The Classroom Pt. 05

Part 5: The punishment

It was an hour now, arms and legs fastened, my cock imprisoned in a cock cage, and a vibrating butt plug pulsing in my ass. No idea when it will end. I call out best I can with the ball gag in my mouth. She isn’t responding. I don’t know if she is just sitting there watching me, or just left me in this compromised state.

It all began with a cheat and a lie. I blame myself; though I never imagined my punishment to be so severe. I brought my essay to class and I foolishly thought I might even get a good grade.

What I found instead was Ms. Tawnee two steps ahead of me. She set a trap and I tumbled head long into it.

The assignment was to have sex with a stranger and write an essay describing the experience. Initially I struggled completing the Assignment but luckyly I encountered my classmate Alexia. She suggested that I pretend she was the stranger and write the essay based on that. Blinded by my desire to fuck her, I didn’t think throughthe peril of lying.

Ironically, the night that Alexian and I had the charade of meeting as strangers, I really did meet a stranger. Her name was Mabel. Mabel and I had a nice time talking while I waited for Alexia to show up. In the end, when I wrote my essay for the assignment in my class, I wove the two experiences together. I thought it was a good essay with my geneuine interaction with Mabel, and the great sex with Alexia. Everything happened as I wrote it, but just not with the same person.

When I got to class, we changed into our uniforms and sat down. Alexia was there and already seated, she sat looking disinterested and didn’t return my greeting. I guessed she didn’t want to let on that we got to know each other better. There was no sign of Seth, the only other student I have encountered in class. I am still new to Ms. Tawnee’s class.

Ms. Tawnee came in. She walked to the lectern and we did our class greetings. Ms. Tawnee was wearing her typical professional clots, which I never got tired of. She also had a black leather bag. It looked like one of those bags doctors use for house calls.

“Alright, your assignments please,” she said. I had printed mine and handed her about 10 pages of descriptive writing. Alexia handed her a single white sheet. As far as I could tell, there was only a single sentence on it! I was confused and worried for Alexia. I Thought she said that she would be able to do the assignment. I thought she could complete it in her sleep.

Ms. Tawnee raised an eyebrow, “Really, Alexia. Frankly, I am not surprised. Give me a minute to read Eli’s essay.” Ms. Tawnee sat down and started reading through my submission.

After 10 minutes of reading. She stopped, put down the paper and asked Alexia, “So where did you meet?”

I thought Ms. Tawnee was addressing me at fist and started to reply, “Mabel and I…” Alexia cut in.

“We met at Maxine’s,” she said and my heart dropped. Alexia was not looking at me.

“Nice choice Alexia,” smiled Ms. Tawnee, “and what did you do on the ride to his house?”

“I gave him oral sex,” I knew she was talking about me that night.

“I see, and then what?” asked Ms. Tawnee.

Alexia proceeded to describe the rest of our evening, which aligned with the last half of my essay.

Then Ms. Tawnee turned to me, “An what do you have to say for yourself, Eli?”

I felt like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“I may have embellished a bit,” I offered as a lame excuse.

“Like who you were exactly having sex with,” Ms. Tawnee admonished me.

“Alexia, you completed your assignment perfectly, and Eli, it seems that I won’t fail you, as there are elements of truth, and the temptation I laid out was understood hard to resist. However…” and Ms. Tawnee paused and walked back to her bag, opened it and took out something purple about the size of a stapler.

“However, you deserve nothing more than a D on this assignment. You attempted to complete it but you lied to me, like a naughty little boy, and for that you will be punished. Come here.”

I got up and walked to the front of the classroom.

“This is my new toy, and I have been wanting to try it out.” She held up what looked like a sophisticated cock cage..

“Pull down your pants,” she demanded.

I did as I was told, I was nervous, but was also feeling a little aroused.

“Oh, you naughty boy. This is turning you on,” Ms. Tawnee said smiling.

She knelt and jerked my trousers and underwear down to my ankles.

“Stand still, while I fit this.”

She sleaved my cock into the device, and it was snug as I was getting quickly turned on as she gentle put my cock inside, and fit it so my balls hung exposed. Once in place, I hear an audible gear sound and could feel it tight about my cock such that I would not be removing it until she released me. My developing erection pressed against the confines of the cock cage.

“Put your pants back on and return to your seat.”

I did as I was told.

“Let me explain your punishment. And Alexia, you get an A for the task, we will reward you tonight if you like?”

For the first time I saw Alexia smile. Then she looked at me with generally apologetic look and worded, “I’m sorry.”

Right, I quickly realized that her assignment wasn’t to have sex with a stranger, but it was to trap me, and she managed that perfectly.

“Eli, your cock is mine,” said Ms. Tawnee. “It will remain imprisoned until you complete the assignment correctly,” she paused. Then she said, “You say ‘Yes, Ms. Tawnee.’”

I was still a little stunned, “Um, yes, Ms. Tawnee.”

“Good. Now if you want to quit, you can at any time. Your cage is voice responsive. Stand up and I will demonstrate.”

I stood up, I have never had been in such a submissive situation, and frankly, I was embarrassed, and turned on. I could feel my cock getting aroused and subsequently pushing against the confines of the cage.

“Show us your cage.” She commanded.

“Yes, Ms. Tawnee.” I opened my pants.

“Eli, when I indicate I want you to say, ‘Ms. Tawnee, release me.’”

“Yes, Ms. Tawnee.”

Then she said to the device, “Cage, set voice release activation code.” She then looked at me and raised her eyesbrows indicating it was my turn to talk.

“Ms. Tawnee, release me,” I said, and I could feel the lock release.

“Remove it and then place it back on Eli.”

I did as I was told. I pulled the cage off and I was getting hard. I re-sleaved the cage and slide my balls into place.

She leaned in and told me to say, “Cage lock.”

“Cage lock.” and I felt the mechanism reengage. My cock was pressing against the confines of the cage like an animal wanting its freedom. I started to pull up my pants.

“I didn’t tell you to do anything,” Ms. Tawnee said curtly.

I stopped.

“Stand there and listen.”

I stood at attention, with my locked cock and exposed. Alexia didn’t look amused, she looked generally sorry. It was strange, I didn’t resent her or Ms. Tawnee. The submissive in me was going nuts, and I was really aroused.

“So, like I said. You can say the release command any time you want to quit, or need to for whatever reason. Know this. If you quit, I will get a message that indicates that you released yourself. If you do so, without my permission, you can keep the cage as a souvenir. You will no longer be a student in this class. Don’t both coming anymore. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Tawnee.”

“Good, once a day you may release yourself for 10 minutes. This is to facilitate any cleaning that you would like to do. The device sends me regular updates of its status. If you don’t satisfy my rules then you can keep the device and you are done.”

“Yes, Ms. Tawnee.”

“Any questions?”

I thought about it for a minute. Ms. Tawnee patiently waited.

“Inorder to release my cock I have to have sex with an actual stranger. But how am I to have sex with a stranger, if my cock is locked away? That is the condition of release. Isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She said no more. “Any other questions?”

I thought some more, but was mostly struggling to grapp my punishment. Finally, I said, “Um, no questions Ms. Tawnee.” I was flustered and was sure I would have questions later, but I just wanted to zip up and hide my punishment.

“Take, this bag with the charger. The battery should last, but if it takes you awhile to complete your task then you will need to charge it. If the battery dies you won’t be able to release it at all. It the battery dies, I will cease to receive updates. If that is more than 10 minutes, then I assume you gave up. In that case, don’t come back. That is it, you are dismissed. I hope to see you next week, but only come back to class when you have properly completed the assignment.”

Ms. Tawnee then proceeded to actas if I was no longer in the room. She walked over to Alexia, bent down and kissed her full on the lips. Cripes, I was getting so aroused and the cage was holding my cock. I quickly went back to my locker and changed into my clothes and took the little bag with the charger. Ms. Tawnee was still fawning over Alexia, as I left.

As I drove home, it took some getting use to the cage. It was not uncomfortable. It became more comfortable as my cock relaxed. It was a like having on a cock ring. About halfway home, I really needed to use the bathroom.

I got back to my place and rushed to the toilet. To my relief I was able to pee without making too much of a mess. I used a little soap and water, to clean, which stung as I accidentally got some suds in my urethra. I tried rinsing it which was awkward. I worried for a bit. Could I damage the cage? Would there be a consequence? I guessed that like breaking any of Ms. Tawnee’s rules I would keep the broken device as souvenir. What if itbroke and I couldn’t remove it? I put these thoughts out of my mind.

I tried to go about the rest of my day without dwelling too much on my circumstances. I was constantly aware of the extra weight, and restrictions. The juxtaposition of being confined by Ms. Tawnee, and not being able to access my cock made me curious and aroused. That evening I couldn’t bear it any longer and was curious if I could still climax with the device on. I went in the bedroom and undressed. My cock was as erect as it could become within the confines of the cage.

I made futile attempts to move the device enough to stimulate my aroused cock, but it was firmly in place. Really my arousal caused more disappoint and made it impossible to achieve satisfaction. It compounded my arousal and frustration.

After a week of getting used to having a cage on my cock, many times I would forget it was there. Mostly at night when I used to masturbate, I found myself frustrated and confounded. I always had myten minutes of freedom, but that became a routine of cleaning and relocking before my time was up. I would set a timer to be on the safe side. There was no indication of the information transferring to Ms. Tawnee, but I had to take her at her word.

How the hell was I going to have sex, with anyone, much less a stranger while this thing has my cock locked away!

Maybe it was out of a growing desire, or maybe it was just because I thought we had a natural chemistry I called Mabel that I met at the bar that fateful night.

Maybe if I explained my situation to her? I didn’t want to freak and chase Mabel off. I generally liked her. I decided to call her regardless.

She answered, “Hello?”

“Hi, thanks for answering. It’s Eli, we met at Maxine’s the other night.” I said hoping she remembered me, and she did.

“Hi!” she said enthusiastically. “I wasn’t sure you were going to call! Things didn’t work out with your date?”

“Yes and no. It is a long story.”

“I’d love to hear it. Start off from where that creep was bothing the two of you. I was glad to see he got what’s coming to him. He hurt a friend of mine and it was great to see the Universe return the favor.”

“Mabel, I hope this isn’t too forward, but would you like to meet and talk?”

“Sure! When and where?”

“Can I take you out to coffee?”

“You can take me out to more than that.”

This was going faster and better than I ever hoped.

“That sound’s fantastic, but can we start with a coffee date?”

“OOh a date. Does tomorrow work for you? It’s my day off.”

We made a date for a coffee shop close to where she lives in the afternoon of the next day. I walked in, and saw her sitting already. I walked up to her and she stood up. She was wearing a light brown sweater that fit tightly on her ample boobs. She was not tall at a little over five feet. She had a skirt, and I realized that she looked like she was a step away from cosplay of Velma from Scooby-Doo. It was the glasses that did it.

“You look amazing.”

“You too.”

“I am going to get a coffee, be back in a minute.”

I went and ordered, when I came back to the table, she asked me to sit next to her rather than across, which was a little odd.

We talked easily for an hour. Mabel had a dry sense of humor that I enjoyed and our politics seemed to be pretty close. She slipped in the occasional flirtatious comment, with a pun or innuendo. Then as we talked, she put her hand on my leg. My cock rapidly pressed against the confines of its cage, which caused me to panic. Then in the course of our conversation, she said in a whisper, “Can I tell you something?”


“I am not wearing any panties.”

It was torture. I got a little flustered. I whispered back, “Mabel, that is so hot, but…”

She put her hand on my leg again and began to rub my inner thigh. I panicked, I didn’t want her to touch my cage without properly explainning. I also didn’t want her to think I wasn’t interested.

“Mabel, I can’t do more today, but please don’t think it’s because I don’t want to. I have a few obligations before I can.” My cock was pressing hard against its confines.

“My place isn’t far. I will make it worth the walk,” she said. She was relentless and I was so frustrated. This is what I wanted, but I didn’t quite know how to explain. She kept struggling my leg as she pressed. I grabbed her hand and interlaced my fingers in hers.

“Honestly, I am going crazy, but I have to give you a raincheck.”

She replied with a cute false pout, “I don’t like waiting long.”

“It won’t be, can I walk you to your place?”

She smiled again, “Yes.”

She did not let go of my hand, pulled me up and held it while we walked to here place. When I got to her house, she pulled me down and gave me a kiss. “Last chance to come in and play with me.”

“Next time, I promise,” she cut me off with another kiss, andmoved her hand towards my thigh again. I havetily retired. I hoped I didn’t send the wrong signal, but I wasn’t ready to go into an explanation of the class and all that entailed. I quickly walked back to my car at the coffee shop, got in and drove home in a state of arousal and heightened frustration.

I was so desperate to get the cage off, so I decided to try to hire someone for sex. I hadn’t ever hired for sex, so I was apprehensive to do so at first. Searching the internet left no lack of escort and other services. I had no idea what was rewardable. Then I remember that I had some information from Ms. Tawnee’s class. One of the first assignments had the option of using a prostitute. Ms. Tawnee provided contact information. It was merely and option that I didn’t use at the time. I completed that assignment without using it.

It was a single phone number printed on a plain white business card. I am sure that I put it somewhere. I went to my files and searched in all theplaces I thought I might have put it. After minutes of searching through my files, to my relief, I found it at the bottom of a folder.

Printed on it were 10 digits with no hyphens or spaces. I dialed it.

“Hello Eli, how can we help you?” a pleasant voice I did not recognize greeted me.

“Hi, I am in Ms. Tawnee’s class and need your assistance.”

“Yes, and what would you like?”

“Um a stranger? Can she come to my house?”

“Here is what you need to do, type the number that you just called into the web browser of your choice. It will ask you a question, answer it with ‘converge.’ C-O-N-V-E-R-G-E one word all lower case. Then follow the instructions.”

“Ok, thank you.”

“You are welcome good day,” and the call ended.

I did as the lady on the phone instructed and a dark purple screen loaded. In a simple font the question was written, “You request?” I replied with word converge and a new screen loaded with hello Eli. Please select your stringer. It was a page of 20 attractive men and women from the age of 20 to 40 or various ethnicity. To anyone it might be a page from an upscale clothing catalog. There was no text anywhere. There were no names, just a white page with 12 beautiful women and 8 handsome men. I was intrigued and excited. From a purely visual selection, I chose a woman who looked like she might be Indian or Pakistani. She might be in her early 30s, nice breasts in a plain white bloom. She looked business professional.

I clicked on the picture and the picture expands to fill the screen and the text, “You have chosen Meili.” captions at the bottom of the screen. Then a price of $1500 and a confirm button. No cancel, just confirm. I was a little taken aback and decided that it would be worth it to get this damned cage off. A messaged indicating discrete billing came up and I put the expense on my credit card.

After accepting my money I was given a questionnaire. It was a thorough exploration of my desires. It explored everything from what fetishes I preferred, wanted to explore or not. The more I answered the more excited I became, imagining Meili satisfying those desires. A consequence of this cock cage was that my I was experiencing an intensity of horny frustration that I have never experienced before. I was daydreaming about sex and fulfillment. Filling out this questionnaire was arousing. My cock was full in the cage. I was aching for release.

The questionnaire ended with a place to provide any additional information. I wasn’t positive how much to say about my prediction, but I explained that I was in a submissive circumstances and that I needed to have sex per my master’s instruction.

When complete, it left an address and asked for a time. I selected 6:00 tomorrow night. I wanted this completed as soon as possible. It took a minute, and then I realized that the address was the same building that the Class is at, but a different floor. Since it was recommended byMs. Tawnee, I not sure why I was surprised.

I showed and dressed. It had been 2 weeks since having this cage on. Two weeks of building sexual frustration. I had been dutiful in removing it, cleaning myself, and replacing it in less than 10 minutes. I usually took care of this in the evening. I had been tempted once or twice to quickly masturbate once it was off, but a part of me didn’t want to Violate the spirit of the situation. So ultimately, I would say, “Ms. Tawnee, release me.” I would take a quick shower, dry and reattach it and say, “Cage lock,” and it would be locked away for another day.

Soon I told myself that I would be rid of it. Over the last few weeks, I tried a number of times in frustration to cum with the device on, but it was impossible.

I drove to the building in a frenzy of anticipation. I parked in a different place that I would for the class. Subconsciously, I think I wanted to keep this and that separate in my mind. I went inside and almost push the floor for the class out of mindless habit, but went the floor per the instructions for my session with Meili.

I walked down the hallway and open the door at the room number I was given, there was no signage. It could have been the door to a utility closet for all I knew. However, when I open the door I walked into what looked like a waiting room of a nice clinic. There was a handsome man sitting behind a reception desk. I walked up and told him my name.


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