Highway 101, five PM on a Friday. Got to love it. Fucking sucks. God dam traffic jams.
“I hate this fuckin’ place,” she screams out her window.
Eight lanes of traffic and not one car moving. People are getting out of their transportation and milling around waiting. For what? Something? Anything to move. Fuck!
Sandra Livingston, age 33, professional driver. Five foot four and solid dynamite. Not doing so well today. Nothing has gone right yet today. She was late this morning to pick up a client at the airport in LA. Some fat cat and his cunt arm candy. Delivered them on time anyway to his private club down town. Halfway there a hot engine light comes on. WTF? Being experienced counts for something. She stopped at a gas station and popped the hood. The problem was obvious. Some shit head mechanic didn’t put the radiator cap back on after serving the Lincoln Town car Limo. She closed the cap and the engine cooled down. Got a pretty good tip even though she declinedto join him and his stripper girl friends invitation to dance at his club. She was a little pissed that he’d even make the offer, but then she had considered it more than once herself when she was down and out with no job. She was able to turn heads for sure. Her long hair and petite frame oozed sex and she knew it. Guys were always after her ass. But, not the life for her. Men ran the clubs and the pimps preyed on the girls. Men were assholes plain and simple. Once they had you, they treated you like they owned you. Fuck that. The open road and adventure over the horizon beckoned. Ah yes adventure. That’s what they call this.
“Come on!!!” “What the fuck is the problem here,” she shouted!
“Never gonna makes the next pick up at this rate. Good thing it’s not till Nine PM. It’ll take that long to get there.” By the GPS it’s only eighteen miles.
Looking out the very tinted windows of her limo she saw several men lounging on the guardrail from a truck just ahead of her. One guy was pretty hot actually. If she wasn’t so angry she might have some fun thinking about that guys big arms wrapped around her thighs and his head buried in her now warming crotch. She looked to her left side and another large truck was blocking the side view. Not that anyone could see in the windows. It didn’t look like she was going anywhere soon so why not relieve her stress the old fashioned way. As a young Girl she discovered that touching herself made her relax and feel better when ever she felt loneliness or anger. Placing her hands on her budding breasts and rubbing the small protruding nipples made her warm inside. It gave her special warmth in her crotch. A warm hand would eventually snake down through the waistband of her shorts and panties where the tips of her fingers would just need to touch the top of the opening. She called it her “coozie.” There was a little bud of skin there that she didn’t know what it was but if you touched it, it made you tingle and get reallywarm. She didn’t like to touch it directly because that didn’t feel that great but if you took two or three fingers and placed them at the top of the little bud and wiggled the skin on that boney area soon your breathing would speed up and a tingly feeling would spread from somewhere inside deep in her pelvis and radiate outward to her stomach and chest making her skin warm and rosy red. After a little while more of this teasing her breathing would come fast and shallow and little squeaking noises would come out of her mouth and she would be overcome by a warm rush that caused her legs to stiffen and straighten. A wet slippery liquid would be oozing from her coozie. Some times as a teen she would repeat this process several times a day while she imagined a favorite man she had met in her life. Now as an older woman who had experienced the reality of life with many men, she still favored the pleasure of her own company because after all if you want it done right you have to do it yourself. Speaking of doing things yourself… The guy on the guardrail just took his shirt off. Nice ripply six pack of muscles.
“Mmmmm,” she thought. “Wouldn’t that be nice to feel that body sliding up against hers?”
Or have him mount her doggie with those strong legs? She looked around and slide her hands down into her lap and slowly, cautiously began to unhook her belt and unbutton Her pants. That need for that warm feeling was overcoming her fear of being seen. She slide her hand down to the top of her public bone and began to jiggle the flesh there which began to stimulate her clip making sure not to actually touch it. All the while looking at Mr. Six-pack’s chest. He was sunning himself on the guard rail. That warm feeling began to spread, she dipped her middle finger between her lips a few times to spread the wetness onto her clip and then went back to the stimulation of her clip. Her breath now coming in short gasps and that familiar tightness starting in her ass holeas her body began to tense. Her blood was beginning to flow into her brain with more chemical warmth and her pussy was beginning to hum. Subconsciously she licked her lips as she spread her knees to allow her hand more access. Dipping her finger again. Her juice was so slippery and smooth. No wonder guys loved sliding their cocks into her cunt. You can never have enough luxury, she only wished they were more into making her reach her climax. Mr. Six-pack was looking in her direction now. His tight shorts were telling on him. His cock was pressing his zipper. He had to be a tightly whiteys guy. She new he couldn’t see her as her fingers were vibrating her clip but it excited her to think he could. Her climax was approaching and she had to concentrate on not giving herself up as she came. Her finger dipped more often into her wet cunt and back to working her clip. On the edge now. Her eyes closed and that warm feeling was spreading through her like a warm tide. A moan escaped her lips and her head rolled back as a hot wave pulsed through her body. Her hand cupped her cunt and her fingers caught the wetness explored from her lips. A deep rush of breath and it was done. She dipped her fingers in a few times for good measure. Her brain absorbing the rush and a feeling of relaxation spreading through her. Good thing she had a wad of napkins form eating on the road stashed in her door compartment. Slowly she withdraw her hand, fingers dragging through her slippery lips for good measure, and wiping the juice on her napkins. Ahhh, that feel good. It didn’t do anything for getting her out of this fucking awful traffic jam but at least she felt more relaxed. For a few minutes anyway. End of part 1
Three hours later she pulled into a ritzy high rise. A doorman came out to meet her.
“I presume you are here for Mr. Magnus?” he said.
“You would presume right,” she said a little sarcastically.
“He will be arrived shortly,” said the doorman. “You may wait here.”
“I may wait here,” she mouthed. “What a tight ass prick,” she thought. “Who is Mr. Magnus anyway,” she mused?
Although the name did sound familiar, she didn’t really care. All she cared was he paid well for her to be in this city at this time of the night for who knows how long. Shortly a dark man dressed in an obvious nice fitting Armani suit came down the stairs to the limo. The doorman opened the door for him and he got in. The door shut. She waited for the com phone to ring. It didn’t ring.
“Now what,” she thought? She knew she should wait for the client to call her. Finally after several minutes she picked up the phone. It would ring in the back as soon as she picked it up. Suddenly the window between the driver and the back rolled down. She turned to look still holding the phone.
“You can put that down now,” Magnus said, in a firm but commanding tone.
His voice made her nervous instantly but she didn’t know why.
“Where would you liketo go sir,” she stammered quietly.
“Anywhere I can get some piece and quiet,” he said. “Take me to Mulholland. It’s quiet up there.”
“Yes sir,” she said, and pulled away from the curb, raising the window between them.
“Leave that down,” he said.
He didn’t say it in a mean way but his voice had a commanding edge to it. Like he was used to issue orders. She lowered the window immediately. He was looking at her in the mirror. His eyes boring in. She glanced away. Those eyes were like drills boring into her scull. He had said or done nothing to make her uncomfortable yet she was. A trickle of sweat ran down her neck behind her ear. He took a deep breath as if he smelled her scent on the air like a predator tests the air for its prey.
“What’s your name driver,” he asked?
“Sandra Livingston,” she said.
“Do I make you nervous Sandra Livingston?”
“No sir. Why do you ask?”
She regretted the following on question immediately.
“Because you are smoking in an air conditioned car.” That’s obvious,” he observed.
Now she was getting uncomfortable. Those eyes were like lasers. What’s with this guy?
“I can smell fear you know. I’m not going to hurt you. Relax. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to,” he said softly.
She reached instinctively for the comfort of the Glock under her armrest.
“May I call you Sandra,” he asked?
“Yes,” she said rather too quickly.
“How is it that a woman as handsome as you is driving a limo?”
“It’s a job,” she said. Ignoring the impertinence.
“I bet you’ve had other offers from your clients,” he said.
“Daily,” was her reply.
“No boyfriend either,” he said matter of factually.
“How did you arrive at that,” she said boldly?
“No rings,” he said.
“You are very observant.” was her reply.
She liked this man a lot all of a sudden. They pulled into the parking area on top of the mountain overlooking the ocean.
“Here we are,” she said. Hoping he would say OK lets go. But he didn’t.
“I want to sit here for a bit. I jut want to talk to someone for a while who doesn’t want something from me or want to kiss my ass for something. You up for that Sandra?”
“I’ll sit here as long as you are paying me to,” she said. Regretting the snippy tone immediately. He ignored her tone, and said.
“A woman who knows exactly what she wants. How rare. You have lovely hair you know. Why don’t you let it down?”
“I beg your pardon,” she said annoyed.
“I said you should let your hair down. Humor me.”
Her hands quickly reached for the hair ties to release the mass of hair on her head. She was thinking I may have to shoot this guy. At the same time she got a quiver in the pit of her stomach from the sound of his voice. A little pang that excited her. No one had dared spoke to her like that before. Why did she let him get away with it?
“You have very nice hair Sandra. The sweatwill dry quicker with it down.”
He was baiting her and he knew what buttons to push. That voice made her insides turn to mush. And she was getting wet. Where would he go next she wondered?
“I know you think I’m a wacko. But I’m not. I know all about you. I had a detective follow you for weeks.”
“What the fuck are you playing at,” she shouted, suddenly angry and afraid at the same time.
“Lower your voice.” He glared at her.
She bit her lip. What was going to happen next? This was getting crazy.
“I understand you like sex shops? Not just ordinary lingerie shops but the kind where they have those movie machines and toys. You buy a new toy every week. You don’t need to deny it.”
“Why should I. It’s my private business. How dare you…”
“Stop it! I like a woman who likes a little adventure. You’re really smoking now. I have $500.00 in my wallet that says your cunt is dripping right now. Care to bet me? Want to take my money?”
She knewhe was right. She was excited. More excited than she had ever been at this moment in time. He was so bold and excited.
“What do you want from me, she asked?”
“Your trust was,” his reply.
“My trust?”
“Yes. You will not regret it. I assure you.”
This was crazy. She didn’t know this guy from Adam but she did trust him. He could have made numerous moves on her in the time they had been together, but he had done nothing but talk and her panties were drenched.
“What do I have to do?” She asked.
“Only what you want to do was his response.”
“And that is…. she said softly?”
“Come back here and sit beside me.”
“That’s against the rules,” she said.
“Fuck the rules! Get back Here!”
She liked the power in his voice and got out and went around the side of the car. He opened the door for her. She sat on the seat beside him. He smelled good. She hoped he hadn’t noticed her smelling him.
“I’m sure you don’t know that I ownThis limo company and I make the rules,” he said. You’re safe with me.”
They sat in the back and looked out over the city to the ocean for quite a while. She leaned on him and felt very tired. Before long she felt his warm hands on her head. A long day had caused her to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
“You’re drooling on my suite,” he said.
“Oh! I’m sorry;” she blurted and reached for a tissue to wipe it off.
“Forget it,” he said as he pulled his silk handkerchief and dabbed his shoulder.
“I have an idea. Since you’re rested lets go for a ride.”
” Where would you like to go,” Sandra asked, as she Shook herself awake?
“To the nearest sex shop,” he said. A glance at his face told her he was serious and he was paying the bills, so into the front seat she went again and started the car. End of Part 2
“Anyplace in particular?”
“Take me to that place you like. The one with the girls who demo the toys.”
A pang of adrenalin hit her. That was an awesome place. The toys there were expensive but they were delightful. Off they went.
A Touch of Delite was the name of the store. As soon as you get inside a pretty demonstration sales person greets you. You are given a department tour then left on your own to look over the wares for a while. If you have any questions the sales model is there to answer them. Sometimes the sales model is a guy which makes it even better if you can get him to accompany you into the back rooms. Which of course he’s not supposed to do. The back of the store is like Disneyland for the perv crowd. Peep show booths where selected videos run. Glory hole rooms with camera feed’s to boots so you can pay to watch girls give anonymous guys blow jobs. A room with a window that has a machine hooked to it that you put money in and the shade goes up. A girl is inside and she will demo any toy you wish. When the money runs out the shade goes down. A novel way to pay the help. It’s actually a favorite of couples according to the manager.
They went inside and before they could look around they were met by a sales person. She welcomed them and recognized Sandra.
“I know you’ve been here before. You know the game. If you need anything let me know” and she scanpered off into the store.
The store was set up in departments. Kinky, cute role playing outfits. Lotions and oils. Books and How to videos. Actual erotic videos. And the toy department. Sandra’s favorite section. A door with a sign that said, you must be twenty-one to enter here, led to the back room play area. Jack, Mr. Magnus, was interested in the toys. He steered Sandra to the menacles and various whips and chains.
“I understand this is a favorite toy section of yours Sandra.” He was fiddling with the various handscuffs and keys.
“I have several sets of these,” he said. And these. He was looking at menacles. Cuffs with a long chain between them. Sandra’s stomach was beginning to tighten and afamiliar little pang was developing between her legs.
“They are nice,” she managed a hoarse whisper. Her eyes were wide and her blood was up because she felt flushed.
“I have a nice playroom you might be interested in sometimes,” Jack said.
That sounds nice, she thought. Do I dare go that far with him just yet? They drifted to the dildos and butt plug section.
“So Many different types,” mused Jack, as he looked them over. Anything here strike your fancy Sandra?”
” Oh, I like the wireless stuff. This one is nice.” She was showing him the rather large wireless butt plug.
“I suppose you have one of these,” he said.
“Not this particular one, but one like it.”
” What about these dildos? Which one strikes your fancy?” There were all shapes and sizes. Some with a little hook on the end, others just straight. Thin ones, fatter ones, all different colors. Too much to choose from.
“I think this one looks interesting,” he said, holding up a blue vibrating rabbit. It had a long gyrating dildo with a smaller one that could obviously go in a butt hole and little snake like set of fingers on it for teasing a clip for sure. “What do you think of this one holding it up for her to see?”
The color was draining form her face and her pussy was beginning to leak at the thought of that thing in the right hands and what it could do. She swallowed.
“Oh I think that would be fun for sure.”
” OK,” he said. “They’re yours.”
She was delighted. They were toys she had been wanting for a long time but she also wanted someone to play with her with them. It seemed she had found that someone. The sales clerk collected his purchases and took them to the counter.
“Anything else,” she asked?
“I don’t Know yet,” said Jack. “We’re going to take a look in the back before we go.”
The back was Disneyland. She had wandered through there briefly on a few occasions. The boots didn’t interest her. She could watch vidson the computer. The Glory Hole booths were too scary. But having Jack with her, the toy demo booth might be fun. She steered him in that direction to see if he was game.
He said, “This is the demo booth you told me was a favorite of couples?”
” Yes,” she said. “Never been in there.”
” Well let’s check it out, he said.
They entered a small room. About eight by eight feet. There was a bench in the middle of the room and that was all the furniture. The room was clean and white. A sink and waste can in the corner. One wonders why? A large plate glass window the whole length of the wall and as high as the ceiling was on one wall of the room. A blind was drawn covering the whole window. A coin and dollar bill receiver was on the wall. The sign said deposit twenty dollars for the first 20 minutes and five dollars for the following ten minutes thereafter. Seemed easy enough. He turned and locked the door as Sandra sat on the benchmark. He pulled out a twenty and fed it into the machine. A bell was heard behind the window and the shade began to rise. In a room behind the glass was a large stuffed leather chair and in the chair was a young red headed girl in a fluorescent green bikini. A very small bikini. She reached over and clicked the switch on a panel and a speaker crackled in the room where they sat on the benchmark.
“Hi. My name is Terry and I’m pleased to be your toy demo girl. By the way I can’t see you because the glass is one way so all you have to do is talk and I can hear you. What would you like me to demonstrate, she said? I have quite an array of toys here as you can see.”
Sandra was busy eyeing the toys and in the dark trying not to touch her crotch.
“I think I’d like to see that rabbit dildo in action,” said Jack.
Sandra’s heart jumped. He must have felt her move because he slipped his arm around her.
“Remember, she can’t see us in here,” he whispered.
His hand tightened around her midriff. His fingers werebig and strong. She knew he could feel her heart pounding now. The girl in the booth was standing up now and she had removed her bikini. She had a small patch of red above her pussy. Her lips were folded inward and made a smooth looking bun. Her clip was protruding above her lips and her hood was pierced. Jack was riveted on the show. So she thought. She was lubing up the rabbit and began to chickenchat about its usage.
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