AUTHOR’S NOTE: The concept of a sexual partner who would do ‘ANYTHING’ for you, is probably one of the greatest fansies cum true. It is like someone giving you a blank cheque and allowing you to fill in any amount you desire. That is where this story was going but for those of you who just want to skip to the ‘good bits’ go to THE ADULT STORE and watch how Lana totally loses her inhibitions and becomes a slut to be used and abused.
Lana was sexy as hell! Her beautiful body all curves…inviting, sensitive mouth with lips that worked like an advertisement for guaranteed unspoken pleasures. But, could she clean? Dale decided that he would have fun finding out. He planned to keep a very close eye…or two on her every move…at least till he was sure she was up to the task.
Dale was on edge for the next three days while he waited with growing excitement to see her again. He was amazed how just talking to her for a short time had affected him so strongly. She would beArriving at his house in the next half hour and he had assured her that he would be there to let her in for the first time. That didn’t leave him much time to get home from work before her.
She was there, waiting at his door when he turned into his driveway. Her hair was neatly swept back into a ponytail and that was all he noticed before his eyes became glumed to her tight jeans…He mentally slapped himself to focus on finding the right key for the front door. Something in the breathy “Hi” of her greeting took his breath away and made his knees feel weak. Somehow he fumbled his way through opening the door and inviting her inside. His mind worked hard to remember the code for his security alarm.
Lana had a notepad and pen to take down notes as he showed her around the house. Occasionally Dale felt as if her eyes were on his ass When she followed him down the hall or up the stairs. The thought of it turned him on in a big way. Finally the tour was over and they were back downstairs in his kitchen. He offered her a cup of coffee, which she accepted and then she exhausted herself to use the bathroom while he boiled the jug. Feeling curious, Dale snuck a peek at her notes and nearly fell over when he saw what she had written under the heading “MATERIALS NEEDED”:
1) Nipple Clamps
2) Cock ring
3) Rope
4) Lube
5) Hand cuffs
6) Flogger
7) Blindfold
8) Spreader bar
This was NOT what he had expected to see and he was both confused and also very aroused. He heard her footsteps coming back up the hall and decided to act as though nothing had happened. With shaking hands he poured two cups of coffee and placed them on a tray with the milk and sugar. She must have noticed how unsteady his hands were because she offered to carry the tray to the table. He stepped back and gladly accepted her offer.
He steered the conversation to a safe topic by asking her where she lived and what sort of transport she was using. She told him her car had been stolen and never found as she was currently renting a place in a bad neighborhood until she could afford something better. Dale was instantly hit with the idea of asking her to move into his house but wondered if that would be asking for trouble. He had not even known her for a week and still had no idea if she even knew how to turn a vacuum cleaner on.
Still, he offered her the use of his spare room which was quite big, overlooking the pool, easily accessed by simply opening the glass sliding door of the bedroom. The room also had an adjoining bathroom and large built in wardrobe. He could see her mind working in overdrive as she thought about his offer. There were many expressions flickering over her face and her body was tensing as she clearly battled with the same sort of doubts he was feeling at the surprise of it all.
He knew her decision the second her eyes fixed his with the determination of someone who was about to jump into murky waters. He was stunned by the light that came into her green eyes…hope began to creep into her slowly as her shoulders straightened and her body lengthened. What seemed unbelievable to him was the fact that she had suddenly become even more attractive than she had been ten minutes ago.
Her tongue came out to wet her lovely lips and she smiled as she huskily said “Ok”.
To save her a long and tiring journey on the bus, Dale drove her home and they chatted like old friends about everything and nothing. He loved the sound of her voice and as he listened to her he found himself thinking of her ‘notes’ earlier…fuck it made him horny! He was sure she would be fun to be around and could tell from what she said that she was fairly adventurous. He enjoyed the view of her ass one more time as she got out of his car before she turned and waved goodbye with a big smile on her face. He knew at that moment that he was in BIG TROUBLE!
Dale woke up suddenly and looked sleepily atthe clock beside his bed. It was just after midnight! He wondered what had hurt him at this hour so he walked downstairs to make sure Lana was ok. It had been several days now and she seemed no trouble at all. She was neat and to his extreme relief, know how to clean…and cook, so it seemed. In fact, he was really rather glad for her company in the evenings when he came home from work. So far their relationship had been professional and relaxed with a hint of something…he couldn’t quite put his finger on…yet….
However, all that was about to change. For as Dale looked out of his living room window, into the moonlit night, a vision of breathtaking beauty was emerging from out of his swimming pool. Lana, completely naked, basked in the glow from the full moon, was getting out of the pool, oblivious to his presence at the window. She was absolutely stunning and Dale had to fight with himself to stay still and just look. Lana picked her towel up off the deck chair and patted her face dry. Then she suddenly looked up and right at him. Damn! She must have felt his eyes burning into her through the window.
Realizing he had been caught out, he couldn’t just run away now, so he slowly made his way to her bedroom door. Once there, he tapped quietly at her door, hoping he had given her enough time to cover up. His heart caught in his throat as she opened the door still stark naked! She just stood there with a questioning look on her face…her hair still wet, with little droplets dripping down onto her tits and running down to her successful erect nipples. He was absolutely mesmerized.
He had planned to ask her if she was ok and explain why he came downstairs….but no words could come out of his mouth and he stood frozen to the spot. As if sensing his state of mind and body, Lana reached out and ran one finger from his collar bone down to his hard chest. He wondered if she could hear his heart going crazy as it thumbed under her touch. She looked intoHis eyes with a mixture of wonder and fear…
He lifted his hand and placed it over hers on his chest, then walked towards her, forcing her back against the bed. She looked frightened when her legs could go no further and she reached out her other hand to steady herself on his shoulder. She gasped as they both fell down upon the bed. He remembered her notes from that first day and felt the sudden need to dominate her.
Dale gazed into her slightly dazed eyes until she relaxed slightly and then smiled at him. This was his undoing and he could resist kissing her no longer. It was pure heaven…the way she responded to him….her lips soft and eager, matching his and her hips arching up to meet his. He groaned and turned the heat up by grabbing a fist full of her wet hair. She instinctively reached down to feel his rock hard cock through the thin fabric of his boxers. This was pure delight for him and the look on her face was one of amazement for she had made him grow quite large…
“What are you going to do now?” Dale asked in a low gravelly voice.
“Anything you want,” came her quiet reply.
Dale ground his cock against her, pinning her hand between it and her hot, wet pussy. He wanted her with an urgency that was quite unlike his usual style. It was almost as though he was worried that it was all a dream and he might soon wake up. He moved back from her and she wrapped her surprisedly strong hand around his cock and pulled him back towards her. This surprised and delighted him. He stopped kissing her for a second to smile as he looked down on her. She was just beautiful…and he was about to drool on her.
She had said she would do “ANYTHING” and the thought of this inspired him…captivated his imagination…made him want to test her…see if she had spoken the truth. Dale wanted her with urgency and password, but he did not want this to be over before it had even began. He had always believed that great sex began and ended with themind…so instead of taking her here and now, he would play with her…explore her mind in ways he had never taken the time to do with a woman before.
He pulled her arms up above her head and held them down by her wrists. She was pinned to the bed and he could see her breathing becomes quicker, could feel her pulse against the palms of his hands. She was helpless against his strength and he could feel the adrenaline rushing through him. He asked her again what she was going to do now, and again she replied: “Anything.” This time he pulled right back from her and sat on the edge of the bed. He felt like asking her to suck his cock…or let him cum on her gorgeous tits…or to open up her ass for him to see how much of him she could take there…but instead he surprised her and said:
“I want you to come shopping with me tomorrow.”
She gazed up at him…blinked a few times…then smiled and nodded her head.
“Ok,” she said, “You got it.”
Dale smiled back at her, ben to kiss her lips slowly once more, and then he used the last of his restraint to get to his feet and walk to the door. There he paused to wish her a good night, then exit her room and shut the door behind him. Only once he was far from her and back in his own room, did he remind himself to start breathing again.
Breakfast time, which ordinarily had been a fairly fast-paced affairs, now seemed to move in slow-motion…movements she made now seemed to turn him on all the more. Just the simple act of Lana reaching for dishes had him so on edge that when they sat opposite one another at the table, he had a hard time eating. He marveled at the way she ate and the way her mouth moved when she chewed her food. Her sexy eyes over the rim of her cup as she drank had his cock standing up straight under the table. The biggest turn-on of all was that she seemed to know how she was affecting him.
When they both got up from the table at the same time with their dishes, each one froze as eyes locked onto eyes. They put the dishes down and in the same instant their bodies were being crushed together in a frenzied embrace. Hands roamed everywhere and tongues sought reject in the other’s mouth. With wildly beating hearts they finally slowed their movements until all that was touching was the front of their bodies, arms loosely around each other. Dale was the first to speak, reminding her that they needed to get ready for their shopping trip. Again she looked dazed and confused at his sudden change in manner but she agreed and left him to wash up while she got ready.
Dale was amazed at the speed with which she showed and applied makeup, actually beating him to the door, dressed and ready, creating a calm and collected picture of ravishing beauty. His eyes feasted on her silky dark hair, framing her face in soft waves and coming to rest on her strong shoulders and perfect cleavage. He feel like grabbing her and marching her back to the bedroom but instead, hegathered all control and handed her a piece of paper which he told her to read. It was their shopping list of ‘Materials Needed’ and he gave her his best devilish grin when she fixed him with a startled look of wonder after reading the list:
1) Nipple Clamps
2) Cock ring
3) Rope
4) Lube
5) Hand cuffs
6) Flogger
7) Blindfold
8) Spreader bar
She smiled as it dawned on her that he had read her list that day and then she turned and headed off towards his car. Dale could feel his cock hardening as he followed behind her…or rather, followed her behind…
His mind was working over-time with thoughts of what he wanted to do with her and see her do and his body felt ready to exploit. He had been so overwhelmed last night by what had happened between them that he had not even touched himself. He had been totally lost in the sensing of her lips against his and her tight grip on his throbbing cock and it was all he could think about…it had arrested himand was still holding him captive.
They did not speak in the car, both feeling the tension created by invisible electric currents…they were officially hot for one another. Dale pulled up in the car park of the biggest adult store he knew existed. They had the widest range of DVD’s and toys he had ever seen. He snuck a look at Lana’s face to see her reaction and was pleasantly surprised to find her eyes sparkling and her smile sexy and inviting. He asked her how she was feeling about going inside the shop and she just said: “Let’s go!”
So they walked together into the shop, greeting the owners as they passed by the front desk. The owners, Kate and Josh, were a couple in their early forties who both looked incredible for their age. They obviously worked out…but mostly with each other. They had a room at the back of the shop for demonstrating products for customers to see how various toys were used. In this room one could often see such things as him wearing a cock ring to show how to put it on or her demonstrating a straw-on for the ladies and using his ass as a target. It was always a pleasant surprise to see what was going on in that room. Dale loved how uninhibited the couple were and they had an amazing chemistry between them that could be seen and felt from near or far. He suddenly thought that it would be wonderful to watch Lana’s reaction if he asked for a demonstration of some of the bondage gear. There was such a huge range of floggers and restraints, some of which could be a bit mind-boggling.
Dale took a hold of Lana’s arm and steered her towards the bondage section of the shop. She felt the strength of his grip on her upper arm and knew he had something serious on his mind. Once there, he let go of her and reached for a cat-of-nine-tails. The first one he took off the hook was meant looking and would have hurt too much on bare skin. He examined it carefully as though he was contemplating using it on her. He glanced at her face and noticed how her eyes had opened wide and her body was full of tension. He put that one back and took down another one. This one was softer as the tails were not chord, but rather leather. Lana obviously relaxed a bit more. The third one he grabbed felt perfect. It was not as long, the tails were only about one ruler length and made of suede. This was so much better and he knew Lana approved when she took it off him to run her fingers over the tails and playfully slap her other arm with it.
This got the attention of Kate who came up to Lana and Dale to see if they needed any help. Lana blushed and shook her head but Dale surprised her by saying that he would like some help with what sort of restraints were available. Kate smiled and agreed that it was wise to get some sound advice when venturing into this particular area. She offered to get Josh and demonstrate some of the restraints and ties in the back room. This was just what Dale wanted and he quickly agreed. They followed Kate over to Josh and when Dale looked at Lana she seemed excited and nervous.
Josh was happy to help and he gave them both a welcome smile, especially Lana, who looked great in her short red dress. Josh said he would be right over after he finished serving a customer. Kate led them to the back room which was separated from the rest of the shop by a silk curtain, allowing people in the shop to see a Shadowed image of what was going on inside. There were dildo’s and hand-cuffs and floggers and ropes of all sorts of colors and sizes. The room itself was a huge turn-on.
Lana looked around in wonder, slowly taking it all in. She wondered what was about to happen as she had never been here before. What had Kate meant with “demonstrate”? Was Josh actually going to tie Kate up and use a flogger on her? What If they were going to use Lana and Dale to demonstrate? Lana’s imagination was going wild…totally out of control and she was breathing very rapidly. Kate showed Dale the different sized spreader bars and explained how best to fasten them with various ropes. Then Josh came into the room and said “Right, let’s get started!”
Dale explained that he did not know that much about all the bondage equipment and that he was keen to see how some of it was used. Josh took Kate over to a post that he called the “love tree.” It was like a tree trunk but had metal rings mounted in various places for tying ropes to. Kate automatically took her clothes off to the surprise and partial shock of Lana. Her body was strong with well-defined muscles and no spare fat at all. Her tits were large and well shaped with enough firmness to keep them from dropping without a bra. Lana watched as Kate held out her hands for the handscuffs that Josh put on her.
He put Kate’s back against the post and Pulled her arms around to the back of her. Then he clicked the cuffs together and got out some rope. Next he tied rope around Kate’s tits quite tightly, making them instantly change to a deep red color. He then put some nipple clamps on Kate’s nipples and added extra weight balls to hang off them. Every now and then he asked Kate if she was wet yet and every time she answered “NO.”
But Lana and Dale didn’t believe her. In fact, Dale looked over at Lana and saw that she was noticing how shiny Kate’s inner thighs were getting.
Josh tied rope Around Kate’s neck so she couldn’t move her head and he tied rope around her waist as well. He also tied rope under her arms and through some of the higher metal rings above her head. Lastly he brought her legs up so that her knees were in line with her tits but off to the sides and fastened them with in place with more rope. Then he stood back and admired his work. He looked at Dale and Lana as they took in the site of Kate all bound up, with her cunt open, wet and dripping with juice. It really was a fantastic sight. Then he asked her if she was wet yet and again she lied and told him “NO!”
So he called her a “Lying Whore” and told her she would be put on the “Machine” later for lying to him. Dale and Lana wondered what machine he was talking about. Josh picked up the flogger that Lana had taken a liking to earlier and waved it in front of Kate’s face. He explained to Dale that the fear of the flogging was more important than the flogging itself. Then eventually he hit Kate across her nipples quite hard. She cried out in surprise and he did it again. She yelped again but her cheeses were flushed with pleasure and there were lights dancing in her eyes. Dale stole a glance at Lana and was not disappointed. She was enjoying this!
Josh then flogged Kate more till she was really feeling the sing and the nipple clamps fell off her nipples. This caused her to swear between clnched teeth at the sudden pain of the clamps coming off and Josh explained that the pain felt with nipple clamps, does not come till they are suddenly taken off…or flogged off as the case may be. Josh then reached down and took his cock out of his pants. It was a big ragging hard-on with thick veins popping up all over it and pre-cum oozing out of the end. He walked close to Kate and fucked her pussy really hard. She came almost immediately and with a lot of noise. Lana noticed Dale struggling himself through his pants.
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