When we returned, Miss Tina ordered me to knee in front of her to lick her pussy, and ordered Aya-chan to call the other two women.
“The little boy wants to thank them!”
Aya-chan adjusted her shirt quickly, wore the jacket back, straightened her skirt, and left the room, the butt plug enhancing the swing of her ass.
In a short while, she was back.
“Ara! The little boy can never stay far from a woman’s pussy!”
It was Nakaya-san who talked, who had come in with Noemi-san and Aya-chan.
In truth my head was hidden below Miss Tina’s long skirt, cleaning her pussy from the abundant juice she had produced when I made her cum. Of course my cock was back on the leash, and the riding crop was hitting playfully my balls, and only occasionally a harder blow made me wince.
With a pull of the leash, she pushed me away and I stood, facing the three women.
“Ara! It’s the first time I see the little boy’s chinchin! It’s so big! Much bigger than my late husband! My daughter was so right!”
“These gaijin have all big cocks! It’s bigger than their brain, that’s why they think with their cock, and they are horny all the time!”
The women laughed at me, I couldn’t deny that the cock was hard, ready to be used and that I was horny.
Only Aya-chan, among them, seemed to have a sincerity fascination for my penis and seemed to long for his services.
But it was still Nakaya-san who talked.
“May I touch it? It’s such a long time, ojosama…”
“Of course, it’s not like you need permission!”
“Thank you!”
She quickly grabbed it, with the nonsensical, comfortable strength of a working woman, and then she held the balls with the other hand.
“Now I remember this nice sensing, that Feeling of holding a little, restless animal…I didn’t confess to my husband I liked to masturbate him…I was too shy…I love this delicate skin covering the hard flesh…may I stroke it?”
“Don’t you know it’s just a toy? Go ahead!”
Even if it was stroked by an old woman’s bony hand, my cock reacted excited, I longed to spill my see again. Maybe her hand was not as delicate and soft as Aya-chan’s, but I appreciated her confidence, I was sure that she would do a great job – I would cum quickly and she would extract all the liquid I could produce, till the last drop.
“Slow down, obasama! This little boy will cum fast and will spill all his spunk on the floor and stain it! Aya-chan! Kneel in front of him and take it in your mouth! Wait for the cream to fill your mouth, but don’t suck it, you’ll steal all the fun from the obasama! You’re just a cum dumpster!”
“Yes, Miss Tina!” The plump assistant couldn’t surrender yet to her inner sluttiness, so, while her eagerness betrayed that she was looking forward to the task she still blushed furiously.
With Nakaya-san milking my cock, and Aya-chan still, the mouth open ready to take my produce, it was time for Noemisan to complain.
“Ehi! What about me? I don’t like to stand and just watch!”
“You’re right…have you ever pegged a little boy?”
“No- she answered giggling – at most I put a finger in a boyfriend’s asshole while we fucked…”
“Would you like to try?”
“Of course!” “
“There is a stick-on dildo in that bag…get it and wear it…in the meanwhile, the little boy can knee, spread his butt cheats and get his anal bitch’s pussy ready…Nakaya-san can still stay next to him struggling the cock, and the piglet can still hold the cock in her mouth, just by lowering the head a little…you are finally going to lose your oral virginity, isn’t it, you will not be able to deny anymore you took a nice load of cum into it!”
“Mmmh…” nodded Aya-chan, busy not to let the cock slip out.
A nice tableau was composed in this way: me in the middle of three women, one fucking my ass, the second jerking me off, the third ready to take the result of my ejaculation.
As I tried to suppress my moans, Miss Tina walked around, taking pictures.
“Yuzu will love these pictures, to see how busy you are!”
“A little slower, Naomi-chan! Your thrusts are so strong, the cock slips from my hand and go deeper in Aya-chan’s mouth! It’s like he is fucking his mouth! It’s not what the nice Chinese ojosama wants!”
“It’s his fault! He doesn’t resist at all! His asshole is so compliant, truly a bitch’s pussy! But I’ll try to slow down!”
Aya-chan of course remained silent, her mouth busy, her eyes looking at me like we were together in the same ordeal, like a couple that had been kidnapped, and I liked to share that fantasy with her.
At any moment I felt I could cum, but I wanted Naomi-san to enjoy her pegging.
I told myself that I didn’t want to face her frustration in case she had to stop too soon; then it dawned on me that I was just an anal slut, excited by the feeling of having my asshole filled.
Naomi-san had adjusted the speed, but with the lower speed came more powerful, deeper movements, that truly seemed to split me apart: I confessed they aroused me.
She started moaning behind me, and I took this as a signal that I could let go, and concentrate on my cumming.
Nakaya-san sensed it:” Cum for mummy, little boy! Make her proud! Show how you fill the mouth of this horny maid!”
I looked at Miss Tina, still unsure.
“You can cum horny boy, we have a plane to catch!”
Reassurered by her permission, I let it go, and an abundant flow of man juice landed on Aya-chan’s mouth.
When she felt that the flow was slowing down, she started to clean the tip of the cock, removing any trace of sperm from it.
Miss Tina, pleased, hit her ass lightly.
“Good girl! But don’t swallow! I want to see what a good cum dumpster you are, take some pictures!”
“I can’t hear your words…maybe because your mouth is full of your fuckmate’s juice…do you want to thank me?”
With my cock still in her mouth she turned slightly towards her, for a moment she looked uncertain, then she nodded slowly.
“You can let it go, and show how skilled was Nakaya-san in milking the cum cow!”
Aya-chan, still kneeing, opened the mouth wide, showing the white cream, foaming inside.
All the other women, even Noemi-san who had stopped pegging me, stood in front of her.
“Open that mouth more, slut! I can’t see well!” she told to the other girl.
“Ara! There was so much milk in that boy’s balls!”
Aya-chan looked around, hoping that she would be ordered to swallow the seed, but nobody seemed to care about her.
“Put your hands on the thighs!” was the only order she received from Miss Tina.
“You knee and kiss their feet, little boy!”
I started kissing devotedly Nakaya-san’s and Noemi-san’s feet while Aya-chan waited patiently, kneeing, her hands on the thighs, my juice filling, together with saliva, her mouth, almost overflowing.
I kept my ass high, the muscles tend while I kneeled in front of the women. Miss Tina as usual patted my ass with the riding crop.
“Thank you obasama! Thank you Noemi ojosama!”
“Ara! He liked so much to have his balls emptied! “
“Not as much as he liked to have his asshole fucked! Such an anal slut!” replied giggling Noemi-san.
“You can swallow now, and then kiss your mate, little bitch!”
With a couple of gulps Aya-chan emptied her mouth and then she kissed me passwordately, her lips still stained with my cum.
I couldn’t subtract to her sweet kiss, even if the others were making fun of us.
Finally, we parted, Nakaya-san took the job of locking the cock in the cage and Miss Tina ordered me to get the luckgage.
We left the room, and the three ladies accompanied us to the car, where I sat at the driving seat, my trousers opened, the cage shining between my thighs, Miss Tina next to me.
They waited at us, standing in line.
I could guess that, while waving one hand to wish us goodbye, Noemi-san’s other hand was squeezed Aya-chan’s bare ass, making the poor girl smile uncomfortable.
We were now heading back to the airport; just three days had passed, but surely Miss Tina had made the most in training me.
Now I was driving with my trousers opened, the caged cock exposed, and she was teasing it with a long, thin cane.
When she had arrived at Haneda airport, I had dared to ask her to be careful, and I had been punished. Now she was playing with it as she liked, and when a harder blow hit my balls, I could only clnch my teeth and continue driving; a momentary lack of concentration leading to another, stronger blow.
“It’s such a goal I am leaving, isn’t it, little boy?”
“Yes, Miss Tina!”
“When Yuzu told me about you, I didn’t believe such men existed…now I understand what a wonderful gift she gave me… are you going to miss me?”
“Of course, Miss Tina!” Whom I truly missed was the Cute Mistress, but then I realized that maybe being under Miss Tina’s firm hand was better than being on my own, free to indulge in my uncontrollable horniness, slave to my naughty cock.
We arrived at the airport. I pushed her suitcases, Miss Tina was behind me, a hand squeeze my ass.
She did her check-in, and then she asked me to follow her in the women’s toilet, for some souvenir pictures.
“Are you sure it is ok, Miss Tina?”
“Shut up and follow me!” she ordered me with a loud voice, making some people turn; of course I didn’t pay much attention to them, just followed her, obediently, as I should.
“Drop your trousers!” she ordered me as we entered the women’s toilet. I looked around: as much as I was used to being naked in front of strangers, this was a very public place, and I was afraid of their reaction.
Miss Tina got angry and slapped me.
“What are you waiting for, silly boy?”
Some women looked at us, realizing very quickly that she was in control, and hence stopped to see what was going on, amused.
I dropped my trousers, which fell on my feet.
“His cock is caged!”
“Look at that, it seems a soft sausage dangling from his belly!”
“Wow! There are so many marks on his ass!”
“On his balls too!”
These strangers gathered around looking at me, giggling and commenting with their friends; I was just a funny distraction and they were not surprised to have me in that women-only space.
For them, I was like one of those little kids that mothers take with them to pee.
Miss Tina quickly noticed another Chinese girl, wearing spectacles, looking at us, and she addressed her.
“Hey, can you take a picture of me with this little boy?”
“Of course!”
The girl took Miss Tina’s phone and was ready to shoot, but then she stopped.
“You should do a nice V sign!”
“Of course! You too little boy!”
Doing the V-sign while having my trousers down below my knees, my cock caged and exposed, my ass too… seemed very silly, but this was what they wanted from me, isn’t it? To keep a memory of how silly I was…maybe I would make the Cute Mistress smile, and this was enough for me.
I did the v-sign, while Miss Tina did the same, her other hand on my ass, as it had happened to Ayachan. I wondered if, like it was happening to me, a finger had cracked her asshole while she was waving goodbye.
Around us women were commenting, giggling, taking pictures, some dared their friends to slap my ass, and some did it, exchanging a wink with Miss Tina.
The spectacled girl wanted a picture too -“Otherwise my friends at the university won’t believe this happened!”
“Of course you should, isn’t it, little boy?”
“Yes, Miss Tina!”
The girl came next to me and, while holding the camera with one hand and the caged cock with the other, took a couple of selfies.
Humiliated, I just hoped that no other specator gotthe same idea- I just visioned the image of a queue of women waiting to be photographed playing with my cock or sticking their fingers in my ass.
Luckily Miss Tina didn’t consider the possibility, which she would surely enjoy.
“You can thank the nice girl and pull your trousers up, it’s time to go!”
“Thank you, Miss!”
“My pleasure! – she answered, good-natured, and Then asked Miss Tina:” He seems to have a nice cock…do you use it or stay in the cage all time?”
“His tongue is the only cock I need – and I prefer to fuck his ass – he likes that more, isn’t it, little boy?”
What should I reply to? These days I had desperately desired to cum, but this wasn’t going to be the right answer.
“Yes, Miss Tina! I love when you fuck my ass!”
“Wow! He is…an anal bitch! Is he gay then?” observed the girl, started.
“Are you, little boy? Maybe we should visit the men’s toilet too!” answered Miss Tina, looking as she was seriously considering the possibility.
“I am not! – I replied indignant and scared. “Yes, Miss Tina! I am an anal bitch! But only for girls!”
“Well…we must leave now…maybe you should try it with your boyfriend…maybe he is an anal slut too, he just doesn’t know!”
Saying so, Miss Tina left, and I followed her.
We were now at the Departure gate, and it was time to part.
“Well…I had a lot of fun…maybe I should have whipped you more…the marks would keep the memory longer!”
“You should have Miss Tina…please say hello to the Cute Mistress when you meet her, tell her that her little boy is waiting for her, waiting to serve her, to make her reach her climax…or just to make her laugh with her silliness…”
“Silly boy! Bark for me for the last time!”
Even if we were in the crowded airport hall, I barked loudly:” Woof! Woof!”
People looked at me and laughed, they wondered what this man in a suit was doing, few guessed the truth, most thought I was just some idiot having fun.
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