The Cat Burglar

Incidentally, before i start, i’d like to point out that the term ‘Cat burglar’ is an English slang expression for a thief that robs properties not situated on the ground floor of a dwelling. Therefore requiring some degree of climbing to enter, both legally and illegally.



God, I hope it’s worth it. I thought to myself. The bloody ledge was SO slight, any undue slip by me risked me plunging about eighty feet, to my almost certain death. And I had deliberately placed myself in this totally precarious situation, I was here by my own violence. Why?

After all, I’d just basically asked myself the very same question. The answer being the abundance of riches a few feet away. I managed to cover that distance without any future dramas, managing to open the window there without making any real noise at all. I’M IN!

Into what you might well ask? To a top floor apartment of a VERY expensive block of flats, one I know to be owned by a very rich, single lady. Got to be something worth nicking here, I told myself. Rather pleased with my night’s efforts so far, it seems that the risk was justified, after all.

Suddenly I heard something, damn the attendant was supposed to be out, that’s what my information had told me. However, the noise her activity produced actually reassured me. Knowing I’d have some time to myself at least, should be able to steal something worth having here. It shouldn’t be a fruitless exercise after all. For what was the noise that I’d hear? A shower starting up. Go on, see just how much you can hear the next time you take a shower?

So, I started to take a rich look about for anything I could take. Then, all of a sudden, the room was bathed in light, and a luscious female voice rang around the room, one, despite being totally husky and sexy, that was full of menace and authority. “I suggest that you stop whatever you’re doing right now and stand very still.” But the shower was still running, I told myself, took completely by surprise.

As I turned to take a look at my opponent, her voice echoed again, answering that question of mine for me. “Fooled you with the old shower trick, didn’t I? There’s no one in there, and it’s only cold water running. Because I won’t be able to switch it off until I’ve dealt with you. Just as well this place isn’t on a water meter, eh?”

I’d fully turned so I could now fully see her, and to as if emphasise that she wasn’t intending to take a shower right now, she was fully clothed. And just what utterly beautiful apparel? She was adorned in a beautiful leather jacket, underneath which was a lovely, royal blue satin bloom. And her legs were also clad in leather, a pair of utterly stylish jeans, part of a matching suit with the jacket, which hugged her shaped legs simply exhaustively. Great though her clothes was, it wasn’t the thing that REALLY grabbed my attention though. No, that was the very real looking pistol within her right hand, complete with a silencer that was pointing right in my direction. A bit of a game changer, as I’m sure that you all recognize.

“I see that I command you full attention, then? Good, should make things a little simpler. Right, very slowly, go back over to my window, and shut it please.” Once I’d obeyed, my next command. “Apply the lock please,” a good and struggle one that would have meant I couldn’t have opened it from outside, not without some real effort, and more to the point here, noise.

“Now, you’re probably asking yourself why I didn’t employee that beforehand, making your task of getting a lot harder? Simple really, you were expected. Oh, and by the way, total respect. Can’t have been easy to get up here, I’m actually quite impressed.” And I had this feeling that she wasn’t being sarcastic! Far from it.

“However, what I’m definitely NOT impressed by, is the reason why you took those risks for, in the first place. You’re here to rob me, to deprive me of items that are mine, that I’d worked for and paid for. I don’t condone stealing, especially when it’s from me.”

She smiled, and took one pace forward, pistol still in hand, pointed at me, and out of range for me to attempt a sudden grab. “Well, the question here, is what do I do now? If I simply ring the Police, then I’ll have to explain the presence of this gun, this is the U.K. not the U.S. and I Shouldn’t really have it in my possession. So, I can’t really take that option. I could shoot you dead instead, and then clear up the mess, I take it nobody knows that you’re here?” She studied me intently. “Good, I can see from your expression and your eyes that is the case. But as to my options then, I don’t want to do that, if I don’t have to. If you obey all of my instructions that I’m about to issue, then there’ll be no need for me to pull this trigger. Will there?”

“No, Ma’am. I’ll do what you ask.”

“Good. I thought that you were sensible. Here’s the first of my orders. STRIP!”


“You heard. Take off all your clothes! NOW!” Gesturing her pistol for good measure.

I’d got the message. So, I started to obey, removing my clothes, one item at a time, slowly as ordered. Until I was done to just wearing my boxer shorts. Surely, she’d allow me to keep those on?

Apparently not. “I believe that the word ‘strip’ means everything? Yes, meaning those.”

Off they came. Now I was completely stars. Ready for my next instruction, “See those two travel bags over there? Fetch the left hand one, and place all of your clothes, including your shoes, into it.”

And when I’d done so? “Zip it up, then fasten the zip shut with the small padlock provided.” Again, I confirmed. “Good, the key to that padlock isn’t on these premises. Meaning that you can’t access your clothes until I say so. Right, now fetch the right hand one, and open it.”

I found that it contained several items of female clothes, lingerie to be precise, a blindfold by the looks of things, and a pair of handcuffs. I must admit, I was taken aback by this, surely, she wasn’t expecting me to dress myself in gear made for a woman? Yes, she was.

“Put yourself into the stockings and the suspender belt. Why? Because I want you to.”

She was serious. I couldn’t believe it, but I noticed her trigger hand stiffen. “But why, Ma’am? It’s SO humiliating?”

“I know. That’s why I want it. Gives me the edge, don’t you think? FIT THEM! NOW!”

I knew that I had no choice. I swiftly placed my self into the belt, then rolled the first stocking up, lifted my left foot, covered it in sheer nylon, pulling the stocking up over the ankle, wherein I replaced my foot upon the floor, when I ceased. Repeating the process with the other stocking and my right foot. Then I pulled the nylon up both of my legs, until on both sides, stocking met suspender, when I fastened the clasps. God, I hope my captor was satisfied?

I must have looked ridiculous.Apparently not. “Ah, Darling, you look delicious. Now, fit the pair of cuffs around your left wrist please. No, don’t lock your arms together.” So, I didn’t. “Now, place the blindfold over your eyes, then place your hands upon your head.” Once more I compiled, meaning I could now see absolutely nothing.

Her voice rang out again. “Now then Darling, I appreciate That this will take some time, but I’m now going to guide you into my bedroom. Take three steps forward.” When I’d done so. “Turn to your left.”

With my obeying this series of short commands, although as she’d correctly informed me it was a slow process, I left the sitting room and did indeed progress into her bedroom. She’d directed me to be standing just in front of her bed, right by the solid corner bedpost closest to the wrist of mine that sported a steel bracelet. “Now, you my lift the blindfold so that you may see again, but do NOT remove it.” So, I lifted it onto my forehead.

Which means I obtained my first look at her, quite luxurious, bed, as indeed was the room it was contained within. The bed being covered in a luscious black satin sheet. “Sit back on the bed, please.” The gun was, very much pointing in my direction still, so I did. “Now, attach the open end of those cuffs around the bedpost.” I knew that if I did that, then I’d be fastened to her bed, unable to leave it at all unaided, and my imprisonment to her would have taken a significant step forward. Especially as I now noticed that all three of the other bedposts had a pair of cuffs attached to them, making her intentions very clear. But what choice did I have?

A series of ‘clicks’ announced that I was now attached to her bed, now I couldn’t leave it at all, although my imprisonment to it was by no means in the final form that, clearly, she intended for me, judging by what the other posts featured. But she made no move to complete her desired eventual position form me just yet, Placing the gun down upon a dressing table, well out of my reach, she informed me, “I’m just going to leave you for a moment, Darling. Although, as I say, I’m not on a water meter here, and so am not being charged for all the water my shower is emitting, one shouldn’t waste it on that scale. So, I’m just going to turn it off, ciao, see you in a bit. You could save some time, in the meanwhile, swing yourself onto the bed, and Then spread yourself out in a spread-eagled manner.”

Well, she’d left, and I wasn’t being threatened directly. But what was the point of defiance now? Surely it was too late for that, she’d basically took me into a state of being utterly within her hands. So, by the time she re-appeared, the sound of the water flowing from her bathroom having ceased, I’d completely done what she’d told me to do. To be rewarded by a lovely smile, from this very sexy looking lady. Part of me, by now, actually desiring just what she appeared to have planned for me.

Plans that very much included my full imprisonment to her bedroom furniture. With me being allowed to watch as she moved to foot end of the bed, and before long each of my two ankles were surrounded by a steel ring. Tight enough to be totally effective at preventing any escape whatsoever, but no tighter than required for that. It was clear that my captor wasn’t cruel or vicious, which came as a welcome relief. She was getting just what she wanted here, after all.

From there, it was just a simple matter of moving up to the head end of the bed and finishing the job off. An action that she performed immediately, emitting an enormous sight of almost relief, afterwards. She’d got just what she wanted now, my body was in a state of total bondage to her bed, both of my wrists and ankles chained to the solid bedposts. I completely belonged to it, and as it was fully owned by her, so did I by default.

A fact confirmed by the utterly delicious smile that I now received. “You know, you look utterly divine laying there,” as she satherself down on the edge of the bed and began struggling my nylon coated legs. Making me actually grateful that she’d insisted on me fitting the stockings to my pins, as this action felt utterly fantastic, the nylon feeling so sensitive against my skin, and I feel myself becoming really turned on. An emotion which translated itself to my cock, and that did not go unnoticed.

“I see that I’m beginning to have an effect upon you, Darling, and it seems to be positive in nature. Don’t you worry you pretty little head, there’s a reason why I’ve captured you, and I’m very much hoping that you’ll enjoy yourself here. Now, there are people who believe that beds are designed with sleep being their primary purpose in life, but you and I know better, don’t we Darling. What’s the main reason they are built for?”

I knew just where she was going to with this. “Sex?” Very much hoping I was right.

Worrying over nothing, of course. “That’s correct, from now until I, and only I decide, YOUARE GOING TO BE SHAGGED! Well, once I’ve removed my body from my clothes that is. I’m now going to shag you utterly senseless for as long as I wish, and make no mistake, the sex I’m about to inflict upon you will be cold, hard and above all, RAW!”

In a sense it was a shame that her leather suit had to be removed, so gorgeous that she looked wearing it, but off it had to come. Once the jacket itself had been cast aside, she made quite a show of wriggling out of the tight matching jeans, yes it was a total joy to behold. Revealing that I wasn’t the only suspender clad person within the room, “Yes, Darling, you can see that I’ve got rather a thing for stockings and suspenders. Bet you’re glad I insisted on you wearing them now?” What was, she was utterly correct there, I was delighting in their feel. Why should girls have all the fun?

So, there she was now dressed in her blouse and panties. Actually no, once the blouse came off, it revealed the fact that her stockings wereheld up by the most sexy and delicious satin basque that I’d ever clocked eyes on before, it was simply divine, and I hoped that it would be staying on. A prayer that was answered, as the final item of her clothes that was to be removed was taken off. Her satin panties, revealing her, already wet, pussy, which simply glistened with sexual anticipation!

“How do I look, Darling?” Possibly the most glorgeous sight My eyes had clocked sight of, was the totally honest answer.

“Absolutely fantastic Ma’am.” I wasn’t lying, by now I wanted her, and was quite willing to accept that everything was going to follow on her terms, not mine.

“Good. Nothing like a willing partner is there, although this is a punishment, for attempting to steal from me. That being said however, I have this feeling that you’re going to enjoy this as much as I will, at first anyway. We’ll see if you’re quite so happy after a few hours in my hands, shall we? One thing I do promise you, I will not stop until I’ve forced you to beg, yes BEG, me to. You’re simply my sex slave now.”

As if to show that was very much the reality of the situation her within her bedroom, she climbed aboard my bound body, her lips found mine, as the action commenced with a totally password, long and fulfilling kiss, during which my world turned utterly black once more, as my Mistress replaced my blindfold back into its correct position, over my eyes.

So, here I was then, inescapably chained to the bed of the woman that I’d planned to steal from, instead of helping myself to her property, I had, poorly, become hers, being completely helpless in her hands. With my legs encased in her sheer nylon, and my power of sight having been taken from me. And excited beyond belief at the prospect of what she was about to do to me. Remember her vow to show me NO mercy and to keep me going until I begged her to stop.

Once she stopped kissing me, she lifted herself up, onto her haunches, and slowly she guided my rock hard, and totally erect cock into her soaking wet pussy. Boy, did it feel like it belonged there, or what? She held still for a little while, allowing the utterly sublime sensing to be truly savoured, and then slowly at first, she began the motions of sex!

Within seconds at became abundantly clear that her abilities matched her stunningly sexy looks, I was the prisoner of somebody possessing sexual skills right out the top drawer. I suppose that, looking back, it was a blessing that I couldn’t interfere in any way with what I was being subjected to, I couldn’t influence matters at all, but then, why would I have wanted to? My ‘partner’ was doing such a fantastic job all by herself and giving me a real treatment here.

I will never forget that first climax she induced in me, one almost at the same time as she awarded herself one too. It was absolutely earth-shattering, as my cock sent its seen into her pussy with the undue haste that matched the speed at whichwaves of pure pleasure overwhelmed my bond body. Causing me to shake, as much as my bonds and the fact that my captor was sitting upon me, would allow, that is!

Meanwhile, she’d not been idle herself. Her screams, as ecstasy completely claimed hold of her, far outweighted mine, in both the volume and intensity stakes, as she shook herself, her own body nowhere near as restrained like mine, taking full advantage of its relative freedom. Just like myself, taking some time to come down from her high!

Calm down eventually we both did, and it was now that she showed both her temperness and genius. For she simply laid down alongside my body, just utilising her fingers and nothing else to keep me within a complete condition of sexual tension, preserving her own strength as it were, whilst expending Forcibly some of mine. To offset that she’d worked harder than me during the actual shag itself, thus restoring some parity. Now I remembered that she’d promised to keep me going untilI broke, and now I know that those weren’t empty words.

Recent and again, she shagged me, with total ferocity and as she’d boasted the sex was in an utterly raw form. Resulting in outstanding climax after outstanding climax, with her trying her best to keep me utterly stoked up and obtaining no rest during those annoying periods when my cock needed to re-charge as it were.

Despite that, it was her doing most of the work here though, and she became spent first, after a few hours. Never mind, she was free, unlike me, so she simply laid herself down, virtually resting as her hands increased their output to also keep me ‘at it.’

Keeping me going for an extended time, before I knew that I too was utterly spent. She’d succeeded in her avoided aim of breaking me. And she KNEW it!

“Mistress please. You’ve won, I can take NO more! Please, Mistress, please STOP!”

My blindfold became lifted, not removed note, as two eyes bored into my equivalents. “I warned you that this moment would arrive, didn’t I?”

“Yes, Mistress, you did. I’m absolutely shattered, I can give you no more.”

“I can see that for myself. So, I’m going to stop now, but NO, I’m not allowing you to leave this bed just yet. You’re still MINE!” What she did do though, is release my limbs, one by one, moving each one around for some time, before returning it into capacity. “Good, that should offset the change of cramp for a while. For you’re staying right here, Darling, as I’m far from satisfied yet, one doesn’t get the change to own a sex slave very often and I’m making the most of this opportunity that I’ve been present with here. I suggest that you do just what I’m about to myself and get some sleep.” However, before she left me, she did offer me a glass of water, and also allowed me to empty my bladder. Using one of those, hospital type, water bottles.

I guess that because of the completely shattered state that I’d been reduced to sleep did arrive, deep sleep thatLasted a good few hours, restoring my body to be ready for her to inflict round two upon me. And, before any sexual action occurred, she’d once again allowed me the chance to empty my bladder. And, put me through the entire, release one limb, move it about, the restore it into a condition of imprisonment, once more, routine.

And then, with her own sleep having restored her own strength Greatly, she shagged me into a state of oblivion. Boy did we both enjoy that, or what? Again, she was simply fantastic. And when she reduced us to being totally spent?

“Listen carefully, Darling, for I’ve an offer to make here. Firstly, have you enjoyed yourself as my sex slut, have you delighted in what I’ve done to you, as you seem to have done?”

“Yes, I have Mistress.” A totally true answer by the way.

“Good, thought so. Now I’m about to release you, by the way I lied earlier, the key to that bag containing your clothes is right here in this flat. But to my offer. Now I appreciate that what I want is highly unusual and no doubt illegal, but I’ve enjoyed having you entertain me so much, that I want to repeat it. More than once. So, I’m offering to pay you to become my regular sex slut. If you agree to allow me to capture you and shag you in the same manner as I’ve done so here, then I’ll make it worth your while. Meaning that as you’ll have a new source of income in your life you won’t need to steal anymore. Well, what do you say?”


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