Malcom trusted out of the exam hall with the other students and witnessed in relief, it was finally all over. He had just completed the final exam of his degree and could do nothing about the outcome now apart from wait and hope.
He walked over to a group of his ‘friends’ who greeted him with high fives and cheers as they all stood around and separated the exam. To call them friends was actually an overstatement, they were merely acquaintances but he allowed himself to indulge in their company from time to time. It was better than being alone during lessons and times like this.
When he told people he was studying for a Physics with applied mathematics degree it tended to conjure a certain stereo type, and this group of people fitted every single one. Poor dress sense, thick rimmed glasses and an almost religious following of sci-fi franchises were all evidence in the 8 man group. He considered himself to be relatively normal looking around.
They were just listening toAnother of Franks terrible physical mathematics joke that ended in him ‘using the force’, when the group was interrupted by a female voice shouting loudly over the conversation.
“So you math nerds are finally finished then, any of you ready to get well and truly fucked tonight?”
The whole group turned and fell silent as the small blond beauty stood grinning at them with her hands on her hips. Although her lack of height she immediately dominate the group, all eyes were focused on the intruder to the discussions. She wore a very short denim skirt, black leather high heeled boots that covered her lower legs up to just below her knees, and a plain white tank top. Her ample bosom was clear to see beneath the tight fitting fabric, as were her seemingly erect nipples.
A few of the boys stared in shock, one or two of them looked at Each other totally unsure of what to do at the brash interruption. The woman turned and looked at Malcom, chuckling when she didn’t get a responsese from the bewildered group.
“Lottie. W-what are you doing here?” Malcom said in fear as he broke the silence.
He didn’t need to ask though, he knew why she was here. Lottie had finished her exams days ago and was frankly bored of waiting around for Malcom to finish as well. Lottie and Malcom had known each other since the first day of university when they shared the same floor in halls, they had It became the best of friends since despite their completely opposite personalities.
“I’ve seen Big Bang,” she said smiling. “I thought these science nerds were supposed to be a kinky bunch like you Malcom so I figured this my last chance to give them to once over.”
Malcom turned slightly red, he knew something terribly humiliating was going to come out of Lottie’s mouth and could do nothing to stop it. If Lottie wanted to, she would stand here and destroy him as a man if she felt like it.
“Maybe I’m mistaken this time, except for you Mally. I know you’re a perverted little sissy.” She taunted him. The rest of the group looked at Malcom unsure if they should laugh or fear retribution from the foulmouthed blond woman.
Malcom glanced down at the floor in embarrassment, he both hated and loved Lottie when she did this to him. Showing up unannounced was her forte and humiliating him was also a particular skill of hers that she loved to exercise at any opportunity.
She looked over at a couple of the boys who were shifting nervously and one in particular called Phil was unsuccessfully trying to hide the growing boss in his trousers.
“I guess there still might be a new hope here” she said pointing at one of the petrified group. There were a couple of murmurs through the group as she dropped her own Star Wars reference.
“What are you hiding in there sud, a foot long for me to snack on?” She grinned wickedly focusing all her attention on the petrified boy.
“You know how to use that thing honey or do you need Lottie here togive you a lesson. You can see I’ve clearly got the buns for it baby”. Lottie pushed her breast together a little emphasis their size to the boy whilst licking her lips.
Phil could only gulp as he turned an even deeper shade of red and started to tremble, unable to summon a response to the brazen invitation. He looked left and right at the rest of the groups for support, Malcom could only shrug his shoulders knowing nothing he would say would help the situation. Phil quickly turned and ran from the entrance hall.
Lottie laughed out loud and grabbed Malcom’s hand. “I guess I’ll have to make do with Malcom here, he’s more cocktail sausage than foot long but he’s a laugh to have around.”
Lottie dragged Malcom out the entrance hall and into the campus grounds. “Come on Malcom, let’s get the fuck out of Here. I need a drink and the campus bar will be heaving by now, let’s hit town instead before heading home.”
“D-d-did you have to do that Lottie, I mean those weree my course mates…” Malcom said.
Lottie let out a derogatory snort as she walked a few paces in front of Malcom still leading him by the hand like a child.
“You mates that you never talk about, never socialise with and never intend on seeing again right?” She said. “You’re just trying to make me think you’re pissed I embarrassed you aren’t you, but I’m onto you “
Malcom gulped, “I, I don’t know what you mean, I AM annoyed this time Lottie.” he said defensively. Lottie pulled him to a stop and turned to face him.
“Are you telling me that if I reach down now, little Mally won’t be flying the flag at full mast?” She said holding up a hand and mimicking waving a tiny flag.
“Admit that turned you on and I’ll save you the further embarrassment of checking for myself, right here in public, assuming I can even find it given its size of course.”
Her hand started to drift down his front towards his crotch, a couple of passer’s by had overheard Lottie’s rather loud ultimatum and were also chuckling at the scene as they slowed down to see if she would follow through with her threat. Malcom told loudly, Lottie sometimes knew him better than he knew himself. She knew exactly what buttons to push and how hard to get a response.
“All right you made your point.” He said grabbing Lottie’s hand and pulling it away from the front of his trousers. He chuckled softly shaking his head. “I still think that was too far, poor Phil will be scarred for life.”
“Poor Phil is probably already jacking that monster off thinking about me Mally.” She told. “That thing looked huge, it seems like such a waste. I should have made you introduce me sooner!”
They walked in silence for a While, town around 30 minutes’ walk and as they approached the bar area Malcom verbalised a thought that regularly came to mind at times like this.
“How comes we seem to be so perfect together Lottie, you totally get me but we never, you know, really hit it off properly over the past four years.” He said.
Lottie let out a chuckle as she turned and looked at him. There was a devilish smile on her face that made Malcom regret instantly that he had said anything. It was busy outside the bar but he knew from experience that wouldn’t stop Lottie saying exactly what was on her mind.
“We never ‘hit it off’ as You say because you have a tiny dick, and the few times we did hook up on to count of me being so drunk, you came before I’d even felt you enter me!” She scolded.
“You know a sexy bitch like me will only date studs, big dicked studs that know how to fuck the shit out of me. You are neither big dicked or a stud and therefore not worthy of me. You should be grateful I play with you like this from time to time, let’s face it we both know I’m too good for you!”
There was a roar of laughter from the group outside the bar as Lottie grabbed Malcom’s hand and dragged him inside.
“Damn girl,” Malcom said shaking his head as they walked to the bar. “You can be one hell of a bitch sometimes, I mean just when I think I’m used to it you go and say shit like that.”
Lottie chuckled as she planted a kiss on his cheek. “Aw poor baby, evil bitch face hurt your feelings. We both know you love this shit or I wouldn’t do it, I bet you wanted to burst in your panties when I said cocktail sausage back there with your so called friends.”
She reached down and passed her hand over his crotch, he was indeed totally erect, all 3 pitiful inches.
“C-O-C-K-T-A-I-L,” She spelt out in a lewd tone whilst squeezing his crotch a little harder. “I might let you jerk off over my titties later if you agree to lick it up… you’ll have to beg me though.”
Malcom paused for a moment on the brink, Lottie was going too far even for her yet he had never been so turned on in all his lift. He was so close, totally unable to do anything as he gave in and let Lottie do what she wanted.She seemed to feel him give himself over and smiled as she pulled her hand away.
“Maybe later if you are a good boy. Come on, let’s get a drink…” she said as the bar man walked over. “You’re buying first round, I think I’ve been far too generous to you today already.”
With that she walked off to a spare table leaving Malcom to order the drinks. They spend a couple of hours drinking in town, Lottie’s torque of Malcom came and went as she pleased, intertwined with relatively normal conversations. Soon enough it was time to go home and get ready for the big night out.
They lived in a house on the outskirts of town with another woman called Emma, she had been in the year above Lottie and had put a down payment on a house during her university days thanks to an unexpected inheritance from a deceased grandparent.
She rented out a couple of rooms to help pay the mortgage, Lottie was already friends with Emma when she asked her to move in and Lottie persuaded Emma to let Malcom come along too. Emma seemed to enjoy having them around, well she enjoyed having Lottie around and tolerated Malcom. She had learned a long time back that where Lottie went, Malcom wasn’t far behind – he was almost Lottie’s pet in that sense.
Malcom was still wound up after Lottie’s attention that when they got home it took next to no time in the shower before he was grunting and cumming as he tugged on his tiny boss with a couple of fingers. He held his hand up inspecting his fingers, there were a couple of tiny globs of cum stick there and for a moment he considered licking them, just to see what the stuff tasted like. The thought of licking it of Lottie breasts had been forefront on his mind as he came, maybe if he closed his eyes and imagined…
BANG, BANG, BANG. Someone hammered on the bathroom door breaking his concentration. He flung his hand under the shower washing the sticky fluid off quickly.
“Stop jerking off inThere and get out Mally, I need to do my make up!” Lottie ordered through the door. He quickly finished washing and throw on a towel before opening the door.
“I wasn’t…” Malcom started but Lottie barged passed him wrapped in her own towel.
“Don’t both Mally, we both know exactly what you were up to in there. I could hear your pathetic grunts from the corridor. How many tugs did it takes this time 3 or did we go for a record forth.” She mocked.
Malcom Shook his head, Lottie was on top form today he had to admit and despite his recent orgasm he could feel his cock stiffening again already.
“Well?” Lottie said looking at him as he stood in the doorway. “Are you going to stand there all night or get the fuck out? I’m not dropping the towel if that’s what you’re expecting.”
“S, sorry Lottie,” he stammered as he backed out the door. She slammed it closed in his face, chuckling away to herself.
“Be useful and get me a glass of wine Mally!” She yelled through the door at him. Malcom Shook his head, this was going to be a long, long night, he was sure of it.
Malcom throw on a shirt and chino’s and waited in the locke for Lottie. When she finally came downstairs an hour later he choked on the drink he was sipping, she was nothing short of stunning in the smallest black dress imagined to man.
It seemed to be formed of one strip of fabric that just about managed to cover Both breasts and her crotch area. Everything else in-between was on show. Malcom gulped as she gave him a little twirl.
“You like?” She said chuckling at the rhetorical question.
Lottie knew how stunning she looked, she was only teasing him now. She strutted over to him, her high heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor. She bent over and grabbed his gin and tonic out of his hand, before sipping on it. In this position her breasts hung directly in front of him and he couldn’t help but stare.
“Ah yes, our little deal.” She said looking athim staring at her. “I’m afraid I’m not inclined to let your little clipty go spew-spew over me right now Mally.” Lottie reached down again and felt his cock through his pants.
“Maybe tomorrow hey – for tonight you can bet I’m going to find some stud with the correct equipment to satisfy my needs”. She tugged on his balls and cock as she said equipment to emphasize her point.
She passed back his drink, her red lipstick emblazoned on the side. “Come on Mally, let’s go stud hunting.” She chuckled before throwing him a small handbag. “You can carry this for me, I think it suites you.”
It was gone 11 by the time they got to the club, Lottie attracted everyone’s interest including the bouncers, which fortunately got them straight into the club without waiting. Almost instantly she was inundated with offers to dance or to have a drink bought for her by an almost constant stream of men.
“Boys, boys, boys – the night is still young.” Shesaid laughing. “Let me find my friends first, maybe they want to join in the fun too!”
Lottie told Malcom to go to the bar for her whilst she went to see if Emma was around. It didn’t take long before she was back and tapping Malcom on the shoulder.
“Emma’s here and has a table, just buy a bottle of white wine and get three glasses,” she said pointing in the direction of the table and Malcolm nodded smile back.
Finally Malcolm got the bar and ordered the girls wine along with a beer for himself, he figured Emma had someone else at the table so he grabbed the three glasses as instructed. As he struggled round the crowds he finally saw the girls in one of the corner booths.
On one side of the table Emma and Lottie were already giggling away, cuddled up close like two peas in a pod. Emma was also dressed to kill, a tight red dress that whilst it covered distinctly more flesh than Lottie’s it was still pretty scandalous.
On the other side of them though wasa sight that made Malcom’s heart stop for a moment, blood flushed his cheeses and he felt a familiar arousal in his lower regions.
One of Emma’s best friends, Nula, was sitting at the table grinning at Malcom as he approached. In Malcom’s mind Nula was the perfection of beauty and he found himself almost in a trace every time she spoke.
She had raven black hair down to her shoulders that shimmered in any light, long slender legs that seemed to go on forever and much like Lottie a rather impressive chest that seemed to defy gravity.
Lottie got him for sure, she knew what buttons to press to tease and arouse him but Nula, if she wanted to, could own him mind, body and soul with a single word.
She was dressed a little more conservatively than the other two, if they were at the slutty end of the sexy spectrum Nula was at the divine end. She wore a lace black top that covered her considerable chest, along with a pencil skirt that ran down to the top of her knee’s. Malcom could see the spilt up the side of the dress exposed plenty of her leg, the tops of one of her stocking tantalisingly on show.
Nula stared Malcom with was the sort of smile that a predator would give its prey as it was stalking it. She licked her lips with intent as she watched Malcom sit down on the only space available next to her.
Lottie and Emma barely acknowledged him sitting down, as with most times of late he was pretty much a spare wheel when they got together on a night out. Most weekends he ended up as chief bag holder, table saver and drinks fetcher.
The couple of times Nula had been around she had spent half the night teasing and flirting with Malcom, only to go off with some other guy by the end of the evening.
“Hello Malcom, nice hand bag!” Nula said giggling whilst grabbing the bottle and pouring it out into the three glasses.
“Took you long enough to get the drinks didn’t it?” She said. “I don’t like waiting you know.”
“H, hi Nula. s, s, sorry,” he just about stammered out. Lottie had temporarily broken her focus on Emma to grab her drink and chuckled.
“I’m hurt Mally, thought you only had eye’s for me tonight.” She teased. “Poor little Mally has a crush, bet he even has a little stiffy despite naughty rubbing his little clipty in the shower earlier.”
Nula laughed and looked at Malcom, glancing down at his crotch for a few moments. Malcom was already flushed red, Lottie hadn’t even given it 5 minutes before deciding to totally humiliate him.
“Don’t waste your time Nula looking, you’ll need a microscope to find it.” Lottie giggled at seeing Nula look at Malcom’s crotch. She quickly turned back to Emma. “Speaking of which, I met some of Mally’s nerds today and I swear one of them must have been hiding…”
Malcom wanted to die right there and then as Lottie started telling the girls about Phil with the ‘hidden foot long’. It was fine when Lottie did this in front of strangers but in front of Nula was different. He was on the point of crying when suddenly his whole body went ridged at the touch of a hand on the end of his knee. Nula gently slide her hand up his leg as she focused on Lottie’s heated descriptions of the nerd with the big cock.
Malcom looked up at her but she didn’t even look at him as her hand went higher and higher and higher. She rubbed over his crotch and cupped his small manhood, his ection clear to her as she fitted his entire cock and balls in her hand and squeezed them hard.
He bit his lip trying not to either moan in pain, or cum from the pleasure. Nula carried this on for a few minutes as the girls discussed the biggest cocks they’d seen before Emma grinned as a new song came on.
“I love this tune, dance with me babe,” she said grabbing Lottie’s hand. Lottie in turn grabbed Nula’s who pulled her other hand away just in time as all three girls stood up.
“Malcom, watch the table,” Lottie said before walking off without a second glance.
The table had a great view of the dance floor, which as it turned out was not really what Malcom needed. The girls put on one hell of a dance show, Lottie and Emma in particular and they quickly drew up a crowd of people watching and cheering as the dancing got even more provocative. Malcom was still so wound up by everything that had happened he felt he might burst in his pants at any moment.
After a While Nula excused herself and headed back to the table to Malcom. He had only just really started to calm down from her pervious attentions so he looked nervously at her as she sat back down.
“Oh come on, I’m not that scary! At least not as far as you know!” she chuckled.
“Lottie seems to be on a right mission this evening, what did you do to piss her off so much?” Nula asked.
Malcom shrugged his shoulders, he hadn’t realized he’d done anything to offend her. “I think she is just getting off on it, happy that exams are over and all that.”
“You like it when she talks to you like that?” Nula pressed. Her hand was back on his leg and Malcom closed his eyes for a moment savouring the feeling.
“Yes and no, it’s difficult to explain but Lottie and I have known each other for a long time now.” He said. “She gets me more than I get myself sometimes.”
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