When you run an elite cleaning company for the rich and the famous, you quickly learn the importance of discretion. I started the company barely a year ago, not expecting much to come of it, but after a couple of lucky breaks, I was getting more referrals for work. If things continued the way they were going, I would have to consider hiring to expand. The only thing was finding someone trustworthy enough to do a good job and not open their mouth about my client’s houses.
Within the last year, I had seen more than my fair share of shocking things. One client had an unhealthy amount of Nazi memorabili and decorations, another I had caught having an affairs with his au pair, and another liked to walk around her house naked at all times. For every client I took, I was required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, stating that I wouldn’t discuss anything about their lifestyle, their property and possessions, and the location of where they lived. I understand the need for it. They were entitled to their privacy, if any information was leaked, there would be plenty of fans stalking the neighborhoods to see their idol, or it would be an advertisement of potential gains for would-be thieves.
The latest client I took on lived on a street in Beverly Hills, a street known for where celebrations lived. As I turned onto the street, I found a security man in front of a large gate who took my name to check against a list and searched my car before allowing me access to the street. I drove slowly, admiring the obscenely large modern mansions, each with a gate and walls for security. This new client was a new class of wealthy that I hadn’t dealt with yet, it made me proud that my company’s report had grown enough even to be considered for properties like this.
I stopped outside the large white, iron gates of my new client’s property and pressed the button on the intercom, seeing the security camera move to show my face to the security as they asked some questions. Eventually, the gates opened, and I inched across the driveway, marvelling at the beautiful gardens, full of perfectly kept flowers and shrubbery, along with a stunning water feature and stone statistics,
I parked my compact van in a parking bay next to a shiny sports car that probably cost a hundred times what I paid for my van. It was warm already for the morning and I hurriedly dragged some of my cleaning equipment to the door where I pushed the bell.
After a little wait, the door opened, revealing one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was tall, his chest and shoulders pressing against the designer suit that he was wearing. The man looked like a cross between an actor and a popular boy band member with eyes that seemed to pierce my soul.
“Miss Sharp, my name is Alexander, it’s great to meet you.”
“Hello Alexander, call me Amy.”
I stumbled through my reply, unable to avert my gaze away from the impressive man before me as he exuded power andconfidence that overwhelmed me completely.
Over a coffee, Alexander introduced himself properly and asked questions about my company. I kept my answers short to not bore him, but he seemed generally interested and continued to probe away.
Alexander guided me around his house giving me a short tour. He was the sole owner, and although my stomach fluttered when he mentioned he was single, my brain kicked in to remind me that this guy was slightly out of my league.
My cleaning services would be required five days a week, including one Saturday a month, and I would be working alongside his assistants, and various grounds staff. So far, everything seemed normal, even more so than some of the other celebrations that I had visited; I briefly wondered why it was so important that I signed the non-disclosure agreement.
“Before we move into the next few rooms, I need to remind you of the agreement you signed and that I can trust you to be discreet.”
“Of course. Discretion is key to my business. I wouldn’t have reached as far as I have currently without building that reward.”
“Right. That was why I picked you. Still, I needed to know.”
For a moment, I wondered if Alexander was up to anything illegal. Did he deal drugs? Was he involved in gang activity? Was that how he gained this wealth?
Whatever I could think of that meant I had to sign the non-disclosure agreement, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when he opened the doors.
We walked into an open room with various statistics and art, although among the art, there were several women tied up in bondage, naked or wearing a latex outfit. They had been set up artificially to fit in with the displays around them. I shrank back to the door, suddenly wondering what kind of hell I had got myself into.
“Before you run away screaming. Every woman is here of their own free will and as a matter of fact, they have even paid to be here.”
As if to demonstrate, Alexander walked calmly to the closest girl as I stood by the door, debating whether or not to run for the exit. She looked to be in her early thirties, and a bit of a fitness freak judging by her toned body. Restrained by rope on her knees, her arms were bound behind her back by a leather contraction that appeared to be a long single glove. A short bit of rope secured her intricately braided hair to a metal ring on the floor, pulling her hair back so that she was forced to look upwards.
My curiosity outweighted my fear and I walked closer to the woman to get a better look. It looked like she was wearing black contacts, and she wore a discreet pair of in-ear headphones. The cherry-red lipstick on her lips that enclosed the black ball gag in her mouth was the only make-up present on her face and I could see her drool trickling down her chin, dripping down onto her firm and full-rounded cleavage.
I’d never been this close to another naked woman in a situation like this and I found myself comparing her body to mine. She was taller than me, though that wasn’t a hard feat, and also a little slimmer and a bit more toned than I was. Her skin was flawless and clear of any tattoos or piercings. Just seeing her like that was making me feel hot and flustered and I wasn’t sure why.
Alexander gently brushed his hand against the girl’s shoulder and she jumped slightly from the attention. He Then got his phone out, opened an app, tapped the screen a few times and began to speak into the phone.
“Sofia, I have the new cleaner, Miss Sharp, with me, I’m going to remove your gag now.”
Sofia leaned into Alexander’s touch as he removed the gag and wiped the drool from her chin onto her body.
“Hello, Miss Sharp. Lovely to meet you.”
Sofia looked in a different direction from where I was standing and I looked towards Alexander somewhat bemused.
“Sofia was experiencing sensing deprivation with the bondage. The black contact lenses obscure her vision entirely and the premium noise cancelling headphones playing white noise cut out any external sounds.”
“Oh. Hello Sofia, lovely to meet you too.”
I couldn’t find the words to say as my mind processed his words. To be bound, with your sight and sound cut off, so helplessly. In a way, I imagine it must feel so freeing yet so terrifying.
“Thank you, Sofia. I’ll let you get back to where you were while I finished the tour with Miss Sharp.”
“Thank you, Sir. Enjoy the tour, Miss Sharp.”
I watched dumbfounded as Alexander placed the ball gag back in Sofia’s mouth and replaced the headphones.
While Alexander walked me around the room, he explained that he had made his money through his video and photography work within Hollywood, but another main password of his was the BDSM lifestyle. He found a way to combine his career and his password for BDSM to provide photography and services to those who required them, and he discovered that he was pretty good at working with rope.
People started to reach out for more than just photography as his reputation grow. With Alexander, they found a person they could trust to experience some of their fansies in a safe and discreet environment.
“So everyone here chose to be so, how long do they stay like this?”
I had many questions formed out of pure curiosity and not judgement. I’d heard of the lifestyle, but never sought to experience it myself; I wasn’t sure why, maybe because of the taboo that surrounded that was associated with it all.
“It depends on how long they want to and how long it is healthy to do so. You see, the girls that stay here pay to be able to do so. They pay for my rope skills, for my ability to read them as a confident, dominant man, and because they feel safe to be able to live out their fans through me. I also help to network them with my contacts, sometimes helping them further their careers.”
I nodded, taking everything in as we continued walking around the room while marvelling at all the women on display. A larger woman was standing straight on the tip of her toes, cuffed to a pole between her legs with a metal phalic shape ending that penetrated her. She had the build of a rugby player and stood tall, making her look like an Amazon warrior. Like Sofia, she wore black contact lenses and headphones, though she also wore a set of clamps on her nipples, strung up so that They were stretched upwards. Instead of distress on the woman’s face, her face expressed pleasure as she desperately tried to shuffle up and down the pole in vain without pulling on the clamps too much. As Alexander walked past, he plucked on the taut length of strings like a guitar as the woman moaned in pleasure.
“Thank you, Sir.”
She looked around aimlessly, unable to see because of the contacts but the pleasure was etched all over her face. Alexander placed a hand on her face and stroked her cheek before moving on.
“So, Alexander, why are you showing me all this?”
Alexander paused briefly as if in thought before leading me to another door at the back of the room.
“For this job, I need someone who I know cares about the work they’re doing. It’s not just the house that needs to be cleaned, it’s the girls who stay here for extended periods. The latex needs shining, sometimes their bodies may need washing. I need someone to commit to doing a professional job and taking pride in their work. From what I’ve heard from your clients, your attention to detail and ensuring your work was done to the highest standard was commendable. I understand this is not your conventional cleaning job, and I will ensure that the contract drawn up will reward a job well done. I understand this adds more to an already difficult job, but you will have plenty of help if you accept it.”
I was taken aback by Alexander’s honesty and slightly flattered by the kind words from my previous clients. It was true, maybe it was my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but when I worked, I was fixed on getting the job done to an incredibly high standard, and I worked hard for long hours to make that happen.
The job here for Alexander intrigued me; it was a far call from my usual clients with their modern houses and expensive art that needed to be kept spotlessly clean. For that reason, I decided to negotiate a contract with Alexander. The money he offered for my role here was generous, offering essentials for a job well done as promised. I would be accountable for the cleanliness of the house, and the comfort and cleanliness of those here for extended times.
I verbally agreed to my position here and Alexander Shook my hand with a delightful smile on his face, He turned his attention to the door in front of us and I stepped inside to a small room with no windows. The floor, walls, and ceiling were the same white, making them seem seamless. In the Middle of the room, resting upon slim pedestals, was a bald girl facialng away from me positioned as if she was doing the splits. Her hair was tied up with rope connected to the ceiling, and her arms were crossed behind her back and secured with steel cuffs. In the middle of the pedestals, there was a slightly smaller pedestal with a large vibrating wand attached that rested against the girl’s clip.
“Abby here is one of my two personal assistants and lovers who assist in the day-to-day running of my company and with personal commitments. Two years ago, she was an aspiring model who came to me to build her portfolio and as an escape from her stressful life. As I got to know her, I entered I discovered she had a knack for admin skills and I offered her a role. My profits and reputation have increased exponentially since I hired my assistants.”
“You have two lovers?”
Even though a bound girl positioned doing the splits was in front of me, it was the multiple lovers that shocked me. It shouldn’t of course, in this day and age more and more people are exploring non-monogamy.
“I do, does that shock you? The three of us are in an open relationship, polyamory is a lifestyle choice that suits us.”
“So, why is Abby tied up in here?”
“Like the others, because she wants to be, and she knows it pleases me. She has the same contact lenses and headphones as the rest and that vibrator between her legs has been programmed to tease her constantly for the last hour. She is so lost in her arousal right now that she probably isn’t even aware that we’ve just walked in.”
I followed Alexander as we walked around to face Abby. She wore a latex corset and latex outfit that left her pussy and breasts exposed along with a large collar of sorts around her neck.
“What is that around her neck?”
“It is a posture collar. You see, Abby enjoys handing over complete control while she is here. I’m responsible for choosing what she eats, drinks, wears and does. I didn’t think I’d enjoy being responsible for someone likethat but she enjoys it, and now so do I.”
Alexander lightly cupped Abby’s face and she smiled.
“Hello, Sir.”
Her voice was soft as if she was in her happy place. Alexander gently stroked her hair as he told her I was present.
“Hello Miss Sharp, have you enjoyed the tour so far?”
I giggled to myself reading her tone.
“I have, Though it was not at all what I expected.”
“I can imagine.”
Alexander slowly and gently unbound Abby and helped her to her feet. She held onto him as she found her balance before removing her contact lenses and taking a moment to blink and adjust to the brightness. Now that she was standing, the model with the stunning legs towered over me and I struggled to keep my eyes away from her smooth body. Abby was virtually completely hairless, her eyeshes were the only hairs I saw on her body and even her eyesabrows had been shaken off. Although this, she looked fiercely beautiful.
I followed Alexander and Abby back toAnother room where Abby stepped into a metal chatity belt. I’d only ever seen these in films set in medieval times, though the set Abby was wearing was far less clunky, had a pink trim and a slit for her to pee out of, and a butt plug attachment that slipped into her ass as she put it on. It also came with a matching steel bra with a matching pink trim.
“Abby has also given away her right to an orgasm until I see fit for her to have one. How long has it been now Abby?”
“Two weeks, Sir.”
Two weeks! Well, two weeks isn’t that long to go without an orgasm, I’ve been so busy with work that I rarely find the time nowadays. But, if she is strung up and teased every day like she was today every day, I bet it would begin to feel more than a little frustrating.
“Well, I have a meeting to attend, Amy. Do you mind if Abby finishes your tour?”
“Not at all. I hope I can live up to your trust in my company.”
“I’m sure you will.”
Abby continued showing me around most of the rooms that required cleaning, it was clear I would have to create a schedule as this was a big job, especially with the added responsibility of the women. I had so many questions I wanted to ask her about what I’d seen, but I didn’t know how to word them.
When the tour finished, I left the property feeling optimistic. This was a big job, and one that was taking me out of my comfort zone, but it would be worth it. A couple of my regular contracts were ending and I’d have to renegotiate them with one of my employees taking over; This job here with Alexander was too lucrative to turn down and I would rather it had my full attention.
A week later, I drove to Alexander’s property again to begin my new role. Alexander wasn’t in and I was greeted by his other assistant and lover, Camilla. Unlike Abby, Camilla was smaller in status, just a little taller than me. The only difference was that she was very flat-chested, whereas I was blessed with bountiful breasts.I say blessed, being this small with large boobs provided many challenges balancing at times. With long dark hair, tanned skin, and a slim body, she looked incredible wearing her tight-fitting dress.
“No Abby today?”
“She’s here, she’s otherwise occurred. In fact, you will see her on your rounds.”
There was something odd about Camilla’s overly feminine voice, almost as if it sounded fake but I ignored it for now. Going by what she said, I would guess that Abby was in one of the two rooms I saw on the tour, probably in a similar position.
Camilla led me to a small cosy room with a window showing the beautiful gardens out front. There was a locker, a desk and office chair, a comfortable-looking sofa, and a television. This was to be my office and rest area While I worked, and it was far more than anything I was expecting.
“So, do you wear the same metal contraction that Abby wears?”
The words escaped my lips the second the intrusive thought went throughh my mind; I covered my mouth in shock, looking at Camilla horrified.
“I’m sorry, Camilla, it’s none of my business.”
“Don’t apologise, sweety, chances are we’re going to be working together for a while and I’m not ashamed to talk about my relationship. Would you like me to show you?”
I nodded sheepishly, unable to control my curiosity.
Camilla lifted her tight dress, but instead of the steel chatity belt I was expecting to see, there was a small pink plastic cage of sorts that fitted around Camilla’s cock. Well, that explained the flat chest.
“You were born male? Sorry if that’s rude, you look so pretty!”
“Thank you, and that’s fine. I was born male but never felt right about myself. It wasn’t until I met Alexander and Abby that I started to dress up and felt like I was truly myself.”
“That’s wonderful, I bet that thing is pretty uncomfortable to wear at times, it hasn’t been two weeks for you as well has it?”
I didn’t know what was upwith me, I was never usually this confident or forward.
“I like how it feels, every time I knock the cage against something it reminds me of my confidence. I usually receive a similar treatment to Abby, so it is two weeks for me as well.”
Camilla then went to leave for her office, telling me where it was and showing me a mini-map on my office wall; it was a first for me, working in a house large Enough that it needed a map. Alone in my office, I worked on creating a plan and carried the laptop with me as I slowly walked through the rooms marking down what needed to be done every week.
Eventually, I arrived at the rooms with the art and women as decorations. On the wall outside the door was a clipboard with details of who was inside the room. Like a patient board at the hospital, it listed details about them Along with a picture to help recognize them. It stated whether they needed their outfits cleaned, needed washing themselves, or if they consented to be touched along with many other details; I was impressed at the work that went into this.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. Much like the first time I stepped in here, I was blown away by the beauty of the decorations and the way the people here were set up to complete the art around them. The first display of women I came across today was three women on their knees in a row, each other facing the same direction. They were Each enclosed in a black latex outfit covering their entire body and a matching latex hood that allowed their hair to trail out in a braided ponytail. The first girl had her hands taped covering her eyes, the girl next to her had her hands taped covering her ears, and the last of the three had her hands taped covering her mouth. It took me a second, but I recognized the display represented the phrase: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
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