The Chinese Tourist Ch. 02

Thirty minutes later we were at the hotel’s entrance.

“Zip your trousers, park the car, and bring the luggage.”

“Yes, Miss!” I replied, as she disembarked, welcomed by a hotel attendant, who wore a black uniform with a funny, slightly oversized top hat.

I reached Miss Tina who had almost completed her check-in.

The same attendant who had welcomed her moved to take the luggage.

“The little boy will take care of it, thank you!” Miss Tina immediately explained.

The attendant, a tall, willowy girl, looked at me puzzled: I didn’t look like a little boy to her!

“I am afraid that only hotel guests can access the room…” she replied politely.

“Can I talk to you in private?” whispered Miss Tina.

“Yes, Miss…but…” “Let’s go! Leave the luggage there, little boy!”

The petite Chinese girl had asserted her control over me rather effectively, and without daring to look at the surprised hotel assistant, I followed them into a cubicle,separate through a movable wall from the large hall.

“Unzip your trousers, little boy!”

I hesitated for a moment, hoping that the tall girl would object to such a bizarre request. She had brought a hand to her mouth but didn’t say anything, clearly waiting to see what was happening next.

I had no choice but to unzip the trousers and show my cock cage to another completely stranger young girl.

“What is it?” she asked Miss Tina, in shock.

“It’s a cock cage! Haven’t seen one before?”

“Just in pictures…or…adult shops…” answered truly the other girl.

“He is a little boy with a naughty cock who needs discipline and restraint. It doesn’t do any good if he sees you taking my luckgage.

You can still come with us…you will have to explain to me the room’s features.” Miss Tina suggested.

“I understand now” surprise had turned in a barely expressed laugh.

“You can put back that useless sausage! Let’s go!” ordered Tina, sharingthe attendant’s laugh.

Quickly, using the elevator, we reached Miss Tina’s room. I had followed the two girls with the luggage, while they talked of the weather in Tokyo and other pleasuresantries.

The attendant, whose name was Noemi, opened the door and we stepped into the room.

“Whe shall I put the luggage, Miss Tina?”

“Not so quick little boy! Undress first! In my room, you’ll have to be fully naked…all the time!”

Noemi looked at me, with anticipation, smiling like she was playing an enjoyable game.

I dropped my clothes at once, and I remained naked, in front of the two girls.


As I followed the order, I could hear Noemi’s gasping.

“That’s what Yuzu told me…besides the cock cage you are wearing a nice butt plug too!” commented Miss Tina laughing.

“Put the suitcase on the rack, the trolley in that corner, and Yuzu’s bag on the bed…there is something I have to fetch!”

As I turned, the hotel assistant was still looking at me, with an uncertain curiosity.

“Please wait for a moment, Noemi, before you give me the room’s tour.”

While I placed the luckygage as requested, Miss Tina has taken from the bag a collar and leash.

“Come here now, on your fours! Raise your knees!”

Quickly she put the collar on my neck and attached the leash.

“Now let’s go for the tour!”

The hotel assistant started to show the room features, the toilet functions and explained the emergency procedures. Miss Tina followed, and I followed her, on the leash, like an obedient dog.

From time to time Noemi looked at me, still unsure of what she had to think.

Quickly the tour was over.

“I might call room service from time to time..inform your colleagues that they will find a little boy in the room, please tell them to treat him like any other pet!”

“Yes, Miss I understand! I hope you’ll have a good stay! You too, little boy!” ” she added, as she caresed laughing my chin,like I was no more than a large dog.

Now, still on my four, I was alone in the room with Miss Tina.

“I am very tired and I want to take a bath, but before that, I have to take care of your punishment!”

“Your manners were poor at the airport parking lot when you suggested I should sit next to you, also you doubted I know how to take care of a little boy’s sack…”

“Sorry Miss Tina, I didn’t mean …”

“Shut up silly boy! What you mean or think doesn’t matter! Take the canes from the bag! Then sit on a chair and hold your legs spread with your hands!”

I knew the hurt, leather bag well. The Cute Mistress made me keep a list of its contents of the bag, complete with pictures. She also asked me to describe the use and the effect of each tool that contained, and took great care in reading and reviewing what I wrote, sometimes testing a tool if she wasn’t sure about its properties; it was one of her favorite ways to spend a free afternoon.

I realizedNow that she had handed the list to Miss Tina; this explained why she was familiar with its contents: besides paddles, whips, an old fashion carpet beater, and other toys and tools, there were indeed a few canes, of different length and thickness.

I took them and I gave them to the young girl, who was waiting, sitting on the side of the bed.

Then I assumed the position she had requested, and I waited patiently, holding my spread tighs with my hands, giving her an unobstructed view of my caged cock and defenseless sack.

She took time in choosing the cane, swinging them in the air, one by one, looking at me sternly in the meantime.

Even if she was young and petite, I felt scared -I could just stand up, dress, and leave – but I was going to disappoint the Cute Mistress, and I knew that I could never forgive myself for that.

Finally, she seemed happy with a long, thin cane, which flexed nicely and looked at me coldly.

“Are you ready for your punishment?”

“Ask for it…or maybe I should give up, and tell Yuzu she didn’t train you as well as she thinks…and that her pride is misplaced…”

“Please don’t Miss Tina! Please punish me as I deserve for my careless behavior! It’s not my Mistress’ fault! She takes great care in correcting my slippiness! Please can me as you feel appropriate!”

“I am not very familiar with this…I don’t know how much I am going to hurt you…”

“Please don’t think of my pain! I will have to endure it to learn my lesson! Hit as hard as you wish!”

A strong blow arrived on my balls’ sack, and I feel a singing, excruciating pain.

“Silly boy! Are you still giving me advice? Do you think I need it?”

“No…Miss…I am sorry..:” I replied, my eyes brimming with tears.

After the blow, my legs had the automatic reflex to shut up and protect the battery scrotum, but I resisted, and I keep them open, sure that this was the only behavior that could save me from additional punishments.

“You are lucky, little boy…I don’t want to damage Yuzu’s property…I will give you only two more blows, one for each of your faults…”

“Thank you, Miss Tina!” I immediately replied,

The second blow arrived not far from the first, leaving me in excruciating pain.

And I resisted the impulse to shut my legs and hold myself like a baby and cry.

Miss Tina was looking at me, studying my expression and enjoying it.

“Are you learning your lesson, little boy?”

“…yes…Miss Tina…”

“Will you remember I sit on the back seats, occasionally sitting next to you when I wish to play with your useless cock?”

“…yes, Miss Tina…”

“I am not sure you truly understand …can you repeat what you learned?” she asked me, flexing the cane menacingly, holding the two edges.

“I learned that you sit on the back, Miss, but sometimes you might wish to sit next to me! To play with my…my useless…cock…”

“I suppose youDid learn…”

The third blow arrived again suddenly, immediately after the last world.

I felt the cane swung the soft scrotum skin, the pain intensity.


“What did you learn next? ” she asked me, with an amused smile.

“I learned…that you know what is better for my balls…Miss Tina…you don’t need advice…”

Another blow arrived unexpectedly, because I thought my punishment was over. Unable to control me, silent tears started to cross my face.

“For your balls only?”

“No Miss! All my cock, the shake, the balls, actually all of me, my ass, my asshole, the mouth! All of my body!”

She laughed, pleased.

Still she moved the cane again toward my battered balls, and unable to take more, I moved my pelvis back, to soften the coming blow.

“Are you escaping your punishment, disobedient boy?”

“No , Miss!”

“Then learn to take it bravely!”

Another painful blow arrived. Besides the tears, now my body was covered in sweat.

“If you had been an obedient little boy, you would have saved this last blow!”

“Now face the mirror and look at your sorry ball sack while I undress so I get ready for a bath…I am so tired…don’t dare to turn!”

“Yes, Miss Tina!”

I moved the chair towards the long mirror on the wall and I assumed the requested position.

“How can you check the balls, don’t you see they are covered by the cage? Hold up the cage with one hand, so the balls become visible! Do I need to use the cane again?”

“No Miss!”

I held the cock cage and I looked at my red-striped balls: surely I wouldn’t forget Miss Tina’s lesson very soon, if ever. Also, I feel the cock growing in my hand, trying to get free from the cage. The pain of the blood flushed cock shake pushing against the metal harness was different, less stinging, but some deeper – connected with the lustful desire to cum.

I could only fight to tame it because asking for release from MissTina was unthinkable.

“You can turn now, little boy!”

Miss Tina lied naked on the bed, her torso sustained by the bed shoulder.


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