Part 4: The second assignment.
Sex with a stranger, sounded great, but I have never done it. I am introverted and I hardly know where to start. I suppose I could go to a bar and try and pick someone up? Ugg, that was just not me. Would online sex count? Should I hire a prostitute? I worried about disease, safety, and ethics. I am not strictly against prostitution. It is a dangerous job for prostitutes. They risk arrest, disease, and abuse. I just felt unethical supporting that.
So, my assignment was to have sex with a stranger and I was worried of failing the assignment. It was two days since class and I was procrastinating. After my dividend, I did little in terms of dating. My partners have always been people that I got to know and like. So sexually, I would satisfy myself with porn, erotica, or my own imagination. Actively finding a stranger to have sex was fraught with difficulty.
However, fortune smiled upon me. I was at the supermarket, doing my one-stop shopping. Then I looked over in the coffee aisle and there was Alexia from class.
God, she was cute. She had on a tight fit t-shirt, short jean shorts, white tennis shoes. He hair was down and she turned looked right at me. I panicked a little, I wasn’t sure how she felt about our relationship outside of the class. Would she wanted to acknowledge me?
“Hi,” I said tentatively.
“Hi Eli.” She replied. She used my name! It made me a little more confident she was willing to acknowledge our common interest.
“It’s a surprise to see you here Alexia,” I said smiling, “I thought you lived, I mean… Do you live neary?” Then I felt super intrusive. I didn’t want to be a creep.
“Yeah, I have an apartment close to here. How about you?” She asked.
“Yeah, my house is just down the road. Walking distance actually.” This was going well.
“Do you have a little time after your shopping?” Alexia asked.
“Yes.” I said trying to contain my excitement.
“Let’s grab a coffee and talk about class.” As she said that I couldn’t believe my luck.
“That sounds great,” I could feel myself getting aroused just remembering class and stood in disbelief for a moment. I agreed to meet her at the coffee shop in 20 minutes, and quickly finished my shopping, and made my way to the little coffee shop there at the store. She was already in line when I got there and motioned me to join her. I ordered a black coffee and she got some complicated coffee concoction. I offered to treat her and she accepted. We took our drinks to one of those tables where you sit in absurdly tall chairs.
Alexia sat and dangled her terrific legs. She was kicking her legs playfully as we talked.
“So you wanted to talk about class?” I asked.
“Yes, I just want to warn you that Ms. Tawnee can play with her students.” She said outright.
“Yeah, I think that is part of the excitement for me,” I replied.
“Right,” she paused like she was searching for the right thing to say, “it can sometimes be pretty intense. Like Seth for instance.” Seth was the guy in the gimp suit.
“Yeah, what was up with that?”
Last class Seth, wearing a leather/latex gimp suit, had his nose in the corner of the classroom. Ms. Tawnee introduced him as a naughty boy. I pretty much guessed that he had some serious submissive kinks and was enjoying himself. Alexia pretty much confirmed that, but also told me that she was part of the reason that he was in that predicament. I asked her to clarify, but she seemed to keep it vague, and then changed the subject.
“How is your assignment going?” she inquired.
“Terrible,” I replied and proceeded to explain my misgivings of having sex with a stranger.
“And how are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m Still working on it.” She said looking away from me. “If, you don’t want to have sex with a stranger, why not just say you did and write the essay.”
“Lie? I considered it, but I lack experience. I don’tt think I could be all that convincing.” I replied.
“I doubt you lack experience,” she said playfully.
“No, I mean picking up strangers.” I answered realizing she was just teasing.
“How about this,” Alexia offered still looking elsewhere, almost as if she were expecting someone. “We could meet at Maxine’s bar and pretend to not know each other? We hook up as strangers?”
That was a temptation that I couldn’t resist, “Seriously, that sounds great. But you don’t mind mixing pleasure with pleasure? I mean, that brings you into my deception for the assignment.” I said trying to give her a chance to reconsider her offer, it seemed a lot.
“Well, if you would rather do it the fair way…” she replied playfully.
“No, no, I love your idea, but we can’t just describe the same scenario for our essay, what are you going to do?” I asked.
“Well, if we do this, then I am pretty sure that I can complete the assignment.” Alexia said, looking off again.
“Ok, When?” I asked.
“Does tonight work?” She asked.
“Sure, what time?” I said, a little to enthusiastically
“If you are there by 7:00 I will show up a little later.”
God, I was excited. I was floating on my walk home. Alexia was so sexy, frank, and a little playful. I hardly knew anything about her, which made me feel like I wasn’t really cheating on this assignment. She was conventionally attractive. I imagine in normal circumstances she could walk into a bar, come home with a stranger and complete this assignment without hardly a second thought.
As soon as I got home I put away my groceries, I cleaned my place up. She might say she’d come to my place if I offered. I showed, worn, groomed myself. I put some nice casual attire and unexpectedly awaited until it was time to head to the bar. I hadn’t felt this eager since a first date with my ex. That was 10 years ago.
I searched for information on Maxine’s bar on my phone. I hadn’t ever been there. It seemed like it was a well-known hook-up bar. I was a little anxious, but more eager. Honestly, I have been out of dating and hooking-up for so long that I would probably be a bigger anxious mess right now if it were not for Alexia’s offer.
Traffic was not bad and I got there earlier than I intended. Inside was dimly lit, but not seedy. The bar was upscale. The rafters exposed the air circuit pipes, but in a chic industrial sense. There was a dance floor, and it looked like a live band might be setting up. It seemed I was there early in general. There were a few patrons, but it was pretty quiet for a hook-up bar. It was the middle of the week.
I looked around and felt a little like an awkward school boy at a school dance. I decided to get a drink and cool my nerves.
I sat at the bar and the bar tended was a pretty woman. She looked like young a fashionable pop country singer. She wore nice fitting jeans, a tank top that showed nice cleavage. She looked young and confident and I bet she did well on tips. I ordered a beer on tap and sipped and waited.
Then surprisingly a short and pretty lady made eye contact with me as I sat and waited. I smiled and she smiled back. I avoided looking too long. I thought about bringing out my phone and checking the weather or something, but I try to avoid needlessly looking at my phone to escape disappoint or boredom.
I decided to observe people in the bar for a while. The lady who made eye contact with me, was sitting alone. I wonder why she is here? Is she waiting for someone specific like me, or was she coming to meet a stranger? She looked like she was coming off of work. Her attitude looked business appropriate. It was simple but quality clothing. She was curvy and cute. I tend to be more attracted to petite and fit women, but she was definitely attractive.
All of my observing must have seemed like I was signaling, which led to an awkward moment. She can over to where I was sitting, and introduced herself.
“Hi, my name is Mabel.” She said as she sat down next to me.
“Hey, I am Eli. I am sorry if I was staring.” Crap, if I were not waiting for Alexia, I would have been more than pleased to be in this situation. If Alexia came, it would be weird to chase Mabel off for another lady. Alexia was gorgeous, and it would seem I would be… well I just had a premonition of being rude. I decided to be frank. “I am waiting for someone, so I don’t mean to be rude…”. I felt myself blush a little.
“No,” she continued to smile, without the hint of disappointment, “you just looked interested… in me.”
“I was, I mean, I am,” I hoped I was coming off as awkwardly cute, because I felt like an idiot. I couldn’t explain my situation. I really wanted to ask her for a raincheck. I tried to think of something to say, but I was at a loss. “I am meeting a friend, but we are pretending to meet for the first time, and I am not good at any of this.” I came out truly. “I am sorry that I was staring at you, I think you are very attractive and if I were not doing what I am doing, I would love to get to know you better.”
“Ok, Eli, that is one of the more creative no-thank-yous that I have heard. How about this, we can keep each other company for a little while and when she comes you can point her out and I will back out and watch with Interest.”
“Sure, thanks, I don’t want to sound cliché, but do you come here often?”
“No, now and again. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, and I felt I needed to get out again.” She told me.
And we talked for almost an hour before Alexia showed up. I liked Mabel. I apologized about breaking off our conversation, but Mabel politely bowed out. I asked for her phone number before she left and she gave it to me. It really seemed like my lucky night.
Alexia came in alone, and looked amazing. She had on a tight fitted one-piece black dress. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She noticed me and smiled. Then she went to the bar and ordered a drink. She kept making eye contact with me and I was about to head her way when a big football quarterback looking guy moved next to her. He looked like a stereotypical jock, muscle, in slacks and a silk shirt, with his black hair slicked back. Alexia looked disinterested and moved away. He persisted. Then she turned and looked as if she told him to leave her alone, but he wasn’t getting the message.
I wasn’t sure what to do. Then I decided to give up the pretext of not knowing her, and moved her way. I told myself, that I could pretend to be a guy who didn’t know her, in an act of chivalry pretending to know her, to chase off the dude she obviously didn’t fancy.
“Hey, I am glad you made it,” I said and moved in and kissed her on the cheese. She graciously allowed it and turned her back on the guy.
“Bud out chump,” he said right at me.
I blinked and said, “Sorry, I don’t know you.”
“No, but she won’t be interested in a twerp like you.”
“Is he bothering you?” I asked Alexia.
“Immensely.” She replied looking at me and physically ignoring him.
I felt cliché, but said, “You heard the lady, go away.”
Then he pushed me on my chest. I was positive that he wanted to start a fight. I was also sure if he started a fight I would come out the worse for wear. But I stood my ground, and looked him in the eye.
“You gonna make me,” he said and he sounded drink.
I then projected my voice to draw attention to the situation, “Dude, you are drunk and out of line. Go away.”
Then he went to push me again, but I am not big, but I am fast. He pushed air and stumbled forward. I backed off a bit, turned to the bartender and to ask if they had security. She was already on it. This little Filipino guy came over, her didn’t look any bigger than me, but he thankfully stepped between me and this big guy.
“You need to leave, if you looking to start a fight,” He said in astrong Filipino accent fight sounded a little like ‘pite’.
“Fuck you,” said the big drunk guy and moved to hit the little guy. If I thought I was quick, this bouncer was Bruce Lee.
“If you try dat again, you will get hurt. Go out now,” he said and pointed to the door.
The guy either was used to using his size to intimidate or maybe he was just too drunk to see the little guy meant business, but he went at him again. The little guy kicked his feet out from underneath him, and the macho jerk went down hard.
Then the Filipino bouncer had out a taser and was on top of the guy, and put it right in the back near his shoulder blades. I had never seen someone tasked before. The charge was about 5 seconds, and the drunk quarterback dude was already down, but this kept him down.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. The Filipino bouncer bent down and pulled a wallet from the guy’s pocket. The guy was struggling to get control of his body. The bouncer pulled the ID from the guy’s wallet and snapped a picture of it. He put the id and wallet back.
Then bent down, and started quietly talking to the guy. “You are gonna to be able to get up in a few minutes, and den we are gonna walk you out. You understand?” The drunk guy grunted and feebly nodded his head. “We get you a ride unless you wanna wait for de cops. Dey can watch our cameras and charge you with de assault. Im’ thinking you don’t want dat. Den you get in de cab and you don’t come back.” The bouncer then helped him up and started helping him out the door.
“Um, I hope this isn’t your typical evening.” I said looking at Alexia.
“No, I don’t usually attract drunk ASSHOLES,” she said so the guy could hear as he was dragged out of there. “Do you want to pick up where we left off?” She asked.
“Yeah, hi, I couldn’t help but notice you when you came in. Um, my name is Eli,” I said, lamely pretending to meet her for the first time.
“Yes, I’m Lexy” said Alexia.
“Oh, should I use a pseudonym?” breaking character again and feeling so self-conscious.
“Only if you want.”
It was already off to a rocky start. I wasn’t sure how I would write this essay. We looked at each other and started laughing.
We badly role played a first meeting and then decided to get out of there. The drunk guy probably hastened our decision some. She said she would come back to my place. She came with me to my car. I drove and she started coming on to me. She rubbed her hand on my thigh.
“Do you mind?” She asked.
“No,” I said while keeping my attention on the driving. She then moved her hand further up and felt my firm cock.
“Can I do more?”
“Uh-huh”. She unbuckled my pants and pulled out my cock.
“Let me just get a taste.” And then she started sucking and licking me as I drive. I stayed focused on driving but wanted like crazy to get to my place.
“Don’t come yet, I want to play a lot tonight,” she said as she played with my cock.
“I won’t,” I promised and enjoyed the ten minutes it took to get to my place. As I pulled into my garage, she put my cock back in and zipped me up.
We came into my place and I asked if she wanted anything to drink. She asked for some wine, and I opened a bottle. We went into my living room and we started talking a little about ourselves.
“How did you learn about Ms. Tawnee’s class?” I asked.
“My piano teacher introduced me to Ms. Tawnee,” Alexia said.
I waited, hoping for some laboration but Alexia didn’t. “And you have been a student of Ms. Tawnee’s ever since?” I asked.
“Well, there were other relations in there as well. How about you?” she asked redirecting the conversation.
“I was introduced to The Class through my ex-wife’s friend. Long story short, her friend was having sex with the both of us, and was into all sorts of Kink. We got involved and I think it was part of the reason my wife and I split. I really liked it and my wife just wanted our friend. exclusively. During all of that I went deeper into Kink which eventually led me into the class with Ms. Tawnee.” I hadn’t really spoken to anyone else about any of this, and I found it comforting to talk openly with Alexia.
“So the sex I performed on you in our first class was a little forced, but I find it exciting when Ms. Tawnee forces sexual things on me. I know she likes doing it. I was being honest when I said I liked your cock.” Alexia moved in and started struggling my cock when she said she liked it.
“Were you really wanting to help me with the assignment or were you looking for an excuse to play with me?” I asked feeling very flattered by Alexia’s interest. I didn’t think I was conventionally handsome, not for a younger lady like her.
Alexia seemed to go a little rigid at the question, “Yes, I have some excess motive for hooking up with you, but I will try and make it worth your while.”
“What do you mean?” I asked,”Worth my while.”
“Everything has a certain price if you are a student of Ms. Tawnee’s class. You will see as you attend The Class more,” and with that Alexia stood up and started slipping off her one-piece dress. Now, some people look awkward and silly taking off their clothes. Not Alexia.
Her body wasn’t muscle, but there wasn’t any fat either. She had large perfect breasts. Sexy tone legs. An ass that one could admit for days. Alexia was just gorgeous. Under her dress she had on matching black thong and satin bra, and thigh high stockings. She stood sexy in front of me.
“Your turn.”
I stood and undressed down to my boxes.
“Those too,” she commanded. I then stood nude and fully erect.
“I am glad you like what you see.”
“Who wouldn’t,” I asked incredulously.
“Come here.”
I moved close.
“Where in your house should we start.”
“How about my bedroom.”
“Lead the way.”
I led her to my room. We made it to thebed. She pulled me close and kissed me.
I unfasted her bra to reveal perky nipples. We kissed more, and she pulled down her panties to reveal her clean shavled pussy. It was dripping wet. I got behind her and kissed her neck and shoulder. I reached around and took her nipples into my fingers. She made satisfied moans as I stimulated them. They were hard and erect under the tips of my fingers.
My hands moved down to her wet pussy. I started fingerprinting her. She stopped me laid back and told me to suck her nipples more. I focused on her tits, playing with each nipple with my tongue and lips. My hand caresing her tigh, tantalizing and playing around her labia, never quite touching the wetness that I know is awaiting my fingerprints. I maintained this feeling her desire to be fingerprinted growth with each passing minute.
“Tie me up Eli.”
“You like that, um.. do you have a safe word?”
“Rustbelt,” she said.
“What is yours Eli?”
“Zuckerberg,” I said and Alexia laughed.
“As in Mark? Yeah, that would kill the moment for me,” She said smiling, “now tie me up.”
“Hold on,” I went to my closet and pulled out a box where I kept some nice leather restraints. I brought it, and had a blindfold in there as well.
I buckled each arm to the post on my bed. I bought a sturdy wood bed frame that had a good place to fasten the buckles. I was flattered that Alexia was trusting of me, we did not know each other well yet, but once bound there would be little means to escape, these were not cool bonds.
Then I did the same for her legs. She lay helpless, her arms and legs spread. I then pulled a blindfold and covered her eyes.
“Hey I didn’t say I wanted to…” I silenced her with a kiss. She obediently kiss back. I teased her nipples as we kissed and they were soon erect.
“When you are bound like this, there isn’t much you can assert that you want. You can say yes sir.”
“Yes sir.”
“Good, now open your mouth.”
Alexia obediently opened it. I walked over and got another box out of my closet. This one had a ball gag and some vibrators. It took me a minute to retrieve it, and Alexia kept her mouth open and waiting.
“Good girl,” and I put the ball gag in her waiting mouth. She moaned a little with excitement.
I hand more toys in the closet, but decided to play with her with my lips, finger tips, and tongue for a bit. Each touch she tensed in a moment of surprise and pleasure. I sucked her nipple and she moaned with pleasure, then I would run my fingertips up and down her body, lingering in her erogenous areas.
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