The Change Ch. 3

i kneeeled by the low table with my back to Him. He had brought blueberry muffins, coffee and orange juice for breakfast. i ate one of the muffins and drank three glasses of orange juice. The whole time i was eating i could feel His gaze upon my back, i could hear Him sipping on His coffee, watching me, eyeing me, and no doubt thinking about what He could finally do to me now that He had me where He wanted me.

When i finished my breakfast i turned to Him, still kneeing, my knees slightly apart, my back straight, my head up but my eyes looking down to the floor.

“Sir, this girl asks if You would care for something to eat or would like more coffee?” i said, trembling a little, a little unsure of myself.

“Hmmm, very nice. Yes I would like some more coffee.”

i started to crawl over to Him to retrieve His cup, but He stopped me by clearing His throat. i immediately stopped and went back up to knee.

“Two things. Number one, whenever you ask me a question andI answer it, you shall say ‘Yes Sir, as You wish Sir.’ understanding?”

i nodded my head and answered “Yes Sir, as You wish Sir.”

“Very good. Now number two. When ever you are to refill anything I have, be it a cup or a plate, You shall not take the cup or plate once you have given it to me, you shall retrieve what shall fill it and bring it to me and fill the plate or cup in front of me and then offer me the plate or cup. Understood?”:

Nodding, again i answer “Yes Sir, as You wish Sir.”

“Very well, now you may get Me some more coffee.” He said turning back around to the cross to finish His work on it.

i crawled back to the table and got one of the larger cups with coffee in it and started to crawl back to Him on my knees, to knee behind Him with the cup in my hands between my spread knees.

“Sir, may this girl refill Your cup Sir?”

He turned around and looked me over, walking around me several times, sipping the last of the coffee in His cup. i could feel His gaze upon me, making me tendency slightly.

“Yes slut, you may.” He said stopping in front of me again. i took His cup and poured the coffee from the larger cup into it. Holding the larger cup with my knees i offered the smaller cup back to Him with my arms outstretched over my head, and my head bowed.

“this girl hopes this is to Your liking Sir.”

“Thank you slut,” He said taking a sip “Very nice, now go put the other cup back and come back quickly, I wish to begin with you.”

i did as told, crawling back to the table with the cup of hot coffee and returning to knee by Him as quickly as possible.

“Stand up slut and stand facing the cross, as close to it as you can get.” He said walking to the other end of the room.

i did as i was told, quickly standing and getting as close to the cross as i could get, pressing my body up against it, my arms extended on the cross, my legs spread for the legs of the cross, and it was like that i waited for Him.

He returned and sat something down on a table near the cross and returned to me. He took my wrists and attached the cuffs around my wrists to the restraints on the cross, doing the same for my ankles.

When He finished, He stood behind me, pressing Himself hard against my back, His mouth beside my ear whispering to me in a low whisper causing me to moan and shiver from anticipation.

“Now, this I like my little slut, I have a surprise for you. I know you have played with wax, but I don’t think You have played quite like this…oh I am gonna have so much fun hurting you….”

At that i jerked slightly, surprised by what i heard. i know He like spankings and some floggings, but to truly hurt me, to be truly sadistic, this i did not know about Him.

i hear Him chuckle softly in my ear and then say “Oh, that’s right, you didn’t know that either did you? Hmmmm…seems you are learning all kinds of things tonight, are you not slut?”

“Ye..yes Sir, this girl is learning much Sir.” i said, my voice trembling.

“Then W/we shall begin.” He said pulling back from me and retrieving the candles He had sat down beside the cross.

i tensed my body in anticipation of the hot wax, as i did so i received a sharp slap to my left ass cheese.

“RELAX! Enjoy what is about to happen” He commanded.

“Ye…yes Sir, this girl will relax.” my voice trembling even more now.

He started at my shoulders pouring a line of hot wax from one shoulder to the other. i could feel it roll down my back, i moaned loudly, for the wax was quite hot. He continued like that going down an inch below the line before and pouring a line of wax. Each line feel hotter than the one before, causing me to moan louder and louder, to pull against my restraints, with each line i thought i could not take anymore, and then He would show me that i was wrong.

He continued like this until my back was completely covered in wax, until it flowed over my ass cheeses and downthe backs of my thighs ending at the backs of my knees. i could feel it start to cool and harden on my skin in the cold air of the attic.

“Ah, how pretty is this?” He said, as He stepped closer to me to inspect His work. “Now for the fun part, I get to take it off.”

Now i expected Him to peel it off of me, that being the way it had been with Him before, as well with the Others i had been with, but i was about to find out how wrong i was.

i felt something brush the backs of my knees, tickling them slightly and the realization hit me. He was going to take the wax off with a flogger!

i felt the whoosh of air as the flogger went up into the air and then the sharp sting as the tip ends found their mark on my back, taking off the wax, but leaving a very noticeable welt on my back.

“AHHHHHHHMMMMMMM” i let out as the first sting was laid across my back, then the second, each one causing me to scream louder and louder, i could feel my nipples getting harder, my cuntstarting to flow with juices.

“That’s it slut, tell Me how much you like this, I know you like this, I know your darkest desires, your darkest dreams, and I shall make those a reality, both for your enjoyment and Mine!” He said moving the flogger faster and harder.

i was screaming louder now, pulling hard against my restraints, thankful that they were there. my body shaking and shivering from the sensings the beating was causing.

“Th…this girl likes this very much Sir, this girl likes this so much Sir she wishes to cum Sir.” i said, not knowing what i said until it was too late.

“Beg for it bitch, beg for more, beg to cum, beg for me to make you cum whore!” He said quickening the strokes of the flogger.

“please Sir, this girl begs of You to beat her more and harder, to make her cum with Your whip as so she may prove how worthy she is of Your attention Sir” i said almost crying from the pain and the frustration, again not knowing where these words were coming from.

The blows here coming harder than ever now, i was slowly loosing my grip on reality, slowly slipping away.

“Yes slut! Yes, scream for me!! You may not cum until I get every piece of wax off Your body…..” He said moving the flogger down over my ass and tighs then the backs of my knees, removing the wax.

“Now bitch, cum, cum hard….harder than you have ever cum in Your life” He said whipping my back harder now.

my whole body was shaking and convulsing as my clip exploded sending shockwaves of pleasure thought out my body, i let out a loud scream with the last and most hardest blow that finally sent me spiraling over the edge.

“Ah, yes my slave-slut, very nice….mmmmm” He said walking up behind me and shoving His fingers into my soaked cunt “Ah very nice, nice and wet!” He finished shoving His fingers into my mouth.

”Now for your reward, clean my fingers slut.” He said stroking my cheek with His other hand. “Oh what pleasures i have to show you my dear, and finally i believe you are ready.”


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