The house was quiet, noises muffled and peaceful in the evening air, and Cass was lying against the arm of the couch, book in hand. It was warm inside, although she could hear the rain patterning softly against the roof. The pillows here smelled like Eliot. No matter how much time she spent in his house, the dominant smell was always his, and as she inhaled deeply and smiled, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Her eyes were on the book, but her attention was on the other side of the room. She didn’t have to look to know exactly what Eliot looked like sitting in the chair by the unlit fireplace. She had memorized the image when she had finished tying the knots.
Up against the legs of the chair, his bare legs were pressed tightly, the thick rope digging into his shins. His wrists were in the grip of the handcuffs, slide Through the runs on the back of the chair. The angle must be straining his shoulders, but he didn’t complain. That may have been because of the gag stuffedbetween his lips.
It had been almost an hour since she had tied him up, and Cass checked her watch lazily before standing up and turning over to him. Eliot was still hard, probably from the numerous times she had passed by during that hour to give him a tantalizing lick or squeeze. She wasn’t letting him cum, not yet, but he wasn’t going to walk this off either.
At the sight of his erect dick, Cass licked her lips. His balls were pressed uncomfortable against the chair, and he squirmed a little under her gaze. She crossed the room to him, running her gloved hand against his thigh.
“You’ve been very patient,” she said, and he grew at her. She laughed. “Do you want me to take the gag off?”
It seemed to take Eliot a minute to realize that this wasn’t rhetorical, but he nodded.
“Are you going to be polite?”
He hesitated for a moment, and then nodded again. Cass leaned forward, letting her breasts brush against his arm, and took his earliestbe between her teeth for a brief nibble before she slipped the gag off.
“Water?” she asked.
“Yes please.” Eliot was whispering, and he leaned forward to suck eagerly at the offered bottle head when she held it out. She smiled indulgently and let him drink his fill before she replaced it on the table.
“Now,” she said. “What are we going to do about this?” She directed her attention to his dick, Still hard and at attention. Eliot swallowed hard. “Why don’t you tell me what you want me to do?”
He licked his lips, swimming up a lingering droplet of water. Cass expressed a shiver, trying to look still in control as his movement sent heat through her body.
“Please,” he said, his voice colleague. “Suck my dick.”
Cass let out a breath of air at his words and dropped to her knees far too eagerly in front of him. “I thought you’d never ask,” she hisssed, sliding her hand over his legs. She bent her head over his lap, wrapping her lips over the tip of his penis, and was gratifiedby the loud moan she elicited. She took him farther into her mouth, curling her tongue around his shake as she moved up and down. The salty taste of precum coated the back of her throat, and she let her green eyes flicker upwards to capture the ecstasy on his face.
When she feel his body shuddering underneath her hands, she pulled off of him. Eliot groaned with disappointment, but Cass stood up, putting her palm on his broad chest to hold him back.
“Say please.”
“Please.” He didn’t hesitate, and his blue eyes were filled with desire and pleading. She felt herself growing wetter and her fingers fumbled on the fly of her jeans.
Cass straddled his lap, bracing her feet against the floor and her hands against his shoulder, holding herself up on him. She twisted her hips and lowered herself, slow and controlled, onto him. Eliot let out another groan as she enveloped him, and she echoed it with one of her own, riding him faster.
“Not yet,” she warned him, and hesettled without having to ask what she meant. Experimentally, she tightened her muscles around him and he grew back at her. She laughed. “You like that?” she asked, leaning forward to lick his neck.
She didn’t see Eliot’s grin until it was too late, and he thrust upwards, making her scream and grab on tighter to his arm to steady herself.
“You like that?” he echoed, and she laughed quietly. It came out first as a giggle and then as a groan, as the pleasure shot through her again, clouding her vision.
Eliot held on a little longer, just until he had her screaming and orgasming in his lap, then he followed her quickly with a moan of delight. He thrust upwards as he came, and she felt herself hit the peak once again, rocking and unbalanced.
As she came down, she leaned against him, drawing her arms across his shoulders. Eliot lowered his head onto her neck, nuzzling her affectionately.
“You still have that key?” He asked after a minute.
” ‘S in my bra,” Cass replied. “Which was hot, but kind of a bad idea, it keeps poking me.” She stood up and pulled it out, letting him go. “Couldn’t you have gotten out of this on your own?” she teased as she unlocked the cuffs.
“Do you want me to dislocate my thumb?”
“Not particularly, no.”
Legs untied, Eliot stand up, shaking off the cramps, and took a step closer towards her. His bare feet were touching her boots now, so close that she felt his breath on her cheek. “Next time,” he whispered. “You’re in the chair.”
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