The Chair Game

I was stood in the doorway as my husband greeted his daughter with a warm hug. My mouth was nearly on the floor, my hands started to shake, and my heart rate had increased way beyond normal.

“Dad, Kay, this is Rob,” Samantha announced.

She gave him a beaming smile and squeezed his hand. Her new boyfriend Rob, was my ex lover Robert!

She had gone on about Rob for the last month. It was Rob this and Rob that, all the bloody time. I watched Rob, as my husband shook his hand. They smiled at each other, and then Rob turned to me.

“Well hello, Kay,” he said, as he reached out a hand.

I could barely look at that grin. I shook hands with him. Just feeling his hand was enough to have me gulping. Those hands that did so much to me, and now I guess they were doing the same to my stepdaughter!

I was just glad to get in the kitchen away from them. My palms were sweaty and my heart was still racing. I told myself to keep calm. But my head was full of worry anddread.

My husband and I had a trial separation two years ago. It was Mark’s idea, because things between us were strained. I went out with a couple of friends and bumped into Robert as I knew him then. I thought my marriage was on the rocks so I was drinking quite a bit. My friends egged me on to let myself go, and before I knew it I was smoothing on the dance floor with Robert. He walked me home, back to this very house! He pecked me on the cheek and left his number in my bag without me knowing it. Yes I phoned him, and I met him. I went back to his flat and that was where things kicked off. Even after the sex I told him that was it. He was so bloody confident he just smiled and said you’ll be back, and I was.

“Kay, are you okay?”

I turned to my husband.

“You were miles away. I asked what you wanted to drink.”

I pushed the kitchen door closed. My husband gave me an enquiring look.

“What do you think of him?” I asked in a whisper.

“He seems fine, a little older than Samantha I guess.”

I nodded.

“Good, we’ll have dinner, and then later you can phone her and tell her she should dump him.”

“Jesus, Kay, we’ve only just met him, give him a chance. God I’m surprised at you.”

“He’s a control freak. I, I mean, he looks the sort. All smiles and agreeing with everything you says.”

Mark chuckled and shook his head again, “I’ll admit he is a little different from her usual choice of boyfriend, but bloody hell, give him a chance. Now is dinner ready?”

Why couldn’t he see, why didn’t he trust me on this?

I sat through dinner barely speaking a word. I just watched my husband being drawn into Robert like a willing fish jumping on the bloody hook! Samantha only had eyes for her new boyfriend. She was really into him, just like I had been. She was only 19 and very impressive. Rob, as she called him, reeled them both in, he even laughed at the jokes my husband told. They were old jokes and well used. I remember telling Robert that my husband was useless at telling jokes. We laughed about it, and now here I was cringing every time Robert chuckled at Mark’s jokes. I took the plates to the kitchen and jumped as Samantha slip the other plates in the water.

“So, what’s wrong with him then?” she hisssed in my ear.

I closed my eyes and thought here we go again, another stepmother/stepdaughter argument.

“Dad like him, so why don’t you?”

I took a deep breath, but she started on me before I could say anything.

“You fucking bitch. I don’t know why dad came back to you,” she hissed in my ear again.

I spun round wanting to yell at her. I controlled myself just in time.

“Look, he is a little too old for you. I’m sure he knows things, I mean, can’t you see he is just using you because you are young and pretty?”

“How do you know I’m not using him?” she whispered.

“Because you are not clever enough,” I spat back, a little too quickly.

She just stared at me for a few seconds. Her eyes searched mine, like she was trying to eat into the thoughts in my brain. She spun round and her blonde ponytail hit my face. I watched it swing and swway defiantly back to the dining room. Almost like it were two fingers sticking up at me.

Dessert was quickly followed by coffee. Both Mark and Samantha looked a little shocked at me, as I returned with the coffee in record time. I knew Mark would be asking me with his eyes what the hell I was up to, so I didn’t look at him on purpose. 10 minutes later I sat there wanting to scream as Mark suggested more booze.

I went and got the last bottle of wine and sat there feeling the minutes tick by like hours.

Now and then Robert would give me a little look that had me squirming in my seat. He was good at that, just the odd glance with his eyes that had me gulping with embarrassment.

“Dad, um, I’ve got something to tell you,” Samantha said as she gripped Robert’s hand on the table.

I held my breath and tried not to imagine the worst.

“Well, Rob has asked me to move in with him, until I go back to college next month.”

I raised my wine glass wanting to throw the contents it down my neck.

“Well, what does your mum think about that?” Mark asked.

God I wanted to scream at my husband.

“She is okay with it, but she said I should ask you, well dad?”

“Well you’ve only known each other for a month or two,” Mark mumbled.

The wine glass I was holding was now hiding a smile that I briefly let Robert see. Swivel on that you bastard I thought.

“Well, I guess it is okay,” Mark said with a grin.

I nearly dropped the wine glass as Robert grinned at me.

“Now, I guess we should get some more booze,” Mark said, as he stood up grinning from ear to ear.

I watched a rather drunk husband get his car keys.

“I’ll go you’ve had too much to drink,” I snapped.

“Oh can I drive, I passed my test two months ago, and I haven’t had anything much to drink.”

I sat there as father and daughter headed off to the car laughing and joking with each other. I couldn’t look at Robert, and he knew it to, he always knew everything.

I went into the kitchen and started washing up. I was panting and breathless. But I stopped in my tracks as I heard the swing door open, and then swish shut.

“You come near me and I swear I’ll scream the house down.”

I spun round and watched as he leant back against the wall. He crossed one leg in front of the other and looked down at his shoes for a moment, with a little amused grin on his face.

“You won’t get me back, I told you we were finished, and I mean it.”

He raised his head up and looked at me. His eyes looked at my breasts as they rose and fell deeply and quickly.

“Is your chest flushed under that blouse, like it did when we played our little games, when you got all angry?”

I took a deep breath, this time he wouldn’t beat me, like he had done all those times before.

“We are finished. You can’t just turn up here and ruin everything.”

“Is that what you think I’m doing? Do you think I am going out with Sammy to get at you?”

My lips parted slowly, as doubt filled my head confusing everything. While I was trying to fathom it out he had moved closer. I backed away a little.

“Stay there,” I snapped.

He nodded with that little amused grin still on his face.

“I wonder what Sammy and hubby would think if they knew, about you, and about us?”

I opened my mouth in shock, but before I could say anything he started talking again.

“You know, it isn’t always about you Kay. I like Sam, she loves the games, she is willing, but you were too. Don’t worry, we probably won’t last long together.”

I took a deep breath again. It always took all my determination to face up to Robert.

“I want you to dump her, tomorrow.”

I backed up another step as he moved forward. He chuckled and held up his hands.

“Don’t worry, I won’t come any closer. Look Kay, it is only you that is getting all stressed about this. We can keep this a secret. I bet deep down that appeals to you.”

“Just, go and sit down, stay away from me,” I snapped.

He moved forward and I stepped back against the sink. His dark chocolate eyes glanced over my lips, my trembling lips.

“I’m warning you, I’ll scream,” I panted.

A grin ran across his lips, “you always were a screamer Kay. Just so you know, I didn’t realize it was you up until a week ago. And like I said, Sammy plays the games, I’m not interested in you,” he stood watching my reaction, and then he picked up the tea towel, “so, do you want me to dry up?”

I started washing up in silence. The kitchen clock echoed round my head. Now and then our hands touched as I put the plate in the rack, it amused him, and made me tremble.

“Like I said, I don’t think it will last. When she gets back to college she’ll have all those hot guys chasing her. So, I reckon we just ride it out. You could tell your husband about us of course, but what would he say if you visited me for the last time, the day after you got back together?”

“Are you trying to blackmail me?”

“Like I said, Sammy is good at the games, like Marcy and Linda. But I must admit I have a soft spot for you. You always had that terrified chicken look, despite your past, but you loved it. You just needed me telling you……and because of your past, well, it does surprise me that you are so fucking scared.

“Well, I’m not like that now, besides your games were silly, and children.”

“Is that why you came so hard? Oh it sounds like hubby is back. So, does he understand you now?”

I cringed and closed my eyes, all those things I had told Robert about my marriage and my husband came flooding back. I was cruel about Mark, but he was the one who wanted the trial separation.

“Does he still come too quickly Kay, does he still finish even before you got started?”

“That’s none of your bloody business.”

“No, it never was, but you told me, and I never had to ask.”

I smiled at them as they came in, a forced smile, but at least it was a smile. Sammy handed me the bottles, and that was when I noticed the mark on her wrist, the same sort of marks that I had for a few days, the rope burn from the chair game. I grabbed her hand a pushed her sleepe up. She yanked her hand back. Mark had already gone to the kitchen to open a bottle. Robert smiled at Sammy and she turned at me.

“Its just a little game we play, a little bit of fun, surely you used to have fun?” she whispered with a grin.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I went out into the hall just to try and compose myself.

When I went back in 5 minutes later Sammy was sat next to Robert on the couch, with her arm locked through his. All the time I had visions of her tied to the chair, and getting whatI got before.

Mark was well into getting drunk now, and his old jokes just got worse. Robert was grinning and laughing, but from time to time he glanced at me. That bloody grin was burning into my head. He knew I was beyond embarrassed.

I got up and went to the kitchen. A few seconds later the swing door opened and closed. I watched a hand place an empty glass on the draining board.

“Be at the cafe on Thursday at 10, one last game, Kay. Oh and dig those red heels out.”

I spun round and hissed angrily, “I throw them away.”

Yep, not bugger off, or you’re out of your mind, or who the hell do you think you are?

“No you haven’t, I bet they are hidden in the wardrobe, collecting dust. You know how good you look in heels, and I’m sure they got a lot of men excited, listening to those shoes click on the pavement.”

Thursday morning came, and there I was sat in the café drinking my second coffee at 10.20. My red high heels with the open toe were attractiveing a lot of attention. Especially from a guy in his 60’s I guess. He sat there eating and occasionally glancing at my shoes. Not a fucking chance, you leering Asshole, I thought to myself.

The bell on the spring sounded as someone opened the door, two men in fact, about Robert’s age. One of them had noticed my shoes. He walked up to me and looked down.

“You must be Kay. Robert said you are to go to the flat.”

10 minutes later I was standing there having pressed the doorbell for the second time.

My little well rehearsed speech evaporated in my head, as Robert stood there in just his jeans, with his hair dripping wet.

“Well this is a surprise, come in.”

I stood inside his front door. Again I told him that I hadn’t come for the sex. But again I became tongue tied. My eyes couldn’t stop staring at the chair up on the coffee table. Why on the coffee table?!

“I’m not here for what you think. I’m here to tell you, to tell, you……”

My eyes were drawn to the chair again, putting me off. He moved forward and I got a whiff of his aftershave, the same aftershave that I had bought him!

“You, you must stop seeing her, it, it….isn’t fair.”

All my intentions had disappeared down the drain. I was going to kid him on. I was going to demand he leaves Sammy alone. That is when it clicked in my head. The bastard must have guessed. That was why he left me waiting at the café, and then he sent his messenger round, knowing I’d be bloody fuming and go round to his flat. But that still didn’t explain why the chair had been put up on the coffee table, with the ropes, dangling there, just waiting to be tied round wrists, and ankles.

“So, one last game, the chair game, you know I never repeat games, not without a new twist,” he whispered

I knew what I should have done. But Robert had this hold over me, even now! I thought I had broken his spell long ago, even though I still had flashbacks and fansies about what weused to do. My coat had already been removed and I didn’t even feel it! All I could see, all I could think about was the chair. Even when he walked me towards it I couldn’t fight. My fingers traced gently over the wooden arms. I touched the end of the arms, where the little marks from finger nails, mine and others before and after had dug in.

“Why, is it up there?” I mumbled.

He held My hand without answering, and before I knew what had happened I was stood up on the coffee table.

“I, I don’t want this, Robert?”

He kissed my knees, one and then the other. I could feel his hands sliding up the backs of my legs and under my skirt.

“Well you must have been serious. No stockings Kay, tights.”

I gasped and struggled as he dragged my honey coloured tights and black panties down to my knees, “Don’t, please don’t, this isn’t fair.”

I was standing there on shaking legs, as he pushed the hem of my knee length dress up. I stood there quaking, but my resistance wasn’t physical in the slightest, it just ran round my brain taunting me. His lips gently pulled at my pussy lips. His tongue moved slowly in between them. Why couldn’t I fight him, why couldn’t I be strong, like I knew I should be, like I had intended?

“Wait there, and don’t sit down.” he went to his bedroom leaving me trembling. When he returned he handed me a pink object about 7 inches long with ridges and bumps over it, “put it in……….NOW!” he snapped making me jump.

My head was still telling me no, but I gasped a little and winced as I pushed it in a little. It was different than the last one he used on me, fatter, and he hadn’t turned it on. He huffed at the way I was doing things so slowly. Robert placed his fingers over mine, and then he pushed up.

“Jesus!” I gasped, as the whole thing went right in my pussy.

“Sit,” he commanded.

I did, gingerly. He pulled my button through dress right open, so it dragged over the back of the chair, leaving me totally exposed. I could feel the hard lump of plastic forced right up inside of me, and I knew I was shaking from head to foot. He sat on the couch directly in front of me. For a few moments he just stared between my legs, as I sat there blushing. I looked down unable to keep eye contact with him.

“Look at me Kay….look at me.”

I sat there shaking my head, but I finally looked up.

He produced a little box the size of cigarette packet, and he touched the front of the box, and the thing in my pussy started to vibrate. I squirmed and gripped the arm rests of the hard wooden chair. I as I felt the vibrator working around in me. He switched it off and then showed me the front of the box.

“This is on off, and this is the speed control.”

I watched him flick the small switch and I jumped and gripped the chair even harder.

He showed me the front of the box again, and I watched him turned the speed knob to number two. I sat there stunned, feeling it getting faster. My legs were already quaking and I went to put my hand between my legs. Robert stood up and grabbed my wrist and held them.

“Do I have to tie you to the chair?” he snapped.

I shook my head vigorously, “N…….N…No, just don’t turn it up again….please don’t.”

Suddenly it stopped its movement, and Robert sat back on the couch right in front of me. He grinned at my face, and then between my legs.

“My friend will be here in about 20 minutes…….he’ll love this.”

“What friend………who, who is coming?” I asked in panic.

He grinned at me and pushed the button again. It jumped into life again and faster than it was before, “SHIT!” I gasped, as my heels slide across the tiles on the coffee table, and my fingers gripped the wooden chair arms harder, “Fuck Robert, that, that’s too, fast.”

“It is only on number 3 Kay,” he said in an amused tone, “Now, my friend is a little shy so, I’m going to blindfold you for when he gets here.”

“No you’re fucking not,” I shrieked, trying to ignore the orgasm that was creeping up on me.

How the hell did I manage to let this happen? I was going to tease him, to make him think I wanted to play one last game, and then I was going to slap him down…but look at me now!

He showed me the controller and I watch him turn the level up to 4. My thighs start to quake and my fingernails dug into the chair arms even further. The vibrator was going faster, and I couldn’t stop having an orgasm, as Robert sat on the couch flicking through a television magazine like I wasn’t even there!

“Please, switch it off….Robert please….turn it off!”

The bastard just ignored me, as my metal heels skidded across the coffee table, and my back arched, as I panted and gasped.

“Oh dear, nothing much on the telly……..ah, where were we……oh yes, now I guess you don’t understand the rules of my little game. I’m going to blindfold you, and if you don’t let meThen I can bump it up to full power……..a bit like those old Frankenstein moves, you know the sort of thing, get the monster to come to life with a sudden burst of power, or in this case, the fucking slut!”

All that time my juices were running all over the chair. I could feel it trickle between my legs, and soaking into the backs of my thighs. Then he switched the vibrator off. It just died instantly, but my grip on the arms, my trembling, and my panting didn’t stop.

“Now, like I said, I’m going to blindfold you, and you will not object, will you?”

I shook my head.

“You…you can blindfold me, but…..please don’t turn it up anymore,” I panted.

Robert got off the couch and showed me the controller. It is turned off, but he has set the dial to 6, the top speed, “Do you want to know who is coming Kay?” he asked as his finger hovered teasingly over the on/off switch.”

“No, I don’t care.. It doesn’t matter…any…anyone can come and…watch.”

He smiled at me and moved his finger away from the switch, “And I guess, you will let me tie your wrists to the chair, won’t you?”

My eyes opened wide as his teasing finger neared the switch.

“God yes, tie my wrists,” I squealed, fearing what would happen if it was switched on at full speed.

He lifted the controller to his chin and tapped it against it, like he was contemplating something, “And those big erect nipples of yours, how would you like a couple of clothes pegs to take you to an even higher level of arousal?”


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