A couple of weeks later Dean and Katherine’s schedules once again meshed. She came in the house to begin her duties and once again walked past Dean as he watched TV and drank his coffee. She gave him her custommarily warm smile and said good morning. Dean returned the greeting and watched her as she sashayed past to the kitchen. The memory of their last encounter caused his dick to begin to tingle and her know that a full hard on was imminent. As usual she commenced cleaning in the further reach of the house and left Dean to his coffee, television and contemplation. Sometimes later she returned to the kitchen and initiated her tease. It was pretty much the same as last time, bending over to clean, wiggling her rear, jiggling her tits as she wiped down the sink and, of course, she gave Dean a good, long look down her top. Dean was admitted and enjoyed Every minute as his swollen cock was testament.
Dean decided to get up and see what happened. He stood but did not both to close his robe or otherwise conceal his erection. He walked into the kitchen and towards the dishwasher with his coffee mug, but was stopped in his tracks as he passed Katherine when she reached out and firmly grabbed his hard dick and demanded, “What is this?”
“Well, Kathrine, don’t you know?”
“Of course, I know, but we need to discuss why you appear so excited. You certainly weren’t watching pornography, so what could it be?” she inquired as she maintained her grip on his manhood and he retained his engagement.
“Katherine, I don’t know.”
“I think you do,” she said as she shifted her grip from his cock to his balls and started to apply pressure. Dean began to squirm, he was still really turned on but know if she kept this up he would be in for some serious pain.
“Katherine, please don’t hurt my balls,” he pleased.
“I’ll hurt a lot more,” she excerpted as she tugged at his sac.
“I was looking at you, Katherine, you are so beautiful.”
“Were you looking at my breasts?”
“Yes,” he meekly replied. Katherine released her hold upon him and proceeded to slip her left arm out of her tank top, exposing her bra encased tits. She pulled her left boob free of the garment and held it up.
“Is this what you want to look at, Dean?”
“Oh, yes.” She stroked her nipple with her thumb and forefinger and it began to tighten. Dean could only stare with his mouth ago. She then relegated her title to its enclosure and put her shirt back in place and straightened up.
“Dean,” she began with an angry tone of voice, “What did I tell you about looking at me lustfully?”
“But, Katherine, you showed me your boob!”
“That doesn’t matter. A gentleman would avert his eyes and not dare look!”
“I can’t help it,” he while. She reached down and flicked his hard dick with her middle finger. He jumped but his erection endured.
“OK, Dean, you know there are to be consequences. Now, put your mug in the dishwasher,” he had forgotten about that, “And go to your room and prepare to be spanked.”
“No, Katherine, I wasn’t looking at porn!”
“That does not matter, I instructed you also not to look at me lustfully and remember I can tell your mother about the pornography.”
“Yes, Katherine,” he muttered as he shuffled off to his room with his pj bottoms tented before him. He Arrived in his room and striped naked. His dick was at full stretch, parallel to the ground as he stood. He laid on his bed, buns up ready to accept his punishment. Eventually Katherine walked into the room with her tote bag.
“Well, Dean, here we are again. Apparently, you do not learn very well, so I am forced to teach a lesson today.”
“Please, Katherine, I have been good. I can’t help looking at you!” he pleased. Dean was actually excited about the prospect of being spanked again, but he had figured out that begging and pleding on his part and lecturing on her part were elements of this game.
“It does not matter. You have looked on me, a married woman, with lust. I promised you that there would be repercussions for such behavior and I would be morally corrupt if I do not see it through.” She began to grab each of his cheats in succession, “I do love to view the male ass is such a subservient position. You do have a cute ass, Dean, perfect for spanking.”
“Yes, Katherine, thank you,” he said as she lightly raked her fingernails across his rear and caused Dean to shudder. She lovingly rubbed his butt for a couple of minutes, both of them enjoyed the experience.
“Are you ready to begin, boy?”
“Yes.” Katherine lifted her hand high and brought it down with a loud smack on his left buttocks. As with last time Dean felt it from his ass to the end of his dick. Katherine then began a series of swats alternate buns for a couple of minutes. She paused.
“Dean, do you understand how disgusting it is for you to look at me with lust and also to view pornography?”
“Katherine, I wasn’t looking at porn today and you have already paid me for that.”
“I will decide how much and for what you are to be paid. Do you understand?” she said as she slapped his ass once for each syllable.
“Yes, Katherine,” he whimpered. His cock was as hard as ever and with each spank it rubbed on his bed, getting him more excited.
“Get up on all fours.” He compiled. ” I do not want you coming all over your bed sheets, at least not yet. “‘Face down ass up that’s the way we like to fuck!’” She quoted 2 Live Crew as she stroked his rear and ticckled his asshole. “Do like I said, face down ass up.” He re-positioned himself. “I told you this would be mine,” as she rubbed her finger up and down his crack as he squirmed.
“Katherine, how are you going to do it and why?”
“I will do it with my finger and the reason is to make you my bitch.”
“But, Kath…,” before he could say any more she began to per cuss upon his rear to the beat ofthe 2 Live Crew lyrics. Once again, with one slap for each syllable.
“Face down, ass up. That’s the way we like to fuck!” She serenaded him with several choruses as she kept up the beat on his ass. She stopped and said, “Boy, you are going to love being my bitch.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Prepare to be fucked,” she said as she went into her tote and pulled out a bottle of lube and a latex glove. She put the glove on her right hand, opened the lube and squeezed some out into his crack. She began to rub it around his hole. “Now just relax, Dean, and enjoy this.” She slowly inserted her index finger into his rectum. Dean felt invaded, but not hurt and as she began moving in and out he started to feel intense pleasure throughout his body. “Is this my asshole, Dean, to do with as I please?”
“Its all yours, Katherine, anytime.”
“Are you my bitch, Dean?”
“Yes, your complete and total bitch! Oh god, it feels so good! Fuck me please!” She continued for a couple of minuteses.
“Now, Dean, I am going to give you two fingers, are you ready?”
“Yes.” She pulled out her index finger and reinserted it along with her middle finger. She did so slowly. Dean inhaled sharply and it was a little uncomfortable.
“OK, Dean, I will go slow here. Does it hurt?”
“A little Katherine, but it’s alright keep going.” Katherine got her fingers into him and Dean ultimately relaxed to where she could continue to stroke him.
“Do you like this, my little bitch?”
“Oh yes, it feels so good.”
“I’m going to remove my fingers now.” She did so and said, “Turn over on your back.” Dean compiled his fully erect cock pointed to the ceiling. “It looks as though it really does feel good,” she said as she gave the head of his dick a little squeeze with her thumb and forefinger. “Lift your legs so I can get back inside you.” She slowly reinserted her two fingers as he groaned with pleasure. She took her bottle of lube in left hand and applied some to hisdick. She put down the bottle and spread the lube completely over his dick. With her right fingers up his rear and her left hand holding his cock she said, “I don’t think this will take too long, will it?”
“No, ma’am.” Katherine began struggling with her left hand and fucking with her right and soon a high pitched whine emitted from Dean, “Oooooooooh, ooooooooh!” She felt his penis began to twitch and his rectum tighten on her fingers. “Ugh, ugh…” he grunted with every spurt of come. He shot several ropes into air that landed on his belly. Katherine stopped her stroke, but kept her fingers up his ass and her hand on his dick for a couple of minutes while Dean quaked with aftershocks. She then gently removed her fingers and gave his softening manhood a gentle pat.
“That was pretty Intensity.”
“Uh, huh,” was about all Dean could muster.
Katherine placed some tissues next to him and said, “Relax for a few minutes, then clean yourself up a little. I’ll be back in afew minutes.” She left the room and went to the bathroom to wash her hands and put everything back in her tote. Then she spent a few moments gathering her things and came back into Dean’s room. He had wiped up the come and had disclosed the tissues on the floor, but was still lying on his back nude. “Tell me Dean, do you have a girlfriend?”
“I’m surprised, you’re a cute boy and Very nice, although a little shy.”
“Yeah, I know. I talk to some girls at college, but haven’t been able to do much. The pick up artists get them all.”
“Just ask a few of them out and I’m sure you’ll eventually be successful. And don’t fall for the first one that is willing to have sex with you. So, many of these girls turn into sluts at college and experiment with a number of partners and after graduation get respectable. In my country there was no way. A girl stayed a virgin until she was married or was ostractracized. Maybe the way you do it here is better. I don’t know.”
“KathErine, do you spank Johnnie?”
“Oh, god no. He is not into it. As a matter of fact he spanks me and I do enjoy it.”
“Really, I imagine you completely in charge.”
“Even though I enjoyed being the spankee, I wanted to try the other role. Johnnie and I talked about it and we decided that if I could find someone that would enjoy a spanking that I could go ahead as long as no sex was involved and I think knowing how to take a good spanking makes me better at giving one, don’t you think?”
“You do seem to know exactly what to do. You said no sex, what about the hand jobs?”
“Well, Dean, let’s just keep that our little secret. I am not a total hard hearted tease and besides I look upon it as a therapeutic massage. Get up and give me a hug.” Dean stood and Katherine crushed her tits against him in a long hug. Soon his cock started to rise. Katherine pulled back and looked down and said, “What have we heard? I forget you young men can be ready again so quickly. OK, whydon’t you lay down and take care of it yourself.”
“While you watch?”
“Of course, now this is look but don’t touch,” she said as she removed her top and her bra while he reclined. She took her breasts in her hands and began to play with them and soon her nipples were hard.
“Aren’t you going to punish me?” Dean inquired.
“Yes, but not today. I want to help the process Along. So, you like these?”
“Yes, Katherine,” Dean said as he furiously stroked away.
“Rub that big cock, boy! Do it.” She continued to encourage him and soon he erupted again. Katherine waited a few moments while Dean dealt with his aftershocks and then got dressed. She bent over and kissed on the cheese, “Good bye, Dean.”
“Good bye, Katherine, thank you.”
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