Three months have passed since you received the hand delivered letter. Three months and no sign of the sender on any of your daily runs. Three months.. 92 days.. 2,208 hours…132,480 minutes… and you have felt the ever flowing excitement spike and fade countless times. You have felt each day crawl by like you were in the desert without water, craving something you cant find. At first Thinking every person you caught sight of was the woman who wrote the ad, now being sure none of them were her. You were an afterthought to her. You were nothing. But what did I do wrong? What is wrong with me? Why did she disappear?
Plagued by the need to escape the constant reminder of her… her a person you never saw.. Her.. a person you never knew.. Her… Fuck. It could be a man for you all you know. It could be a prank someone decided to play on every stranger who responded to the ad.
I’m so stupid. So fucking stupid. So gullible.
You find yourself -on this particular Thursday night – out alone at a queer club, drinking too much and hoping you are the perfect bait. Hoping that each woman you dance on is her or that one of these women will help you forget her.
Feeling your sweat pour over you, you lose yourself in the pulsing feeling of the music and rhythm of the people. More popular than the last times you came, the club was overflowing with people, causing you to be moved around the floor with the flow of traffic like pulsing blood through an artery. With closed eyes and hands in the air you allow yourself to be taken, causing a slight ping of arousal to surge through you.
Coming to a halt, it seems your time of free flowing has ended as the line for the bathroom crossed your path; Conceding you join the line knowing you will need to pee before long. After being in motion for so long, the room seems to spin when you try to stand still causing you to hold onto the wall to steady yourself.
“Looks like you need a little pick me up”
Comes from the person in line behind you. Glancing up as much as you can, you see their hand holding a diamond shaped blue pill. Small and unassuming, you look away, not having the ability to speak repeatedly. You are so predictable. Fucking boring. That’s why she didn’t want you.
Turning back faster than your swimming head could process, you palm then swallow the pill wordlessly.
7:02am .. God makes it stop..
Slamming your hand down on the snooze button on the top of your alarm you wipe drool from the corner of your mouth.
I’m going to be late for work.. Fuck.
Looking down to assess the state you’re in, you find you are Still in the dress you wore out last night.
How did I get home…
Pushing that to the back of your mind, you undress and shower before you are later to work than you already are. Quickly showed then dressed you grab your laptop bag and open the door, trailing one hand behind yourself to catch the keys hanging by the door. Clearing the entry, you catch your foot slightly on something.
A VHS tape. Stilling on your welcome mat. With only a smile penned in sharpie on the label.
Frozen, you stare at the tape.
How did I get home last night? Is it from her? Was she here?
Snapping back, you quickly dart your eyes back and forth over the busy sidewalk that your home is on, feeling eyes track your every move. Am I being watched?
Grabbing the tape and darting in before the pressure of all the eyes on you breaks your sanity, you close the door and lean your weight onto it, locking it. Panting from the anxiety, you feel that your face is flush and eyes are dilated making the dark cold entryway feel calming.
The soft cushion of the sofa catching your weight, causes your breath to level and ideas to align.
Before I over react, I need to figure out what’s on the tape. Who knows it could be completely unrelated. But… a VHS… just like sending a letter.. Its a rather dated way of doing things..
Opening the media cabinet to see if your old tape player is still around you notice a new shiny VHS player front and center.. Already plugged into your tv.. Remote right on top.
She was in my house.
Inserting the tape a flood begins to pool in between your legs, making you readjust your underwear. Making you brush past your clip.. Ever so slightly.. Causing a tiny peep of a groan to exit your open mouth.
Regaining focus you press play. It’s just black..
A blank tape? No, it couldn’t be..
Then, the tape clicks on to show you stumbling outside of the club, but from a perspective across the street.
She has been watching me.. Following me.. All along.
The camera … the stranger… she… crosses the street towards you and loops an arm around you helping youstand up.
You mumble and lean into Her. Then she is leading you somewhere but the camera angle is mostly pointed at you or the ground, never ahead. But.. it seems like you’re heading home.
Why are we turning.. Why is.. she… putting me against the wall…
She put the camera down. All you can see is a pair of feet between your own.. No. A pair of knees. She is on her knees in front of you and you are started by your loud abrupt moans.
You can see the motion of her body and yours. You know that wetness between your legs this morning wasn’t just wetness. It was Her saliva.
I’m moaning so loud in the alley behind the club. Why can’t I remember this? What’s the last thing I remember? The pill….
Slipping off a glove, you can see the bobbing of her elbow from your ground camera view, bobbing in and out of you as you cum repeatedly. Her hand falls back to her side, glistening in the dim light of the street lamp as sheputs her glove back on and supports the weight of your limp body once again. The camera cuts out.
A black screen reflects the image of yourself on the couch sitting up at attention. You are baffled and scared for the first time in a long time. You contemplate the fact that there is an entire night missing from your memory, that anything could have happened.. And anything did happen.
Relaxing your Weight against the back of the couch, you close your eyes and find your mind wandering somewhere else. To the throbbing, gaping hole between your legs. The recently fucked little hole that you unknownly let someone use. Let Her use.
Ripping your pants out of the way you plumge your fingers between your legs, stimulating your swollen clip. Fuck I’m sensitive. Fuck I’m more aroused than I have ever been.
Feeling for the remote behind closed lids, you want to rewatch yourself.
I want to watch her take advantage of me. I want to watch her fuckme. I want to watch her.. Fuck.. my limp .. moaning body..
Not finding the remote, you’re annoyed- open your eyes to see that there’s something new playing on the screen.
You. In your bed.
“Tell me you wanted it. Tell me you asked for it.”
Hearing her voice for the first time pushes you over the edge and you cum, shock waves causing Your body to curve and buck in pleasure as you open mouth scream at the intensity.
“I wa..anted…fuc..k me pleasurese. I want.. Want.t.t.”
Watching yourself stumble over words and beg makes humiliation redden your face. She’s.. laughing at you. Laughing at your uncoordinated body on your bed as you beg to be fucked. Beg to be raped.
“That’s it. Yes”
Approaching the bed she roughly parts your legs as the limpness of your limbs fights her. Pulling your panties to the side she zooms in on your wet pink pussy.
“You liked that, didn’t you? Was it worth the wait?”
Laughing. Laughing. Laughing. Is all you hear. Her laughing echoing through the house. For what you realize is the second time.
She stops. She stops so abruptly. She slowly but forcefully pulls at your underwear, causing a noise to escape her.. A growl.
Then there’s a shake of the camera and it cuts off.
Where is she.. What did I just watch? What did I just enjoy? What did I just cum to?
To Be Continued..
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