The next morning, Jacky awoke with a feeling of peace and hope. The part of her that had lain dormant had re-awakened. She shifted slightly and realized that she was still lying on Eric’s chest.
“Hey, you wake?” His deep voice rumbled through his chest as she shifted from him and moved to his side to look in his eyes. Those brown caring eyes that held more this morning than they had just hours before.
“I think so. Have you been up long?”
“A few minutes, but I didn’t want to wake you. You don’t usually sleep so peacefully. I guess I did my job last night huh?”
“Aren’t we full of ourselves? That was pretty good though, at least in my opinion.” She smiled at him. It could have been awkward between them this morning, but Somehow everything seemed so normal in the faith light of the morning sun coming through his window.
“I thought it was pretty good. Now, we could try again this morning and make sure.”
“I thought it was one time and possibly over?”
“It can be over if you want it to be, but I’m fine continuing with the benefits of our friend if you are.” He smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Sounds good to me.” And with those words, Eric seized her mouth with his. Their tongues met as the kissing resumed with the same password from the night before.
The password in his lips was enough to ignite Jacky’s body. This time, though, it was her turn to have control, unlike the night before. She pushed him backwards with her body as she moved to place light kisses on his chin.
Eric leaned his head back allowing her access to his neck. The feel of his skin beneath her tongue made her pussy start to water. His fingers brushed her hair up into a make shift ponytail as she moved down his chest. It seemed he could handle some of her control at least.
Jacky wound her tongue around his right nipple and feel his cock reach a full erection against her abdomen. Her slow movement with her lips to do the same to his left nipple had Eric singing already. He continued to play in her hair with his fingers holding it nicely out of her face as she moved downward.
“You don’t have to, you know if you…” He had realized at this point what her goal was in kissing his body.
“Shut up and hold my hair sexy.” Her words were forced, yet sweet. She didn’t want to tell him what to do, but instead to be playedful.
Jacky’s mouth started to water as she touched her tongue to the tip of Eric’s cock. A deep groan came from him as she slide her mouth down onto his shake allowing his head to slide over her tongue. It had been a while since Jacky had sucked a cock, and she was just hoping she had not lost her touch. The groaning continued as she moved, though, encouraging her actions quite well.
Eric’s cock was a little too big to fit all the way in, but it was perfect for her to get a hand around as she started to suck and lick her way around. The smell of Eric’s sweat as he made noise after noisewas driving her crazy. She wanted to tease him and make him beg, but more than that she wanted to taste his cum. It had been so long since the sweet salty mix had been in her mouth and she had to know as much of this man as he would allow.
Jacky slowly figured out how to synchronize the movement of her hand with her tongue and she felt him grow harder as she sped up this specific movement. Her desire to have him cum in Her mouth was making her crazy at this point and she sped up in her haste to get to that moment. One of Eric’s hands moved to her shoulder as his other cupped her head. She realized why then and allowed her eyes to open and gaze upward.
Eric’s mouth was open in amazement as she looked into his face. He seemed to be unable to grap the pleasure he was feeling as his abs flexed and his browser furrowed. This made her speed up even as she watched him.
“Oh God…oh…that’s so good…oh God.” Eric was rambling now as she moved. Jacky refused to yield moving over and over to her fingers as she let her tongue graze up the back of Eric’s cock. She sucked and enjoyed her “job” as she felt him stiffen even more.
“You should…I’m going to…oh God.” Eric tapped her should in a gesture of kindness. He was not expecting her next move at all.
Jacky slide her hand that was on his right thigh down and found his balls sliding behind them to press on his magic spot as she sucked on him even harder. Eric lost his ability to speak then as his face went blank. It was only a few more seconds before he moaned and coated her throat, mouth and tongue with his hot cum. The sweetness surprised her as Jacky relaxed her mouth taking his load willingly. His hands gripped her head and shoulder as he emptied his balls into her.
Her pleasure in the moment was complete as she held him in Her mouth. Eric was sating all of her needs, even in his pedestrian way. She pulled her mouth off slowly when he had finished and cleaned the remaining cum off of him with her tongue. Jacky rolled to her side then propping herself on her elbow so that she could look at him.
Eric’s body was shaking a little as he lay there in his post-orgasm pleasure.
“Holy shit…where the hell did you learn to do that?” Eric was generally surprised as he asked the question.
“Don’t ask me questions you don’t really want the answers to, you should know that by now.”
He grunted then and pulled Jacky to him once more. When her face got close to his she pulled back a little.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to you know…” Her words were stopped as he kissed her. He seemed ravenous once again and she wondered where this password came from. Eric seemed so level and she expected a very mellow experience with him and yet he seemed insatiable in the way he kissed her.
“I’m going to be honest; I haven’t had much experience with going down on girls.”
“Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to.” Eric’s fingers grazed her clip even as shespoke. It was enough for her to catch her breath.
“I want to. What position works best for you?” He didn’t have to ask twice as Jacky moved to straddle Eric’s chest. His look of surprise only grew as she eased each of his arms down and between her legs. All at once he seemed to understand what she was intending.
Eric had insanely strong hands and arms and his instant grip on her ass made her breath catch once more. She figured it was enough of a signal that she should jump right in for her to do just that. Jacky moved up positioning her clip just above Eric’s waiting lips. His tongue reached out first as if testing the waters and he touched the tip of her sex. Her right hand flew up to the wall. It was the first time a man’s mouth had been on her in over a year.
He became a little more bold then licking the length of her lips and circulation back to her clip to explore it slowly. His continued work there was a tease more than anything. She looked down into his face and saw his concentration on the task at hand. He gazed back at her trying to read any expression in her face.
“Suck on that right there…try it.” Eric obliged and pulled her perfect little pink clip into his tightly pursued lips; instantly transporting her back to her old life of pleasure. Both hands flew to the wall behind his bed as she rocked on his eager mouth. Eric alternated his sucking with a full tongue exploration of her pussy. He didn’t seem quite so rusty suddenly.
Eric clenched on her hips tightly pulling her down so that her pussy rested squarely on his mouth and chin. His scruffy chin ticked the entrance to her hole as he eagerly plucked and flicked her clip. Before she even realized she was riding his face as she grew closer and closer to her own orgasm. As she felt her pleasure increased she realized just a moment too late that she had not warned him about her tendency to squirt in this position.
“Oh my God…yes…don’t stop…yes…AAAAAAHHHHH!” Her scream erupted as fluid gushed from her pussy in waves. She could not speak any longer and could barely move of her own according. Whether she had told him or not, Eric was learning what pleasure like this did to her. When the veil of her pleasure lifted, she realized what had just happened.
“Oh no…I’m so sorry Eric…I forget to…” Her words stopped as he went back to licking her pussy. If he was Surprised, he had certainly gotten over it quickly. Jacky shifted attempting to move backward from Eric’s face, but his hands where unyielding and they held her hips against his mouth.
It was only seconds before her still tingling pussy came alive once more. Her hands flew back to the wall as she stared into Eric’s face. His eyes were squinted in pleasure as his fingers pressed into the flesh of her hips. His ravenous tongue would not give her any rest and when he pulled her clip back between his lips to suck it once more, she was done for.
“Shit…I’m gonna…oh fuck.” More fluid gushed from Jacky’s body as she came into Eric’s eager mouth once more. Not as much erupted this time, but her orgasm was as good as the first. This one leaving her drained.
Eric’s hands slide from between her legs and around to grab her hips from the other direction. He gently guided her to sitting on his chest. His breathing was heavy as was hers. Jacky looked at him surrounded by dark wet spots on his pillow and sheets. He was so incredibly sexy like this covered in her wet mess.
She reached behind her with one hand finding his cock and learned yet again that he rebounded quickly. Eric was full of surprises. Jacky only paused for a second before easing herself backwards until his cock met her pussy once more.
“Jacky, you don’t have to if you…” He gasped as his tip touched her entrance. His eyes narrowed as his words trailed off.
“I want to, but you might want to hold on to something.” Jacky’s next move was to slam Eric into her body causing a grunt to erupt from both of them. Her eyes closed as she paused there. The feeling of his cock filling her soaking wet, throbbing pussy knocked all thought from her brain. He was huge from this angle.
Eric looked at her dumbstruck the same as her. She smiled then, and clenched as much as she could with this man inside of her. His hands flew up to the sides of his pillow grabbing it tightly. It was then she was able to see just how ripped he really was. Eric’s arms hardened into muscle as his pecs flexed in front of her. He was magnificent. She was almost sad to release and lose this visual, but at least she knew how to get the reaction if she wanted it.
Jacky leaned down perching hands on his chest, wanting to feel his body. The leverage it gave her was perfect as she pulled him out only to slam back down. A grunt erupted from Eric as he grabbed his pillow once more. Her next squeeze made him release his pillow and grab onto her hips as those pecs flexed yet again. The sight of this sExy man beneath her was incredible. How had she not known that he looked like this?
Enough bullshit she thought, it was time to satisfy her need once again and drive Eric to his edge. She really did want to be bathed in his cum this time and he was going to give her that pleasure whether he liked it or not.
She borrowed just a little further so she was inches from Eric’s face and this time her action was Not nearly as slow. She slip him out and in over and over again quickly. His eyes blazed as he looked at her and held onto her hips with all his strength. Their mouths were open and nearly touching as she moved on him again and again.
“Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh sweet j…” With that string of exclamations Eric exploded; and Jacky did too, feeling her orgasm roll through her pussy nearly in time with his shot after shot of cum.
Jacky collapsed on his chest, exhausted. Eric quaked beneath her as he held her to him. He was truly an exceptional man, this tame friend of hers. When his erection falsetered, Eric fell out naturally, but they still held each other for a while.
The day after their morning together and Jacky was back at work. It seemed as if her world had finally opened as she sat there. She had a job she enjoyed, a life outside of it with friends, and now she had her sex back. It was The piece that had really been missing. When she was a domme she felt like a queen, and being sexually satisfied had made her work and the stress of it all easy to balance.
Jacky pondered throughout that day and the next how it all made sense. She figured that she didn’t need to be the domme, maybe that had just been a vehicle to allow her to explore her sexuality. So, now she could explore that with Eric and not have any relationship pressures. It was nice a nice thought, and it helped that her new work really wasn’t as stressful as being a partner at the old firm.
Seeing Eric the next few nights at class had not been any different than before, and she was hopeful that things would stay much the same. They hadn’t really even discussed what happened between them until Firday night. They didn’t have class together that night, but Eric had messaged asking if she would go have pizza with him. He didn’t have to work on Saturday, so it was typical of him to want to hang out.
The topic came up as The two sat enjoying their favorites and some beer.
“Listen, we haven’t really discussed, you know, what happened between us.” Eric didn’t look at her in the eye and it suddenly made her a little nervous. Jacky swallowed forcing herself to take this in stride and remember Eric was her friend above all else.
“Okay, well, let’s see where to start. Was that all too much for you? You were a beast you know.” Jacky smiled as she asked.
His smile as she spoke gave away his thoughts. He was so adorable in his almost bashfulness this friend of hers.
“Not too much, but definely more than I expected after nothing for years. I have to say you were a bit of a beast yourself.” Eric almost blushed as he spoke and she wondered if the images running through his head were the same as hers.
“Oh honey, that was nothing. I’m glad it didn’t kill our friend though, and I hope what you said before still holds.”
“You are something else Jacky, something else entirely. No, of course not, like I told you, I’m fine with the normal stuff, and no relationship strings. I just can’t be one of your angels. I definitely want to be a friend, with those kind of benefits though.”
“So shall we get another beer then buddy?”
The conversation went right back to before they had sex as if nothing had changed. It was refreshing in many ways and reminded Jacky of the time before Juan had gone completely psychotic. She felt comfortable with Eric in much the same way she had with Juan.
“So, now, if I pick up the check is it still friendly?” Eric asked, as if they had not both picked up checks with each other before.
“Of course, just because of society might label something a “date” doesn’t mean I will. You should know from talking with me that society’s rules seldom apply to me.” Jacky’s smile was mischievous, but she meant every word she said. This was nice what she had with Eric, he was her buddy and she could fuck him. It was wonderful how he was easy her back into being with men. No expectations was exactly what she wanted.
The check came and went with Eric paying and there they sat. Eric was almost lost in his thoughts as Jacky watched him. All she could think was how nice it would be to have him again – or was it let him have her. Her mind started to reel as the waiter brought the receipt back to be signed. Eric signed quickly and stood giving her the signal that he was ready to go.
“Oh, shit, sorry my brain frozen there for a second. Walk me to my car?” She stood and turned to walk out ofthe restaurant.
Eric put his hand on the small of her back as he followed. His touch sent ships to her pussy as it never had before. Suddenly the sexual side of her was reawakened. She wondered if he felt it too.
They reached the parking lot and Jacky started walking towards her car. When she felt Eric’s hand leave her, she turned. His smile was unmistakable.
“So, I’m parked over here.” His words held more than their literal meaning, but Jacky wanted him to feel in control so she interpreted nothing with this man.
“Okay, good night I suppose and drive safe.”
Eric seized her hand and pulled her back to him. In an instant, she was in his arms as he looked down at her. His kiss came next full of fire and it caught her by surprise. His hands flew to her cheeks as his tongue explored between her lips. When they parted she was breathless and left staring at him.
“There is one thing I’m willing to try, but never have before…”
“Now, Eric don’t goget crazy on me, but name it. I am pretty sure there isn’t one thing in this world that you want that I haven’t already done.”
“Well, I’ve never messed around in a car before. I know, it’s weird, but I don’t know.”
“How adventure are you feeling?”
“A little, but it scares the hell out of me the way you say it.”
“Come on, let’s get Your seat wet.” Jacky grabbed Eric’s hand and led him to his truck. He always kept it so clean and the thought of making the entire cab smell like sex made her wet already.
When they got there, he opened the front door, but looking in calculated immediately that the back seat would be better. That was the nice thing about a King Cab after all, that backseat came in handy. When the back door opened, Jacky climbed in.
Eric followed and pulled the door shut behind him. She smiled wanted to pounce on him so badly. He hesitated for a moment, and she couldn’t wait. Jacky pounded straddling him as he sat facing forward.
His reaction was shock, but he quickly engaged seizing her face once more and those lips, god those big beautiful lips. From her mouth right to her neck and she was holding on for dear life hoping he would never stop. This man drove her crazy with that mouth.
Jacky was lost in the feeling and how connected it was to her own moisture level. Her pussy watered as he leaned her backward just enough to kiss the top of her chest. His sudden stop made her eyes flutter open and look at him.
Her hands had worked once more without her knowledge, searching out her desire subconsciously. She looked down to find Eric’s pants undone and his cock on full display with her hand wrapped around it. The sight alone made her get wetter. The look in his eyes made her stop any movement though.
“Slow down a little, or it will be over before it’s even started.” Eric whispered with a smile.
“Uhhh…sorry, you just have to understand, I…I love cum. I love the sight, the smell, the taste,it gets me going.” Her breathing was ragged as she spoke. Tonight, she was not in a mood to savor it, she wanted to fuck and fuck hard.
“Wow, you are not going to be easy for me, are you?” Eric laughed lightly as he looked at her. His humor did not deter her; she was not playing right now. the Domme was hungry.
Jacky leaned in and kissed him a few more times before sliding backwards so her knees could fall into the small floorboard space. Eric moved to catch her and she pushed him backward. Then she moved with lightning speed burying Eric’s cock in her mouth as far as it would go.
“Oh fuck…I…” Eric was silenced as she started to move quickly on him. Her tongue ravenous explored him inside of her mouth as she moved her hand to join. When her second hand slid into his pants, Eric tilted up and slide his pants down to his mid-thigh.
Then, it became noises and heat in the back of his truck cab. She loved the sloppy sound of her drooling mouth sliding over his cock again and again as he buried his fingers in her hair. She sucked harder with each moan as her fingers danced around his balls and behind them. This was rough, far rougher than the first time she had done it. She wasn’t giving him pleasure right now, she was sucking the cum out of him.
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