Dean, a nineteen year old, was home from college for the summer. He had a job which required weekend work, so he had time off during the week. Other than work he spent his off time partying with his high school buddies. They participated in the usual activities such as sports, TV, smoking pot and drinking beer when they could manage to score some of the precious brew. It was actually harder finding the beer than the dope. Most of them did not have girls and Dean had never had one. He had just spent a sexually frustrating freshman year watching the pickup artists score while he was left to his wet dreams. This led him to become a regular practicer of masturbation as he had grown tired of waking up in a cold pool of jiz. He had a few smut DVD s that he liked for this purpose. The hottest thing was listening to the girls while they fucked on screen. His mother completely disappeared of porn and he had to listen to several lessons about its debasement of women. He did notagree with her, but she was his mom and he did not argue.
Katherine was the cleaning woman that had worked for the family for several years. She was in her late thirties, which Dean considered kind of old. She was from Africa and was married to an a man named Johnnie also from her country. Dean had always noticed that she had really nice tits and ass especially for an older gal and was very pretty. She had short curly hair and dark chocolate skin, but also sports a moderate belly, probably due to child bearing. She always had a nice smile for him.
One morning, on Dean’s day off, Katherine arrived to clean the house. Everyone else was off at work and Dean was lounging about is his pj’s, watching TV and drinking coffee. He noticed that she was wearing a low cut tank top and tight jeans and he realized What an appealing body she had. He tried to put all that out of his mind. Katherine began her duties around the house and Dean did not see her for a while.
An hour or soLater Katherine walked through the TV room into the adjacent kitchen. Dean at once noticed how sexy her derriere looked as she walked past. This gave him an immediate hard on and he did his best to conceal it. She bent over to clean something on the floor. The sight was magnificent. Her sexy rear swayed in counterpoint to the motions of her arm as she wiped the floor. Katherine then maneuvered to the sink and with another cloth began to wipe the cupboards beneath the drainboard. She was facing him now and to get to the bottom of the cupboard she had to bend over again. This exposed her ample tits to his view. It was better than the skin flicks, because this was real. She was wearing a black bra, also quite sexy, but, of course, he could not see nipple. It did not matter, this was one of the most beautiful things he had ever experienced. All the while Katherine kept her eyes down and did not look up to bus him. She stood up and bought herself with other areas of the kitchen out of Dean’s view. He was trying not to think about her but his rock hard dick would not let him. He wanted someone to have sex with him, but everything about trying to fuck Katherine would be just wrong, starting with her age and marital status. Besides, he was no pickup artist and would have no idea of how to initiate anything.
Katherine came back into view and began to clean the sink. She was facing him at about three quarters and was getting her arm into the task. He was watching her tits as they swayed and jiggled. His hard on continued to rage. She did look in his direction and laughed softly. He could take no more. He stood and as he closed his bathrobe he noticed that she gave his crotch a glance. He walked past her to the dishwasher where he deposited his coffee mug.
He proceeded to his room with his cock straining at his pj pants. He closed the door. The house was a hundred years old and the locks to the rooms looked as though they were operated by old fashioned skeleton keys. They never had any of these keys, but the family had always made a practice of knocking before entering. Dean closed the door and set up his DVD player with his favorite dirty movie, which he kept hidden from his mother. He stripped off his robe and pj’s and stood there with his six inches at attention, sticking straight out from his body. He grabbed the needed tools which included the remote, hand lotion and tissues.
He laid on his bed pointed straight up. Dean started the video and proceeded to pleasure himself. He stroked himself with his index and middle fingers along the underside and his thumb across the top. When he felt he was nearing orgasm he would take a break for a few seconds and start up again. This allowed him to prolong the sensitivity. When he was ready to come he would squirt some of the lotion into his hand, apply it to his manhood and then stroke with full hand unto orgasm.
Suddenly, the door opened and Katherine walked into his room carrying a broom.She looked started and gave an intense look to his hard on. “I’m so sorry.’” she said. She then turn her gaze to the TV and saw what was playing.
“What is this you are looking at, Dean?” she queried sternly in her slightly British accented voice.
“I…I,” was his lame and incoherent response.
“I do not approve of pornography and neither does you mother, we have discussed it!”
“But Katherine, I have needs and…”
“Every boy has needs and it is natural to relieve himself. It was obvious that you were in need of relief.”
“What is the problem then, Katherine?”
“The problem is your using this filter to do it. Turn it off now.” Dean pressed the off button on the remote.
“But I like it, especially the sounds they make.”
“Do not tell me why you like this filter!” she excerpted angrily. “I should tell your mother.”
“Please don’t, Katherine, she might insist I stay at home and go to JC where she can keep an eye on me.”
“Well, thisis the price you pay.”
“Katherine, pleaseaase,” Dean while.
“OK, Dean, I won’t tell your mother, but I also can’t let you get away with this.”
“I’m grateful you won’t tell her, but what do you mean?” he asked nervously.
“You need to suffer some consequences and be punished for what you have done.”
“Yes, you will roll over and submit to a spanking, right now!”
“I’m too old to spank.”
“Not if I decide you need it and besides if you do not agree your mother will be told and you will suffer repercussions from her. Go ahead and decide, but decide quickly.”
Dean thought for a moment that he really did not want his mom to Know and that she might actually make him come home. At school he could at least watch his adult films and he was beginning to be able to talk to some of the babes, so maybe there was hope on that front. Also, in his porn adventures he had seen a couple of spanking movies, which he found both disturbing and compelling. “OK,” he showed as he rolled onto his stomach. Katherine, lightly stroked his buns, which really turned him on.
“This skinny little bottom is going to be red and warm. Are you ready to begin, Dean?”
“Yes, Katherine.”
She lifted her hand and it came on his right cheek. It stung, but Dean felt it from his ass to the tip of his dick, which was still rock hard. Next the left with the same result. Katherine then alternate butt cheats for ten or so swats. “Do you understand how offensive pornography is to me, as well as to your mother and all women, for that matter!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Apparently, you do not need it to turn you on. I saw that you had a pretty good erection in the kitchen!” He remained silent and Katherine let loose with Another flurry of slaps. Dean still feel every slap in his penis and know his hard on was showing no signs of subsiding. “What got you so turned on, then?”
“I … I was looking at you Katherine.” Another series of spanks.
“You were looking at me! Don’t you think that is inappropriate?” She continued to spank him. Katherine let up for a minute, “Well?”
“Yes, Katherine, it was inappropriate and I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t help it.” More spanks.
“Why not”
“Because you are so beautiful and sexy.”
“Tell me what was so sexy.”
“Well, watching your butt when you cleaned the floor.”
“So, you liked that. Anything else?”
“When you bent over and I got a look down your tank top.” The spanking then resumed.
“A gentleman does not look at a married woman with such lust,” she said, but Dean could detect some satisfaction in her voice.
“But you liked it!” he exclaimed. This brought on more spanking.
“Do not talk back to me and tell me what I like and do not like!”
“Yes, ma’am”
“OK, Dean, I think you have about learned your lesson. One more spanking and we’ll be done.”
“Yes, ma,am,” he showed submissively. His butt was now burning, but his cock still hard. Katherine brought up her hand and gave a series of very hard spanks. His rear end hurt more, but he remained engorged.
“That’s enough. Turn over’” she ordered. Dean compiled and lay there still pointing upward. Katherine gave the head a quick squeeze with her thumb and index finger and said, “It looks as though you enjoyed this as much as I Did.”
“You enjoyed it, Katherine?”
“Yes and I expect that Johnnie is going to be required to fuck me tonight, maybe twice.”
“I hope you enjoy yourselves.”
“We will.” She held out her hand and said, “Squirt some of that lotion into my hand.” Dean did as he was told. She then rubbed it all over his dick and began to stroke him. Soon Dean’s hips were thrusting and his breathing became rapid.
“Ugg, ohh, ohh,” he moaned and then erupted in the best orgasm of his life. He shot three streams of jism that landed on his stomach. Katherine continued to lightly stoke him as he understood in orgasm. Dean’s semi hard cock lay on this stomach. Katherine lovingly rubbed him from his balls to his head and back again. With one finger she reached under his sac and ticckled his bunghole. Dean squirmed a little.
“This will be mine one day.”
“But I’m not gay!” he protested.
“You don’t have to be gay to enjoy anal stimulation. Gay men enjoy kissing and oral sex, too. So, would you say that if you enjoy that with a woman you are gay?”
“I don’t know.”
“Dean, nothing that a man and woman do can be considered gay.”
“OK, Katherine. And thank you. It has been memorable.”
Katherine smiled and said, “Just remember, if I catch you looking at pornography or at me lustfully, you will get more of the same.”
“I look forward to it Katherine.” She smiled once more and left his room.
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