It was when she had disappeared among the crowd of the boarding passengers that I realized that something was wrong: my cock was still caged, and I didn’t have the key.
What could I do? Was I supposed to keep it like that, until I met her or the Cute Mistress again? And was her idea, or the Mistress’? Had she simply forgotten? But where could I go then to have it removed?
I felt helpless, Miss Tina or the Cute Mistress were not there to think for me.
Of course the naughty cock wanted to be freed as soon as possible, but how I could do it, and was I allowed to?
Inside the cage, the cock was growing hard, restless, pushing painfully the cage bars.
Suddenly the phone rang.
“Where are you, little boy?” It was Miss Tina; I heard with relief her stern, no-nonsense voice.
“I am still in the Departure Hall, Miss…” I didn’t dare to ask straight away what to do.
“You realized that I didn’t free the cock, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Miss…”
“Should it stay that way?”
My eyes filled with tears, I wanted to ask permission to free it, but I couldn’t find any word that could sound convincing.
“You don’t know?” she asked, sounding angle at my intentionalness.
“I want it to be freed, Miss Tina!”
“Go to the men’s toilet! You have two minutes to go!”
I rushed, and I arrived, breathing heavily, just seconds before the call arrived, exactly two minutes later.
She had threatened me to be used by other men…but I hoped she was just joking.
“Are you in the men’s toilet?”
“I am, Miss Tina!”
“Go to a urinal, unzip your trousers and take the cage out!”
“I did it, Miss!”
“I don’t believe you, take a picture and send me!”
The Japanese man next to me was already looking at me with curiosity, noticing how I was standing, looking at my phone, without peeing.
There were some other men in the room, but it wasn’t so crowded that there was a queue waiting for me.
As quietly as possible I pointed the phone’s camera to my cock, and I shot a picture.
The artistic shutter sound called the man’s attention.
“Pervert!” he hissed.
I sent the picture to Miss Tina.
“Good boy! Don’t you notice anything?” was her reply.
I looked at the cage, dangling between my legs.
“The lock is different from the previous one, it doesn’t need a key, but a combination!”
Yes, Miss Tina could simply send me the code, and I could open the cage myself, and free the cock!
“Would you like to know it?” asked Miss Tina.
“But if you know it, then you’ll be able to open and close as you like…”
“I’ll follow your instructions! Open and close when you wish!”
“But I am not there to check…”
“I’ll be an obedient little boy! Send you a picture any moment you order me!”
“Silly boy! Do you think it’s enough? Zip the trousers back and go to the Arrivals Hall!”
In frustration, I obeyed to Miss Tina’s orders, and I reached the Arrivals Hall, one floor below.
Again a message arrived.
“Go to the arrival gate, and hand the phone to the first girl below twenty who comes alone through the doors. Of course, she must be at least eighteen! Then ask her to call me.”
I read the message twice in disbelief: was I really a service to be picked up at the airport, like a local number mobile phone?
How could I recognize a girl exactly in that age frame?
Was another Chinese girl arrive, another friend of Miss Tina or of the Cute Mistress?
What I was going to endure from this new, unknown girl?
Thirty minutes passed. Some passengers passed through the doors, but only a few were women, even fewer were young, maybe a group of two or three, who didn’t match the condition of being alone, and besides that, they looked no more than sixteen.
“You have thirty minutes more, little boy…then I will board the plane and you’ll remain with your cock locked, at least until tomorrow…” I could hear Miss Tina’s laughing reading these words.
Time passed, and I started to despair: I had to go home and go to sleep with a caged cock, wake up the next day, with a caged cock, and come back to this place, like a mongrel looking for an owner. Maybe I could try to send a message to the Cute Mistress and hope in her mercy
No more than ten minutes were missing, When a girl matching Miss Tina’s requirements appeared at the gate: young, alone, pushing a large suitcase.
Maybe too young: she was wearing the sailor uniform of a high school, the rim of the blue skirt just above her knees, the white socks pulled up, the feet enclosed in black, shiny loafers.
She moved toward the exit, unaware of me, while I moved closer to her.
“Excuse me! How old are you?”
“I am nineteen! But…hey, who are you? I don’t talk to strange men!”
I told in relief, maybe I was out of my prediction.
“I need to give you this phone!”
“Please, Miss! I know it’s weird…but I am a respectable man…this is my name card…”
“But…what do you want from me? You ojisan(*1) are always thinking of that thing…”
“Please! A lady wants to talk to you! It won’t be more than a few minutes! It’s very important for me!”
“I don’t know you and I don’t care if it is important for you…” answered the girl, pouting.
“Please…you’ll find…what she says…funny…” I suggested, trying to conceal my desperation.
“How do you know?”
“Please answer! It’s going to be no more than a minute! I’ll give ten thousand yen!”
“I don’t need your money…but ten thousand yen for a minute…it’s not too bad…”
Finally, she took the phone and pressed the button to call Miss Tina.
“Yes, I am nineteen, just out of high school…eh? Truly?”
“I don’t believe it!”
“I don’t want to see his cock! He is so old!”
The conversation wasn’t going too well; evenif showing my cock to this girl was going to be humiliating, it was the only way I had to free the imprisoned cock.
I looked at her, as harmless and sheepish as I could, hoping to convince her to follow Miss Tina’s instructions. I didn’t know them, but that was the only way for me.
“Is that true?” the girl now looked at me.
“You know what!”
“Yes, it’s true!” I replied, guessing the content of the question.
“I don’t believe you, I want to see it!”
“Shall we go somewhere else?” I begged.
“I don’t believe you, I want to see it here! Otherwise, I’ll leave!”
“Please, wait!”
Quietly, in the most discrete way, I unzipped my trousers, and opened the sides of the fly, so that the metal bars could shine through.
“It’s true then! That’s so gross!” commented the girl loudly, bringing a hand to her mouth, surprised.
Now she started talking animatedly with Miss Tina, just looking from time to time at my unzipped trousers, and what could she see behind.
Finally, she handed me the phone back.
“She gave me the combination code!” she told me laughing.
“Can you give it to me?”
“You mean if I can open it…yes, but first you have to take me home, I heard you have a nice car!”
“Thank you, I’ll take you home…where do you live?”
“In the Todoroki(*2) area, I’ll give you the address!”
We got in the elevator, leading to the parking lot.
“Tina told me that now I own your cock! That’s cool! It’s better than having a boyfriend!”
I wasn’t sure what she means, and I tried to bring her to more reasonable thinking.
“I’ll take you home, and then you’ll give me the combination, so I can open the cage…”
“Of course! But Tina told me that you’re mine to keep…”
We reached my car, we loaded her suitcase and she sat next to me.
“I want to see your cock! I’ll unlock you, but remember you are mine!”
“Yes, Miss!”
She inserted the combineation, the lock opened, and slide off the cage. The cock swung in the air, hard and breathing.
She took it in her hand.
“It’s nice! Much bigger than those I have seen before! But my schoolmates are just boys!”, she commented giggling.
I was ready to turn the key on.
“Wait! Are you going to drive with your cock exposed? – she laughed – you are truly a hentai(*3) ojisan!”
“It’s up to you to decide, I can put it back…”
“Wait!” she said before I turned the engine on. She slipped off her white panties and climbed over me. My cock slide effortlessly in her pussy.
“I am tired of having to wait for boys’ approaches!” she started riding me vigorously.
The parking lot was full, but lucky there were not many people.
“I I want to be free to fuck when I want it! Aaahh…”
It didn’t take me long to approach my climax. The girl continued her strong, energetic movements, it seemed she was practicing a sport more than sex.
“Soon I will cum, it’s better I don’t spill my cum inside you…” I suggested.
“Aaah…yes…I don’t want your baby!” She unmounted me and sat next to me. The white cream erupted from my cock with a powerful spurt.
“It’s like a volcano! It’s falling on your trousers and on the car seat! You’re truly a filthy ojisan now! “
“You can drive now! – she said slipping her panties back.
I turned the car key and left, my deflating cock resting on my thigh, a thread of semen still hanging from the tip, large stains drying on my trousers.
“I wonder if my mom will let me keep you in my room…I am sure she’ll like you…we live alone…my dad works in Osaka, I just went to see him…I know she touched her pussy every day, when she is in the ofuro(*4), I can hear her, behind the door..she would be so ashamed if she knew I know…hahaha…I guess it has been my lucky day to come back and find you…I’ll let my mom play with you too…so she’ll let me keep you…but maybe she doesn’twant you in the house…well, in the garden we still have Buck’s doghouse, before we took him to my grandparents’ country home…maybe you can stay there…Tina told me you should have a steel collar most of the time, so you know you are just an owned puppy…you’ll be naked, of course, I’ll wash you as I did with Buck, with a lot of soap…I guess I’ll invite my friends to come to see you…but I don’t know if I want them to play with you…you’re mine…maybe I’ll let them touch your cock…just to feel it…by the way…maybe I should call you Buck?”
(*1) Literally “uncle”, colloquial for middle-aged man
(*2) Residential area in Tokyo
(*4) Traditional Japanese bath
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