The dented and scratched Jeep Wrangler hit yet another pothole sending Felicia bouncing in her seat with a squeak of surprise. The man in the back seat with her reached over to shove her roughly back.
It was hard to stay in place with her hands handcuffed behind her.
The jeep’s soft top was off which let the warm summer air blow through her shoulder length brown hair, but it was impossible to make out anything more than a few feet away except what was directly ahead in the headlights.
“How far are we going?” Felicia asked, her voice cracking on the last word in her nervousness.
The man next to her never said a word and didn’t even both to turn his head to look at her. It was hard to see his features with his body covered head to foot in a black outfit with what seemed to be dozens of pieces of odds and ends attached to belts and loops. She couldn’t even see his face since he wore an odd mask of sorts with two short barrels sticking out in front of his eyesthat had a vague resemblance to a pair of binarys.
Falecia bounced in her seat again while the man pressed her back with a hand that grazed an exposed nipple, her squeak this time having less to do with the bump.
The add on Fet had been a simple one, a request from sundown to sunup for a woman who liked the ‘chase’.
Falecia looked out into the dark woods and tried her best to ignore the hand that was Still casually cupping her breast while holding her back against her seat. She could feel her hard nipple grazing the man’s palm and wondered what it felt like to him.
The farther they drove into the dark woods the harder it was to control her breathing. It all had seemed so exciting when she showed up an hour ago at nine PM to the hotel room for her ‘interview’. A half dozen men had been crowded into the seedy one room dive, men who had watched Felicia be slowly stripped naked except for a pair of tennis shoes and then handcuffed. The only man who had said anythinging to her had been a tall six foot three black man who had asked her if she knew what was going to happen, if she was Ok with what was going to happen, and that once the fun began there were no safe words, there wasn’t any backing out.
The man had seemed like a giant standing next to Felica who was only four foot nine and barely a hundred pounds when soaking wet. And she really had been soaking wet standing naked in a room fool of men watching her. She could still feel the ache between her legs, still feel the tacky drunk mood that had been dripping down her inner thighs while she stood there and looked from one masked face to another. The men had been so casual and at ease watching her be stripped, hadn’t even tried to lower their voices so that Felicia could hear them exclaiming over her C cup breasts and dark areolas. They had even took turns to come over to cup and squeeze her breasts and ass while talking about her wide hips perfect for popping out a few kids. She distinctly remembered the moment she was brought up on tiptoe by a straight hand slipping between her thigh gap to cup her wet moon and smear her lubrication over her smooth, hairless skin.
It was almost a shock when in mid moan she had been turned and marched out into the parking lot to be loaded into the back of a white Jeep Wrangler. She had caught the surprised looks of several people who happened to be in the parking lot and felt her face go scarlet at their stars.
“Where here,” the driver suddenly said as the Jeep came to a stop, “You’ve got twenty minutes while I go and pick up the guys and then drive back.
“I’d advise you to run.”
The man sitting next to her gave Felicia’s breast a hard squeeze and then pushed her forward. She felt him fumbling for a moment with the handscuffs behind her back before they snapped free and he sat back in his seat.
“Time for you to get out,” the driver said.
“Where are we?” Felicia asked, her voice cracking once more.
“Either get out or we’ll throw you out,” the driver replied.
Felicia struggled to stand on shaking legs while trying to ignore how slippery her inner thighs were. She stumbled and nearly fell twice struggle to climb out of the backseat with neither man offering to help in the slightest.
“Twenty minutes,” the man said the moment Felicia was standing next to the jeep before it rushed forward and made a sharp turn.
Felicia could feel how wide her eyes were as she watched the taillights of the jeep bounce away into the dark. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, her entire body trembling even with the night still being in the mid 80’s and just stood frozen until the red lights had disappeared. After only a minute even the sound of the jeep’s engine faded away, the sound of the frogs and critics filling the night with the distant, lonely sound of a jet growing fear before fading away.
“Fuck, what am I doing?” Felicia said while panting for breath.
It took a moment for Felicia’s eyes to adjust to just the light of a full moon but she was soon able to see that she was standing in the middle of a clearing surrounded by rows of evenly spaced longleaf pine interspersed with palmetto. It was a perfectly ordinary scene like thousands of other acres planted for the pulp industry, except that it was close to midnight and nearly pitch black.
“Ok…” Felica panted While turning in a circle, “Twenty minutes… just twenty minutes.”
Felica started forward in a random direction away from the ruts of the dirt road and almost instantly fell to her hands and knees. Palmetto leaves rasped against the bare skin of her torso and she fought back a sob as she stood and started off again. This time she went a little slower, hidden roots in the sandy soil snagging at her feet without tripping her While she strained to hear the slightest sound.
The yips of a coyote caused her to freeze for a moment with her heart slamming in her chest before she again stumbled forward.
“Twenty minutes… twenty minutes… twenty minutes…” Felica panted, unsure if she wanted the time to drag on or if she desperately wanted it to be over with.
Felicia stumbled onward without knowing where she was heading to. The occasional sound of a coyote and even the lonely hot of an owl her only company. It was impossible to even guess how long she had been running, but guessed it had to be close to the time for the men to come back.
To begin hunting her.
She came to a stop with one hand resting on the rough bark of one of the skinny pins while she tried to catch her breath. She glanced up and then stared while looking at the sky. Even with the light of the full moon it was amazing how many stars were in the night sky, more than she ever imagined.
“Twenty minute…” Felica began to say under her breath before cutting off mid word at the sound of a distant car horn.
“Oh god…” Felica panted, her eyes wideas she glanced desperately around.
Except for the occasional palmetto there wasn’t any ground cover between the pines, all the underbrush having long since been cleared so that the logging company could maintain and harvest the trees once they reached a certain height. Felicia blinked when she saw the splash of lights from the headlights of a vehicle in the distance just as another car horn sounded.
Felicia shrank behind the trunk of the pine which wasn’t even thick enough to hide her tiny frame and watched as a second pair of headlights came bouncing into view. More car horns sounded while Felica pressed her body against the rough bark of the tree. The night sounds of frogs and critics stopped as the cars came closer, the horns sounding over and over.
Felicia panted and glanced desperately around for someplace, anyplace to hide, but Only saw the thin trunks of the pines marching off into the night in straight, even spaced lines.
Felicia’s heart slammed in her chest while she watched the cars with no place to run, no place to hide…. no backing out…
But the add on Fet… a woman who liked the ‘chase’.
Felicia twisted her torso slightly and felt her nipples rasp across the rough bark of the pine, could feel the throbbing ache between her thighs and her lubrication running down her inner thighs.
The two cars, Felicia could just make out that they were Both Jeeps, came to a stop before men began to pile out. She could hear voices shouting and laughing but as soon as the engines shut off and the headlights cut off so that the night became pitch black once more. Felicia could hear the voices moving out through the pine trees laughing, shouting and yelling encouragement to each other, but she couldn’t tell if any of them were headed in her direction.
Felicia again twisted her torso from side to side to feel her hard nipples rasping and snagging against the rough bark while biting her lip.
“They’re going to catchme, shit, they’re going to catch me…” she panted under her breath while doing her best to keep as much of her body behind the thin trunk of the pine as she could.
Felica could hear the shouts and laughter of the men moving through the pines, but she had expected to see the gleam of flashlights bobbing around. Instead there was only the dim pale light of the moon and even with her eyes adjusted after the glare of the headlights she couldn’t see any of the men searching for her.
“Twenty bucks say she didn’t get a quarter mile!” a voice shouted from out of the night, a voice that caused Felicia to jerk in surprise at how close it was.
“How’bout if she got more than that you don’t get your dick wet tonight!” a second voice called followed by laughter and catcalls.
“How the hell can they see shit?” Felicia asked herself and then frozen when she heard movement through a cluster of palmetto not even twenty feet away.
“Over here!” a third voice called out in excitem, “I see her!
“She’s behind one of the trees!”
Felicia’s heart seemed to burst for an instant and then she found herself running, palmetto leaves slashing at her thighs while she tried to dodge the half seen pines. Frustration and fear mixed with the excitement and anticipation while she tried to understand how anyone could have spotted her when she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face.
“Andrew, she’s heading towards you, cut her off!” someone shouted behind her.
“I see her!” yet another voice who Felicia guessed must be Andrew called out from what sounded like only feet away.
Felicia instantly cut away from the direction the voice had come from and managed to add on even more speed. Even at thirty four she still worked out and jogged Regularly and managed to dodge through the night while panting for breath. She heard someone plow into a palmetto and then stumble to the ground with a curse and she turned again angling almost back the way she had been coming from.
“Shit! I lost her!” she heard Andrew yell from behind and grinned in delight.
She felt exhilarated with the warm air caresing her sweaty skin as she ran and dodged through the pines, the sting of palmetto leaves on her legs and tighs only adding to her excitement.
“Where the hell did she go?” a voice yelled angrily.
“She must have gone to ground!” Another yelled, “Search the bushes!”
Elation surged through her at having evaded all the men. She didn’t know how they could see her in the dark, but she was still winning, still managing to…
Felicia screamed as a dark, half seen shape suddenly lunged up in front of her. She had an instant to recognize that it was a man dressed all in black, but there was something wrong and misshapen about his head and then she was tackled to the ground.
“Here! I’ve got her! I… ooff!” a man began before grunting in pain when Felicia kneed him in the stramach.
She managed to stand before a second dark shape loomed out of the dark and a different man grabbed her by the arm. Felicia jerked to the side and almost yanked free when suddenly a third man appeared and grabbed her other arm.
“Damn, we’ve got a feisty one!” the man holding her left arm said with a laugh.
“Shit… don’t I know it,” the man that Felicia had kneed said as he struggled to get to his feet.
“Over here!” the man holding Felicia’s right arm yelled with a distinct Asian accent, “We caught her!
“Over here!”
“Watch it, I’m going to turn on my headlamp,” the man Felicia had kicked said once he managed to stand.
“Go for it,” one voice said quickly followed by, “Go ahead.”
Suddenly headlamps began to turn on while Felicia still tried to jerk herself free. Her heart was only half in trying to get free herself while she blinked at the suddenly glare and quickly stopped even that effort. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness she saw the three men surrounding her while they removed the odd binological things she had seen earlier when riding in the jeep.
The man she had kneed saw her looking at the binologicals he had pulled off and grinned while holding it out towards her.
“Night vision goggles,” he said with a grin, “I could see you running towards me with your tits bouncing all over the place from forty feet away.”
“That’s cheating!” Felicia said.
“Might be, but all’s fair when it involves getting a piece of your tight little pussy,” the man replied.
“She got you good, Will,” the Asian man holding her by the arm said with a laugh.
“Yea, fuck you Liu, I still caught her so I get to go first,” Will shot back.
“You didn’t catch her, we did, and she should have aimed a few inches lower instead of kicking you in the stomach,” the man opposite Liu added.
“We’ll all get our turn, Andrew,” a deep tenor that Felicia remembered from the hotel said from out of the dark.
“Larry, we caught her,”Andrew said while gripping Felicia’s arm tightly, “Only thing Will did was get kicked in the stomach!”
Felicia watched the tall black man she had seen at the motorcycle materialize out of the dark as he pulled off his own night vision goggles and grinned at her with amazingly white teeth.
“Yea, well, that’s enough for him to get to go first in my book,” Larry said in his deep, slow voice.
Felicia watched as Will, the man she had kicked began to quickly unbuckle his pants. He was a squat fireplug of a man with a trimmed red bear, but still as short as he was he still towered at least a half a foot over Felicia.
“The sand’s soft enough, get her on her back,” Will demanded as he walked towards her.
Andrew placed a leg behind Felicia’s before she was Suddenly jerked backwards by both men at the same time. In an instant she found herself laying on her back with grass and twigs poking into her skin.
“Wait!” Felicia begged while holding her legs tightly closed.
“You’ve already done agreed,” Larry’s deep voice said in amusement, “There’s no backing out, no going back without you getting fucked in every hole you have, so do you want to play at being a good girl, or do I get to smack that cute, tight little ass of yours for being a brat?”
One of the men holding Felicia to the ground leaned forward, Felica recognizing him as Liu with his Asian eyes and dark black hair.
“Do you want us to keep holding your arms or let you go?” Liu asked in a whisper.
“Don’t… don’t let go,” Felicia gasped while still fighting to pull her arms free.
Will dropped to his knees and grabbed Felicia’s legs before wrenching them apart. She had a moment to realize that he had pulled his pants down around his ankles, a second to glimpse the thick, fat dick that matched his fireplug build, and then he was laying down on top of her. Felicia twisted from side to side, tried to turn her head away as he took her cheeses in his hand and forced herto look at him before he leaned down to kiss her roughly on the lips.
“Mmmm!” Felicia moaned and then felt the familiar, wonderful pressure of a man’s cock pressing against her vulva.
“Oh!” Felicia gasped an instant later only to have Will’s tongue slip into her mouth just as smoothly and easily as his dick had just slipped into her wet, ready sheath.
Felicia felt Will moaning into her mouth as he thrust into her before wrapping her legs tightly around his waist and still she struggled to pull her arms away from Liu and Andrew. Felicia jerked at the hands pinning her arms to the ground while feeling her vulva stretching around Will’s girl as he thrust into her with wet slapses and kissed him just as hungrily as he was kissing her.
“He’s going to go and ream her out and ruin her for the rest of us with that fat little dick of his!” Andrew complained while still holding her arm against the ground.
“So, make it easier for both of us to get our dicks in her atthe same time,” Liu laughed.
“You and your fucking DVP!” Andrew shot back, “I’ll fuck her ass next while you fuck her pussy, but I don’t want my dick touching yours!”
Two more men came staggering into the circle of lights shining down on Felicia and her lover, one man supporting the other who was obviously limping.
“What happened to you?” Larry asked, Felicia’s eyes suddenly drawn to the fact that he had his long, black dick out and was casually stroking himself while he had been watching Felicia getting fucked.
“Antonio tripped and sprang his ankle back by the Jeeps,” the man helping the second explained.
“If it wasn’t for Josh all you bastard would have left me behind without me even getting a share of the ass!” Antonio complained.
Felica’s eyes were still on Larry’s long, black dick even while her body was being rocked forward with every thrust Will was giving her. She could feel herself reeling from the pleasure of being held down while she was being fucked, the excitement of being watched by the men surrounding her, and even the absolute thrill of the possibility of making love to two men at the same time. All the things she had only dared dream of, to fantasize about, pleasure herself with the lights out and her eyes closed. Things that were only real in porn flicks and internet videos, and tonight she was getting to experience them all before these ben were done with her.
“Ahhh, shit, I’m cumming!” Will exclaimed in the same instant that Felicia felt his warm, wet see filled her body.
Felicia wrapped her legs even tighter around his waist while Will kissed her mouth when he thrust into her and held himself there, Liu and Andrew still holding her arms tight against the ground. She could feel her body tingling, her toes curled inside the tennis shoes, could feel her contracts squeezed down on Will’s fat cock still inside of her and moaned into his mouth until he broke away from their kiss.
“Ahhh, shit,” Will said again in an echo of what he had just said before he pulled out of Felicia’s body and rolled to the side.
“You fuck her ass while she on top of me?” Liu asked and stood up to quickly begin undressing.
“Yea, that works,” Andrew said with a nod and let go of Felicia’s other arm.
Instantly Felicia rolled over and tried to stand and even managed to make a lunge for the dark trees that were barely visible beyond the glare of the headlamps.
“No you don’t,” Larry’s deep voice said with a chuckle and grabbed her by the upper arm.
“Damn, where the hell did you find this one, Larry,” Josh asked with a laugh, “She’s still not giving up!”
“She found us,” Larry replied while holding onto Felicia’s arm while she jerked desperately away, “Didn’t even take no convincing from me once I told her the game we had in mind to play.”
“Fuck, we’re going to have to invite her to play again!” Josh replied.
Larry suddenly grabbed Felicia’s other arm and turned her around so that she saw Liu laying on his back naked and Andrew standing next to him jerking himself off.
“Come one,” Larry said in amusement while shoving her towards Liu, “Sit!”
Felicia glared over her shoulder and up into Larry’s face, his very dark skin making his teeth and the whites of his eyes seem even brighter He suddenly shoved Felicia forwards so that she nearly stumbled and had to take a step over Liu’s torso so that she was suddenly straddling him.
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