.” Jacky moaned out in the pleasure. Her ache for him that had started slowly felt as if it would never be sated. Each thrust making her want more and more of Eric’s cock inside of her.
Eric had resorted to only grunting as he moved, but his face showed each ounce of pleasure as he felt it. His eyes narrowed as he continued. They looked into each other, completely connected now, unlike they had been before.
“Are you close, because…I…I’m”
“Fuck yes, cum with me…please angel.” Jacky didn’t care about the word she just used, she could feel her orgasm’s edge and wanted it more than anything. She needed it right now, and Eric was going to give it to her. The thought of him cumming took her the last measure and she seized his neck, digging in her nails as her body exploded into little pieces around him.
“Uhhhhhhhhhh…OH FUCKKKKK.” His exclamation eclipsed hers as he slammed her against the counter edge spilling into her.
Her body was locked tight, not a muscle moving as she felt the waves of pleasure roll through her. His spas against her only accentuated each one. The twowere locked there panting as they let their bodies move on their own. Jacky and Eric stared at each other, a look of shock and pure bliss shared between them.
“Um, I’m not sure if there is a graceful way to get out of this position…any…ideas.” His words came out with heavy breathing in between them.
“Actually, no, I got nothing…um.” A slight giggle escaped her lips as she realized how stupidly awkward they must appear.
“I’m going to…um…awkwardly sit you on the counter now…ok.”
Eric slide himself out and gently pushed her backward allowing her butt to rest on the counter’s edge. Then, he stopped hands on either side of her on the counter and just looked at her. The next kiss was sweet and caring and every bit the Eric that made her feel safe.
When They parted, Eric smiled as he shuffled backwards.
“Sorry, I’m um, still wearing my shoes.” He smiled.
Jacky hoped down from the counter now that she had space and croouched untying his Eric’s shoes, for him.
“You know you’re not allowed to wear shoes in my house.” A step sideways and she was able to get her panties and pants, so the two of them could pull themselves back together.
“Shit!” Eric’s sudden exclamation started her.
“The ice melted, do you want a bourbon and water?”
“Sure, and maybe let’s go sit down, huh?”
“Sounds good.”
“Enough pleasuresants, Jacky, talk to me.” Eric’s eyes were tender as he spoke. He reached out and put a hand on her leg.
Jacky surprised, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to open the can of worms, but apparently, he wasn’t about to let it go.
“Where do I start?”
“Where ever you want, I’m here.” Eric was sweet as he spoke. She figured why not, she had to tell someone.
“So, I told you about the shit Juan and I did right? I told you how he got to really liking pain and everything right?”
“Yes, and it wasn’t your thing afterr you broke it off with…Sable…right?”
“Right, so I told him no more. I explained that Dean was back and I thought that was closer to the kind of relationship I wanted with a man. He, well, he pleased and asked me to think about it. He asked what he could change, and all that shit. I said no, and then one night, Dean was coming over to take me to dinner and I got ready in this green shirt that I loved and a cute little skirt. I was all set for a date…well…and of course, it was Dean so more.”
“But, the doorbell rang early and I just opened, thinking nothing of it. It was Juan though, and I knew he was weird. He just seemed, I don’t know, off. Then, it got ugly. He turned into a real monster and I thought he was going to rap me that night. Dean saved me; he showed up and frankly beat the shit out of Juan. Then, he let him go and told him to never come near me again.”
“Fuck, I didn’t know that happened. Did he actually…”
“No, didn’t get thatfar. He choked me and ripped my clothes, but thank God Dean was coming over. I…I don’t know part of me wishes he hadn’t come over and Juan had just killed me instead, but I guess you can’t change things.”
“Don’t think like that. I would never have known you if he had and that would be terrible…for me.” Eric tilted her head placing a gentle kiss. “Do you want to stop and tell me the rest another time?” This sweet bastard, where the hell did she dig him up?
“No, might be well be now and get it over with.” She swigged some of her bourbon and surprised. The look in his eyes was one of concern and she wondered if he would ever look at her the same after this.
“Okay, lay it on me.”
“So, we didn’t go out, actually we had weirdly normal sex after that. Dean was good like that, good at reading me and what I might need. He made love to me and gave me back what I might have lost. I remember falling asleep in his arms and thinking that it was all going to be OK as longas he was with me. He could be my everything. I don’t know what time it was, but the next thing I remember is waking up and Juan was standing at the end of the bed…”
“Are you okay?” She had paused causing Eric concern.
“Yea, just remembering. You know I haven’t told anyone but the police about this since it happened. It’s weird. He looked so different than the Juan I had met before. He was cold and full of hate. Just standing there, and we had left the bedside lamp on. So, I remember seeing the gun half in shadow and half in the light. He was just pointing it at me, and I figured I was fucked. Juan was cop…I think I told you, so I knew he could shoot it.”
“Yea, I knew he was a cop. Dean was a PI right? Used to be a cop?” Eric had listened to every story and had kept these details. How could she be so lucky to have found a friend like him in all this – not to mention one with a nice cock? Her thoughts wandered to a nice moment, but his hand on her cheese brought her back.
“Yes, that’s right. Well, my first thought was I have to wake Dean, he’ll make it better. So, I reached across my body and rolled to him. Something was wrong though, he was too wet. Everything was too wet…” Jacky paused looking down at her palm and remembering how much blood was on her hand that night. How it was a dark crime in the yellow of the lamp and how she had just stared at it.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m right here.” Jacky looked up as Eric took her hand and pulled it to his lips to kiss.
“It’s like it was yesterday sometimes. I guess it registered to me when I pulled my hand back that the wetness was blood. Then, I saw Dean’s face. He had a black ring on his forehead and he was just blank…just blank. There was blood everywhere, even in my hair. I think I screamed, the neighbors heard at least one scream. Juan was just standing there and that’s when I realized that I was dead. He was going to kill me and there was nothing I could do. Then, it was strange. He was talking, just in a normal tone and I remember trying very hard to focus on what he was saying.”
“What did he say?”
“He asked me if I would slap him now that Dean was gone. Every instinct in my body said run, hide, but I guess my brain kicked in and I realized I had to play along if I was going to live. So, I looked right at him tears streaming down my face and told him I would slap him if he wanted. He smiled at me, like it was all okay now. It was surreal. They say that he just had a psychotic break and didn’t know what he was doing. That he was in some sort of alternate reality in his world. I don’t know. I just…I…”
“You did what you had to and more than most would have thought of. It’s because you’re a courtroom attorney you Know. So, you were used to thinking quick when you had to.” Eric smiled as if he was proud of her.
“I walked up to him then, terrified, and I just slapped him. He smiled at me, and asked if I would tie him up and fuck him. He said he needed it because it had been a really long day. I remember thinking how ridiculous it sounded. I was just trying to formulate some sort of plan in my head and I was beyond terrified. My heart was pounding and the last thing I wanted to do was even touch that sick bastard. So, I thought if I could get near the door I could make it out of the apartment and someone would see me…someone.”
“Damn, Jacky you’re smoking like crazy, are you sure you want to keep going?”
“Yes, let me get it out…just let me get it out.”
“I told him I had a new rope in the kitchen that he would like, so I turned and walked there. Then, he was on me. He pushed himself against me and his cock pressed against me through his pants. I was so disgusted that I almost threw up. The thought of fucking him was…ugh. I turned around and he kissed me hard. When he pulled back, he apologized and said he didn’t mean to could I forgive him. I remember he called me Lady J, andI told him earlier never to say it again. It sounded wrong from his lips.” Another large gulp of bourbon eased her nerves a little as she finished off her glass. Eric took it gently and sat it down on her coffee table.
“I was so scared, but I just looked at him and told him to turn around while I got rope. He actually put his gun down then and took off his shirt. I remember looking at him and seeing the tattoos on his shoulders that I loved so much and now hating them. Then, he picked the gun back up and turned around. He actually listened to me and I think expected me to get excited somehow. I saw the knives then and remembered how Sable had sharpened them for me. The large chef knife was right there where it always was. I reached out and slide a drawer open as I took the knife out of the block. I was hiding the sound. I didn’t have any other weapons in the house then, just knives. You know I played with big guys like you all the time and none had ever scared me until him.”
“Not all of us hurt women you know. Some of us don’t even like pain.” Eric smiled and brushed her hair back out of her face and over her ear.
“I had the knife and I turned around and walked right up to him. He heard me but didn’t turn around. So, I told him to. I told him to turn around and kiss me. So, he did. He turned around and put the hand with the gun around my waist. When I felt the gun on my back I knew it was my chance. So, I just shoved the knife into his gut as hard as I could until it just wouldn’t go any further. He was right in front of my face and he just had the most shocked look. He really couldn’t believe that I would hurt him like that. Funny how he always liked pain, but then he was shocked.”
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