The darkness fell around them like a large black blanket as they walked down the lonely street of the small town. The sounds of the children playing had vanished, and all that remained was the quiet sound of their feet slapping against the wet road. The clouds had broken earlier and both Nathan and Wendy were soaked. They had ignored the steady rain and continued to walk. Nathan remembered an old gravel path down the road a bit and began to lead Wendy in that direction. Wendy shivered from the way the wet clothes clung to her body but still held fast to Nathan’s hand. Her skin, soft, inviting, and a little wrinkled from being wet, felt so very good against him in every way and he was not going to relinquish her hand back to her anytime soon. Besides, “HE” had plans.
The pair approached the gravel path and Nathan turned towards it. Wendy was unfamiliar with the area but didn’t care. Her trust in him was unbreakable, and she would follow him anywhere, as long as her hand was inhis. Almost immediately the houses that lined the main road were out of sight and the woods began to thicken. Small thicknesses of trees became the mainstays of the scenery, along with the fences that bordered the path. The sound of small animals filled the air in between the words he whispered in her ear. It didn’t take long for Nathan to find the place he was looking for. He remembered playing there as a child, hidden from the view of everything. The couple walked together to a small grove of a variety of trees, hesitated for a moment and entered the grove. Wendy looked at him, smiled and held tightly to his hand, as they took their first strides into what would soon become a place with special meaning to the both of them.
Nathan stopped suddenly a few steps inside the now small clearing. He seemed mesmerized and began speaking lightly about how the place had not changed one bit as he cocked his head from side to side. The memories of the past and this place washed over him. He stood there for what seemed an eternity and finally looked back at Wendy and said, “Yes dear, this is the place. This place is perfection to me. A place of refuge, of joy, of sadness, of importance, of love, and of pain.” He took Wendy’s hand and led her to the large hickory stump in the center of the clearing. Nathan sat down upon it and looked up at the sky. The clouds had cleared away and the moon, now full, gave the place an eerie feel.
He took a deep breath and let it go. Relaxed, at home, was the feeling inside of the young man, finally…home. Wendy sat quietly beside him, watching, waiting, intently, perhaps expecting some revelation of why he had picked this place at this time. He placed his hand upon her cheek and turned her to face him. He looked into her eyes and kissed the wet young woman’s mouth hard. Wendy moaned…. deep, melodious, wanting. He finally pulled away from her and looked away to the left as if acknowledging another memory of the place. “Things are just the way I left them,” He thought himself. His lips curved to form a smile and he looked back to Wendy, tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her ear to his mouth as he said, “Are you ready?”
She stood and followed him, she had no choice. Nathan’s fingers, still entwined in her hair, pulled her up from the makeshift seat. The young woman’s eyes widened, a little surprised at his “straightforwardness.” The fingers of his free hand trailed down her neck gently and pulled back on her hair, exposing the flesh beneath. He leaned into her. His tongue slide against the skin of her neck and his teeth pulled on the soft spot of flesh just beneath her chin. Nathan rose slightly and his words found her ears through the night air. “You are mine dear one.” The fingers of his free hand began unbuttoning the damp blouse that lay snug against Wendy’s skin. Quickly his hand worked the clothes free.
She placed her hands upon his shoulders and her fingernails dug into him. The cool nightair against her damp skin caused a definite reaction, one that she had craved for a very long time. Nathan pulled hard on her hair and Wendy began to bend, exposing her taut nipples to the moon above. The light shimmered from her skin and Nathan could not resist the urge to taste of her again. His mouth traveled the length of her torso as his hands lifted her skirt. He grabbed her ass with a firm grip and tasted of her. His mouth moved knewly against her already moist mound. She started to back away and Nathan looked up to her, disappointed. Reaching down towards the ground, Nathan’s expression changed to one of extreme seriousness. Wendy turned as she listened to his deep voice “Tonight you shall be my little slut…here beneath the stars.” The cold touch of the leather straps as he bound her ankles caused feelings of confusion within her and her knees shook with surprise and anticipation of what would come next.
Wendy’s attempts at trying to free her legs were in vain. It seEmed the more she struggled, the tighter the binds became, and eventually her will to escape this confusion left. His hands gripped her waist and pushed her gently to the cold, hard surface of the hickory. A slow smile formed upon his lips and she raised her arms with the intent to place them around his neck. Noticing her movements, Nathan stepped back. “You will touch me when I decide.” Wendy looked away from him, obviously distressed from his last statement. Nathan stood and gazed into her hazel eyes and quickly decided on a course of action. Walking to the side of the stump he picked up the wet blouse and placed the wet clothes upon her. The ensuing chill was almost more than Wendy could handle, but she managed to stay still. His hands worked slow, allowing her to watch his every movement. He folded the clothes carefully and left the long sleeves to dangle out to the sides. The makeshift blindfold was placed over her eyes and the sleeps tied snug around the back of her head. As for what to do about your hands, he had not yet decided, but the one thing he did know…..She was to take what he had to offer this night, regardless of what that might be.
She seemed to lie on the old stump for what seemed a very long time. The sounds of the critics and creativity of the night, roared in her ears. Her thoughts turned to his unusually long absence. She began to think back to his last words and became frightened. She tried to calm herself, repeating what she did know in her mind. She didn’t hear him walk away. She could still smell the light chaos of his cologne. “He has to be here.” she told herself. Her hands instinctively reached for the wrap that had been placed around her eyes. Her fingers began making the attempt to unravel the knot that had been made. Then reality came against the soft flesh of her inner thigh. A singing sensing not felt by her before followed by the light stroke of a group of small fingerlike objects…wet, soft, reassuring. Again Wendy fiddled with the clothes that blinded her and again the singing sensing came on the inside of the other thigh. She could smell him, and she knew that he was only inches away from her. Wendy stretched her arms upward and grabbed only air. Was the sensing on her thighs only figments of her imagination? Her confusion grow and her stubborn nature, once more, took over.
How many times had the sting of the object came against her flesh? She had lost count and finally gave up the attempts at removing the blindfold. With each strike she had called out his name and had gotten no response. How long was this game to go on? How long was she to lie there in wait? How many times had he talked of patience? Did this count? Did all this have a meaning? Did… then, as she lay there, still, upon the stump, her legs spread wide, the touch of something warm, smooth and wet, began its exploration of the now wet area of her that only he could have known. The warm, cylindrical object traversed againt the lips of her pussy and because of the sting of her inner thighs, she dared not reach down to touch what is presumably ‘him’.
She closed her eyes tight as the moment took her. Every part of her ignored her surroundings, ignored everything except that warmth between her legs. Her thighs began quivered and the knowledge that she dare not reach down somehow made the moment that much more erotic. Her hips rose from the stump as the wave of password overtook her and her juices ran down the inside of her thighs…. her mind, taken to a place that made others envious. The place where there are no concerns, no responsibility, only want, only pleasure. She wanted more…. More. Her back arched suddenly as his cock swelled with each thrust and his deep sounding groans filled the air. The touch of his hands upon her breasts reassure her of her safety and she yearned to satisfying him. His thrusts slowed and he lifted her head from its resting point. She could feel the blindfold beingremoved and wanted to reach up and put her arms around him, but the night air and lack of movement had caused them to go numb. Nathan looked into her eyes and leaned forward, placing his lips to hers. His hips thrust hard against her and he pushed her head downward as his pace quickly. The sounds of their flesh meeting echoed through the darkness and the birds of night took flight from the trees around them. His moans became loud, animalistic, as the urge to release arose from inside him. His eyes opened wide as his cum filled her. The muscles in his legs tensed and his knees shook uncontrollably at that moment.
Nathan slowly regained his senses and leaned forward, sucking on each raised nipple, enjoying their excited state. He took her arms and placed them below her heart and pulled her forward enough to set her up. Wendy sat on the stump quietly and waited quietly for him to loose her ankles. She did not know quite what to say or think about the experience. Nathan helped heras she attempted to put her blouse on. Wendy stood slowly, her legs numb from the dampness and cold, her inner thighs still singing from the strikes against them. She looked up at him, and with a sly girl expression, smiled. He took her hand, returned the smile and began to walk from the clearing, making their way back to the cruel world of worries and everyday humdrum.
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