The Classroom Pt. 02

Part 2: The Assignment.

It took a couple of days before I was ready to tackle Ms. Tawnee’s assignment. I needed to figure out where and how to masturbate in public without getting arrested for instant exposure. My ex-wife once jerked me off under the blanket on a long international flight. That is probably the most public place I have orgasmed. At the time it was exciting knowing that people were all around us. It was the dark of the plane and I had to keep quiet while my wife was struggling me. She had a small bottle of lubricant and she kept squeezed some onto her palm and applying more and more. She slowly stroked me and kept me orgasm on edge for a long time. I remember coming hard because it was naughty and exciting.

This is different, I have to record it so that I have proof for my class with Ms. Tawnee. I initially contemplated doing it at the public pool. Coming in the pool seemed wrong, so I tried rationalizing it by telling myself that surely kids pee in the pool, what is a little seaman? The problem with the pool would be documenting the deed. I suppose I could set up a hidden camera. However, since Ms. Tawnee wants to see me climax. What was I going to do, use an underwater camera and… yeah, ultimately, I gave up on this idea.

Next, I tossed around the idea of ​​the public library. I could find a secluded spot in the book shelves and try to climax there. Documenting it would be tricky, but feasible. This was a better option. So, I needed to decide when and where in the library. I decided to use the University library. It is a public space, and there are secluded places in the upper and lower levels. It would be a little risky but not impossible.

I thought I should wear a long coat for easy cover up if someone came. The weather was cool this time of year so it would not look odd to be wearing one. It felt goofy. A trench coat invoked cartoonish visions of a flasher. I didn’t own a trench coat so I had to order one online. WhileI waited for it to arrive, I decided to go to the library and scout for a good place to record.

I found a good spot in the basement book shelves. Feeling bold, I unzipped my pants and stood exposed and undisturbed for a few minutes. This built my confidence and it was a little exhilarating to do something socially taboo. I found a good place to set up my phone camera. I imagined various contingencies should I be disturbed in the process.

Bolstered by the fact no one was coming with my dick out, I entertained the idea about just doing it then and there, but then someone did come and I had trouble zipping up in my panic. I crouched and pretend to lace up my shoes with my pants unzipped as they walked by. Once they passed, I calmed down and zipped up. I decided to retreat and stick with my trench coat plan.

The coat I ordered came a day late, but I still had a day before class. I went to a study area adjacent to the library and sat down. I turned on my camera and spoke ina soft voice. “Hello Ms. Tawnee. I am here at the library and I will be doing my assignment. As you can see there are many people here.” I turned my camera on the area showing students quietly studying. I got up and started heading to the spot downstairs that I chose. I decided to keep the video rolling while I made my way. I took an open stairwell. It was a wide set of stairs that went down two floors from the main floor. I passed more people on my way and hoped that would be sufficient evidence of risk. I opened the heavy door to the basement book area.

I walked to the spot I previously staked out. I was beginning to rub my cock under my coat hoping to be hard and minimize the time needed to expose myself. I was worried that I might not be up to the occasion. The riskiness of the situation was a turn on. I conjured thoughts of Ms. Tawnee and I was plenty ready when I got to my spot.

When I got there, someone was browsing books exactly where I hoped to record. So, I founda similar spot a few rows over. I shifted some books to set up my camera.

I stood in frame. I peeked around and did not see anyone coming. After my difficulties zipping up a few days ago this time I decided on wearing sweat pants. I exposed my fully erect cock and I started jerking quickly.

It wasn’t easy climaxing. I kept worrying someone might come. I closed my eyes and imagined Ms. Tawnee spanking me if I didn’t complete the assignment, which ironically excited me. I was getting closer to climax but then I heard someone talking and coming my way. My heart leaves; I felt a rush of embarrassment. I quickly pulled my pants up, put my coat over myself and prepared to be looking at books. A couple walked by, and I feel sure they knew I was doing something suspicious. I avoided their looks and then started worrying they might report me to someone in the library? I reassure myself that I was being paranoid. But I also lost some of my momentum.

Once it was quiet, I decided to give it another try. It took a moment to get back into it. I closed my eyes again and imagined Ms. Tawnee using jump ropes to tie my arms to the legs of desk in the classroom. I visualized her unbuckling my trousers and pulling them to the floor. In my fantasy Ms. Tawnee tells me that how poorly I’ve done on my assignment and make me wait in anticipation of retribution. Then a coough in the library pulled me from my sexual fantasy. I tried pushing distractions from my mind and continued.

I imagined all sorts of kinky punishments. I started jerking vigorously and felt what seemed like ages I was finally getting close. I got closer and closer until I finally came. I pulled out tissue from my pocket and quickly cleaned up. I headed to the bathroom. As I got to the door of the bathroom and I suddenly remembered my phone! Shit. While rushing back to retrieve it and I almost knocked over a person browsing the shelves. I apologized and in a panic continued to retrieve my phone. Thankfully, no one was there. Relieved, I put the books back, dropped my phone in my pocket and went to the bathroom. I sat down in a stall and checked to see if I got the footage I needed. I was in camera and my deed was documented. I looked ridiculous jerking off. I have never watched myself masturbate before and it was embarrassing. Yet, I was glad that I could complete the assignment for class tomorrow.


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