The night was dark with a fog so thick you could barely see the bright moon shining through into the woods below. The muffled sounds of a woman panting and her feet crunching the dried fall leaves was all that could be heard in the near deafening silence.
She stopped in a small clearing and looked up at the sky. The moon reflected into her bright blue eyes as she struggled to catch her breath. She reached up running a hand through her long tangled curls of dark brown hair, getting it out of her face so she could wipe the sweat off her browser that had seemed to form despite the rapidly cooling temperatures. Feeling safe in that moment she leaned back against a tree and closed her eyes, letting her body go still. The pounding of her heart seemed to fill the air around her. Even though she knew better, she was so sure that he could hear it Beating like the heart of a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding vehicle. She pushed her short, curvy form off the tree and looks aroundslowly, deciding to begin singing, looking for a place to hide instead of attempting to outrun him. Her eyes darted left and right frantically as she moved slowly from tree to tree as quietly as she could.
Along the edge of the wood line he stood, casually leaning his tall frame against a tree with a smile upon his face. His arms crossed his chest as he scanned the forest. She should have known better then to run from him, but if this was the game she wanted to play, he planned on winning it. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, the flame lighting up his face briefly before disappearing again leaving him in an orange hue with each inhale. “Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty…” He grew out into the night air, knowing that if she heard him it would cause her to panic and begin messing up even faster than he knew she would. Each single casual step of his as he walked through the forest left a loud crunch behind, as if he didn’t care that she could hear him trailing behind her, breathhing down her neck, stalking her every move like the prey that she had become.
The wind blew softly and carried his soft growl to her ears causing the hair upon the back of her neck to stand up and a shudder to run down her spine. She whimpers softly and quickly darts behind a tree. Her mind running a million miles an hour trying to find an escape even as she berated herself for running from him. She knew that if he caught her she would have hell to pay. The clouds above broke, sending a shake of light between two trees that lead into a small grove. “Oh… that is perfect.. When those clouds come back he won’t be able to find me at all!!” She thinks to herself and take off at a dead run towards it before the beam of light was gone. Ducking into the protective cover of the grove she hid herself down between two bushes and stared at the only way in and out of it. Her body trembling in fear…. And was that….excitement she felt? What was going on with her body? It shouldn’t be reacting this way at all. A man like him, practically hunting her through the woods….She must be going crazy, but sure enough… the wetness was beginning to soak through her cotton panties and onto her dark jeans. The tall confident man continued to stroll through the forest as if it were a day in the park. That girl knew nothing about hiding her trail… every broken branch; every smelled step in the leaves gave away her trail.
As he took the final drag off his smoke he too saw the beam of light, breaking through the cloudy night sky. A smile crossed his face as he shook his head. “Oh my Kitten… you wouldn’t be so naive to follow the light now would you…of course you would…. Light means safety.” He approached the entrance to the grove and stopped. His body and presence seemed to fill the whole space up as he once more crossed his arms across his chest.
Slowly, almost if stalking, his eyes moved across the small clearing. Several times his gaze crossed her small hiddeng space as the moonlight began to fade. Thinking she was safe in the darkness, she sank further back into it, slowly trying to turn herself to crawl through the underbrush to get away. Her knee hit a twig, snapping it. She gasped very quietly then clenched her mouth shut, screwing up her face in disappointment that she would make such a big mistake when she knew he was right there! She heard him begin to move so she scampered, pulling herself as quickly as she could through the bushes but she just wasn’t quick enough. A strong hand landed upon her ankle and began dragging her back into the clearing. She dug her nails into the ground, fighting with every ounce of energy left in her body to try to get away from his all-encompassing grap, but to no avail. As he dragged her she left long deep marks in the dirt. Filling her nail beds with Its filthiness, her hair disheveled and filled with twigs, leaves and brambles. Her once milky white skin that would seem to glow when the light hit it was tarnished by the sweat and filter of the forest that she’d stupidly run through.
Once her body reached the middle of the grove he stopped, letting her ponder for a moment what was going through his head. His eyes slowly moved over her body, Tsking as he reached her hair. She lay there panting, trembling, nearly terrified of his towering body before he began to lower himself on top of her. Using her plump rear as a seat cushion he began yanking out the twigs and leaves, savoring each yelp and small mew of pain that the tugging brought forth.
“Now what ever shall I do with you…You run from me… get my property filthy with dirt…and your hair… is a mess. I should shake it all off of your head in punishment little Kitten for disobeying me like that. You know better…. I trained you better than this……” He grabbed a handful of her hair tugging her head back roughly so that her back was slightly arched towards him. Her small scream of pain brought a smile to his face. His free hand reached down and began dusting off the grime off her milky white skin.
“What a mess you have made of yourself. I am very disappointed in you Kitten.” With a soft whimper she tries to look at him out of the corner of her eye, pouting up at him, practically becoming to leniency. The grin on his face as his hand gripped her hair harder let her know there would be none of that. He stood, removing his weight from her back and slowly pulled her up to her feet by her hair.
“Turn and look at me Kitten… I want to see how much you have damaged my property…” He growls into her ear. She does as ordered her eyes dropped to the ground as she turns, his hand still gripping her hair so very tightly. She shivers as his eyes begin drifting over her scratched up dirty face. A snarl forming upon his soft lips as he spoke.
“Just look at you… Filthy… nearly ruined the beauty of your face….I can’t stand to even look at you!” Rather quickly he spun her back around and began to push her by her head over to a tree. Her soft whimpers slowly grow into sobs of apologies, her tiny voice lost in the howling of the wind as the fall breeze picked up, preparing the world for a cold night. He pushes her up against the tree, squishing her breasts hard against its surface as he places his lips to her ear.
“I bring you under my loving protective wings… I train you… I teach you to take care of yourself, to love yourself as I love you… And the night that you are meant to take my collar you run from me? How… Dare..You” He bites down hard on her shoulder, pressing the length of his body against hers. His tall form completely enveloping her short frame as a long low moan of pleasure escapes her mouth. A bulge that had begun to form pressed into the small of her back.
“Wrap your arms around that tree… and hold on… You are in so much trouble and the night is oh so very young…” his voice is low and menuing as he releases her from the bite. She does exactly as she is told, too scared to defy him any longer. Suddenly the whissssh of a belt being rapidly pulled out of a pair of pants is heard behind her. She dares not move but instead clenches her eyes tight and prepares for the sting of cold, rough leather against her trembling body.
As her hands clenched the tree, her breath quickly. Over and over again she berated herself mentally for running. She knew this is what she wanted. She wanted the weight of his collar upon her neck, ever a reminder of his protection, love, and of the many promises he’d made her. Ending the loneliness, fulfilling her every desire, teaching her new and exciting things to bring her pleasure and of course pain. She was weak! That was the only thing the voice in her head kept telling her. Weakling, you deserve none of his affection, none of his pride, none of his protection. He should leave you to the wolves.
She whimpered in sadness, her head hanging slightly as the heat of his stare drove right through her body, almost as if he could see straight into her soul. “Master…Please… I beg of you… I promise I won’t do it again… I don’t know what I was thinking…” His hand firmly landed upon her plump rear, the sound of it echoing through the empty forest. “Did I give you permission to speak Kitten…? I do not remember doing so… so shut it…” His words were so harsh compared to the Normal compassionate tone he always used with her. He left his hand where he’d spanked her and began rubbing it. A sound of pleasure could be heard as his hand slide up her side to her full breast where he roughly grabbed a handful and squeezed it causing her to whimper. “Oh I do love hearing you in pain…” He removed his hands just as quickly and walked around the tree, that belt that she’d been so terrified was going to beat her… was now being used as a bondage device to hold her exactly where he wanted her.
“I would gag you… but then I couldn’t hear you scream little one…” He said with a smile as he finished lashing her to the tree. With slow methodical movements he pulled a pocket knife out and opened it. He ran the blade along her shirt sleep, cutting it ever so slowly, barely allowing the blade to cares her skin. He placed the dull edge of the knife against her lips. “Bite it… I need both my hands for a moment. “She followed his instructions, too scared to defy him anymore. With a loud riiiiiiiip he ripped her sleepe clear up to the supposed point. She inhaled sharply, her eyes following his every move. He removed the blade from her mouth and repeated the same thing to her other sleep allowing the chilly night air to hit her skin. He very carefully brushed her long brown curls away from her back, exposing her neck to him. With feather soft kisses he soothed her, even as the knife Began to cut into the neckline of her shirt. With one swift motion he stalled the knife into the tree and brutally ripped her shirt clean open exposing her pale backto him.
“I warned you… the night was long… and I was just getting started little one… Remember you brought this upon yourself…” His fingers quickly unid her bra before he yanked the knife from the tree and pressed the cold flat of the blade against her skin. She sucked in a breath and squirmed slightly. Her thighs rubbing together as he turned it so that he could lightly drag the point of the knife Along her spinal column. Not deep enough to mar her perfect pale flesh, but with just enough pressure so that she knows it is there.
Her sharp inhale and the tension of her muscles gave him the exact rush he desired. She was nervous and every ounce of her being shown it. Her hands gripped the leather belt tightly as her eyes clenched. As the knife continued its path towards the edge of her jeans her soft whimpers grow louder. His hand slide between the jeans and her flesh before the sound of denim being seen through could be heard. Once more he went from cutting to literally ripping the jeans right off her legs. He tossed them aside like yesterday’s trash and grinned finding her cute little boy cut panties beneath them.
“So cute… are those… hearts my Kitten?” He asked mischievously before grabbing them roughly and tugging them backwards so that they slipped between her nether lips, grinding against her sensitive cliporis. A sobbing moan slips out of her mouth, Almost as if she didn’t want it to feel good but just couldn’t help it. As much as she tried to hold still, she was never known for her patience when it came to her clip. Her hips began shifting, rubbing herself wantonly against the wet material of her panties.
“Oh you little slut…. Already wet… and wanting to cum… I don’t think so…” He tightened his grip and ripped them right off her, leaving Only her breasts and stomach covered. She was thankful for that much. The tree’s bark was so rough; she was worried that should he remove the rest of her clothes that she’d beginto be cut open by its sharp edges. He took a step back and looked over her back side. A smile of pleasure that she couldn’t see crossed his face. Her full hips and rump, always ready to be taken, spanked, used and abused to his every desire. Her back, scarred from surgery always remained pure and unmarked until he kiss and bit his way down her spine, but those never lasted very long.
“Oh how beautiful you look Kitten…You practically glow in this moonlight… It really is a goal that you ran… We could have had a beautiful night stretched out in front of the fireplace that I had ready…soft fur rugs… sensitive fruits… but now…” he showed and shook his head. “Now I am not sure what to do with you….. I should beat you senseless and make sure you know NEVER to run from me again…” His hand lands hard on her ass, leaving it singing with a bright red hand print quickly developing. She squeaks softly and holds as still as possible despite the pleasure that runs through herbody. “….only a squeak? I am not doing my job nearly well enough then… Kitten I want to hear you scream in agony… in pain… After all you earned this… didn’t you?” He asked softly, his lips brushing her ear. She nods slowly.
“No… says it you little slut…Tell me that you deserve this…”
“Please Master…I was a bad Kitten and have earned every moment of your punishment… I fully accept whatever you choose to do to me. My pain is your pleasure and helps me learn. “Her voice now filled with confidence and humility.
“Now that’s my good girl…” those two words sent a soft moan filling the air and had her squirming hard. Her thighs began rubbing together, seeking relief. “No…not now little one… soon… Punishment comes first… you Know that…” with that his hand came back and once more roughly slapped her ass hard. That was just the first of many to come. He put his hand into her lower back, pushing her torso towards the tree forcing her ass out so he didn’t hit her scarred back. No matter how rough with her he was, he was always gentle with her tender scar. Then, with her ass perfectly displayed, the moon glowing down upon it is when the beating began. His hand fell upon each of her plump cheeses until they were practically a neon shade of red.
As he beat her, her soft moans grow into growls and screams of pleasure filled agony eventually the pleasure that his spankings usually brought left and only the pain remained. Her screams of pain brought a big grin to his face. He stopped and lightly ran his hands over the tender swollen flesh, her body trembling beneath his touch. Mid spanking she’d shifted, bracing her legs so that she wouldn’t cave under the pain. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against the area where her neck joined her shoulder and slowly slid his hands up her back. He then pressed his still clothed up against her naked frame. She pressed back against him, grinding her beaten ass against his jeans, causing sharp inhales of pain, as his hands caresed his back he stopped at the top then dug in his nails. She cried out briefly as she realized her punishment was not over. Those nails slowly dragged down her back then fanning out to avoid her scar, leaving long red marks in their wake. His hands lovingly slide back up to the top to repeat the process marking her from neck to the tops of her thighs in bright red streaks and hand prints. With Each of her screams the budget in his pants grow until it pressed against his jeans in a painful manner.
He reached down to slowly unbutton his pants, the sound of the button sliding through the hold, the zipper sliding down sent a long shiver down her spine. She tried so hard to turn her head to watch him, but all she could see was his sadistic grin as he stared at her body. Rather roughly he slide a hand between her legs and began rubbing hard, spreading the wetness that had begun to pool and dribble down her bare thighs.
“What a little slut my Kitten is… I tie her up… beat her senseless… and look at this…” He pulls his hand out and shoves it towards her face. “Lick them clean you little whore……” she moans softly and wraps her swollen lips around each of his fingers, licking and sucking like she was properly cleaning his cock. He inhaled slowly through his teeth before stepping up behind her. He slide his cock between her legs, letting it slide Against her soaked pussy lips, coating it in her excitement before he pulled back and separated her ass cheats.
“What… You didn’t think I was actually going to fuck your pussy did you? You don’t deserve that kind of pleasure… felt honored that I am even sticking my cock in such a naughty little Kitten. “With that he pressed the head of his cock against her small tension hole and began pushing. Slowly stretching her around his width, knowing each inch caused pain and caused a burning sensing to fill her body. “M…M…Master it hurts! Please! I’m not Rrreaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” She screeched out as he grabbed her hips and in one hard thrust finished filling her. His body hit her tender cheese hard enough to cause her to cry out in pain, her face scrunching up in agoy.
“…I don’t think I care if you were ready or not… You fucked up… you ran… you deserve this. And it’s either I fuck you the way I want… or I leave Your half naked ass here for someone else to find and use…” He began to pull out causing her to beg and plead with him not to let someone else define her and use her. Pleading with him that her body was his and his alone to use and no one else had any right to her.
“That is damn right you little slut…” He grew out as he plowed back in deep; setting a hard, deep, fast rhythm. As soon as her ass adjusted to the assault she began to push back, moaning and leaning her head back, letting her dark curls bounce against her ass and his exposed groin each time he pulled back slightly, adding a soft ticle to therough fucking he was giving her. He reached up and grabbed a handful of that thick dark hair and yanked her head to the side to bite down hard upon her shoulder, purposefully letting his teeth pierce her skin.
A long animalistic scream of pain erupted from her moments before she began to begin to cum. He slide his free hand around her body and began rubbing her clip hard and rough. He grew into her skin, biting down harder causing her ass to tighten around his cock. It began to twitch and convulse inside her. He ripped his mouth away long enough to demand that she cum as his own warm jizz filled her well fucked ass. Her moan was long, loud, and one of deep relief, her knees going weak so that his arms and the leather bindings were the only things holding her up at this point. Before she even realized it he was tenderly kissing her neck, her shoulder. Caressing those long welts upon her back and ass that his punishment caused. Soothing each and every ounce of pain he inflicted onher.
“OH what a good Kitten you are…. Taking such a beating from me… giving me your pain for my pleasure… Now let’s get you unhooked and home so I can wrap my collar around that lovely neck of yours and hold you until you fall asleep my pet… You’ve made me so proud today Kitten… Thank you for choosing me…” He unbound his sweet girl and tossed aside the remainder of her clothes Before lifting her up into his arms. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled in close, her eyes closed as she whispered to him. “Thank you Master. Kitten hopes to continue to make you this proud each and every day…” As the moon began to dip behind the trees leaving our lover’s grove dark, the couple headed back to the small cabin for a long night of snuggling and love making to celebrate the promise that collar made for both of them.
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