The Celebrity Expert Ch. 01

Sophie Turner was beautiful. She knew it, and so did every Game of Thrones fan. Adam himself had enjoyed the series, especially the sex parts which could be both raw and intimate at the same time. As it was, he had just watched an episode from one of the more recent seasons, where Sophie had come into her prime, physically anyways. Her long red hair, pale skin, and undeniably tight body were all great perks, and in his opinion, she was one of the best-looking girls on the show. That was when he received an email. He had been running a smalltime celebration “acquisition” ring for the past year now, and after getting his start by collecting a few Instagram celebrities and cosplayers, he was finally getting a request for someone a little higher up on the food chain.

Adam looked over the request, committing it to memory before deleting it from his secure email server. In the message had been another address for him to reply to, since it had been sent through an anonymous service. “This is going to be a lot of fun, I would probably do this for even less money than what they are offering.” However, he was a businessman, and negotiation was important. He replied, setting his price for the acquisition of Sophie Turner. They accepted, and a security deposit of $10 million was soon in his account. Now, he could start the real work.

While as it turned out, was not a lot of work. While popular, Sophie wasn’t high enough on the totem pole yet to have more than an advanced, but fallible security system to keep the odd crashed fan away from her house. It consistent of a small security wall around her property, which more decorative than practical in some spots, along with a few cameras, some internal motion sensors, but no actual guards or dogs even. Her place was a modest 2-bedroom house, when compared to grand mansions at least. She didn’t need that much more space, and as it was it was still a really nice place. It had a small pool, and a well-tended lawn, wit small gardens throughout the property.

The difficult part, however, was survey. Even though she didn’t have a lot of official security, she did have neighbors, and all it would take for this whole thing to come crashing down would be for one of them to get suspicious of this random guy driving through this very nice neighborhood. Which is why he had needed a disguise. Using some of his security deposit, he set himself up as a surveyor, buying the necessary vehicle, equipment, and forgotten permits that would allow him to pretend to be surveying a nearby road. This gave him the perfect opportunity to watch Sophie’s house, but it couldn’t last more than a day or two before people got suspicious. Which was really all he needed, since while he was keeping track of her movements, he also planned out his strategy for breaking in. On the first day, he was able to get enough information about the outside of her house that he was able to sneak up during the night and hidden in someNearby bushes. This gave him a good view of the interior, as well as a view of what security she had in the house. Not much as it turned out. He also got a good, close look at her cameras, which he determined were connected to the house’s power, not the actual power grid itself, which was of no real importance since he planned on turning off this section of the neighborhood’s power anyways. It was good to know Though, so that he knew they wouldn’t keep recording while he snuck in. He had also brought along some of the equipment he would need for the acquisition and buried it underneath a small pile of leaves and dirt, so that it would not be easily noticed.

He waited there until early morning, when he saw Sophie start her normal morning routines. The spot he had picked out, as it so happened, also had a Very nice view of her bedroom, to which she didn’t have the blinds entirely closed. He watched, transfixed as she got changed, the top of her gorgeous body fully on display, herfirm 34B cup tits unrestrained and perfectly shaped, her stomach toned and fit from her exercise routines. He had to concentrate and focus on NOT rubbing himself though his pants, and he wished he could see the rest of her. “Although, if all goes right, I will be seeing all of her lovely body, and she will belong to me until I have finished training her for my client.

He waited until she had started her morning run to emerge from the bushes where he had been keeping watch and using the time he had before full light he made his way back to the van he had been using the day before, which he had parked overnight at a nearby parking lot. He climbed in, and rolled out the small mattress he had brought along, and got himself a few hours of sleep, before he went back out as a surveyor again.

He was Measuring a different road this time, one that had a slightly different view of Sophie’s house, when he noticed it. His goal today had been to find a power box or substation that would let him access the neighborhood power grid, and he had just found something that would suit his needs just fine. He waited a few more hours, until Sophie returned home for the day, before packing up his equipment, and loading up into the van. He then set about preparing it for his soon to be prisoner, attaching metal cuffs to the sides, and laying out the tools he would need for the night’s activities that hadn’t been in the bag he had covered outside her house. He loaded everything he needed into a small duffel, before he moved the van into position. He took out a small tool from the van and walked over to the substation. He picked the lock keeping it closed and opened it up. Taking the tool, he systematically short circuited the power in the area with the tool. He hoped no one would give it much more than a glance, since he had tried his best to make it look like it had simply overloaded, and not sabotaged.

Adam had to move quickly now, since people were poorly calling the electricity company to report the outage. His van was exactly where he needed it to be for this part, or in other words still parked far enough away as to not draw any attention. Using the darkness, he walked quickly through the backyards of Sophie’s neighborhood, following as best he could the route he had mapped out during his survey. Only once or twice he had had to dive into the buses as a neighbor came out with a flashlight to see what was going on, but otherwise he was unhindered.

He got back to the point where he had been the night before and uncovered his other bag. He pulled out the ski mask from his smaller duffel and pulled it over his face. He also pulled out a roll of duct tape, and several rags. From the larger bag he pulled out a crowdbar, a large knife, a pistol, night vision goggles, and several lengths of rope which he stuffed into the smaller duffel, which now had some room. He slung the smaller duffel over his shoulder, and crept closer to Sophie’s house.

He crept up to one of her side windows, still hidden by some brush, and flipped down his NV goggles. Looking inside the house from this point, he could see that Sophie was not in any of the visible rooms. Adam crept around the side of the house, staying alert for war neighbors or for a sign the power might be coming back on. He was looking for an open door or window, since he only wanted to use the crowdbar as a last resort. That is when he saw it, Sophie’s front door was open! He knew this might be his only opportunity to slip inside, and he took it. He quickly slipped along back the way he had come, and saw Sophie standing outside talking with a neighbor. She was in some modest nightclothes, and it took everything in his will not to stare at her ass. Both of their backs were to him, so he cracked the front door just a bit, and checked inside. Empty. He slide inside, and moved through the darkened living room, towards the second bedroom.

“Sophie?” A voice calledfrom the room. Adam frozen, ad made a split-second decision to hide behind one of the couches, which gave him visual cover from whoever was coming out of the bedroom. He heard her footfalls as she walked right past him and saw the slight bobbing of a flashlight against the wall. He stayed completely frozen, not even breathing, until the footfalls faded, and he heard the front door creak open again. He heard the voice outside, indistinct. “I need to move, now!” Adam screamed into is head, and he skittered across the floor into the bedroom the mystery girl had come from. He slide into the walk-in closet and went as deep as he could. It was one hell of a closet, and while there weren’t many clothes, it was the guest bedroom after all, there were some larger objects that could hide behind.

After croouching behind some boxes and an ironing board, he flipped up his NV goggles. It had been maybe 30 minutes since he had taken out the power, and now he had to wait. Things had alreadydy took a bad turn, there wasn’t supposed to be a 2nd person with Sophie. “When did she get here? Who is she?” Adam thought, racking his brain for answers. The second question he could answer easily enough later, since he was going to have to acquire her to, so that there were no witnesses. The first question though….

She must have gotten here during the time after I stopped my survey and took out the power.” Adam thought, and after running through his plan one more time through his head, he determined that this it had just been bad luck, or perhaps an opportunity. It all depended on who this 2nd girl was. He would find out soon. He heard the front door close, and more indistinct conversation, before he heard the door to the bedroom close as well. More talking in the dark, he could only some hear what they were saying. He froze as he heard Sophie talk, and say the other girl’s name “…Maisie…of course I……I know he is…..I love him…” Most of the conversation wasn’t clear, but he was sure he had heard right. Maisie Williams, Sophie’s co-actress and friend. She wasn’t one of his personal favorites on the show, not in terms of looks anyways, but as he recalled she was quite pretty when she wasn’t murdering her enemies. She was also very small, much shorter than Sophie, and slim, so he didn’t think she would be too much trouble once she was alone. He just needed to be patient.

After what felt like forever, he heard rustling as one of them got up, Sophie he assumed. He heard her say “goodnight……” along with a few other words that he didn’t quite catch, before he heard the door close. From what Adam could tell, the power still hadn’t come back on. Risking a glance at his watch, which let off a faith glow, he saw it had been just over an hour since he had taken out the power. Deciding it was time, he put down his duffel, and unzipped it. That is when he heard running water. He crept to the closet door and put his ear against it. It was coming from the other room, and it sounded like it was coming from a shower. Clearly Maisie had decided to wash before going to sleep, and Adam realized that this was as good an opportunity as any.

He went back to the bag and pulled out a bottle of chloride and some zip ties, adding them to his knife, pistol, and duct tape. Leaving the bag in the closet, he quickly crept out into the room, and saw the weak glow of candles from the bathroom where Maisie was showing. Closing the closet door, he kept his NV goggles away from the light source, he peeked into the bathroom. He saw the shower right away, its glass already fogged up from the steam. Through it, he saw Maisie washing, and he gave her an extra minute since she wouldn’t be showing in such a nice place ever again.

“Wait for it…….now!” Adam waited until he saw that Maisie was rinsing her face and hair, meaning her eyes would already be closed. He slid into thebathroom and took 3 steps. Just before he opened the door, he blew out the candle right next to it, giving him the advantage of total darkness. She didn’t even know it had happened, her face was still in the water as Adam opened the door. What greeted him, made his cock grow hard. Even in the green light of the NV, Maisie’s naked body was just as tight as he had imagined from pictures. While not as beautiful as Sophie, she had shapely legs, a very muscular ass and pleasantly firm tits. Due to her fame, and her nice body, he knew she would fetch a decent price, or better yet since Sophie was already claimed, serve him as a personal slave. Maisie had heard the shower door open and was opening her mouth as Adam took the final step into the shower with the brunette starlet.

“Wha…gghhghg” A gurgling came from Maisie as Adam grabbed her by the neck, and he pushed her against the wall. With his one hand holding her pale, slim throat, he thumbed her head against the wall. A dull thud sounded from the impact, and he could tell she was dazed from the blow. With her wits scrambled, and the breath knocked out of her, he let go of her throat. With both hands he grabbed a zip tie and pulled her slim wrists behind her back. He pulled the zip tie tight, before doing the same thing with her elbows. The water from the shower washed over them both, soaking Adam as he tied her legs together. She started struggle, pulling at the ties as she groaned in pain from the blow. Adam couldn’t help but look at her as she wronged, even in the green light of his NV he could make out the water on her skin, and how it ran across her smooth skin. He ran his hand along her body, feeling her in her nakedness, in her helplessness. H groped her breasts, her ass, and when she started to protect again he took a water-soaked rag and stuffed it in her mouth, silencing her. He was letting his instincts take over, the rational part of his brain having retired. Within another second, Adam had his pants and underwear around his ankles, his fully hard member springing out, ready to impale the helpless brunette. He pulled her up, and she moaned through the rag, it was too big to spit out easily. He bent her over against the wall of the shower, where he had bumped her head into the wall, exposing her sex. Adam lined himself up, and she realized what he was doing. She screamed though the gag as he penetrated her, but the rag and the shower muffled it. He got a few thrusts in, then stopped. “What am I doing, I don’t have time for this? Crap, I got carried away again.” He wasn’t sure what it was that had brought his rational brain back, but his lust was certainly not gone. His cock was only partially inside Maisie’s tight cunt, little more than the tip really. He had a sudden urge to go all in, to finish inside of her and let his seed spread. “I need to get control, I need to e professional about this, I can’t do what I did last time. I almost got caught because of that.” Adam cringed at the memory, and that seemed to do the trick. He pulled out of Maisie and pulled her head back by her hair. She still couldn’t see him, but he looked down into her fearful eyes and said “I have a lot more in store for you later, little Maisie.” She grunted and struggled as she called her by her name.

He pulled her out of the jet of water from the shower head and pulled a rag from his pants.

“Damn” He cursed as he realized that all the rags he had brought with him had been soaked through. “Stupid, Stupid Stupid!” He yelled at himself in his mind, he needed to think fast before Sophie heard the communication Maisie would poorly cause. He found the solution, a dry looking washcloth hanging over the toilet.

He pulled Maisie from the shower and grabbed the rag from its rack. He uncapped the bottle of chloroform and soaked the rag. Maisie still couldn’t see, and so didn’t know what was happening until he had the rag covering her mouth and nose. Her struggles were beyond sexy, and again he was tempted to use her body for his own pleasure. He paid the price for that distraction, as Maisie twisted out of his grip, and he accidentally tipped over the bottle of chloroform onto the wet bathroom floor as he avoided his grip on her.

“Shit!” He cursed inwardly. That was the only bottle he had brought with him into the house. Maisie really was giving him a lot of trouble, and so he was glad to see that the chloroform was finally taking effect. He felt her body growing still and watched through his goggles as her eyes closed. “I wish I had waited till she had gotten out of the shower, so I could have used the tape and chloroform on her immediately, I have a lot to learn still.” His thoughts were calming at the same pace Maisie was losing consciousness, and by the time she had passed out, he was in control of himself again. He dried off her face and cut a strip of tape which he used to seal the rag inside of her mouth. He then pulled her into the closet and laid her by his duffel. He finished securing the brunette actress, tying her at the knees and elbows with the zip ties, before taking stock. He still had to get Sophie, and he could feel the time ticking away until the power came back on. He grabbed his small duffel, and took several deep, calming breaths. It was time to visit Sophie Turner.

He moved out of the guest bedroom, and back into the living room. Adam again snaked his way through the jungle of furniture, until he was at the entrance of what he had identified as the Master bedroom. The door was just a crack open, and he used that to his advantage, slowly pushing it open so that he didn’t make any noise. There were no candles lit in this room, so he was easily able to see the beautiful girl. Her hair was no longer red, but blonde, but His client had asked for certain things to happen before delivery, and that would be one of them. He couldn’t tell if she was quite sleep, but soft music emanated from where she was, and he confirmed the presence of small earbuds in her ears.

“This is going to be fun.” Adam thought as he looked at the gorgeous Sophie. She was sleeping on her stomach, with her arms and legs fully under the covers, which was perfect. He didn’t have any chloroform, thanks to Maisie and his own stupidity, but he did have other ways of keeping her quiet….and he grinned as he though of the perfect solution. He snuck up to the side of Sophie’s bed, and got himself into position to strike. He pulled out a plastic bag, quietly opened it, and then pulled out a length of rope. With everything ready, and Sophie none the wiser, he struck.

Adam jumped on top of the girl, forcing the plastic bag over her head, and pulled the excess into a knot behind her neck. Clearly confused, she tried to push herself up, but Adam’s weight kept her pinned down. He wrapped the rope around her neck, and the bottom of the bag, and pulled it tight. He could feel her as she desperately tried to bring her hands to her neck, to try and pry the rope away, but still Adam held her down. He could feel her trying to kick him, but not only was he on top of her, but the covers made her kicks completely ineffective. Helpless, Sophie could do nothing, but suffocate. He could feel her body spasm as she tried to get in enough air, but he knew that soon the air in the bag would run out, and Adam had to move fast. She was getting close to blacking out from asphyxiation, and he knew she wouldn’t have the presence of mind to effectively fight him as she became more and more desperate to breathe. He pulled down the covers, and grabbed her arms, wrenching them backwards. Keeping a firm grip on her and using the rest of the rope he had wrapped around her neck, he tied her wrists tightly behind her.

Looking down at her in the darkness, he could see that Sophie’s mouth was wide open, desperately trying to breathe what little air she had left in the bag, and he watchedwith pleasure as the bag got tight and tighter around her face, until her mouth was sucking in the plastic. She was out of air, and moments later she passed out. Moving quickly, Adam loosened the rope around her neck, and tore a small hole in the bag directly above her mouth. He needed her alive, and as a precaution he put his lips over her mouth, and breathed air into her lungs until he was sure she was breathing on her own. She was still unconscious, and now was the perfect time to finish securing his prize. He took out a black ball gag, and forced it into her mouth, securing it around the plastic bag. He tore another smaller hole in the bag for her to breathe through her nose, and then started on the fun part.


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