This is a sequel to the series, “The Wooden Pony Club” and “The Apartment”. It is a revamp of stories I have published previously.
“The Promised Land always lies on the other side of a wilderness.” (Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life)
From the window in the tower I could see out over all of the estate. Surrounding the big house were manicured laws dotted with tidily trimmed shrubs and bordered by dense woodland. A gravel driveway circled in front of the porch before veering off in the direction of the highway, which was partially visible in the distance between gaps in the trees. From the rear of the building, a cobbled path meandered among the flower beds towards a small pavilion, where two of the Masters were sitting in the shade sipping drinks. They were casually watching a dozen slavegirls toileting Nearby, pruning shrubs and tending the gardens. It was a hot, humid summer afternoon. Apart from wide-brimmed straw hats and cotton work gloves, the women were naked. Perspiration glistened on their bodies. Meanwhile, to my left, a breeze drifted across the tiers of terracotta roof tiles, carrying up from the courtyard music and men’s voices and feminine shrinks mingled with laughter.
I was about to turn away and resume my chores when a movement caught my eye, at the far end of the road, where it emerged in a sweeping curve from the forest. fuzziness gradually resolved itself into a short column of women, eight altogether. They were spaced no more than half an arm’s length apart, and marching slowly towards the house. They also were nude, of course. Their arms were pinioned behind them; they were linked by a chain attached to their collars; all were gagged and blindfolded. The one in front was leading her flock with measured steps, guided on a tether by a young man; but they were being hurried along by another male who moved up and down the file tapping bare bottoms apparently at random with his cane. The two men were attired in the flatoyant uniform (black breeches, white ruffled shirt, red velvet jacket) of novitiate Masters.
The women appeared to be aged in the typical range, early to late twentyties, with a single exception. The one at the head of the line, tall with a splendid figure and billowing ash-blonde hair, looked to be well into her thirties. It is hard, with so many slaves passing through the Château, to remember Everyone; and their faces were partially covered; but these were clearly new to the sisterhood. As they followed the meaningring path, I caught a glimpse of their rumps and saw that none had been branded. That was not a sure sign, since about half the girls even now choose against bearing the monogram of the Chaînerie permanently emblazoned on their skin. (It is one of the few free choices we have in the Château.) But three in the group still had public hair (and I felt sympathy and joy for them, because the depilation ritual is a favorite amusement for the Masters). WhenThey had shuffled onto the circular drive, they were ordered to halt, and to bunch up until they touched.
The neophyte males were fresh-faced and wide-eyed, the same age as the youngest of the women. Master Luke and Master Ethan came down off the porch to greet them and inspect the new property. They were through in their evaluation, and as each woman in turn was probed and prodded, at first not aware, from behind her blindfold, of what was happening, she jerked and cringed, and the compact line of bodies wavered and wobbled as the squirming rippled along it.
After this welcome, the slaves were herded up the steps to commence their new life. Because they arrived as a group, I knew they had not been trained and primed in Lydia’s apartment, as I had been. So I envied them for their innocent as they embarked upon their voyage of self-discovery. Each sensing, each pleasure, each torque was a novel experience, excisite and excruciating, a fresh adventure, a brand new thrill. I tingled inside at the thought of what must be in their minds at that moment, of what was happening within their bodies as they contemplated their suffering and servitude.
Once they’d disappeared inside the house, I went back to scrubbing the floor. Alongside me, Sabrina clicked her tongue in disapproval.
“If one of the Masters had caught you…” she whispered.
“They didn’t.” I grinned as she frowned. But I felt contrite. She had good reason to fret. We would both have been punished for my translation. And the punishments these days were refined to be terrible.
Half an hour later, Master Eric came to fetch us. Apart from the two latest arrivals, he was the newest and youngerest Master. He was wearing his ceremonial cape.
“All females are required downstairs,” he said blandly.
Absent-mindedly, as I dropped to my knees I looked up, and our eyes met.
“Please forgive me, Master,” I mewled.
He grunted a reply. Sabrina heavened a deep and disapproving sight. So we were to be punished after all, for my impertinence.
He ordered me onto all fours. He crouched behind me and ran his hands along my torso, squeezing my breasts and pinching my nipples until I squealed, then down my belly to linger between my legs. He opened the tiny circular lock which connected the rings that pierced my labia. As he spread the folds and his fingers prepared me, my whole body quaked and quivered. The Master plunged into me, mumbling something and chuckling at his witticism. He wasn’t gentle; he was in a hurry; it was half-hearted and it was messy. (The Masters never use condoms. But they have strict rules of hygiene, and all women use contrastives.)
I didn’t need to prepare myself. We slaves are always ready, our vaginas lubricated and dilated. It’s Because, in the Château, we exist in a state of constant arousal, or if not, in anticipation. It can be exhausting, our bodies never relaxing, but it’s intotoxicating. It’s vitalizing. It’ss why we are here. So while there was no pleasure in being taken so brusquely by Master Eric on the floor in the tower, I could reveal in my submission to his will.
The Master refasted the little lock and stood up. The worst of my penance, and Sabrina’s underserved punishment, would have to wait. We raised ourselves and deposited our mops and buckets in a corner at the end of the cornridor, near the window. I could hear More voices and noises drifting up from the courtyard. We put our hands behind our backs. Master Eric seized my wrists and locked the bracelets together, then clipped a lean to my collar. He tugged and shook it vigorously, trying to evoke a response; but this time I kept my eyes lowered. He thrust the phallic-shaped shake of an oversized penis-gag between my jaws. It had recently been used. The noisome knob was glazed with dried saliva. He cuffed and gagged Sabrina as well before taking us down to the lobby. There, near the base of the stairs, a half-dozen women were standing silently and severely at attention, tethered in a single file, shackled, collared and gagged. We exchanged quick glances. At the front of the line was Lydia.
She and Sabrina are the oldest and the longest-serving members of the sisterhood. They have been part of it since the very beginning, or so I’ve heard. For although nobody has ever told the full story of how the Chaînerie got started, there is much you could learn from the murmured cover gossip of the women, also from fragments of overheard conversations from the Masters, because that is one aspect of being a slave in a mansion popularized by slaves — becoming part of the furniture (sometimes literally). Things can be said that are not intended for your ears but which you catch anyway. And Lydia has been the subject of persistent and prolific speculation. She is the dozenenne of the sisterhood, unquestionably, but I already had, then, a strong suicide that she was so much more. Most of us, if not all, owed our presentence in the house to her tutelage. For it was Lydia who recruited and prepared us for service in the Château, and who selected the young men to be our Masters.
Sabrina, on the other hand, is exactly what she appears to be, a mother hen to appreciate new slaves and nervous new Masters. She is tall and slender, breathtakingly beautiful with hair as dark as midnight and emerald-green eyes which fly about Incessantly but sparkle with intelligence. Like many of us, she had left the halls of academicia to enter into the thrall of the brotherhood; but she is one of just two women living permanently in the Château.
Serene and self-assured, even in shades Sabrina moved with a feline grace and dignity. A dribble of drool from the corners of her mouth past the prototype ball-gag did not diminish her radiant elegance. She and I joined the end of the queue. Master Eric hitched my halter to the collar of the last girl in line, the curvaceous blonde Cassandra, and Sabrina’s to mine.He ordered us to march, and as we passed he slapped us each hard on the rump, growing “Quickstep; too slow.” We picked up speed, although our trot was little more than a brisk shamble. But our owners like to prod and pressure us, to see sweat flowing, hair playing, spitle spraying, buttocks wiggling, boobs jiggling. There are rules for everything; so as we jogged we held our manacled wrists level with the small of the back, to keep the posterior clear for fondling or flogging, whichever be a Master’s pleasure. We pulled back our shoulders to push out our chests, because we are always on display. We kept our gaze fixed on the floor in front of us but were nevertheless expected to be alert to any signal or gesture from a Master who might choose not to speak his commands.
Hardly anything is done in the Château, by the slaves anyway, that is not difficult or degrading; but this is, after all, the reason for our being there… indeed, for some of the women, their reason for being.
We were the last to arrive and the courtyard was crowded. The men already there starred impatiently. Sabrina and I would be punished for that as well. We’d been delayed as a result of my being fucked by Master Eric, which was my fault. But I knew my sisters would not adjust me too harshly. It was virtually impossible to avoid breaches of discipline. Often we didn’t know we had broken one of the myriad rules until our chatisement. It was something Lucy had warned me about on my first night in Lydia’s apartment.
We were given our instructions to form a single file, shoulder-to-shoulder, in front of the west portico. Then we spread out until our tethers stretched taut between our collars. Master Eric moved along behind us, prying the gags from our mouths. The girls on either side of me beside me gratefully flexed their jaws and pumped their lips. They must have been wearing theirs for some time. Lined up at an angle to us on our left were the women who had just come in from their outdoor work. From their bodies, streaked with garden grime, wafted the faith musty odour of sweat and the metallic tang of sunscreen lotion. They were collaminated and leashed but not bound. Their arms were behind their backs, wrists crossed.
Altogether there were forty slaves and twelve Masters gathered for the induction ritual. It was rare to have so many people in the house all at once. The males, chatting and joking, were splendidly ostentatious in flowing crisis caps. The women were standing silently, our heads bowed, our naked bodies twitching in anticipation of the festivals that always followed these observances. On a signal from one of their number, the men stopped talking and turned to face us. We were arranged in a broad V shape, with the eight new girls forming a line inside our formation, and we all descended to Our knees. The two novitiate Masters stepped forward and placed themselves close enough to us that the faces of the pair of women kneeling in the middle of the row were almost in the men’s crotches.
The ceremony itself was brief and simple, with no fancy rites, no elaborate pomp, no long speeches. The two new Masters recalled a pledge to respect and uphold the rules and customs of the Château Chaînerie — the Chateau of Chains– and all the rights and privileges benefiting their sex. Master Eric, who spoke because he was the most recent inductee, admonished them. “This is your birthright,” he declared, pointing towards us women. “If you do not claim it, you are not just denying yourself what belongs to you, you dishonor these women who offer you their submission, obedience and servitude.”
The formalities ended with our oath of slavery, to honour, serve and obey our Masters without question or hesitation, followed by the familiar creed. “I embrace what I am, I reveal that which I am not.” We did not say the words out loud, but rather muttered them so the men did not hear clearly. They did not need to, for what they commanded was not for us to afford. The words were our own reminder, of what we are and what we are not.
Those of us who had been brought into the courtyard by Master Eric stayed on to amuse the men. The others went back to their chores, except for the new eight, who remained kneeing on the spot where they had been initiated, not daring to make a move or a sound. They had been blindfolded, but from behind the black satin sashes they listened fearfully and expectedly to our moans and wails, squawks and squeals. Every so often one or more of them would be picked out to be part of the amusement, and when the Masters had finished with her she returned to her position, shaking and whimpering, happy and proud that she was passing the test of her first day in the Château.
Towards evening, there were two final sacraments to be administratored. The three women with pubic hair were laid out on one of the tables and the Masters took turns to do the shaving. They performed their taskConscientiously, inflicting just a few nicks and eliciting just a few groans. But two slaves had volunteered for branding. The rest of us waited outside; so we were spared the sight. But we heard the screams, one a piercing shriek, the other a guttural howl. Afterwards, they each proudly showed us the mark embedded in the red, sered flesh of her left buttock. I knew it well, I wore it, but not on my skin… not yet. It was inscribed on my collar and on the lock that joined the ringlets which passed through the lips at the entrance to my body.
The § symbol is such a commonplace theme in the Chaînerie, and yet no one seems to understand its full meaning; or those who know did not speak of it. Still, I can make an educated guess. The interlocking double-S stands for sisterhood and slavery. The sisterhood of slaves. It makes perfect sense to me, though I’ve heard the term used only informally. It’s what we are. Our emblem is displayed in many places — in the Château, in Lydia’s office and apartment, etched into rings, labia locks and collars, burnt into or tattooed onto the buttocks of women.
And we are indeed a sisterhood. But there’s something interesting about this. Apart from a few words, such as those spoken in the courtyard that afternoon, there is nowhere, in whatever constitutions the unwritten charter of the Château Chaînerie, any specific reference to the brotherhood of Masters.
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