The Chinese Tourist Ch. 06

“Time to pull out the plug, you can call Miss Tina!”

“Stretch the ass out, little boy…and keep the shit in, if you don’t want to clean the place with your tongue!”

“Yes, obasama(1)!”

She now tried to pull the plug out, but the large bulb that had been pushed through the sphincter resisted her efforts, even if I tried to relax the anus’ muscles.

“I told you he likes to keep his shit to himself!” I heard Miss Tina laughing through the phone.

“I don’t!” I replied, and I tried to help the cleaning lady as much as I could, even by pushing like if I was shitting, but she didn’t have the strength to get it out.

After a few attempts, I suggested that Miss Ayako could do it.

“No way! I am not a cleaning lady!” she replied, indignant.

I wondered how long this was going to last, with my rear orifice being clumsily handled by the old woman. It was already painful and risked being torn.

Finally, I came up with an idea.

“If Miss Ayakoremoves the butt plug, I can compensate her…”

“How?” she asked, not convinced.

“I’ll lick her pussy…till she cums…”

Miss Ayako blushed lightly; she liked the idea but didn’t want to admit it. Besides, it was enough for Miss Tina to order it, and I would lick Miss Ayako’s pussy anyway.

“If you ask nicely she might accept your silly offer, little boy!” suggested the Chinese girl, showing that she approved the solution.

“Please remove the butt plug from my shit-filled ass, Miss Ayako! In this way, obasama can go on with the job of cleaning it with a much-needed enema! The only way I can thank you is by licking your lovely pussy as long as you wish, to make you reach the climax of your pleasure!”

While Miss Ayako was still pondering if she had shown enough disgust at the idea of ​​pulling out the butt plug from my ass so that she could accept my offer, the door opened and another girl stepped in.

“What’s going on here?”

On my fours, the naked ass protruding, I turned to the newcomer, a fresh new spectator to my humiliation.

“Ara! We have to clean this little boy’s ass!” answered Nakaya-san.

“But what are you doing here, Noemi-chan?”

I realized she was the tall assistant who had shown the room to Miss Tina before, and this gave me a sort of relief: at least she already knew I was a little boy, and I wasn’t going to endure another shocked look from a stranger.

“They told me you were called to the room by the nice Chinese girl, so I imagined something interesting was going on…she told me to come here.”

“Well then, you can hold the phone and film while I pull out the butt plug!”

Now Miss Ayako was afraid that the new girl would take up my previous offer and rushed to make it her own.

At the first attempt she wasn’t successful, but at the second, having tuned the needed strength, I felt the bulb progressively enlarging the anus’ muscles and then the plug explored quickly, with a plop. I immediately tightened the muscles, afraid that a load of shit would follow the way opened by the plug.

“So smelly and dirty!” commented Miss Ayako, looking at the shit-smeared plug in the empty basin.

“He is truly a dirty little boy!” added Miss Noemi, bringing a hand to her open mouth.

The old lady took the plug with a hand a showed me.

“Look what Ayachan had to pull out of your ass! Covered of shit! “

“Sorry about that Miss Ayako! Sorry to you obasama! And to you Miss Noemi! “

“Your apologies won’t take the foul smell away! Let’s start with the water before he shit himself!” He told to the younger girls.

Nakaya-san started sucking up water with the syringe, and when it was full, she penetrated my anus with the grossed nozzle. Then slowly but steadily she pushed the piston so that the water was injected inside my ass.

Two more followed quickly, and then Miss Noemi asked if she could try.

“Of course, Noemi-chan!”

“I want to try too!” asked Miss Ayako, that had abandoned by now her squeamishness.

“No worries, girls, it’s not like he is going anywhere!”

The tall girl was the first to try and wanted to repeat a second time. The same did the plumper girl.

Both of them at the first try were not as smooth as Nakaya-san, pushing too fast or too slow, inserting the tip with roughness, and hence hurting the tender asshole skin, but were smoother at the second try.

At this point, after seven rounds, Nakaya -san pushed again my swollen stomach.

“I think he will soon deliver the baby!” she commented humorously.

Not only the women in the room laughed, but I could hear Miss Tina laughing too through the phone.

“One more!” said Nakaya-san, and swiftly proceeded to perform the eight fill.

This was the number that Miss Tina has set for the first round – surely advised by the Cute Mistress. The water seemed to have settled in my bowels, and apart from the feeling of being bloated, I didn’t feel that uncomfortable.

“We need to give more!” offered Noemi-chan.

“If she does, I also should!” stated Aya-chan.

“Two more shouldn’t be a problem…just be sure he won’t spray his shit suddenly!” agreed Nakaya-san.

Noemi-chan seemed to have a real talent for the job: she injected the full content of her syringe slow and nicely. I felt a slight, additional weight on my abdomen.

Aya-Chan, instead, having asked to fill me just for the sake of emulating the other girl, and scared by Nakaya-san’s observation, pushed the whole content of the syringe quickly, removing the nozzle quickly too.

The unintended but effective result was exactly what Nakaya-san had predicted: brownish water started to be explored by my anus.

Once it started, it was difficult to control.

“This dirty little boy can’t take care of his shit!” commented Noemi-chan.

“It’s so smelly! Look! Pieces of shit are coming out!” added the disgusted Aya-chan.

I wished I could stop the liquids from flowing, but the truth is that I wasn’t able to control my body, and soon, as Miss Ayako had noticed, besides the brownish water, small and big lumps of excrements started to be explored.

Nakaya-san from time to time pressed my stomach, both to help the process, but also to check how much was left.

I was torn between the need of emptying myself from what had filled me, and the wish to avoid making a show of myself in front of the three women, but of course, it was impossible for me to control the contractions of my bowels; the stream continued, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

At a certain point, I felt finally empty.

Nakaya-san squeezed my buttocks like she was squeezed for the Last time a lemon to which all juices had been extracted and then asked the girls to do the same. They promptly followed the suggestion and finally agreed that the little boy had released all the shit from his body.

Now Nakaya-san took the basin full of feces floating in the brownish water, in the middle of which remained, half-submerged, the butt plug.

She put it on the floor just right in front of me.

The smell was unbearable.

I raised my head to avoid it, but she took my hair and pushed me so low that my head was almost touched by the dirty water; I felt like puking.

“What? You don’t like it? You don’t like your precious shit? The one you want so badly to keep in your ass? These poor girls have to smell it too!”

“Sorry obasama for having you perform this job! Sorry, ojoosama(2)! Sorry to make you smell my disgusting shit!”

Noemi-chan kicked me, softly, but enough to make my balance.”Dirty little boy!”

Aya-chan followed. “Disgusting little boy!”

Her kick was more vicious but lucky I was prepared, so in both cases, my head didn’t fall in the basin.

The tall girl seemed to take my humiliation as an amusing game, while the plump one saw it as a deserved punishment, which she didn’t want to admit excited her.

“I’ll put the basin on your back, we’ll take you to the toilet, you’ll throw the content in the drainage and clean the basin and the butt plug. Later we need to complete the job and wash your asshole again!”

Nakaya-san led me by the lean to the restroom, while I carefully balanced walking on my fours to avoid that the container on my back spilled its filtered contents on the floor.

When we arrived, she tied the leash chain around the basin pipe near the toilet; then she put the basin next to it.

“Go ahead, dirty boy!”

For a moment I was uncertain how to proceed.

“May I use my hands, obasama?”

The old lady laughed.

“Would you like to use your tongue?”

I blushed furiously and I denied strongly.

“Of course not, obasama!”

“It’s such a dirty little boy, I bet he’ll love it!” added Ayachan, disgusted.

“I’d like tosee his brown tongue!” commented mischievously Noemichan.

“I’ll clean it perfectly, obasama!” I replied, starting to throw the water and the shit in the toilet.

“Remember that the butt plug will go in your mouth after!”

After pouring the contents in the toilet, Nakaya-san put a little water with dish soap in the basin, and made me scrub the shit stains first from the butt plug, and then from the basin itself with my fingers and hands. The process was repeated a couple of times until they were both sparkling clean.

The three women looked at them carefully, before they pronounced themselves satisfied.

Finally I could use some of the dish soap and water to wash my hands, reddened and roughened by the scrubbing.

“Time for the second round!” shouted with a jolly voice Nakaya-san.

This time she used the syringe once, and Ayachan and Noemichan once each.

The water was cold, and it didn’t take long for me to start releasing it.

The flow wasIntensity, but also short.

Nakaya-san took the basin and once more showed it to me.

“Do you think this water is clean, little boy?”

I could see some little spots of feces, but it seemed clear enough to me.

“It is, obasama!”

“Then you can drink it, lying boy!”

I looked in fear at the three women around me.

“The water is dirty, please fill my ass one more time!” I shouted as I was aware that they were becoming more and more confident in the control they had over me, and that if I didn’t seize the moment they would truly make me drink that water.

For this time they were happy with my answer, but Nakaya-san set a condition.

“We’ll fill your ass once more, but you’ll release it only after we permit you. If a single drop falls in the pavement, you’ll have to lick it!”

“Thank you, obasama! Please fill my ass once more! I’ll release at your orders!”

“Don’t abuse my patience, little boy!”

“I won’t!” I answered, loudly.

“Very well then!”

This time Nakaya-san and the two girls used two syringes each.

Even while they were pushing it in, I was feeling the cramps, but I fought these urgent impulses, afraid of the punishment.

When they had finished, the three women surrounded me, their arms folded, waiting.

I looked at them from below, naked and trembling, the muscles of my ass tension in trying to Keep the icy water inside. At times I felt I was losing it, but then again I was able to control myself.

“Please let me release the water, obasama!” I shouted, shivering.

“That’s not the proper request” commented Noemichan, nonplussed.

“Please let this filter little boy release the water from his asshole, obasama!Noemi ojoosama! Ayako ojoosama!”

The three women looked at each other, giggling.

“You’ll have to ask permission from each of us and release some water for each. If you remain without water for the third, we’ll have to repeat it!”

It was Noemisanwho had talked; it was her idea, but the other two nodded, amused.

“You can start with me, then Ayachan, and finally Nakayasan!”

“Thank you Noemi ojoosama! Please let me release some water from my asshole for you!”

“I didn’t hear well…”

I shouted louder.

“Noemi ojoosama! Please let me release some water from my asshole for you!”

The three women laughed.

“Let’s see if that dirty ass can be cleaned…show me some water!”

I realized how difficult and mortifying was to control the flow; my buttocks muscles relaxed to let it go but had to tighten to have enough water for the other rounds.

“Are you keeping it all for the others? Give me more!”

Saying so Noemichan’s small hand patted my ass. Like a trained pet, performing at command, a let a trickle of water gush from my anus.

“You can stop now!” and obediently I clenched my ass.

“I guess it’s my turn now…” it was Ayachan’s time to control me.

“Please let me release some water, Ayakosama!”

“Do you want to pee in front of me, dirty boy?”

“Please let me release some water from my asshole, Ayakosama!”

“Do you pee from the ass now, filthy boy? Why do you need this soft sausage then?” saying so, she kicked softly the cock cage, which swung like a harmless appendix.

With a sudden spasm, I feel the water coming to the edge, pushing against the sphincter.

“I don’t know why I have this useless sausage between the legs, because I shit and pee from my asshole! Please order me to pee from my asshole, kind Ayakosama!”

“If you insist…pee for me, dirty boy!”

“Thank you ojoosama!” I shouted, truly happy, and I let the unstoppable water go.

When it was over, I realized that there was still Nakayasan’s turn, but I was afraid that in an enthusiastic effort of obedience I had let all the contents of my bowels go.

“So little boy, are you going to make this old lady happy too?”

I looked sheepishly at Nakayasan, knowing that not a single drop of water was still inside me.

I hadn’t realized how tiring had been the process of controlling myself, and I was feeling exhausted. I knew that if I had to repeat the process, I won’t be able to control myself anymore, and this was going on forever. My eyes filled with tears, but I resisted, not wanting to put a show for my three torquers.

“Don’t worry little boy!” said Nakayasan sweetly, caresing my ass and squeezing gently my balls, as she liked to do.

“In my old age, I’ll be happy even with a single drop!” she said, winding to the younger girls -“squat over the basin!”

I positioned myself over the basin, my ass bent over it.

Nakayasan caressed my stomach, as she had done before.

“I think that you have something for your mummy, little boy!”

“It’s useless, let’s fill the ass once more!” shouted Noemichan.

“Leave the little boy alone, he will surely release some water for his mummy!”

I looked at Nakayasan with pleading eyes, hoping she could, with a miracle, make water sprinkle from my dry ass.

In the meanwhile I squeezed my whole bowels, as hard as I could, hoping to be saved from the next torture.

“Come on, little boy! Don’t make the sweet old lady wait!” said Ayachan.

“He can’t do it, let’s go with another round!” repeated Noemichan.

I pushed hard, but instead of water, I emitted a long, noisy fart.

“Disgusting!” shouted Ayachan.

“He should be punished!”

“We have to be patient with him – said instead Nakayasan, brushing my hair lightly, while I blushed furiously- he is just a little boy…”

She kept pressing gently my stomach, caresing at the same time my balls or my ass, and finally, truly, miraculously, a little stream of water flew through my asshole inside the basin.

“Good boy!” said Nakayasan happily, patting my head. “I knew you could do it!” “

I smiled shyly, truly like a punished schoolchild.

(1) Obasama. Honorific for old woman.

(2) Ojoosama. Honorific for a young, unmarried girl.


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