The Chair

They called it simply “the chair”. The chair had something for everyone, good girls and bad.

Good girls were allowed to sit down on it until they’d had all the fun they wanted with the vibrating wand integrated in the seat.

Bad girls didn’t get the option not to sit down. They also tended to stay seated a lot longer than the good girls.

Sophia had not been a good girl.

“Sure you don’t want to apologize?” Cindy asked as she fitted the strraps around Sophia’s ankles. The chair had some simple, yet effective additions to make sure that once you were seated, you stayed seated.

Sophia giggled. She was having far too much fun in her role. “My Mom taught me never to apologize for the way I am.”

“That so? Did your Mom also teach you that prank with the ice cubes?”

“Nope. Came up with that by myself.” Sophia rattled the chain links of the ankle straps. Not for any practical purpose; even if she wanted to escape, which she didn’t, Cindy’s craftsmanshipmade it utterly impossible. She just wanted to show some fighting spirit. “And it was fun. Your squeal was so cute.”

Cindy slowly paced up and down in front of her, her fingers interlocked between her straightened back. She looked stunning in her smart blazer and skirt, as opposed to Sophia who had been stripped of everything and knew that she was looking stunning in her own right. “The defendant does not seems to repent her actions. Is she aware that this will reflect in her punishment?”

“Are you aware that your lawyer impression needs a lot more work?”

Sophia gasped when her girlfriend grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.

“Careful now.” Cindy’s voice was menacingly low and her eyes sparkled with the intensity that Sophia had come to know and love. “You’re about to make things real hard for yourself.”

“Oh really?” Sophia’s belly tingled. Being smart with Cindy when she was in this mood was a dangerous thing, but Sophia was having too much fun to stop herself. “I haven’t made if hard for myself yet? So if I’m careful now, I get off easy?”

Cindy tightened her grip on Sophia’s hair. She leaned in, her face dominating all of Sophia’s field of vision. “I think it’s been too long since I last paid you. You are-” She got cut off by Sophia’s tongue flicking her nose. “Okay, that does it.” Cindy let go off Sophia’s hair and got up, rubbing her nose. “You’re not leaving that chair for a long time.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

“Of course you have. Because you’ve always been a bad girl.” Cindy picked at Sophia’s labia, not even trying to be gentle as she made sure that the head of the wand rested dead center against Sophia’s pussy, with nothing whatsoever to dampen the viruses once she turned They on. The design was so simple and yet so effective. All it needed was a hole in the seat of the chair, wide enough to guide the shake of their magic wand through it, but too narrow for its head. Sure, the contraction got prettyy loud, but then again, so did Sophia after some time on it. And since the wand was socket-powered, they had all the time in the world.

“Any last words?”

Sophia hesitated. This close to the start it was hard for her bravado to persist against the memories of the last times Cindy had punished her with the chair. Even for a masochist like her, there was a point where the fun became fun torture and then further turned into Just torture. They both agreed that it would be boring to cut it off before that point was reached, and afterwards Sophia always felt proud of what she’d been able to endure. That didn’t make it any easier in the heat of the moment, though, when she screamed herself hoarse as she found out there existed levels of over-sensitive she’d never thought humanly possible. But then again, you didn’t fully live if you didn’t push your limits.

“Fuck you,” she whispered, grinning to mask her nervousness.

Cindy didn’t even honor that with a response. She just raised an eyebrow and switched the wand on. Sophia gritted her teeth, only barely staying silent. This wasn’t the low, teasing setting Cindy liked to use as a warm-up. The wand blasted away at what had to be its highest setting. It felt good, no question about it, too good even for someone like her who liked it rough. Sophia would’ve loved to just close her eyes and let herself fall into these violent vibrations that drilled into every part of her pussy at once, overpowered her senses with pure pleasure. If she’d let herself, she’d have come within minutes, but that would’ve been foolish. The phase before the first orgasm was the only time she could enjoy the violences without the over-sensitiveness that would eventually erode her sanity. She had to pace herself. Sophia focused on her breathing. It was impossible to just meditate away the wand at full power, but she could make herself stay above it. Relax herself as she rode the pleasure, fight to suppress the fateful first twitch of her muscles that would make everything come crashing down.

“Why are you holding back? Don’t you want to come?”

Sophia didn’t rise to the taunt. She needed her focus. The violations were relentless. So far she was staying on top of them, but just barely. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Don’t focus on anything else. Not on Cindy’s teasing and definitely not on how good that wand felt and how her clip was almost going numb from the onslaught. A hot tingle festered in her loins. The pleasure built up, threatening to boil over any second.

Cindy giggled. “You should see your face right now. You look like Buddha when he really needs to take a shit.”

It was such a stupid line that it broke Sophia’s focus for a moment, which was all it took. The needs of her body overrode her mental control and she involuntarily clenched down against the vibrating head. For a second Sophia tried to fight it, but what was the point? The orgasm was happening either way,so she might as well enjoy it.

Or so she thought, but just as the spasms took over and she was ready to emerge herself in an epic climax, the wand stopped. Completely. There was nothing left of that overwhelming stimulation, nothing to latch onto, nothing to keep her afloat.

“Why?” she screamed, trashing against her bonds. She knew that it was just a waste of energy, but she couldn’t help herself. What should’ve been an electric exploration of every nervous turned into something like the ghost of a cramp in her pussy, too annoying to ignore but too weak to get anything out of it. The frustrated throbs of her clit resonated throughout her entire lower belly. All the tension that had built up now had nowhere to go. And even if thrashing around didn’t make it better, yanking at the straws at least gave her something, anything else to focus on.

“Aww, is there a problem?” Cindy asked in her sweetest voice. If she’d been any closer, Sophia would’ve bitten her.

“That wascruel.” Sophia hated how whiny she sounded but she couldn’t help it. Her loins were still in this terrible state of almost cramping while her pussy had that hot numb feeling she always got right after an orgasm, only that this time she’d skipped all the good parts.

“Maybe you should’ve thought your manners. You weren’t nice to me, so why should I be nice to you?”

“Yeah, but…” Sophia bit her lip. She didn’t want to complain. Not having any control over the punishment was what made it fun. And yes, she’d deliberately provoked her girlfriend into making it worse. But still…

“Don’t worry, you’re getting your precious vibrations back.”

This time Sophia couldn’t suppress the moan. Cindy had turned the wand to a much lower setting, but in a weird way it was More intense than before. Sophia couldn’t even tell if it feel good. The violations against her pussy were nice, but her clip already reached terribly from the abuse.

“How does that feel?” Cindy asked. “Likea second round? Or like the first?”

“I don’t know. More like a second, I think. Kinda. Not really.” After the first shock it wasn’t all that bad. Her clip was much more sensitive, but without any previous satisfaction her body was still craving everything it got. She could work with that. The violations hurt, but maybe not in such a bad way.

“Do you want more?”

Sophia hesitated. Her rational mind wanted to take it slow. Stronger vibrations ultimately only means more suffering. But at the same time she was recovering from the ruined first climax and her body was ready to go again, this time for real. If she got a real orgasm, that frustrating almost-cramp in her loins would go away and the sooner it did, the better.

“Do what you want.”

“Becoming a good girl already, aren’t you?” Cindy turned the wand up, but only a notch. When her girlfriend gasped, she was ready. She kissed Sophia passwordately, her tongue slipping between Sophia’s parted lips.

Sophiagladly reciprocated the kiss. She was getting light-headed. There was nothing uncomfortable about the vibrations anymore. Her body hungrily soaked up any pleasure it could get and this time she didn’t fight it. Already her orgasm was building up again. When Cindy broke the kiss, Sophia let her moans come unabashedly. She readily embraced the pleasure that took her over and flung her past the point of no return.

Once again the wand died a second after her orgasm started.

“Fuck! Why?” The floor creaked as the chair dragged over it, propelled by Sophia’s violent thrashing. “I hate you! I fucking hate you!”

It wasn’t just the ghost of a cramp this time. All the muscles in her lower belly were clenching up. She desperately tried to rub herself against the wand, get some kind of friction, but the tiny amount of freedom she had only served to frustrate her even more. The hot numbness took over her pussy again, but this time it was a different numbness, an uncomfortable, almost sour feeling one.

“Sorry. Was that too much?”

Sophia’s first instinct was to snap at Cindy. Just in time her brain switched on again and she realized that Cindy’s question was sincere.

“It’s awful. Like…” Sophia struggled for words while the painfully frustrating throbs died down all too slowly and turned into an only slightly less frustrating ache. “It’s like, just when I’m there, I get punched in the guts instead. Only worse. Like…” She groaned. “Fuck, please turn it on again.”

Cindy compiled instantly. It was back to a low setting that was still overwhelmingly intense but also just the thing she so desperately needed. “Fuck, yes, that’s better,” Sophia groaned.

“Really? Aren’t you getting over-sensitive?”

“‘Course I am.” Sophia worked her hips. She didn’t know if she was trying to avoid the wand or push against it. All she knew was that she had to have something to keep her occupied, because everything was better than the empty cramps shegot otherwise. “But I still need it. Like, really. Please.”

Cindy kneeed before Sophia, one hand gently caresing her thigh, the other still underneath the chair on the controls of the wand. “Is this setting okay?”

“It’s fine. Just… maybe… a bit more? Yeah, perfect.” Sophia surprised her clip, but she was only passively aware of the pain, as If it was someone else’s. The only thing that mattered was that her body got exactly what it craved: Pure pleasure, violent enough to shake up the festering tension. She could still do it. If she managed to orgasm now, everything would be fine again.

“Please, leave it exactly like this. Please, please,” she pleased as she climbed up to the peak once more. If she was ruined again now, she’d break down crying.

“Don’t worry.” Cindy’s voice was soothing. Both her hands were on Sophia’s legs now, tenderly struggling her thighs. “Enjoy it. You’ve earned it.”

Sophia wanted to thank her, but at this moment she went over and any cooperative thought died. It wasn’t a nice orgasm, not by any metric. It was rough and painful and she was cursing all the way through, but with every violent wave of spasms some of the tension got washed away. It was so unbelievably satisfying to finally let go.

Cindy read her perfectly. She reduced the vibrations when Sophia’s orgasm was dying down and stopped them completely before the stimulation became uncomfortable. Once Sophia’s breathing had turned somewhat regular again, Cindy got up and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Everything OK?”

“Everything OK again.” Sophia managed a smile. Her clip was aching badly and she felt awfully sticky all over. But still, now that it was over she couldn’t deny that it was kinda hot in hindsight.

“I’m sorry. I thought I’d try it out, but it’s obvious that you don’t like it. I should’ve picked up on it sooner. I won’t do it again.” Cindy walked around the chair and embedded her girlfriend from behind.

“It’s OK. It was just… what are you doing?” Sophia asked when she realized that her right hand was free again.

“Unbinding you? I figured you could use some cuddling.”

“But… I can still…” Sophia stopped her protest before it really started. Cindy had a point. Some part of Sophia wanted to prove to her girlfriend that she could still go on, but was that really such a good idea? Yes, they’d had sessions in the past where she’d been bound to the chair until she’d had at least ten orgasms and her clip felt like it would explode if it went on for even one more minute and it had been great. But those times she hadn’t been physically and emotionally exhausted beforehand. “Yeah, cuddling sounds good,” she conceded.

Cindy undid all the straps and gave Sophia a hand to pull her up into a hug. After a tender kiss they went over to the bed where they collapsed into a cuddly pile.

“Was it at least some what fun?” Cindy asked after several minuts of nothing but holding Sophia in her arms and struggling through her hair.

“It was.” Sophia kissed her girlfriend to make sure she knew she was okay. “And you know, I think I kind enjoyed what you did.”

“Really? It seemed like you hated it.”

“Oh, I absolutely hated it. It was awful. But isn’t that the point: You doing awful things to me?”

“I guess it is.” Cindy pulled Sophia in more closely, gently rubbing her cheek against Sophia’s. “But not if you, like, actually hate them.”

“Honestly, in the middle of it, I kinda did. I’ve never felt like this before and it got a bit much. But, you know, now I know what it’s like and maybe it’s not all bad. It’s definitely a new kind of torture.”

“So, do you want to try it again sometimes or is it a no-go from now on?”

“I’d be up for some more experiments sometimes,” Sophia said and gave Cindy a quick peck on the lips. “Maybe not too soon and not too often, but, you know, there might be something there tohave fun with.”

Cindy twirled a curl of Sophia’s hair over her finger. “Have I ever told you that you’re the best girlfriend ever?”

“Maybe. But feel free to do it again.”

Cindy kissed Sophia on the nose. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”


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