The Clinic

My girl Glenda and I began emailing on 11/1/11. We then switched to skype. I started out with considering and when I went for a visit I placed a training bracelet on her wrist and ankle bracelet on her. From then on she was to begin training via the internet and that included cybering, being nude and obedience on skype even to the point of self applying discipline.

I told her that she would get an extremely sore Poster burning spanking when she gets home. This way she will be starting off with a clean slate. She was getting an extreme sore poster burning spanking weekly. She was going to shower, dress in a skirt outfit-which includes a bra garter-belt hose-stand knees shoulder width apart grab ankle. Then she will repeat memorized sentences and receive a stroke with the paddle on her posterior after each sentences, with the only thing covering her sexy-voluptuous-plump bum is the garter strraps and then put on white cotton granny panties.

After speaking with GlendaAll this, she learned of my desire/need for a form of a Spencer Plan. She said,” I am Feeling Uncomfortable with The Idea of ​​Appling Discipline to Your Poster Daddy and it Will Feel Strange at First; Hopefully Things Would Get Easier With Time.”

I began to feel she would always find it difficult to be a Disciplinarian to her Master/Daddy/Owner. It may to difficult and unfair for a girl I own, I spank, I flog, I paddle, I cane for my pleasure and her discipline, to ask her to assist me in a Form of The Spencer Plan. Since my stroke I have problems remembering to take meds. I procrastinate and take advantage of using my heart problems and weaker left side from the stroke to put things off.

One day as I was looking through one of those underground types of publications, looking at spanking porn and then one very small ad caught my eye. It said something like “CLINIC – Come to Scioto County Clinic and you’ll keep coming back.” and a phone number to call for more information.One reason I paid attention to it is that it didn’t promise the world and didn’t try to attract the whole world, unlike many of the other ads. It also appeared geneuine. I called the number and the lady at the other end said that I’d need to come over to the clinic to learn more about it, and that there would be no fees collected until I had a Therapy Session. I became more and more curious and decided to see what it was About.

The clinic was about a half an hour drive from Portsmouth. I walked in to reception area and mentioned that I had called earlier today and wanted some information. The volunteer and sensitive young lady said she remembered my call.

“We offer a variety of services. As you may have gathered by our use of the word ‘clinic’, the sessions are structured in a rather formal way.” I noticed her jet black ponytail. “All of our services involve female nurse provided discipline.” she continued unabashedly. “The discipline sessions are administratored by our staffof nurses.” In shock I asked, asked,” By a nurse?”

Her green eyes looked into mine, and said, “Absolutely, Dr. Elaine Exultant understanding that individuals are complex. individuals are filled with guilt, or regret, or stress, or depression, or curiosity of discipline because they were not properly distributed and was beat, or were disciplined as a child and still need boundaries enforced, regardless of of the situation, regardless if they have a Dominant or submissive nature, regardless if erotic or discipline, some have a need for some amount of pain applied to their hindquarters.

Dr. Exultant, a Psychiatrist and Neurologist, decided to treat individuals with depression and individual that needs behavior modification.

She only hires Female Nurses. She explains everything to each nurse on how to proceeded as soon as an appointment is made. They are less threatening. They are seen as maternal figures. They care for children beginning at birth. They care for children when they are in school. They care for the individual when they are in the hospital, when the individual is in the convalescent home or hospice care.

Nurses are not there to judge. The nurses are material caregivers. They are, as always, to help with your physical and emotions needs.”

My imagination ran wild, and I was trying to conceal the fact that my erection struggled inside my jeans. “The sessions,” she continued, “require a minimum of one half hour, and some of them are quite a bit longer depending on the health of the patient. All the services are administratored in an intimate setting.” She paused before and after the word “intimate”. “With you health history, and that your are a D/s Master, you may need to set aside more than the usual therapy session time frame. But I warn you these sessions are not for everyone,” she went on, “and we expect that if you submit to a Therapy Session, that you will take advantage of all that is offered.” Her eyes opened wider and horizontal ridges appeared on her forehead. “In other words, we expect that you will do as you are instructed during the sessions.”

She paused a moment for effect, then continued. She handed me a one-page summary of the types of sessions offered at the clinic. “As you can see, we offer sessions in the Discipline Room with Nurse Barbra. Sessions are by appointment only, and if you wish to make an appointment you’ll need to undergo a screening session in which we gain some insight into your inner profile. After the screening, which can take place now if you would like, you are free to schedule the sessions you want. Do you have any questions?”

“Can you tell me more about Nurse Barbra? I noticed there is no description of her sessions here,” I replied.

“All I can say about Nurse Barbra is that she has an interesting – and unique – approach, and that she likes to give severe Over-the-lap paddlings.”

I knew at that point that there was no turning back, and that my curiosity – andmy erection – dictated that I followed through and schedule a session.

“I’d like to go ahead and schedule a session,” I nervously admitted.

“Certainly,” she chirped. “You can choose which session to schedule after your screening.” She picked up her phone and pressed four numbers. A moment later she said to whoever answered, “I’m going to give a screening now, would you cover the reception area?”

I was glad that she was going to do the screening, since I felt a rapport with her. She gathered a clipboard and some paperwork. When her replacement emerged, she instructed, “Follow me.”

I followed her through a hallway and she stopped and keyed in a combination at one of the rooms there, opened the door, and entered. She locked the door after I followed her in.

“I am Nurse Jodi,” she informed me, “and I’d like you to read and sign this agreement. Basically you are acknowledging that you are volunteer taking part in the sessions, things like that.”

I lookedit over and didn’t see anything that sounded fishy, ​​so I went ahead and signed it and handed it to her.

“Very good,” she said. “Now, all sessions, including the screening, are conducted with the recipient totally unclothed. So remove your clothes, and be seated here while I prepare,” she ordered, pointing to an adjustable chair of the same kind you’d find in a dentist office.

While I undressed, Nurse Jodi wheeled a cart to the side of where I was to be seated, with some equipment that had several cables with electrons attached. When I reclined in the chair, she stated, “After reading your medical history, I’m going to attach several electrons so that I can measure your heart rate, skin conductivity, blood pressure, erectile response, breathing, and eye movements. I’ll measure these while you view some images in a kind of slide show format.”

Nurse Jodi proceeded to attach electronedes to my chest, forefinger, and eyesilids. She then wrapped a stretchable band of materialial around the base of my penis, placed another one about an inch from the tip, and attached a thin cable from the machine to the material. Of course, I became very erect while she handled me to perform this task. She switched on the machine and spent a couple of minutes adjusting the settings. Then she turned on the image projector and adjusted the focus on a test image that she projected on the wall in front of me.

“I’m going to turn off the room lights and I want you to just view all the images.”

Nurse Jodi had a remote control for the image projector and displayed spanking images of men and receiving in different positions, giving me ample time to react and adjust to each one before going to the next one. The images were stimulating to me. When the nurse had shown all the images, she had the machine select the images that I had positively reacted to, and showed those again, closely observing me all the while.

After she had finished the second run of images, she saidthat the next step was to chart my erogenous zones. She put a blindfold on me so that I could not see, adjusted the chair so that I was more reclined than before, and, starting at my feet, slowly and lightly ran her fingers over every inch of my body, including my testicles. I then turned over face down and she repeated the feather light touching on my back, slapping my bottom, and repeated the feather light touching on back of my legs. I was very aroused by the time she finished, and I had seen considered. She had generated several pages of documentation which she placed in a folder while I dressed.

In my aroused state it wasn’t difficult to decide to schedule. After a feeding thought I chose and scheduled it for the following day. Then I went home and fantasized about the forthcoming session.

I made the drive to the clinic for my Afternoon appointment and was greeted by Nurse Jodi in the reception area. She picked up the phone and pressed a few keys. “Joyce, your twoo’clock appointment is here.”

A moment later a young lady in a white uniform appeared in the reception area and said, “I’m Joyce, come with me.” She was medium height, plump, pale complexion, and had a long black pony hair. She wore white a medium length dress with her garter-belt fasting her hose was visible and sneakers. She keyed in a combination to unlock the door to her room and locked it behind us.

“Remove you slacks and underwear,” she directed, “put them over there.”

I leasurely removed my clothes, frequently gazing at her. When I had finished, I looked her and she said, “Stay there.” She picked up a hardwood hairbrush in one hand and picked up an armless chair with the other, and brusquely placed it near where I was standing.

“You certainly took your time baring your backside, David,” Nurse Joyce scolded. “We’re going to establish that when I tell you to do something, you do it without dawdling.” She quickly sat herself and pulled her dress up toexpose most of her garter-belt and tighs. “Get across here now,” she critically ordered, pointing at her lap.

My heart pounding, I quickly positioned myself as directed. Holding me down with one hand, she began a lengthy and severe paddling using the hairbrush. Her technique was to give two hard swats in one place on one side, and then two hard swats on the other side. In almost no time my bottom felt ablaze.

“Ow! Ow! Please, Joyce, not so hard! Ow! Ahhh!” I began and squirmed as she paddled away. After about twenty swats she stopped for a moment.

“You’ve got to learn some manners, young man!” she scolded, and began to pound with the hairbrush again. “You don’t call me Joyce! It’s always NURSE Joyce or Ma’am. Do you understanding?”

“Yes! Yes, Ma’am!”

“UNDERSTAND?” She repeated, still smacking away.

“OH YES, Nurse Joyce! OW! I understand! OH!” She was spanking me so hard that I would have agreed to say anything that she wanted. “Please, Ma’am, Please!” Ibegged.

“STOP SQUIRMING!” she barked, and continued, hitting even harder. “Stop that wiggling!”

“I can’t! It hurts! Please not so hard!”

“I decided how hard to spank, not you! I think you should have some more.”

Nurse Joyce kept up the brisk pace of the hairbrush padding, interspersing the swats with comments like “You need to learn your lesson,” and “I want obedience from you,” and “I don’t think you’ve had enough yet.”

After an interminable paddling, she finally stopped and ordered, “Okay, get up now!”

I hoped up and put my hands back on my sore, red with white splotched bottom that had been soundly where she had paddled. When she saw this she exclaimed, “No! No touching there! David place you hands in front, right now!” I immediately complied, still grimacing from the severity of Nurse Joyce’s discipline.

She carefully wiped the seepage from the tip of my penis. She instructed, and as she did this, I became erect. Nurse Joyce smiled sweetlyand said, “You nasty boy. I’ll bet you’re thinking all kinds of nasty thoughts….now I believe that you need a regular scheduled therapy. I see here that your insurance pays for you to have in home counsel, nurse and home health aide.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” I attempted to snap back to attention to her conversation. I was sore, dazed and confused. I am a Dominant Male. I am a control freak. Nevertheless, I scheduled a discussion session with a Voluptuous, Nurse and Disciplinarian. Furthermore, I kept it and was just treated like a child and received a solid over the knee old fashion bare butt blistering.

She continued, with out noticing my mental, emotional haze, “If you wish, we could schedule a nurse to visit you and bill your insurance as counseling and a nurse to set your medicine up for you and remind you to take them.” However, This Sexy, Voluptuous Angel looked down and did notice my penis was once again was hard as a rock. As her eyes scanning up and my body, she giggled as I quickly placed my hands down to cover my organ. Nurse Joyce smiled sweetly and said, “You really a nasty, nasty boy.” Between giggles, “You best put you underwear and slacks on. David, take a day or two and think about it.”

I put on my clothes, thanked her for an unforgettable experience, and mentioned to Nurse Jodi that when I needed, thinking about how I forget my meds or my case manager threatens to terminate my benefits for non compliance, I’d be calling for another appointment.

After I returned home bruised, sore, drained and relaxed, I spent the evening in a confused state.

The End


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