We searched Scotland throughout – seeking that special place that we could call our own. A castle was what we wanted. One we could live in part of the year and rent out for the rest – hoping the rental would take care of the expenses.
Finally we stumbled across Kellie Castle, south of St. Andrews and not far from the North Sea. Though we had a couple of other places in mind – the Scone Palace outside of Perth (too close to civilization) – the Blackness Castle just between Edinburgh and Grangemouth (too close to the main highway that runs between them and the traffic on it) – we wanted to settle somewhere nearer to Kirkcaldy on the Firth of Fourth. Kellie Castle was just close enough to St. Andrews for shopping – yet far enough away away that curious sight-seers were kept at bay.
As we inspected the castle to assess how much money was to be spent in renovation – we came to the kitchen. Somehow the butchers block in the center of the kitchen looked odd. It was solid granite andSpoke of the numerous blows that it had taken with an ax or a broadsword in the hewing of it. Making it fit to be used as a true butchers block. Above it, hanging from a massive roof beam, was a pulley with a rather large meat hook, rusty brown with dried blood, dangling from a struggle rope. Presumably the meat hook had been used numerous times to hoist huge pieces of animals onto the block for further Dissection.
As I gazed upon the block – it came to me. It was way too large to have fit through the doorway (it was almost as large as our king sized bed) – how did it get here? Magic? No – I don’t think so – then it hit me – the block of granite was here all along – the castle had been built around it. Strange turn of affairs, no? More of the butchers block later – we still had more of the castle to inspect.
We continued with our inspection of the castle – through the pantry – the great hall where all the meetings and dinners of past kings, queens and princes had been held –the wide staircase, hewn out of stone, to the landing above. Though the castle appeared to be round on the outside, the insides were intricately melded into rooms of size that gave no such illusion.
On the landing above the great hall – there was a certain symmetry as though tracing down the hall of any large hotel – rooms off the landing to the outside wall of the castle. There were 7 rooms on this landing with another landing located on the opposite wall of the castle from the first. This would have probably been the 8th room had not another floor been built.
On this 3rd floor – there were only 5 rooms. We decided that this would become our living quarters – to be rented out only in a case of emergencies – to be kept pristine for our homecoming. Our sub-letters could use the second floor for their bedrooms – after all – anyone that wanted to rent a castle would be doing it for the glory and not the exercise of climbing stairs.
We gave our agent an offer and proceeded back to the kitchen. That butchers block intrigued me.
Our agent departed to work up the papers on the castle while you and I decided to have a little fun. Going to the boot of the car, we took out our little bag of toys and returned to the kitchen.
First I put the black silk blindfold over your eyes – this was to start tuning your other senses – that of smell and taste, not to mention touch – there would be plenty of touch.
I removed your coat and blouse – freeing those magnificent orbs to the chilled air – your nipples responded immediately and you moaned at the sensing. I gently sucked first one, then the other of your nipples – nipping each as I removed my mouth to the other. Taking out the nipple clamps that dangled from their little gold chain, I applied one to each of your teas. You tensed and moaned at the pleasure I was giving you. I could smell your sex – you were getting wet and we had just begun.
I removed your skirt, leaving your black laceythong in place for now – leaving it to collect your juices so that we might not have to clean the floor.
Then I took the cuffs from our bag and placed them on your wrists and ankles. Our special collapse spreader bars would come in handy here. I attached one between your ankles – holding your legs spread wide for my ministers. Then the other went on your wrists – holding your arms spread wide so that I might lick your underarms to further excite you – for I discovered, quite by accident, just how turned on you get when I lick your underarms.
Grasping your wait – I lift you up onto the butchers block. As your tight little butt makes contact with the cold granite stone – your body breaks out in goose bumps all over. You cock your ear when I began lowering the meat hook – for the pulley has not been oiled in some time and squeaks – protesting being moved.
Knowing that the hook would cause your spreader bar to be off balance, we just had to improve. Placing it near the middle of the bar, I took some rope from our bag and wound it around and around as best I could to prevent its sliding off to one side.
Then I began to hoist you up, forcing you to scramble with your spread legs to gather yourself for the impending stretching – up and up – until you were standing on the butchers block – your wet sex level with my mouth – lacey black thong so wet that your juices are running down your inner thighs.
I tied off the meat hook and returned to the butcher’s block. Easing your thong to one side, I could see your bald labia – puffy and swollen with arousal – dripping wet – long to be licked and sucked. I leaned forward and licked up your slit towards your clip – one long tongue-hard lick – you moaned and almost collapsed. The meat hook held you in place.
I couldn’t stand any more – gripping your thong – I pulled and tore it from your body – leaving you stark naked for my pleasure.
Starting just above your knee – where the trail of your juices ended (for now) – I began to take pleasure in cleaning your thighs – first the left – then the right – licking from the rivers end up your leg towards your steaming cunt. The more I licked – the juicer you became – your body emrithing and moaning with the excite pleasure I am giving you, my pet.
You began to begging me to suck your clip – to lick deep inside your pussy – to give you the orgasm you seek – not yet, my pet, not yet. For there is more pleasure to be had in waiting until you are on the verge of hysteria – then letting you cum before you are fully aroused.
I take one of your labia in my mouth – gently sucking on it – nipping until you yelp from the pain – then I move on to the other. Back and forth for several minutes – driving you insane with lust –listening to your moans and groans – begging for release.
I flatten my tongue and press it in and up, between your wings, working its way to your clip. You moan again. I lick you again – thistime flicking your clip several times before I withdraw – you have followed my tongue with your pussy – still trying to make contact with your hard little bud so that you may orgasm. Not yet, my pet – not yet.
I retreat to a chair along the wall and take a seat – watching your trembling body – that body of a finely tuned sexual animal – trembling as you seek release. I see your head turn – where have I gone, you seem to ask – though without a word – just the expression on your lovely face. Where have I gone?
Sitting here – admiring my little cum slut slave – how beautiful she is when she is aroused this way – body flush with excitement. Admiring the finely chiseled features of your face and neck – the slope of your shoulders – the flare of your woman’s hips – the long slim legs encased in seamless black knee-high stockings.
I return to you. You don’t know it yet, but you are about to experience an orgasm beyond belief. One touch of my tongue to your slit and you squirt your juices at me. One touch of my mouth surrounding your sex and your orgasm begins. And continues – where does it end? On and on – your body complains in the throes of orgasm as you gasp and moan – trying to fill your lungs with air – breathing hard – sweat pouring off your beautiful body.
Finally, you slump against your bonds. Time to lower you so that you may Recuperate. Because I need you to now service me. My cock has been hard from the time I first saw that butchers block – you know that – although I wonder about the agent.
Offering you a sip from my flask – the color begins to return to your face. I release your wrists and ankles from their spreader bars and put them away. Cuffing your hands behind your back and your feet together, I pull you off the butcher’s block to stand before me. I kiss you – long and hard – a soul-searching kiss of great password.
Placing my hands on your shoulders, I press down. You know what I want; my pet, and you knee before me. I extract my huge member from my pants and rub it gently across your red lipsticked whose lips. Opening your mouth, you draw my hard spongy mushroom cap into your hot mouth. Sucking gently – laving the sensitive underside – teasing the pee hole in the end – licking my precum as it oozes from my massive cock.
I can’t wait any longer – I force my cock deep into your mouth – down into your throat – all the way until your nose flattens against my pubic bone. Show me how I have trained you, my little cum slut slave – show your MASTER that you have learned well the art of sucking cock. Milk your MASTERS cock with your throat muscles – swallow hard while the spongy head is buried deep within your throat.
Feel it swell – feel the cum rising from my tight ball sack – feel the spurts of hot cum going down your throat. I withdraw – you always like to taste me and I will not disappoint you – I save a couple of spurts for your tongue.
As my member grows limp – I put it away and watchyou roll my cum around in your mouth – savoring the sweet yet salty taste of it. Yummy, isn’t it, my pet?
Time to get dressed and hunt down that agent – it looks like this is going to be our new home.
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