It was time to leave the room.
Nakaya-san arranged a few things around, flushed the toilet, verified that no stains were left on the chair or on the floor, making sure that it was ready for the next guests, and then we left: of course I walked on my fours, naked, led by the cleaning lady by the leanh.
The two hotel attendants were in good humor, and she joined in their jokes.
We were Almost at Miss Tina’s door when what I had dreaded finally happened.
A couple of tourists, probably Americans, stepped into the corridor and looked at us in shock.
“What is it?” shouted a blonde girl, pointing at me.
“This is unbelievable!” added her boyfriend.
“These things happen only in Japan!”
“This is a people of perverts!”
At this point, my keepers started to get annoyed.
“As you can see, this little boy, the only one who could qualify as a pervert, is not Japanese. He is not even Asian: he is a Westerner, just like you!”
“Well, that’s true…” admitted the girl.
“And it’s not his fault if he is a horny little boy!” concluded Noemi-san.
“Then we don’t own him, his owner is Chinese, and her friend, to whom she borrowed him, is Chinese too!” added Ayako-san.
“Still he has the sweetest tongue…” she added, with a dreamlike voice.
“So we have been so lucky to meet this white little boy owned by a Chinese Mistress, being led naked on a lean in a Tokyo hotel in a million chance!” concluded the American girl, laughing.
“Let’s go, Janet!” said the boy, made a little uncomfortable by the situation.
“Why, Mark? Do you imagine yourself in his position? – saying so, she noted the metal shining between my legs – hey, what does he have There?”
“Ochinchin!”(*1) ordered Nakayasan, and I, unable to resist an order, squatted, my thighs open, the hands closed in a fist at the side of my shoulders. If she asked me, I thought, I was going to bark too, as humiliating as this could be.
“Why! So well trained! And his cock is encased in a steel cage! Surely you can tame a horny boy with that!” excerpted Janet, kicking softly the dangling cage.
“What are you doing?” asked Mark, alarmed.
“Hey! I am not fucking him – she said to him – and maybe I could make use of a cage for you…but you’ll need a smaller size…” she completed her thought laughing.
“Stop it and let’s go!” insisted the exasperated man.
“Whe is this Chinese girl, I might want to talk to her…”
“She is Miss Tina, in Room 2901… she will surely be happy to have a chat..” confirmed Ayako-san.
“Bye, ladies! Bye, little boy!” greeted us the blonde leaving for her room, her boyfriend following her, rather confused.
“Let’s go now!” confirmed Nakaya-san ” you can leave the chinchin position, obedient boy!”
I dropped to the floor and restart my walk, pulled by the cleaner I reached Miss Tina’s room.
I felt I had made one step forward in my training as an owned pet, but I couldn’t say how many more I had to take down the road of submission and humiliation. The thought that the Cute Mistress could be surprised and proud of my achievements made me willing to continue, even if it means to be used and the object of fun by any person who might care of doing so.
Finally, we were back in Miss Tina’s room.
She was wearing a long T-shirt, and was probably braless: I could see the tiny swelling of the nipples filling the fabric.
“I bet the little boy was full of shit…” she stated smiling, without losing time in greetings, caressing my chin with a long thin cane, which was in her hand.
“Were you full of shit, little boy?”
“I was, Miss Tina! These nice ladies took care of me!” I replied as I knew she expected me to answer, as ashamed as I was.
“Is it so? Did you thank them?”
“Yes, Miss Tina!”
“I can smell fresh pussy juice on your face…did you make them cum? Wait…I want to hear fromthem!”
“She made me cum, Miss!” stated Noemi-san.
“Me too!” confirmed Ayako-san.
“Good boy!” approved Miss Tina, but this didn’t spare my ass a strong, affectionate blow from the cane.
“Turn and show the asshole to me! Spread the butt cheats with your hands, as much as you can!”
“Yes, Miss Tina!”
“You can stretch more!” insisted the Chinese girl, whipping me once more.
“Yes, Miss Tina!”
In tears, I stretched my buttocks so strongly that I felt I could rip them.
“That’s good! It seems it’s clean! It seems slightly wet though…did you touch the asshole of this anal slut? ” she asked Nakaya-san.
Clearly, the Cute Mistress had given Miss Tina a full report on how she had trained me.
“Yes, ojousan(2)! It was my choice, as I wasn’t keen to be licked by the little boy!” confirmed Nakaya-san at once.
“Well…I bet he moved like the whore he is, trying to suck your finger in as deep as he could!”
“Hahaha!” laughed the four women.
“If he wasn’t busy licking Noemi-chan, he would surely beg me to fuck him deeper!” commented Nakaya-san, humorously.
“Well, thank you for your help! I hope the little boy was not too much of a nuisance! “
“Not at all…he is a little naughty, as little boys are, but after all he was quite obedient …not shy at all to have three unknown women to probe deeply his body…” confirmed kindly the cleaner.”…and his tongue is truly well trained!” added Ayako-san, clearly impressed by my skills.
“Go to the corner now! Keep the buttons stretched! The asshole must make a perfect circle! ” laughed Miss Tina hitting my ass once more, and I moved on my knees, my hands keeping the ass open, to face a corner, my face cheek on the floor, the spreads ass cheats up in the air.
“Please call if you need us! We will be happy to help!” Noemichan offered. “Yes, anytime!” added Ayachan.
“No doubt girls, I’ll call you in case!” replied Miss Tina smiling.
I was now alone with Miss Tina.
I didn’t know what to expect and, for a long time, nothing happened.
I stayed in my corner, bent, my naked ass exposed.
She seemed to be reading a book, lying in bed, sometimes playing with the phone, probably taking pictures of me.
Occassionally she hit me with the cane, when, in a momentary delay of concentration, I let the grapp of my buttocks down, and probably the asshole wasn’t making the perfect “o” she was aiming for.
Another time she wanted me to spread my thighs more.
“From here I can’t see your balls!”
I did as asked, and she thanked me by hitting them.
“I can’t hear you!” she shouted.
“Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Miss Tina! You should always be able to look at my balls!” I shouted, clenching my teeth, in pain.
“I am going to dinner now! You stay there and don’t move!”
She put on a skirt and left the room.
Should I really stay in that position, when nobody was in the room?
Did she has any way to control?
I started feeling my thighs shaking by tiredness, yet I didn’t dare to challenge her order.
Maybe forty minutes later I heard the door opening.
She announced herself with a couple of blows of the cane.
“Keep that ass high and open, sloppy boy!”
Two more blows followed.
“I can’t see the balls! “
Angain two blows came.
“I can’t leave you alone for a moment! Come here now and have your food!”
She had put on the floor what probably were the leftovers of her meal: soggy noodles mixed with white rice, half-munched chicken bones, raw cabbage floating in soy sauce.
It was from the morning that I hadn’t eaten, but still that mess didn’t look appetizing.
“What is it, silly boy? Do you prefer to eat it tomorrow for breakfast?”
I looked at her hoping she could have mercy on me.
“Why are you looking at me? Aren’t you hungry?”
The cane in her hand looked menacing andI thought how kinder was my Mistress. She always took me to nice restaurants, and I could eat scraps of tasty food, while her feet played with my cock and made me cum in my trousers.
I lower my head and I start eating.
In the meanwhile, she had poured some water on a teacup saucer, from where I could lap it, a little at the time.
“It will be over when the plate will shine!” made clear Miss Tina, caning once more my bare ass.
“Eating is no excuse to crouch and not keep the butt high!”
It took forever but finally, I finished the disgusting meal.
“Very well boy!” yet she could me again, this time on the balls.
“Thank you for the nice meal, Miss Tina!” I rushed to shout.
“Shouldn’t you pee now?” asked now the young Chinese girl, teasing my caged cock with the cane.
“Do you think you can pee with your cage on, little boy?”
“I can, Miss Tina…”
“Or you prefer I let the naughty cock free, so someone can take care of it?”
After many hours in the cage, and the torture of being teased by the hotel staff, my cock wanted badly to be free, to breathe, so to speak, at any cost.
“I prefer you let it free…” I answered humbly.
The cane swung and hit my back.
“You fall in every trap silly boy! Is it for you to choose?”
“Of course not! Choose as you feel more appropriate, Miss Tina!”
The girl laughed, caressing my chin with the cane.
“You are a dumb puppy, but you are trying hard to learn, isn’t it? “
“Yes, Miss!”
“Now…call someone to help you…”
She took the phone and put it on the floor.
I called the reception and asked for room service, specifying that I needed someone to hold my cock while I peed.
These requests from room 2901 were not surprising anymore, and the man at the concierge confirmed in a professional tone that someone would come soon.
As usual, I hope it was someone who already knew me, and this time too my wish was granted: it was Ayako-san who came to the door.
I guess that she and Noemisan had asked to deal with the requests coming from the fearsome Chinese girl’s room.
She greeted Miss Tina and smiled at me sweetly.
“How can I help, Miss Tina?”
“I’ll release this little boy’s naughty cock, and you’ll have to make him pee, like last time. Any objection?”
“I’ll be happy to!” the plump girl was very different this time. I could see in her eyes the anticipation of holding my cock in her hand.
Miss Tina took the key and opened the lock.
The cock, in a state of continuous arousal, had filled the cage, which was some difficult to slip off.
“Is it the cage which doesn’t want to leave the cock or the other way around?” commented the girl, laughing.
Finally the cock sprung free in the air.
Ayako-san came closer and held it in her soft, lovely hands.
“Look, Miss Tina! It bears the marks of the cage’s bars!”
“I had no doubts! This horny boy’s naughty cock is always hard…”
This time the plump girl held my cock deliciously, like precise porcelain; like a tame wild beast, it submitted meekly to her kindness and let itself be inserted into the PET bottle.
“Pee for me, little boy!” she asked softly.
The liquid started to flow; when it reached half the girl whispered her order gently “Stop now!”, sure to be obeyed.
Immediately I stopped, under the eyes of Miss Tina, eager to see me fail and punishment me accordingly. Of course, as before, my bladder was still half full, leaving me unsatisfied and vulnerable, but that partial relief was better than risking peeing myself.
“You can go and clean him in the bathroom!”
The Japanese girl led me by the cock.
Using the shower faucet, she started rinsing my penis carefully, then retracted the foreskin, looked with interest at the red swollen glans, caresing the tip, and then put a finger to her mouth and started stroke it lightly.
Iwhispered with gratitude: “Thank you, Miss!” I hoped that maybe she might be willing to me make me cum – the excruciating need to release had built again during the many hours I had been exposed, used, and teased.
“It’s taking forever!” we heard Miss Tina shouting from the other room.
“I am coming!” she answered back immediately, then rinsed the cock once more quickly and returned to the bedroom, while it pulsated in her hand.
“You masturbated him, isn’t it?”
“No Miss!”
“Is it so, little boy?”
Was I going to betray the sweet, helpful young hotel attendant?
“Yes, Miss Tina! She almost made me cum!”
Of course, I couldn’t lie to her; it would be like lying to the cute Mistress.
Ayako-san lowered her head.
“Sorry Miss, I couldn’t resist …it was so tempting to play with the hard cock…”
“Silly girl! Don’t you know the little boy is a rat? Hahaha…by the way, you aren’t wearing your pantyhose…”With a swift movement of the cane, the Chinese raised the other girl’s skirt, so that her hairy pussy was exposed.
“…and you are pantiless too…I could smell an aroused pussy in the air!” she added triumphantly.
Ayako-san tried to lower her skirt with her hands.
“Stop it! Keep your skirt to the waist! I have to check what horny slut you are! Or does the management allow the staff to dress inappropriately When they meet the customers?”
“Sorry Miss, I just…Aaah…” the cane now was caresing her thighs, reaching the split between the pussy lips, and indulging there, moving slowly back and forth.
Her hand was still on my cock, and I could feel, by the growing strength of her grapsp, her excitement grow.
Miss Tina slipped the cane back.
“You grateful it with your wetness, horny slut! Undress now! “
“I can’t do that…” Ayakosan tried to resist.
“Maybe the management wants to know that you masturbate your guests’ little boys…”
“Sorry Miss! I’ll undressimmediately! Please forgive me!”
The plump girl might have awakened to the pleasures of sex, but she was still shy and surely not used to be naked in front of strangers.
It took a long time to strip off the jacket, the shirt, then to unhook the plain, white bra, and finally drop the skirt.
I had seen her hairy, swollen pussy and her broad, soft ass before.
Now I could see the rest of her ample body, a thick and rich, creamy skin clothing it.
Her large and firm boobs, topped by little nipples surrounded by large, brownish areoles spilled through the hands with which she tried to cover them.
They looked delicious, I wished I could suck them -wasn’t I a little boy, after all?
“Your slutty body is making this naughty boy even harder!” commented Miss Tina, touching lightly the lower part of the cock shake with the cane “Isn’t it little boy?” “
“They are making me hard Miss Tina, I am having blue balls!”
“And why are you covering your fatboobs? Aren’t you shy more of showing your wet pussy?”
The humiliated Ayako-san didn’t know what to do anymore, dropped her hands and started sobbing.
I couldn’t help thinking that probably Miss Tina was envious of the full, ripe body of the Japanese girl, and was venting her jealousy by bullying her.
“Are you going to be a good bitch for him? “
Ayako-san, her eyes brimming with tears, didn’t know what to answer.
“Go on your fours now!”
She followed her orders, but the Chinese girl wasn’t happy yet. “Raise your ass! Do I need to spank you?”
“No Miss! I’ll raise my ass!” saying so, she bent her back and stretched her buttocks up.
“Good! You have the broad hinders of a mare!”
” And what are you doing, little boy! Down on your knees! Aren’t you excited? Put your head between her legs! Smell her asshole like the horny dog you are!”
*(1) O-chinchin = dog trick, sit-up position. Not to be confused with the other meaning of “penis”,with an information, childish nuance.
*(2) Ojousan = young miss, honorific
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