The CE-Ho Ch. 04

Although the man had not come back to Veronica’s office she did receive a package from an unknown source. Inside this package was high heeled shoes and a skimpy hooker outfit. Veronica read an attached note. It said that Veronica was to wear this outfit and prostitute herself on a well known street corner in the red light district of the city, the note even had how much she should charge “customers” for various sex acts. Veronica flush with anger and stress throw down the package. There was absolutely no way that she would prostitute herself on a street corner like a common whore, there was also no way that she would let herself get turned in to the police for murder and theft of over a billion dollars. Veronica knew she had to find a way out of this. The most obvious choice would be to beg the man for leniency and possible exchange sexual favorites.

Veronica knew what she needed to do, she needed to murder the man who was trying to put her up to this. Veronica had already used an assassin to murder one person who attempted to expose her embezzling, she would have to do it again. Since Veronica knew that her office might well be bugged she would have to personally go over to the apartment of the assassin herself. If Veronica’s plan failed she would have no choice but to be a common street who in three days.

The next day Veronica walked into the highrise apartment wearing sun glasses and some casual clothes. She took the elevator up to the assassin’s apartment, she knocked on the door seven times this was the only way the assassin would open the door. The door quickly opened and Veronica was harshly pulled into the apartment, the door was shut behind her and some automatic locks quickly locked her snugly in the apartment. Veronica expecting to see her assassin wearing a ski-mask instead saw her historical Monica Watson smiling at her.

“What the hell are you doing here!” yelled the startled Veronica.

“That guy, well he’s after you not me, he gaveme the address and the keys to the place he said you would be going, I’ve been hanging out here waiting for you.” said Monica.

“What happened to…” Said Veronica clearly speaking about the assassin.

“I’ve been told he’s been taken care of, that guy sold me this nice little apartment.”

“Why are you here, what do you want from me.” said Veronica nervously.

“Remember when you forced me to hand over all of our pending patents, remember when you forced me to eat your sinking disgusting pussy?”

Veronica did not respond she just slowly sat on a neary chair and bowed her head down in defeat. Veronica knew that Monica was going to do something horrible to her and the thought of being forced to eat her vitality’s pussy or handing over any of her company’s secrets was too much for her to bare. Yet Veronica was at the complete mercy of her vitality.

“You, humiliated me so I am going to humiliate you, I also want you to transfer one million dollars to my personal bank account. Got it?”

Veronica could barely respond, “Take two million, I don’t want to…eat your.”

“Don’t worry you won’t have to eat out my cunt.” said Monica harshly

Veronica took a deep breath, wondering what the hell Monica had in store for her. Veronica waited with her eyes staring at the hardwood floor. Then Monica said “Take off your clothes, every last shred.”

Veronica looked around and stood there before her hated historical shaking with anger. Instead of taking off her clothes Veronica lunged at Monica and tackled her to the ground. The two women began to fight clawing and pulling each others hair on the floor. Monica was taller and larger than Veronica, but Veronica had more of a fight. Veronica could no longer take being humiliated, she could not accept her live dominating her in anyway.

Eventually Veronica hit Monica on the head with some pottery knocking her out cold. After looking at her unconscious vitality on the floor Veronica and taking inHer victory she tried to get out of the apartment, but she could not because the doors were remotely locked. Veronica tried climbing out of the window but the windows were also locked and the glass could not be broken. Veronica finally found that the doors were password protected and the only person with the password that she knew of was Monica.

Veronica looked around the apartment for any clues to what the password would be eventually in a cupboard Veronica found a large stick-on, she realized what Monica wanted to do to her and she also realized what she had to do herself.

Monica woke up lying on her stomach completely naked with her arms and legs tied up. She opened up her eyes to see Veronica with a stick-on attached in a harness around her clothed body lording over her.

Monica in a panic struggled and screamed. Veronica positioned herself behind the helpless Monica and spread Monica’s asshole out. Veronica spit into Monica’s asshole and said “So, are you going to tell me the password or are you going to get fucked in the ass?”

“I won’t tell you the fucking password.” yelled the indignant Monica.

“Why the fuck not! You have nothing to gain.” Said Veronica angrily.

“You fucking bitch, it was suppose to be me fucking you!”

“I am sorry it didn’t turn out that way, but your going to have to tell me the password or I am going to fuck you in the ass with this fucking plastic cock!” said Veronica in her most intimidating voice.

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Your going to have to kill me, I am not letting you out of here until I am the one fucking you!”

Veronica realized that Monica was having a temperature tantrum, there was no other rational explanation for her defiant behavior. Veronica figured that Monica would cave almost immediately after she inserted the straw-on into Monica’s ass. Veronica spread out Monica’s ass cheats and slowly began to insert the straw-on into Monica’s ass, all while Monica screamed bloody murder.

“Give me the password or I am going to start fucking you hard!” Veronica said as the straw-on slowly descended deeply into Monica’s anus.

Monica gritting her teeth “Not until I am the one fucking you, bitch!”

Veronica started thrusting and Monica kept on yelling obscenities. Veronica did not hold anything back, she held Monica’s hair back forcing Monica to look into a mirror that was positioned against a wall. Monica was looking at herself being bested by her vitality again, this time in a more extreme fashion. The irony was that Monica, while she hated Veronica enjoyed anal sex in her private life, possibly more than any other sex act, it was something she had loved doing for a long time, but she wasn’t open about the matter, to anyone but her many lovers she accumulated in her rise up the corporate ladder. As the trusting continued Monica was less able to hold back moans of pleasure, Monica mistakenly let out under her breath “I love it up the ass.” unfortunately for Monica Veronica heard her.

“What did you say bitch?” Veronica spat as she stopped giving Monica anal sex.

“Please don’t stop.” said Monica as she lifted her ass up and down on the plastic cock.

“So you like it up the ass?”

“Yes I am so fucking horny.” the cat was out of the bag, there Monica was desperate for anal sex, squirming on her vitality’s strap-on.

“I tell you what, I am tired of fucking you. If I untie you and allow you to have an orgasm will you give me the code?”

The mood changed Monica screamed “Fuck no, bitch.”

Veronica removed the stick-on from Monica’s ass and felt Monica’s incredibly wet pussy. Veronica sat down on the nearby couch and started examining her nails. Monica started squirming on the ground pathically trying to somehow continue to arouse herself. Veronica just waited.

Monica after a few minutes finally blurred out in desperation “FINE! Please fuck me!”

Veronica untied Monica’s legs and inserted the strap-on back into Monica’s ass. Then Veronica taking a big risk untied Monica’s hands. Veronica put Monica’s ass up as high as it would go, while Monica was still on her knees. Veronica then pulled Monica’s hair back and inserted the straw-on back into Monica’s ass. Veronica then said “You going to have to do all the work.”

There Monica was helpfully horny and stark naked moving her own ass back and forth on her arch history plastic strap-on. Monica was deeply humiliated but at the same time enjoying the sex.

As Monica seemed to really be enjoying the act Veronica pulled out and said “Give me the code for the lock!” then Veronica spanked Monica’s well fucked ass hard.

“Oh Fuck, please fuck me I am almost there, please let me orgasm.” screamed Monica

“Not until I get the password!” Screamed Veronica.

“It’s 5492013558” desperate for the sex to continue.

Veronica immediately wrote down the password and walked over to the terminal to unlock the doors. Veronica put in the code and it worked the doors were unlocked. Then Veronica went back over to Monica and began fucking her again.

“Yes, Yes, this is perfect, I fucking love this.” screamed Monica.

Veronica stopped fucking Monica once again and said “Bark like a dog while I fuck you, if you don’t bark then you don’t get your orgasm.”

Monica did what she was told, she barked loudly. Monica also said “Please don’t stop, I am almost there!”

Veronica was enjoying torqueing her vitality once again she took out the straw-on another time and told Monica that she could have an orgasm all she had to do was to suck the straw-on that had just been in her asshole. Monica promptly did just as she was told, sucking off Veronica with a lot of energy on her knees, pleading with her eyes to get fucked in the ass again.

Veronica smiled, as Monica was sucking her strap-on Veronica tied a scarf around Monica’s eyes. Monica did not stop sucking. Veronica led Monica to a place Monica was unaware of Monica was waddling on her knees following the straw-on attached to Veronica. “Please fuck me in the ass, again Monica moaned.” There was no reply from Veronica so Monica continued to suck.

It took 10 minutes of Monica sucking the straw-on and getting no response from Veronica for her to finally take off her makeshift blindfold. To Monica’s horror she realized that the straw-on was no longer connected to Veronica, but actually connected fastened to the radiator. Veronica was long gone. Monica in a sexually frustrated rage throw the fan over. Monica detatched the straw-on from the fan and began to masturbate on the couch on her stomach with one her hand on her clip and the other hand inserting the straw-on into her anus.

When Monica finally had her orgasm she would have to figure out a way to get back home, without Any clothes. Veronica had wickedly taken Monica’s clothes and any other towel or shred of clothes that could be used as clothes from the apartment(besides the makeshift blindfold). Monica was left panicking naked thrashing the apartment in completely frustration and anger.

Veronica arrived at her office the next day in a joyous mood, having bested her vitality a second time, this time more completely than before. Veronica was about to leave a taunting message on Monica’s phone when saw the package containing the whore’s clothing. It finally sunk in, Veronica would have to be a streetwalker, the situation with Monica didn’t change anything in that regard. Veronica sat down in a panicked huff. The was set to have a rough night in the future.


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