The Choice You Make Remix Ch. 02

She had given me the opportunity to flee and now I had foolishly decided to stick around. What happens next as the stakes are raised.

I look down at the skimpy thong bikini that my boss had given to me to wear. It is ridiculously small. I am proud of my equipment, but I also do not want to get hard in front of my supervisor. This could turn awkward very fast. My cock is slipped inside a compartment that traps my cock underneath the shiny grey fabric, but it shows all of my soft 6 inches. You could even see my mushroom head traced out precisely in the fabric. I am tempted to put back on my clothes and flee, but what would I say to Bree when I see her at work on Monday? “I’m sorry but I was scared that you would be offended by seeing my cock.”? I would have to say that in a room covered with dildoes on every shelf and have her laugh at my shy naivety. For some reason, I find my cock covered with clothes to be more embarrassing than my bare bottom ass only covered by a thin g-string up the middle. My ass! She is going to see my ass! I have to do something! I hear her coming down the hall. I don’t have time to pull off the swimwear and get dressed again. Like a good little momma’s boy, I quickly fold and loosely stack my clothes on the dining room table, slide open the patio door and rush towards the pool.

The patio has large elegant grey flagstones and a kidney shaped pool with a 4 person jacuzzi between the ends of the pool. She has the requestite blind chairs and a patio table and an umbrella shade. The colors are all coordinated and it looks nice, but I don’t take time to admit the landscaping. I want my nearly naked body underwater before Bree joins me.

I step into the shallow end of the pool. It feels ice cold! Normally, I might acclimatize myself a bit before I went a step farther, but I quickly go the rest of the way shivering in fright or cold. I want my bare bottom covered before she got there.

I expect her to come out any second, but she doesn’t. Maybe she was just going to the bathroom and had not changed into her swimsuit yet. I take advantage of the respite to do a few laps around the pool. It is a hot day and the pool only feels cold in comparison to the 100 degree heat of the sun. Once in the water, it is quite warm.

After about 20 minutes, Bree comes out of the house.

That bitch! After putting me in the skimpiest swimsuit available to men, I expect her to come out in a micro bikini barely covering her nipples and pussy. Instead she is wearing a very conservative one piece stretched up around her neck. The only thing provocative about her outfit is the exposure of her thick thighs and back. I have seen her wear more provocative outfits around the office. Maybe I was wrong about her reason for inviting me to her house. Perhaps she gave me, her ex’s tiny bikini, because it was the only man’s swimwear in her house. Now I will have to be extra careful not to get turned on around her, especially since I could imagine the stitching of this tight garment ripping out if all of my eight inches were to reach its full length. I continue lapping the pool to keep myself away from her, but she is not going to be helpful.

She takes a seat on a blind chair and starts applying skin lotion to her bare arms and legs. Other boys would be unimpressed by the sight, but I enjoy a more volatile woman and so I steal a glance or two while I swim. She takes her time, leaning over to run her hands up and down a shapely leg with the lotion. She is not skinny, but she is not fat either, more of a pleasant zaftig shape with a larger ass, flatter stomach, and large breasts. As she applies the lotion down the cleft of her cleavage, I can’t help but think of pulling her upper part off and being allowed to massage the oil into her general bounty and over her wide areolae and tweaking her long nipples. It should not turn me on. I have seen her wear outfits that tease me with their shape, heft, size, and nipple length. She is not at all shy about any of that, so there is little left to the imagination other than touching and tasting them myself, but the idea still turns me on. Shit! I am getting hard again. Look away, John! Look at the sky, the birds, bushes, anything!

“John! Can you come here and do my back?” She has turned over and is resting on her stomach.

I want to say, “No” but cannot think of a good reason other than “I want you to fuck me so badly that I will spurt if I place my hand on your skin.” Probably not the best answer. I say, “Sure. I will be right there.” I climb out of the pool and nervously walk across the hot flagstone to her locker. Her ass is pump and I can see the bottom of her swimsuit has pulled up into the cleft of her ass to give her a more rounded bubble appearance. I sit on the edge of the locker and pour some lotion on my hands and rub the thick viscous fluid into her shoulders and skin. She is almost as pasty white as I am; a slight tanand red from the sun, but she has easier access to a pool than I do. The tanline across her back tells me that she does own a bikini that she is not wearing it today. I enjoy rubbing her body. It has been a while since I have had a date. Too much work and too many classes to chase girls and even if Bree was not my type, I would probably have been turned on by this activity. I lean forward into my task Perhaps putting a little too much mass into the rubbing, but Bree seems to like it.

She moans lightly in pleasure, “Mmmmm.” Then suddenly, she sits up. “You need some lotion as well.”

I politely decline, “I’ll be fine.”

“Nonsense. You get less sun than I do and with your pale complexion. We are lucky that you are not burnt already. Sit down on that locker and I will do you.”

I obediently lay on my stomach. I hope that she will be satisfied with doing my back. Of course, doing my back in this outfit means more squeezed of my buttocks than any woman has ever done. She makes small talk about work as she rubs the lotion into my skin. If I had been a touch too attentive in rubbing her shoulders, she is paying way too much attention to my body as she rubs my back. She gives me a deep massage so relaxing that I nearly fell asleep and I don’t pay attention to a word that she is saying. Then she starts working my ass and I am no longer wait. She shifts and places her heavy thighs across mine trapping me like a wrestling superstar in some obscure pin. Her fingers wrap around my ass cheats and spread them wide. That thin g-string is doing absolutely nothing to disguise my rosebud, but she keeps chatting on while I am only thinking about how close to naked I am. I really cannot complain, because that will only draw attention to what she already know, that she can see how tight my hole is and could easily peg me with her finger. Then she does it. She makes a point of putting the lot right over my asshole. She does not actually stick it in me, but she is so very close and her touch is so deep that I know she has to be thinking about fucking that hole with her finger and she has to know that I am thinking about it as well. My scrotum shifts in excitement and I wonder if she can see my balls from her direction. Probably not the most important thing to think about at the moment. My cock certainly is getting harder. The swimwear has more stretch to it than I realize, so it does not rip.

She scoots down in the locker and pulls my legs out and finishes covering them with lotion. Then with a quick swat on my behind, she says, “Roll over. Let me get your front.”

I say, “Oh, I can do my front. Thank you.”

She says more firmly, “Roll over!” and I roll over like a puppy dog ​​in spite of the fact that the soft 6 inches that I was scared of her seeing before is now a hard throbbing 8 inches. She smiles. It is not as big as the ones in her office and probably not as big as real ones that she has seen and suddenly my prideand joy does not seem that impressive. She says, “Is that for me, John? Why, thank you! Now lay down and let me put this on you.” With that simple dismissal of my fears, she begins massaging my scrapny unathletic chest leaning over my body close enough that her breasts lightly bounce against my skin. I would have thought that her hands and breasts on my chest would be the most intimately sexy thing that could ever happen to me, but after her teasing my asshole, this seems mundane and ordinary and my cock relaxes and gets soft. She works her way down my body. It is touching my skinny undernourished belly that starts getting me worked up again and then she jumps down to my thighs, not hesitating to bring her hands up close enough to my groin that they actually rub against my balls. After she places lotion over my entire body, she plays lightly with her long fingernails on my belly. My stomach churns with excitement and I get hard again. She asks, “Did you find what you were looking forin my bedroom?”


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