The Chat Room

“Come and look at this…” Simon came out of the study to the kitchen where she was just tidying up. “I’ve found this great chat room where people exchange stories about their sex lives. It’s really amazing some of the things people get up to in their own homes and they are prepared to talk about it on the net. We could get some really good tips here on how to live up our sex life darling. Come and look. Come ooon…” She was half dragged into the study where she saw a screen with text rolling up it. There was all sorts of information, how men like it, how women like it, different positions role play. She didn’t like this it made her feel uncomfortable. She didn’t want to be here reading this, yet the things people were talking about just seemed to fascinate her and repulse her at the same time. She sat glued unwillingly to the screen. “Here let me just tell them you’re here and I’ll leave you to enjoy while I go and make some coffee.” He typed in:

Here is my wife. She justloves to read all those dirty things you folks have been writing out there.

He went out and she continued to star at the screen. His message was greeted by a chorus of welcomes from the others in the chat room. Everyone seemed to assume she was great fun and must be good looking. All this made her feel good about herself so she just watched. She didn’t dare to start typing anything herself and decided just to watch the chat of the others. They soon left her and carried on exchanging sex tips and fansies.

She asked herself what she was doing there and was about to get up when a window suddenly popped up requesting a person-to-person chat with her. She just stared at the screen. There was a simple question on it: “Dom requests a person-to-person chat with you. Do you accept?” She hesitated over the Yes button before clicking it. Who was this person who wanted to talk with her?

“Hi. You must be new to chat rooms as you haven’t said a thing yet. What is your name?”

“Sammy. Yes I was just looking at all these messages and couldn’t think of anything to write.”

“Don’t worry. The whole point of the chat room is that it brings together people who are lonely and would like to spice up their lives. It is safe to talk about your fans with people whom you only meet through the chat room.”

“I suppose so. Simon thinks we need to spice up our sex life and thinks this will do the trick.”

“He is dead right. You can act out your fansies here on line and we can all enjoy them. It doesn’t matter whether they are true or not. Describe yourself to me.”

“Well I’m petite about 5′ 4″, with chestnut hair that comes down to my shoulders. I have hazel eyes and a pretty good figure for someone who is 29.”

“Tell me what are you wearing now?”

“Nothing special. I have an angora top which is cream and a short black satin skirt. I wear heels even in the house to try and keep up with Simon!”

“What about underneath those clothess?”

She started to warm to this idea. Actually she wasn’t wearing anything much – a baggy sweatshirt over some slacks, but she wasn’t going to admit that over the internet. She started to think what she would invent for her underwear.

“I am wearing a matching set of microfibre thong and bra. My bra size is 34C, so I have a good figure. The set is purple, so if I sit down in a hurry when we are out, people may see a flash of this bright colour under my skirt.”

“Oh, so it’s a flare skirt?”


“Well you see it is quite easy really. You can build up a whole picture of yourself in a chat room and I bet you are already feeling better about yourself now.”

It was true. She was already in a better mood. She felt the warm glow of this flirting and the fans that she could create. She felt safe, but also slightly aroused at the attention.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know your name or anything about you?”

“Here. I’ll show you something else you can do in a chat room.”

A moment passed and a second window popped up. This time it had a moving picture of a dark man. He had jet black hair with quite heavy eyesbrows and a pair of piercingly blue eyes. As he moved the picture frozen and jumped to keep up with him. But he settled and hardly moved after that. He stared out at her from the screen.

“Here I am. Now you can see me but I cannot see you.”

She stared at the figure and thought that this man was too handsome to need to go to a chat room to meet people. Perhaps the chat room was not all full of perverts who should get out more often. She suddenly heard Simon approaching and instinctively closed the p2p window. Instantly the other window closed and as he walked in there was only the scroll of chatter on the screen.

A few days later, Simon went off to work and Sammy sat having her coffee. She replayed in her mind the conversation in the chat room. She wondered about this dark man and what he did during the day. She wondered why he had asked to have a p2p with her when she had said nothing in the chat room. It was quite odd. She went into the study and switched on the computer. She was not quite sure what she was doing, but logged into the chat room. It suddenly struck her that she did not know who this person was. She thought about the nickname he had used – Dom. I suppose it is short for Dominic, she thought. She sat sipping her coffee watching the fans paraded across her screen. She felt quite excited as she listened in to other people’s lives. It was like being a fly on the wall, watching people doing the strangest things to each other and yet feeling increasingly aroused by it. She felt a warm tingle in her stomach and a slight ache between her tights. She tried to ignore it and carried on sipping her coffee. There was one couple that were sharing a fantasy about her having an affair while her husband was out at work. She seemed totally out of control and he was dictating to her whatshe would do, and she did everything he asked in an effort to please him. She was getting more and more absorbed by this adventure and suddenly realized that her hand had slipped between her tights. She was slowly rotating her finger around her cliporis in very slow sensitive movements. This was not a sudden luxury craving that needed to be satisfied. This was a slow build up of tension that brought her more and more Intimately into the fantasy she was reading. She saw herself as the faithless wife and imagined this stranger coming to her in the day and making her strip, binding her hands so that she had no say whatsoever in the proceedings. He came and took her. He took his pleasure and she felt the stirrings within her of that surrender, of knowing that this was illicit. The danger. The pleasure. Her hand was moving over her pussy and she started to feed one of Her fingers into her slit. It was moist! She closed her eyes and dropped her head back. She smelt her own aroma as she became mor aroused. Her legs spread wider in front of the computer screen giving the words these strangers wrote a clear view of her hidden crack and her fingers buried within it. She started to shudder with her orgasm as her mind circled round the images that had been painted on her screen and she found herself totally lost in someone else’s fantasy.

She looked up at the screen as she recovered from her ecstasy and was shocked to see the window with the dark strange staring out of her screen again. He was staring straight up her skirt and looked as if he had witnessed her orgasm. The powerful image of him looking up her skirt as she masturbated rocked her and she felt a second orgasm leap onto her throat stopping her from breathing. She stared at him and felt her crack suddenly becomes damp. She was so excited, yet safe in her own home. She told herself that she shouldn’t worry. He couldn’t really see her. Yet that thought angered her and she realized that she did want him to see her.

“Hi Sammy. Are you enjoying this story. I saw you had called by.” He had said. She reached forward to the keyboard:

“How do you manage to put those windows on the screen?”

“You need a small camera that you plug into your PC and the chat room will allow you to send images to another person.”

“I want to get one so that you can see me too.”

“I’ll arrange it for you.”

It was a few days later that the parcel arrived. Fortunately Simon had already gone off to work and as she unpacked it in the study she found her hands were shaking. She was excited and frightened at the same time. She could not quite figure out what she was doing, but needed to do this. The sexual charge she felt was too great to ignore. This guy had sent her lots of instructions and it did not take too long before she had it working. She logged into the chat room and there was Dom. She requested the p2p chat and he accepted.

“Well. Did you get the camera OK?”

“Yes its all working. Tell me how to send you video.”

He explained and in no time the video connection was established.

“You look great. I see you’re wearing that angora top. Stand up. I want to see the skirt and heels.”

She stood up and swirled around in her own study. The flare skirt flew up to reveal her purple panties. She could not believe that she had rushed out to buy these things just to match her fantasy. Every time she felt panic rise inside her, she told herself that she was just alone in her study and she could do anything here.

“You are mouth watering. I would love to bury my face in those panties and smell you through that material. Sit down and take your top off. I want to see the bar too.”

She felt liberated as the angora top passed over her head. The feel of the soft material rising up over her stomach made her feel sexy and she had to please this man who had shown so much interest in her. She sat now in front of the screen with just her bra on. It was a push up bra that gave her a good cleavage and she could feel his powerful eyes fixed upon that cleavage. She was so excited, yet she was so safe.

“Take your bra off and cup your breasts with your hands. I want you to offer me your nipples one at a time by pointing them towards the camera.” She compiled.

“Stick your finger in your mouth and make it wet then circle it around your nipple. I want to see it when it is erect and moist as if I had just taken my lips away from kissing them.” She compiled. As she circled her finger around her nipple she imagined his kiss. She felt the pull as he sucked on it and the moist flick of his tongue. Her excitement mounted and her other hand made that slow descent to relieve the mounting pressure once again nagging between her thighs.

“You are too urgent. Leave your crotch alone. It is mine. I will tell you when to deal with it.”

Her hand jumped away as if he had just shacked it. She sat there motionless waiting for what he would say next.

“I want you to go and get some baby oil and then stand back so I can see all of you. I want you to rub the oil, massaging it into your breasts and as you do so, I want you to dance for me.”

She ran off to get the oil and then stood in front of her computer and started to gyrate. She had the radio on with music and she loved to dance. She was always a bit provocative at the discco and she had attracted much attention among the boys when they went to the nightclub. She felt her warm touch as she massed her breasts and closed her eyes to imagine they were his hands.

“Sway your hips. I want to see that skirt flare up.” She danced more energetic and rubbed her breasts with increasing vigour. They were becoming more and more red as the blood circularized and her arousal growth. Her skirt flared up and she revealed glimpses of her panties to her monitor.

“Go and get a fan heater. Put it on the floor between your legs so that the hot air will blow your skirt up as you dance back and forth.”

The care of the hot air on her pussy and her hands warming her breasts gave her a warm glow of arousal and she just wanted this man. She wanted him now, inside her. She wanted to feel the weight of his body pressing down on her and the urgency of his penis trying to find her depths.

“That is fantastic. Now come over a sit down close to the camera. I want you to show me Your breasts. Bring them close to the camera. I want to see the oil and sweat glistening on them and I want a close up of those erect nipples.”

As she compiled she felt the throb in her abdomen as the independent nagging in her cunt and the thoughts of this cyber affairs whirled round in her head.

“They are just great. I want you now to put the camera down between your legs and remove your panties. Show me Your cunt, I want to see how wet it is.”

She lowered the camera under her skirt and he could see how damp her thin panties had become. She had to tug at them to get them off and her pussy glistened with the moisture that had seen down. She straddled the camera and with her fingers pulled back her lips so he could see right up inside her. Just the image of what she was doing caused her to orgasm and she felt the liquid flow from her. And he could see just what an effect he had had upon her.

“OK. I see you are ready. Start slowly. Use your moisture to cover your cliporis. I want you to draw it out for me and I want to see you stimulate it. Imagine it is my fingers and that you are my slave.”

She imagined the fantasy and brought herself to several orgasms in quick succession. What was it about this cyber relationship that made it so exciting? She felt so safe yet so lewd. She could enact her fansies and have someone there, yet they weren’t there. No complications, only sheer pleasure.

“That was great Sammy. I got a lot of pictures from that which I am going to post on my web site.”

Shock. No you cant do that. This is just for the privacy of my own study.

“Don’t worry. I wont say who it is and you needn’t know where the web site is, so you will not need to see it. There are many people out there who would love to do those things to you. Let them have their fansy too.”

It sounded so reasonable. It was still anonymous and she could contribute to this community which had opened her eyes to such pleasure.

“I am going to send some more things to you for next time.”

It did not take long before the next parcel arrived. Inside there were some sex toys. There was a collection of dildos and some nipple clamps and there were some chains with odd padlocks that had timer dials on them. There was a computer card and a box with several outlets on it. Inside the box was a short message which read: When you get this log into the chat room and I will explain how to set it all up.

Making all the connections by instruction from a p2p window was slow, but she opened up the PC and inSerted the card. She connected it to the multiple outlet box and plugged in the sex toys to the box. She was now sitting in front of the screen naked with the camera like a beady eye staring unblinkingly at her. She felt a little unnerved by this. It suddenly seemed to be gazing at her so dispatchedly. It should be moved by the sight of her naked body, yet it just stared at her.

“I want you to rub the oil into your breasts again and make your nipples stand proud, then I want you to connect each nipple clamp to them. Don’t worry, they don’t hurt too much and will not draw blood.”

Her nipples were now connected to her PC. She had installed some software, but had no idea what it did.

“Now I want you to masturbate in front of the camera. Do it, and I want to see ecstasy on your face.”

Her hand slowly, involuntarily, made its way down her abdomen to that hidden bud. She opened her legs wider to accommodate her hand between them, and as she did so she felt an innerprostration in front of this God like camera and monitor that dictated its demands upon her. She felt her abandonment of self as her fingers encountered her wetness and she came to realize that this denial of responsibility made her free. Free to experience the ecstasy, free to be manipulated to pleasure. She throw her head back to escape the persistent star of the monitor as her fingers slide through the moist juices of her crack, circulation up around her cliporis then down to its base. She felt her inner lips open as if by some magic incantation and she felt the star of the camera rise up inside her. Sweeping into her very depths and her very soul. Her fingers slipped inside so easily as she imagined it as the camera lens entering her. The independent probing that demanded entrance and to which she could deny nothing. She felt a buzz on her nipples and realized that the clamps were discharging some electric current into her that aroused her. She could feel this man manipulating her nipples and yet she was safe in her own home. Her fingers slide in and out more persistently. She had three fingers in her cunt now. She had never been so open before, yet she wanted to feel her whole fist inside her. She wanted to be more open so that he could see right inside her love channel. Her hips started to rock back and forth and she started to moan her pleasure as the buzz in her nipples became more persistent. She could Not take her mind off her breasts and feel a wave of excitement tingle through her.

There was a sharp pulse went through her nipples and she jerked and looked up. She saw on the monitor the words. “You are not to reach orgasm. This is for my benefit, not yours. Now put the dildo up your cunt.” She just stared at the words. She felt unable to move. Up until now she was being selfish. She was taking the pleasure and he just watched. What did he mean this was for his benefit?

“Come on come on. I want you to insert the dildo slowly all the way up yourcunt and take the camera down and hold it next to the dildo. I want to see your juices dribble over it. I want you to spread your legs wide so that I can get a clear shot of the base of your triangle being slowly penetrated by the dildo.”

She compiled with all these demands as if in a trace. She wondered what it means, but as the dildo started its journey into her the stretching of her entrance silenced all thoughts and she became frozen with the thoughts of the penetration and the camera she volunteerly held for the world to watch her. Once half way in she pulled it back out so that the camera could witness how slick it was and how easily it could slide in and out of her. As the dildo penetrated her again, she felt that her body was becoming complete rather than being invaded.

“That was great. OK, put the camera back on the monitor and I want You to wrap the chains around your wrists and ankles securing them to the arms and legs of your chair. Each chain has a timer lockon it. I want you to seal those locks, setting the timer to 1 hour.”

She compiled. She was now chained to the chair and suddenly realized that she had no control any more. Up until this time she could have refused to move the camera in for close ups or apply the nipple clamps. Or was she? Anyway, now she could not move and was forced to sit naked in front of the monitor with a dildo up her sopping cunt and nipple clamps on her breasts. The dildo started to spring to life as her nipples continued to be massaged with electricity. He had complete control over her now. The dildo brought her to many orgasms during that hour. She twisted and pulled at her bindings as her body was wrapped by pleasure and it was all in full view of some stranger, she had not the least ideas where. She tried to suck the dildo further up her cunt as she abandoned herself to pure pleasure free from responsibility.

The next parcel that arrived contained a large rubber hood that completely fitted over her head. It had electrical attachments that she could plug into the box connected to her PC, and inside the hood was a large penis shaped gag. It strapped around her neck with another timer lock. She sat there naked before the monitor, naked and adorned with the clamps and dildo, but this time with her hood on. She found inside the hood were monitors for each eye. On the monitor it said:


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