The Chase

“Damn,” he thought as he slammed on his breaks, spun the wheel and slide the car sideways. His flash red Dodge Daytona Shelby’s wheels spin leaving marks as he hauls ass to avoid getting caught for going multiples of the speed limit.

The cop tries hard to stay on his ass and is doing a good job of it, he never sees the driver but he can recall his scanner not picking up any traffic about a pursuit or roadblock to stop him.

The pursuit lasts for at least 90 minutes and winds up in the deep woods of upper state New York.

Finally, gun drawn, both cars nearly out of gas, a cop steps from her pursuit car.

6′ 2″ tall, wearing 3″ heels, long, golden tempers flowing down her back, enormous breasts jutting out in front of her, the cop steps carefully from the car.

“Don’t move, don’t even breathe,” she says.

“Yes Ma’am,” his only reply.

The cop, a stickler for discipline, follows procedure to the letter. After he is out of the car and has his legs andarms spread wide and at an angle that does not allow quick movement, she reads him his rights.

“I can’t get a ticket for this,” he thinks, “I will lose my license and most likely my job since I won’t be able to drive.”

He lets the officer know this and that he will do anything to avoid the legal consequences of his speeding.

“Hmmmmmm,” she thinks, “wonder if he really means it or not.”

She decides to find out.

“What is your name sir,” she asks.

“My name is Jonathan, officer,” he says.

“Well Jonathan, if you wish to avoid some serious jail time, the loss of your car and perhaps your anal virginity in jail to some guy named Bubba, I recommend you do as I say,” she forcedly intones.

“Yes Ma’am,” he says.

“Not Ma’am slave, Mistress,” she says, “Am I clear?”

“Yes Mistress,” he says. “I am in trouble,” he thinks.

His arms are suddenly pulled from behind him forcing him to fall face forward on the hot surface of his cars engine hood. His hands are locked behind him and he is anxious awaiting his new blue suited Mistress’ orders.

“So,” she says, apparently to noise of import, “you wish to be let go without paying the consequences do you?”

Of course, the consequences are the most immediate thing on his mind at the moment. The only question is will he be able to withstand her particular version of the consequences or should he just relent and let her take him in and face the music.

The officer, a submissive man’s wet dream cum true, grabs him by the collar and hauls him into the woods.

He is too shocked to answer her query; she prods him in such a way as to elicit a response from him at last.

“Owwwwww,” he screams as he is struck from behind with a birch rod.”

“I asked you a question slave. And I expect my slaves to answer me in a timely manner,” she hisses at him.

“No Mistress,” he replies most subserviently.

“No what slave,” she says.

“No Mistress I amNot looking to avoid the consequences,” he says, his eyes lowered and face downcast as he says it.

“You Mistress is glad,” she says, “because you may wish you had chosen the legal consequences after I am through with you slut.”

She leads him off into the deep woods and there she puts him on his knees.

“You will do as you are told if you wish to live. Am I Understooth slave,” she intones forcedly.

“Yes Mistress,” his most subservient and only reply.

She commands him to strip fully in front of her and then take his clothes back to the car, after first telling him to knee and keep his head down and eyes closed.

She locks his clothes in the back of the car and proceeds to find all the things she needs to handle her new slave properly. The officer, like most officers, has a penchant for bondage, discipline and domination. Slowly, from a hidden compartment she, herself, built into the cruiser she takes a long length of nylon rope, a blindfold, a phallic shaped gag, a collar with numerous d-rings, a fairly good size anal plug, cuffs, a cock & ball harness, shapeable ear plugs and a set of nipple clamps.

Slowly, deliberately, taunting him, she puts him into bondage.

Starting with a simply blindfolding she works her way around him. Jonathan breathes in hard as a foot is applied to his back and the knots he barely felt around his arm and wrists are tightened forcedly. Next, a collar is attached to his neck and his arms are attached to one of the d-rings in the collar.

His arms are immediately tight but he grins and bears it.

Further, by way of humiliating him, his new Mistress attaches a cock and ball harness to him and tightens it to its smallest. His balls are enlarged, swollen and feeling some pain, but somehow he actually likes it.

Mistress then says, that he is gonna to lose a few more of his senses as she then places the ear plugs in him good and tight then proceeds to stick a hard rubber phallus into his mouth.

A rope is attached to a d-ring in the front of his collar and he is led through the woods stumbling and feeling the pain as each branch he runs into catches him as he walks into it then is whacked in the ass by it as it is freed.

“I am giving myself a birching,” he thinks.

Jonathan feels the every red mark as it seems to explode on his ass. He also feels the pain of the branches catching on his scrotal sack. It feels as if someone is trying to tear them off. The only question is, “Am I doing it to myself or is she? Is Mistress?”

He suddenly runs into his Mistress and is rewarded with a backhand across his gagged and blindfolded face. The shock rattles his teeth.

“Slut!” she says, “Be more careful damn it!!!”

Mistress takes the rope, holding the end tied to the d-ring, and tosses the other end over a very high branch.

Jonathan, no longer thinking of himself by that name but rather slave, feels himself hauled brutally off his feetto stand on just the very toes of his feet. The birch rod across his ass causes him to leap forward thereby pressing his cock into the rough bark of the tree he is tied to.

The slave he has become cries out without any remorse, hesitation or regret.

Basically, he screams for all he is worth.

Mistress gives him a thrashing he will definitely never forget. He is beating with the rod from the soles of his feet to the nape of his neck. The marks upon his body are numerous, but they will he rapidly as they are not deep.

Mistress covers his body with an ointment after beating him. He is sore beyond all he could have ever dreamed he could be.

But his ordeal is just starting.

Suddenly she pulls out her gun, he hears the slide being pulled then snapping back, and shoots the rope holding him suspended on only his toes.

He collapses to the ground in a heap, but rest is not forthcoming.

Mistress yanks his leash and he is forced forward, stumbling,and led to the police cruiser. Mistress chains him in the back making certain to gag him properly, tie him in such a position on the floor as not to be seen by passerbys and parks his car deep in the woods, covering it to hide it from prying eyes.

As Mistress drives she speaks to him in a quiet, shy, almost deepen voice. But what she says is nothing of the sort. She goes on to tell her new slut that there is a brotherhood Among all police officers, but the women police officers have a sisterhood most would never dream of.

“The Defenders of Male Submissiveness.” The name evolves a contradiction in his mind, as if most men would surely choose to be submissive. He laughs within his gag.

His view changes when at last they arrive at their destination and his blindfold is finally removed.

Still, barely unable to hear Through the plugs in his ears, he is slow to respond when another female officer orders him to his knees.

That slowness costs him dearly. His backis nearly split in twin when the birch rod hits him full force there. He drops to his knees in unadulterated pain; the fire without is almost white hot in its intensity.

Mistress kisses his lips in as unbridled password as she crops him to get him to move faster. She rapes his mouth with her tongue, forces his obesance with every taste of her lips upon his makes his cock rampant and uses it to please her well. For this, what is a little pain? Or a lot?

The scene that follows his introduction to the household is beyond his wildest dreams–or nightmares!

The Mistresses show him his new home, at least for now, a stable, a barn for horses and slut slaves like him. His eyes widen as he realizes that the stalls are lined with shadowles of all shapes and sizes, but that none of them are made for the horses but rather the men and women inside them.

“I am beyond all help,” he thinks, ” I can go no lower. Or if I can I don’t think I wish to know how.”

Inside the largest of the stalls he is led, a stall containing both a man and a woman totally nude and chained to each other, their violent, animalistic, lovemaking cum bondage session is interrupted when he is led within.

“Slut,” the Mistress begins, “I’d like you meet your newest teachers.”

His eyes wider further as he realizes what is about to begin. The chained sluts will teach him to be a slut, both will use him and abuse him however they wish; both knowing full well that it is no less than what their Mistresses want, what they will do to their newest piece of property, of ass, of their newest slut.

What comes next he can not describe. All he really knows is that the experiences, all weirder and more depraved then even the great Marquis de Sade ever dreamed of, were used to control him, mold him–to make him an ever greater slut, to lose all of his physical, moral and experimental preconceptions.

It seems like this is his life forever. These lovely Amazonian police offers of such moral depravity have just begun. His screams and moans of ecstasy are heard long into the night and the next day, though noone is around to hear them.

The place to where our hero has been taken is somewhere well beyond the realm of safety. “The Chateau,” named after the infamous Chateau written about by Pauline Reage, lies way out in farm country hundreds of miles from the nearest neighbor and even further from the nearest city.

Further, the farm is a working farm–although there are no pack animals here at all–men and women take their place completely.

In the morning, after a most thoroughly exhausting evening, our hero recognizes this. But that is another story…


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