Roxanne Harmon had been living with her sister Jasmine for a few years – they’d moved in together when the economy falsettered and both felt they benefited. But after a few crazy credit card moments, money was tight and there just wasn’t enough time to work all the jobs needed to stay on top of the interest, let alone pay off the remaining debt. They needed something special, something radical, and Roxy had found something totally crazy – “The Challenge”.
“All we have to do is spend 10 minutes in a skirt and blouse etc riding a Sybian next to each other…,” Roxy explained, “we ride this Sybian thing (I think it’s a sit-down vibrator) and if in that time we orgasm we take off an item of clothing. And for that we get paid A LOT. Simpe huh?”
It wasn’t quite so simple as there was a camera, and an MC, and the whole thing was broadcast on the internet.
“Wait, wait, wait no way…”, said Jasmine. “… I’m not losing my job and report for a few hundred bucks”.
“Well first of all, sis, it’s actually thousands and secondly they let us cover up tattoos and stuff and we can wear a mask. Actually, they said it’s required. The masks are quite pretty actually, they have them on the logo – see?”
“You’re going to have to get me a lot more drink before I say yes to this you know!”
But drink they got on cheap gin and wine and vodka; the following morning (actually – around lunchtime) Roxy came in and announced, “We’ve been accepted!”
Jasmine couldn’t even remember agreeing to it, but apparently, they had her name and her photo and things in the confirmation along with a time and date and rules and instructions and things. Her head hurt so badly but she was a good girl and skimmed the document and they both printed off the release forms, signed them, and sent them off.
Skip to 3 weeks later, the girls have shown up at the studio- having again had a few drinks to steady their nerves and prepared as described in the notes. They’re both wearing cute blouses, short, pleated skirts, with lace panties and a matching bra, plus the instructions required stockings and suspenders. This was very important apparently, something to do with the “aesthetic”.
They’re hustled through makeup – even though both had already done their best makeup, but apparently “it wasn’t enough for the lights”. Bit of a waste under the mask thought Roxy. They’re both blinking as they walk out into the studio floor, and they’re directed to sit astride the Sybian. They’d both intended to research a bit more about what they were but with the extra jobs and Amy’s party last week they just hadn’t got to it. They straddle the devices and lower themselves onto each of them, positioned quite close to each other – directly in front of a big camera.
“Don’t worry, it’s not on…” a voice boomed from behind the lights, then a man in a sharp suit walked out and they saw him gesturing to the camera.
“We need to get you properly settled in first. Hello Roxanne and Jasmine – I’m Michael. You both have the same last name, what’s that about?”
“We’re sisters.” replied Jasmine, blushing slightly.
“Oh that should make things… interesting – oh one more thing, I’m afraid you girls are going to have to pull your panties aside and place yourselves directly on the tip of the Sybian. Make sure it’s comfortable. The skirt should keep you covered for now.”
“So, I’m sure you’ve read through the contract and the rules, but I’ll just repeat the general bits. You’ve both chosen a safeword that will immediately stop the recording and you’ll earn any money earned as long as the minimum time is reached. You’ll also be tied in place for the visual effect – the aesthetic – the audience enjoy. But, of course, you can release yourselves any time with the safeword.”
Two large men appear from the gloom behind the lights and link the girl’s wrists behind their backs to the Sybian base via some padded shades. The position pushes both girls’ large chests out noticeably.
“Comfortable? Good – be warned, if you stop before the minimum time, according to the contract you’ve already signed you’ll be liable for 10,000 each towards the set-up costs for the event. But for every minute they complete you’ll earn 1000… provided you don’t forfeit. You should also not interrupt proceedings or ask questions. High unlikely you’ll be fully expo…stripped in that time – oh, we’re ready? OK it’s go-time girls!”
The MC turns to face the camera, arms stretched wide. “Welcome to the Slut Exposure Challenge!”
Jasmine and Rox glance at each other. Was that the title? But it’s started now.
The MC welcomes the viewsers and introduces them as slut 1 and slut 2 – the girls had been warned They would be referred to badly but not to take it too personally. Just like the bondage it’s just for the aesthetic, and it helps their anonymity.
“We have 2045 views online already so that pushes the minimum to complete to 30 minutes! Woo… the Min to Win is 30 already, popular ladies.”
“For those new to the show we’ll strip these anonymous sluts each time they cum. and for every 1000 views the ‘min2win’ goes up by ten minutes!!”
“Oh wow…. it looks from these expressions that they may not have read the rules before they sat their cuns on the Sybian. oh well let’s carry on!”
Jaz looks at Roxy but they both know they can’t afford the debt and need the money but before they have a chance to object the Sybians start low and slow but soon start to speed up. Roxanne shakes her head and then gasps as an orgasm surges through her loudly.
“Already?! “, announces the MC then shrugs and reaches over to slip off her 9inch heels. “Both shoes as they’re a pair. One down!!”
Quite soon sweat is forming on both girls’ bodies, making their pushed-out chests glisten.
Blushing heavily, Roxy starts to moan again loudly before Jaz had even cum the first time, but her gaspingand moaning seems to trigger something in her sister and they both cum hard.
The MC approaches and delicately slips off Jasmine’s bright right 6-inch heels, undoing the straps – Jasmine blushing as a man she just met fondles her feet. Then he turns around sharply, grabs Roxanne’s blouse and rips it open sending buttons all over and exposing her G cup breasts crammed into the only matching bra the girls had – an old E cup brain straining hard to hold back the ample flesh.
Roxanne gasps, shocked at the sudden violence. As the MC obviously admits her cleavage an announcement signals 10 minutes at which point a loud buzzing can be heard as the Sybians go on full power. Both girls still recovering are pushed immediately over the edge again and again and again.
At the end of 60s of intense Sybian action, as the devices Reduce again both girls are stripped to just bra, suspenders, and stockings plus soaked panties. As the buzzing subsides the girls come back down from that high and realize they’re in underwear live in the internet in front of 10000 people and climbing, according to a screen visible next to the camera.
As the tattered remains of their clothes are removed both girls are gasping for breath but relish and recover in the relative calm of the low buzz.
“So, with 10 minutes down the Min to Win is now 110 minutes… or just under two hours left”
“Each of these sluts has just 5 items left and we’re only just passing minute 12. it doesn’t look good! Do you both remember your safewords girls? Wait! No don’t say them… we don’t want to have to keep all that cash… you’re both on 12,000”
“Do you girls want to earn a little money? Some of our richer views have paid 1000, which we pass on to you, for the right to have words written on your body. I’ll ask you to nod to grant permission. We’re all about consent here! *wink*
“Now user6996, I can’t write that word on her face because it’s under the mask… OK i guess we could put it there as the mask only covers the top half of her face. Slut 2! – do you want to earn £1000?”
She hesitates then nods. The MC takes out a large permanent marker and write WH on one jaw cheese and RE on the other.
“You just earned 1000, ever earned that fast before?”
She gasps and squirms. seemingly resisting something strong and persistent.
“Do you want to earn some more?”
She nods and he writes “SLUT” in large letters on her naked exposed cleavage. She shudders as the pen moves. Then the MC giggles.
“Are you trying not to cum? You know if you do – the next item to be removed is your bra and your breasts will be on full view for… ha ha ha ha!!”
He laughs over the noise of her orgasm. whilst she’s still moaning loudly her bra is unhooked. Her breasts spill out and the bra is cut off her shoulders.
“You’re sweaty, and topless on the internet for over 10,000 people. How do you feel slut?”
She opens her mouth to answer but can’t speak as a grunt emerges instead and another orgasm rips through her.
“You girls really aren’t used to riding a Sybian are you! Oh dear. These panties are barely doing anything anyway…”
And with that they’re tugged roughly and cut from her.
“Ah good you followed the instructions and held yourself. Very pretty. OH – your expression says you were expecting stockings and suspenders first? Oh dear. Oh well. You girls didn’t do your research did you. The comments from the viewsers approve – they say you have a very pretty cunt. No need to blush like that!”
Turning to Jasmine, “Oh yes we forgot you – you’ve been holding back well, you’re 2 steps ahead of your sister…OOOPS… did I say that on camera?” he grinns.
He walks back to Jasmine who had a flash of anger but that has passed and been forgotten.
“Are you feeling left out? No writing on you? Don’t worry. Do you want to earn 2000 for two words?” she looks over at her sister, but gets no help andThen nods, blurting out a quick gasp and then grunting and breathing hard.
The MC chuckles as he reads the request from the viewer. “OH MY. this should be interesting.” He reaches down and pushes down the panties as far as they go and writes “FREE” on her pelvic area, currently also smooth and hairless. Then as he starts to write the next word “slut 1” starts to shudder and shake her head and gasps as he forms the letters of “USE” over her pussy lips and then as he underlines it she comes hard. thundering and grunting… bouncing up and down against her restraints. The restraints seem strong for an aesthetic choice…?
As she’s bouncing the MC giggles and grabs her bra, ripping it off as she bounces. her tits fall out for all to see. It falls off her body, in tatters.
“OH. What’s that noise? It’s 20-minute alert of course! Look at all the money you’ve made…”
A buzzing starts loudly as the Sybians spin up again. Roxanne was wise to this and has already braced, but Jasmine was in the midst of her own orgasm already. Unprepared and extra sensitive she exploits again eyes wide open screaming loudly and bouncing making her tits bounce all over the place. As she drops her legs shudder and then a few seconds later she gasps again, and she squirts on the Sybian. She seems to almost pass out, and when she comes to again she find she’s sat there naked except for a pair of stockings.
At the end of the minute, Roxy is breathing hard but has ridden out the storm and relaxes as the Sybian spins down.
“OK. we’re 20 minutes and change into the challenge and both these sluts are nearly naked… as we enter the pulse zone!”
As he says that a loud vrrrb vrrrb vrrrb is heard, and the comments from the views go wild…”PULSE PULSE PULSE!”
Roxy starts to shake her head mumbling “no no no… oh fuck.. ” and her big juicy tits start to jiggle.
The vrrrbb vrrrrb gets louder, then faster… She’s fighting it. Hard. Grimacing againt it. Jaz is almost drunk with orgasms. and no help for her sister.
“Oh, it seems we have had another request. for another word to write on slut 2. OK… so. let’s see. “
stepping behind slut 2, he writes something on her back. The portable camera comes around to see it, but neither of the girls can see what she’s been marked with.
“Would you like to see the word slut 2?”
She nods – not totally aware any.
“Well. that’ll cost you. ” a screen is wheeled on so she can suddenly see herself sweat dripping off, naked breasts visible and her pussy lips bright red and vibrating and VERY visible… and then her back with the word “REGRET” written in the middle of it.
“Now to pay up, you agreed to paying, so I have consent.”
The MC reaches out and squeezes and pinches her big tits. “Oh fuck,” she says, the combination of the pulsing in her smooth exposed cunt and the sudden exploration of sensing in her tits pushes her over the edge once again. Now both, exhausted and exposed sluts are in just stockings.
“You girls look exhausted… let’s get you some more money.”
“Who viewing wants to give them new names? Slut 1 and Slut 2 need new names.”
“OK… so we’ve had some bidding. the good news is… Oh wait… you look like you’re going to cum again. no.? ok… The good news is you two sluts have got new names and earned some money. Slut 1 is now ChubbyBitch, you earned 1204 in the bidding. Slut 2 earned…wow! 3391 to be called TitSlut!”
The MC beams wildly to the camera, a wicked sparkle in his eye. Name tags are brought out and slapped onto their tits with their humiliating names written in large letters, causing each girl to gasp.
“So – you sluts are wearing just stockings online in front of 11,348 people… I wonder if any of them know you? Going to cum soon, and there’s still an hour or more left! It would be a shame to lose and not get all that money… do you girls want us to turn down the vibe?
Both nod vaguely but as enthusiastically as they can.
“OK. You’re both happy with payment?”
The two assistants walk out, the sluts look nervous but all that happens is their weak bodies are adjusted and a ring gag is pushed into their mouths.
“Oh! User6969! i get it now…”
He looks down at Roxy and say “W H O R E”.
“Thanks for giving consent for this, girls. Just the two items left to hold on to. Now since you can no longer speak at all, we can communicate with nods and shaking heads. All ok?”
They nod.
“Good, you’ve paid so we can turn down the vibe now, give you a rest.”
“Well sluts we thought you’d give up at 10 minutes and call the safeword like most of the previous events did but you’re doing well and earned us all a lot of money. This will be very popular on the website! You understand that right? You can’t WIN the bonus 50k till you beat the clock, but the penalty only applies before 10 minutes.(After ten minutes we’ve got our money’s worth from you!) Isn’t that great?”
“But now you’ve just got the two items, stockings and mask, to go before you officially lose, can you hang on for the next… Hour and ten minutes to them?”
“OH yes. The last two items aren’t the stockings – they’re one item. The mask is one of the items. And that’ll be taken off after you lose the stockings… you… you girls don’t look happy? I thought you understand? Oh well, just say the safeword whenever you want?”
Both girls stir and start making noises into the gags then go white.
“Oh yes of course, you willingly put on the gags, that means you can’t say the safeword. Which means you’re going to be here till the timer runs out or.. well… “
“Now we can keep going till you’re both fully exposed, or we can stop when one of you loses before the other. Would you like to do the first one or the second one?”
2 sluts? Or one? ChubbyBitch? TitSlut? Want to take the escape option?
Both girls nod, desperate for any chance now, not thinking through anything but immediate consequences.
“Well girls – nothing is for free… you can either forfeit half your money or perform an action. you both must agree to do it. Do you want to forfeit the money? “
The girls look at each other…
“Do you really want to give away 28,000 even After you’ve been through this?”
They exchange glances at each other, then both shake their heads.
“So, you agree to our action forfeit? ChubbyBitch?”
She nods, then he turns to the other big breasted slut.
She pauses, but nods.
He laughs loudly – “You’ve both just responded directly to your new names. you sluts are broken, aren’t you?”
They both nod again. Fire in their crotch. Both fighting the sensings inside them. Barely aware of anything going on except /his/ voice and their bodies on fire.
“Well girls. you just both agreed to compete against each other.Two sisters competing for their own modesty. Erk! Whoops I said it again! Your forfeit action, that you’ve both agreed to, and will lose ALL the money if you don’t follow through on the agreement in 30 seconds… is. ChubbyBitch will lean over and suck TitSlut’s tits for 60 seconds. No matter what happens you must keep sucking.
No one moves for 10 seconds – Jasmine looks at Roxy and Roxy looks scared…
“20 seconds remaining girls”
Slut 1, aka ChubbyBitch previously known as Jasmine is beyond reason and so she leans over on her Sybian and clamps her ring gagged mouth on her sister’s big nipple and sucks. Roxy/TitSlut gasps and moans and blushes DEEP red.
“Hey TitSlut, you sister is sucking your tits live on the internet. you’re a slut aren’t you. Don’t resist. Be a slut.”
“19…20 seconds. keep going!!”
Roxy is flushed and squirming, her sister continues to suck and Roxy’s shaking her head trying to resist. You can see it in her faceas a familiar tremor begins in her body. She shakes her head more.
“38, 39, 40s “
Another orgasm rips through TitSlut… her body jerking and spasming as drool drips out of her mouth onto her sister’s head who continues to suck on her big title.
“OH DEAR…and stop that’s 60s”
Jasmine moves back and is bright red seeming broken, Roxy is flushed too but soon her stockings are slide off her legs.
“Well, there we are. the next time you cum, we take off your mask…are you excited? “
She shakes her head hard and her body tenses.
“We just had some questions from our views — ‘how do you feel about the fact your sister jusmade you cum?’ ‘What about the fact she just cost you your stockings and means she’s probably to win?’ That’s true, she just sucked your tits hard enough to save her own face…literally!”
“OK your rest time is over now. coming on… ooh 27 minutes! Well done. That’s really blow all the previous records out of the water. ButThen you know what that means, very soon we’ll have the 30-minute double buzz!!! Two full minutes of full power, full speed pulsing!”
“I think we all know who the winner is going to be well played ChubbyBitch, too bad TitSlut. Hmmm… you seem upset. Does it not seem fair? Do you think it’s unfair? “
She nods.
“You both agreed to the rule about one losing before the other. We can’t change that. But, she’s got stockings, and you don’t. We could change that. If you’d like that? DO you want to do that? Your stockings are here in my hand… they smell amazing.”
“OK. So – if you nod right now, I’m going to make it fair. “
TitSlut nods.
“OK. Then let’s make it fair… and take the stockings off ChubbyBitch. What? You thought you’d get your own back? Oh no these are mine now. I won them from you… ” he reaches down.
“2 minutes till the double-wave” flashes up on the screens, as the MC slips off ChubbyBitch’s stockings.
“Well seems like you gotYour revenge on your sister for fucking you over, she’s now totally naked too”
Then he looks at TitSlut, her eyes focused on the stockings, pleading for that lifeline, to have them back on. But the MC just laughs and throws the stockings he took off ChubbyBitch to the side as well.
“Those are mine now too…”
“BUT Now it’s FAIR. Aren’t you happy? You’re both one orgasm away from exposure. Aren’t you glad you choose this way? “
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