When I first typed this story up, I submitted it for posting in the “B.D.S.M.” category. It does have all the elements that are necessary for that and at first, it was accepted there. I was pleased when it received a lot of readers viewing it.
But I have done a lot of reading on this website since then and I’ve come to realize that this story is more in line with stories I’ve read in the “Fetish” category. It is generally of a lighter vein.
While the story is a work of fiction, everything in it “can” happen. That is to say, all the activities are truly possible.
The Climax of Gratitude
(Or How to Make Her Convulse On Command)
Chapter One
The Setup
At that point, we had been together as man and wife for over a decade and a half. Getting sex from her was like pulling teeth. It wasn’t that she was a cold fish or that either of us was particularly unpleasant to look at.
My ex was short and dark haired with afiery personality that was given to brittleness.
She could be very password upon occurrence but seemed much more interested in having money. Not working for it or even spending it, merely having it.
I was of an average height and weight and a natural blond with a driven personality type that I masked with an easy charm. I worked hard to build a life for myself and my family while putting on a happy face and moving around any obstacles life placed in front of me. I just didn’t have time to whine (although I do enjoy cheese upon occasion). I simply hated to quit which is why I had stayed with her for so long.
When I had been younger I had made it my business to be a very good sexual partner so it was simple for me to elicit responses from her that she absolutely hated but had to react to (whether she liked it or not).
More than one former lover had called me a demon in the sack and with good reason.
This night she had condescended to allow me to touch her and do my “dirty business”. Well, I tell you, I’d had more than enough of that attitude. I’d been up front with her from the beginning and she had made her choice to continue to stay.
Chapter Two
The Restraining
I told her I’d be dominating her (within her limits of course). We established a safe word and made sure the kids were sleep before commencing with the festivals.
Our Master bedroom was quite large and between the foot of our king size bed and the twin closets was nearly four feet. Above the end of the bed, I had installed two heavy duty hooks into the ceiling joists. This made it easy to stand on the bed while affixing restraints to the alienated hooks.
We moved into the bedroom and locked the door.
Tonight she would be my plaything. And not only did she know it, she was drawn helplessly to it. Like a moth to a flame.
Every once in a while she had to have this but she’d never admit it (not to me anyway).
I told her to strip in that firm, calm voice she hated but was drawn to, all the same. I remained clothed which further angered her by showing that I did not need her to achieve release.
I placed the wound but clean old socks around her wrists and fastened the leather cuffs around each. Her wrists would be comfortable but she would be immobile for as long as I deemed necessary.
Looping backpack straps with a quick lock and release through the ring in the cuffs; I spread her arms a bit wider than shoulder width. Placing the other end of the loop in the ceiling hooks and pulling them taut left her looking like something out of a naughty comic book.
To finish off the effect, I tied a rope firmly around her ankles, effectively binding them together.
It was now, at this moment, that I realized I was becoming aroused. Up until this moment, I was prepared for her to turn me away as she had so often before. Instead, she was now mine and by the convoluted mind games she insisted on playing, I was free to do with her as I would for the next hour or two (unless I broke the rules of play).
Standing behind her, my desire began to pool in my loins as I let my eyes travel over her nude, bound and taut form. Forced to stand as erect as possible with head held high was milkly shocking for her and I knew this.
She wasn’t uncomfortable, merely available. By turning the tables on her in this manner, it was apparent to both of us that I was now the one in control.
We had talked over the years and I knew what she wanted (upon occasion) more than she did.
Walking around her I inspected her from the side and then the front. Her green eyes could not hide the mounting desire she was fighting.
She quickly became aware of my mounting lust and the effect she was having on me. My flushed face and heavier breathing betrayed any sense of stoicism on my part.
I didn’t particularly care that she would be intimidated by seeing me thus inflamed. As much as shecould protest about what I liked, some part of her liked it too (and I mean a lot).
Not saying a word I pulled my thick leather belt out of its loops from around my waist. She followed this motion and the look she gave me was filled with password and fear. But she too, said nothing. It was a battle of silence, at this moment.
That would change as things heated up.
Chapter Three
The Whipping Starts
Her defiant attitude fed my lust as I knew it would. Being a very flexible guy, I could work with any responsible adult. I prefer those who were as wild and open as I was.
She wasn’t and that was OK; I hadn’t married her for the sex anyway. That it later turned into a war was too bad. I dealt with it.
Moving behind her, I watched her hands tighten on the unyielding straps that held her firm. Her breathing increased and deepened. She knew what I was going to do and there was little she could do to stop me.
Her silence was still there; a wallmeans to keep me at a distance.
“I thought you’d lose interest, like all the others,” she’d later comment to me in what was a rare moment of honesty for her.
But instead of keeping me away, I used her silence as one measure of how aroused she was becoming.
It seemed that I wasn’t above some mind games of my own.
I drew back my arm and lightly snapped out my belt tip onto her helpless back. It wasn’t hard but it did what I had intended it to do. It raised her level of awareness and increased her lust. She hated this part of it and I knew that.
A part of me was very aroused that she would submit to this. All she had to do to end this was utter one simple short word. There would be no recriminations or payback. The scene would be over, period.
Real, here she stood, nude, bound, helpless, inflamed and forced to become more sexually aroused by the moment. There was simply nothing that she could do to stop me from eliciting any response from her I wished.
And tonight I had a very special wish to press upon this very repressed female. However, before we got to that, she would come to end a taste of the lash. Not enough to leave lasting marks or break her spirit; just enough to raise her passages whether she liked it or not. And I sincerely hoped she would resist until the bittersweet end.
So I drew back my arm and lightly snapped out my belt onto her waiting flesh again.
Between us there existed a war for dominance. Tonight I vowed this battle would be mine.
Return and again my belt lashed out. As I warmed to my task and she to hers, I increased both the tempo and the power of my blows. They weren’t actually blows, more like taps but they got the job of arousing us done and that was what counted.
I kept to Her back, buttocks and back of the legs at first. Staying away from her neck, kidneys and knees I had a fine time. She held firm and wouldn’t show any obvious signs that this was affecting her. To someone who hadn’t known her, she looked like she was watching a boring movie.
“Keep it up”, I thought to myself, “Show me nothing until I demand it”.
My ection was firm and sensitive inside my briefs. It would remain that way until I decided otherwise. Sometimes it was very nice to remain in control.
The belt left slight red marks whenever it landed and as my whipping of her Proceeded; her grip upon the straws that held her helpless increased, leaving her fingers white.
Watching her fighting me thus, aroused me and inflamed my desire to do that which she both craved and dreaded.
Chapter Four
The Whipping Progresses
I gradually moved to her side and then to her front. Again, I started lighter on the virgin areas and built from there.
As the belt found her sensitive breasts and belly, she began to flinch and grimace ever so slightly. Rather like someone who has stepped barefoot on a rock.
But aside from these reactions, she showed noevidence that she was nude, bound and being slowly and methodically whipped. God I like a resistant female!
She refused to meet my eyes, instead, choosing to look to the middle distance and pretend I wasn’t there.
“Fat chance”, I thought with satisfaction, “You’ll react exactly as I want”.
Her suffering was not only beginning to show; it was arousing me. I have always been inflamed by a good whipping where both parties have agreed to it before hand. This was definitely a good time!
As I moved around her, I let the belt land where it would. And not too hard but not too soft either.
Her resistance began to crack and I found my erection growing with each grimace. Her slight flours showed more and more frequently as I progressed.
Another sign that she was Nearing her breaking point were her shakes. She would start to shake as though she were cold or in great fear. Her arms, legs, torso and head, would shiver and shake as I continued wearing away at her rStrength.
I had to be careful that I didn’t drive her into “subspace” where she’d tune out and simply go numb or call a halt to everything. The trick with her was to keep within her tolerance levels. That is why I didn’t hit her too hard or too long.
Her shaking was a sign that she was nearing the end of her ability to endure.
Yet aside from the glitter in her eyes, she tried to keep me from seeing that she was growing ever more sexually intense and aroused. But I knew her and I knew what she was trying to keep me from seeing.
I, on the other hand, was enjoying myself immensely. This female had agreed to submit and she was actually holding up her end of the bargain (a rare moment). I felt aroused, grounded and focused. I was in control and I knew what to do and when to do it.
Regain and again my belt found her flesh and now it made her wince and twist away.
“Almost there”, I thought, “Almost to the next evolution”.
I took a deep breath and paused, more for her sake than mine. I ran my hand lightly over her reddened body. She didn’t react to this but I could tell it took a considerable effort of will not to.
Still she wouldn’t meet my eyes or say a word.
“Soon, my sweet, soon you will crack”, I smiled to myself.
The silence between us was deafening and I glory in it. As long as I didn’t break the rules or hurt her, I could keep this up for a long, long time. She might hate me for it but she’d crack and enjoy it all the same.
She calmed under my sensitive touch and took a deep breath herself. “So much for your respite”, I mused silently.
I moved to a position slightly behind and beside her. My belt lashed out and caught her on the upper back. She gasped with eyes going wide and I knew we had arrived at the next stage.
Chapter Five
A New Position
I took the rope off her ankles and had her spread her bare feet for better balance. Then I used the quick release on the straws and pulled her arms down to her side.
As I untied her, she sagged against me briefly.
Her breathing had been ragged yet quickly returned to normal. Maybe she thought we were through.
She’d learn better in a moment and I looked forward to seeing her reactions when she realized we weren’t done. Her shocked reactions were what made this such a highly intense experience for me.
I Then had her sit on the edge of the bed while I prepared it for her next ordeal. It was rather a simple procedure which involved placing the up until now, hidden bed restraints in view.
I had prepared the bed earlier against the remote possibility that she might actually submit. Running a rope between the mattress and box spring across the width made the possibility of restraining her arms quick and easy. I did the same for the lower part of the bed.
As I brought them into view she glared at me and made milk protesting noises. But she didn’t use the safe word or any variation of it (and that was all that counted).
I bad her lie in the middle of the bed and spread her arms and legs. While she was some reluctant to obey, she did as I told her.
I kept my voice neutral and calm as I held my face as devoid of emotion as possible. What I felt was another matter entirely. I wanted to fall on the woman and use her in the harshest way until I achieved my release.
“Down Beast!” I ordered myself silently.
I knew that was what she wanted and tonight wasn’t about her, it was about making her mine!
The struggle against giving into such naked lust wasn’t as hard as it had been in the early years of our marriage. Then it had been all too easy to give into my baseer urges.
But I had seriously overestimated her intelligence and her desires. What she really wanted was to be left alone by equals and have servants cater to her every whim. She had gotten it into her head that she deserved to be pampered without having to reciprocate and no amount of reason could sweep her from this absurd notion.
That I would actually assert my wants and needs was something she endured (or so she told herself). Yet every once in a while she’d submit to me, even though she told herself she hated it and me for doing it to her. I had reached the point where I didn’t care about her protestations. All that mattered was whether she’d use the safe words or not.
So I savoured her shocked expression and reluctant attitude and she turned on all fours and made her way to the centre of the bed.
Reaching the centre, her small, nude body collapsed onto its back and she reluctantly and slowly spread her limbs.
Her face was now filled with regret and she was holding her breath again.
I ignored these passive aggressive tactics and briskly threaded the rope through the wrist cuffs. I tied the left wrist first. Moving to the other side of the bed and pulled the rope taut, I then tied the right wrist.
I wrapped another set ofWorn but clean socks around her ankles. This time I tied the rope around her right ankle first and then I moved the other side of the bed and repeated my actions.
I found I was breathing heavily and my face was flushed. My erection was painfully hard and I had to hit it around to stop it from binding on me inside my briefs.
As I said, I had been looking forward to her reactions and I wasn’t Disappointed.
Chapter Six
The Pitch
She was spread eagle, restrained and available (as long as I didn’t behave like a fool).
Her face was now much more open than it had been at the beginning. The slow, methodical and inexorable struggle against her own desires was what plagued her the most. And it showed in her shallow gasps and the way her eyes desperately moved about the room, as though looking for unseen assistance.
I was again firmly in control of myself. I was having a good time and more importantly; this night would see me successful in dominating her against her own cross grained and contrary nature.
“Time to start this phase of her struggle” I thought.
She was unable to stop me from tormenting her further. This only added to my pleasure (and to hers too). At the end, she’d do exactly what a wanted whether she wanted to or not. And I found that I was becoming impatient to see that.
“Wait for it!” I silently and now, harshly, ordered myself.
I moved onto the bed and between her legs. I allowed my eyes to travel insolently about her nude body. Usually, she dressed modestly and went to great pains to keep me at a distance. So seeing her in this manner was both arousing for me and empowering. She was my plaything!
I brought the belt into her view again. She had obviously forgotten about it and her face betrayed her reluctance to continue.
Blanching, she tightened her hands and struggled slightly against ropes means to hold thousands of pounds. Her muscles played in bold relief as she tested herself against the things that held her firm. There was no way she was going anywhere and both of us knew it!
“Perfect” I thought.
Now I spoke again in a calm firm voice, although I felt anything but calm. “You have a choice to make” I told her.
“You can take ten strokes of the belt on your bare cunt and you will count before I administrator them”. I smiled as a told her. Normally, I didn’t use such cruel terms. That I did now only accentuated my position.
She looked at me with a combination of naked lust and fear.
She finally found her voice, “Suppose I don’t go along with you on this?”
“Still defiant to the end”, I thought.
“In that case, we’ll go with Plan B.” I commented.
She stepped right into it, as I knew she would.
“What is Plan B?” she asked nervously.
“Plan B is where I gag you and then I’ll be giving you forty strokes where it counts the most!” I said with quiet menace. I kept my face as impalable as I could and that was no small feat, given how I felt.
“I’ll take the ten.” She responded in a small and fearful voice.
Now we could begin in earnest and in the end, she’d submit to me! How I enjoyed this! It was too bad she was reluctant to do this more often.
“So much time wasted!’ I lamented to myself.
Then I put such self defeating thoughts behind me and bent to my task.
Chapter Seven
Increased Intensity
Her breathing became a series of shallow gasps and she pulled tightly on the restraints in anticipation. I glorried in her fear and took time to savour her rising tension.
I raised my right hand back, flinging the belt behind me; readying myself for this phase of her struggle.
Then, at the last minute, I had an inspiration which I was sure would outtrage her and further inflame me. Such an inspiration could not have come at a better time.
I looked down at her with my arm poised to strike and I commanded, “Arch!”
She looked shocked and respondded with exactly what I had hoped for.
“I will not!” she gasped.
I smiled coldly and said quietly but with thick menace, “You will…or we go with Plan B.”
“That’s not fair!” she protected.
“Arch up to meet the kiss of this belt and count…NOW!” I interrupted
She raised her hips reluctantly and quietly said, “One”.
The belt whistled Through the air and impacted loudly against her pubis. It wasn’t a hard strike but it caught her most sensitive area squarely and she dropped back to the mattress and cried out.
“How sweet!” I thought to myself.
“Again!” I ordered her harshly. The time of silence was quickly being replaced with the sounds of a futile and desperate struggle.
She looked reluctantly at my face and Then at the belt before rolling her eyes. She arched as I had bad her and said in a tight voice, “Two.”
The belt found her raised nether regions again. And again she gasped while jerking away. She looked deeply shocked. The muscles of her abdomen pulled tightly against the belt’s cruel kiss.
That I would dare to treat her in such a beastly way was something she always found shocking. Like I said, she was given to brittleness.
I must admit, I was having a very good time! And I knew that she was enjoying herself, although she would never admit it.
I gave her a few seconds before Continuing. After all, the whole point was to make her experience this torque as fully as possible.
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