Charleston, South Carolina
April 1830
Sunset along the riverside Battery found the candle street lamps slowly lighting and decent people finding comfort in their home. Sunset also found a young woman barely shy of her twentytieth year standing along the iron railings watching the sunset reflect over the crystal waves of the Ashley River. She stood looking out over the river wearing her green and white gown with wide skirts and large straw hat secured under her chin with a wide white bow reminiscent of the legendary Scarlet O’Hara. One gloved hand rested on the railing as the other held together the ends of her white lacy shawl wrapped around her against the sea breeze. Her dark hair secured neighborly in tight ringlets of curls swayed slightly in the breeze under her wide hat. Her over sized carriage waited for her a few feet away the coachman keeping a close eye on the girl to ensure no harm came to her. And so she stood waiting patiently watching the sun sink below the river.
Soon her patience paid off a tall gentleman wearing his evening attire approached her. He was handsome with dark hair and sparkling eyes dressed handsomely in his coat and tie. His long strides soon brought him to the young woman watching the sun. Gently, he placed his gloved hands on her shoulders as she turned to see him smiling down at her. She returned the smile as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek as if he was her Dearest friend. But they were much more than that. In the Charleston society of this age it was simply taboo for a man to kiss a woman other than on her cheek out in public and The Battery was the most public place in Charleston. Yes, the tall dark young man was much more than her friend, he was her lover and a step further her submissive lover.
Gently he placed her hand on his arm and escorted her to her carriage, opening the door for her and helped her in as any Charleston Gentlemen would. Once she was inside comfortable he followed her in setting himelf in the seat beside her. They were thankful that the curtains of the carriage were already drawn shrouding them from speculative glances from the people on the streets. The light from the setting sun provided the carriage with just enough light. Barley able to contain himself her lover drew her into the warmth and comfort of his arms and kissed her with all the love and longing in his heart. It had been weeks since they were last together and Every day felt like an eternity for both. She returned the kiss her heart and body missing him as well. After long moments she pulled away leaning against the side of the carriage as it trotted though the cobblestone streets of Charleston.
“Have you missed me, Nino?” she asked untying the large bow at her chin while watching her submissive lover with mischievous eyes.
“Yes Ma’am,” he replied lifting one of her feet to remove her well fashioned boot. Gently he began to massage it occasionally bringing the stocking clad foot to his lips inhaling the sweet smell of her sweat as he kissed the soles of her feet.
“I’ve missed you as well,” she replied tossing the hat aside reaching behind her to undo the ties of her gown.
Her submissive watched as she slip the sleeps of the gown off revealing an intricately designed corset. She then reached under her skirts to remove the reinforced under shirt that made the rest of her skirts stand out about her. His breathing became heavier and his clothes offensive as he continued kissing his way up her legs knowing exactly how his Mistress liked to be pleased. He paused in shock when he lifted the rest of her gown to find that she wasn’t wearing the traditional pantaloons every woman wore under her skirts. Instead she was wearing strange attachments to her corsets each a long silk ribbon that held her stockings up and her crotch was bare. He looked up at his smiling Mistress with surprise and excitement in his eyes.
“They’re from France,” she replied smiling downat him. “They are the latest in our type of play.”
“They are beautiful, Ma’am,” he replied inhaling her womanly essence as he continued his journey to the apex of her thighs. He found her hot an wet as he parted her lips and began exploring her with his tongue tasting the sweetness that tortured him in his dreams every night. His eyes watched her closely as she held the gathered skirts at her hips and her eyes closed with her chest heaving against the corset.
“Yes darling,” she moaned. “You remember very well, my Nino.”
He answered by gently teasing her clip with his tongue causing her hips to arch towards him. Gently he slipped his gloved hands under her bare bottom to hold her in place as he lovingly assaulted her womanhood watching his Mistress’s every reaction. Stray strands of her hair came loose from the security of her hair combs framing the beautiful face perfectly. Her long dark lashes fell as fans against her cheek and sensitive lips emitted the most seductive moans he’d ever heard. Her perfectly sculpted breast heaved heavily against the confinements of the corset threatening to spill out as her hands clinked at the gathered fabric of her skirts. This image of his Goddess made him wild with need. He needed her cruelty, her commands, her whippings and spankings. He needed her to tie him up and torture him as she called him degrading names. He needed to taste her essence as it flowed freely into his mouth as he pleasured her letting her know that she was his and his alone, mind, body, and spirit. He wanted her to be the true Goddess that she was. His Mistress’s moans became louder and more breathless as her muscles tightened.
“Yes Nino,” she panted heavily . “Oh yes, that’s my good boy.”
He continued the assault his tongue moving faster and applying more pressure. Her body began to tremble as he held her hard to his mouth not allowing her to escape the pleasure of his warm mouth. Her hand soon left the fabric of her gown and found their way to his hair clinching his head to her as she bit her bottom lip to keep a cry from escaping as orgasm took over her body and her essence flowed into his mouth. He continued lapping at her as she rode out the wave of pleasure to finally collapse against the side wall of the carriage.
He carefully cleaned her as she smiled down at him her skin glistening with little droplets of sweat. “Very very well done, my pet,” she tried releasing his hair as she caught her breath. “I am most pleased.”
“Thank you, Ma’am,” he replied lavishing in the taste of her on his lips.
She shifted a little and removed the rest of her gown tossing it onto the opposite benchmark. “Remove your clothes,” she commanded as she reached under their benchmark searching for her special items.
He obeyed with much excitement in his heart. Quickly he removed his wait , tie, shirt, gloves, shoes, pants, and underwear. Once he was naked he knelt on the floor of the large carriage carefully to keep his eyes cast down out of love and respect for his mistress.
“Arms above your head,” she commanded and he lifted his arms up crossing them at his wrist.
He then felt a thick rope wrap around his wrists several times as his Mistress secured his wrists together. She then tied the remainder of the rope to a beam on the roof of the carriage pulling it tight so that it lifted his arms up uncomfortable. She sat back and watched him for a moment as the carriage rod on gently swinging him on his knees. His body well muscled and toned body seemed to be perfect kneeing and tied in the carriage with his head down. She smiled as she noticed the flesh of his cheeks turn a bright red. After all this time he still blushed in her presence. She then found the reason for his blushing as his large cock jutted forward and slightly up from a nest of dark curls.
“I’ve received all of your letters,” she commented caresing the leather flogger in her hands. “I think my favorite one wasThe one expressing your desire to be used by multiple Mistresses.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied keeping his head down.
“That one made me wonder, Nino,” she replied trailing the flogger down his bare back which held the scars of their many nights of password play. “Do you no longer wish to have me as your Mistress?”
“No ma’am you read the letter wrong!” he quickly protected at the fear of loosing his beloved Goddess. “I thought that you would enjoy having others humiliate me.”
“Is that so?” she replied rolling up her shawl and placing it into his mouth and tying the ends at the back of his head creating the perfect gag.
”Well I should advise you that I do not like to share!” she continued bringing the flogger down hard across his back causing him to cry out.
”You are my submissive, my whore and my slut,” she continued punctuating every degrading word with a blow to his back with the flogger.
He closed his eyes loving the pleasure and pain that only she could bring him. He accepted each blow and name with honor and love. Soon after numerous blows his back and cock began to burn. After a few more blows and name calling she dropped the flogger.
“Do you still want another Mistress now?” she whispered with one hand stroking his cock and the other gently massaging his balls as she knelt behind him licking his ear lobe. He moaned with unspeakable pleasure. He was unable to answer only moan at the softness of her hands working him into oblivion.
“Answer me!” she yelled squeeze his cock so that her nails dug into the flesh. He cried out and shook his head quickly as pain ripped though him.
“Oh my sweet Nino,” she whispered gently loving him with her hands. “I could never share you. You’re my own personal toy to play with. Remember the time I dressed you as a he-she and made you pleasure another man with your mouth? It was beautiful.”
He felt his orgasm building inside but fight it back as much as he could. HeHe closed his eyes unable to help his hips rocking in time with her hands. She was driving him mad and he loved her for it to no end.
“Remember how much you wanted me after that?” she continued. “You felt so ashamed yet you wanted your mistress much like you do now. You want to cum don’t you?”
He nodded his head furiously his moans turning into pleasures becoming her to ease his suffering. His Mistress stood and untied the rope at the beam. She commanded him to take a seat on the benchmark. Smiling she straddled his hips and retired the rope to another beam just above their heads. She removed his gag and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Do you want me, Nino?,” she asked as she lifted her hips and settled herself onto him guiding his erection deep into her.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he breathed against the warmth and tightness of her.
She smiled as she slowly began to ride his erection gradually picking upspeed. She moaned at the feeling of his hardness inside as she brought her hands up to cup her corseted breast as the carriage gently swayed her against him. His hips began to buck against hers. She was moving too slow teasing him in purpose. He wanted her hard and fast but she would have no part of it as she Leisurely rode against him seeking her own pleasure. He pressed his head forward to gently lick and kiss her breast eliciting a moan from her lips. Her pace began to quickly as she rode his body hard both he and she moaning and panting loudly suddenly not caring if any bystander heard their password as they passed though the streets of Charleston. The world around them seemed to vanish as their pleasures took their bodies higher and higher touching the heavens and dancing with the gods. Sweat poured from their bodies and mingled with the scent of sex as he bucked furiously against her needing her like never before. He kissed and nibbled at her neck as she clawed and scratched at hisback like a feverish hell cat. Soon their bodies gave way to the pleasure and both cried out in passwordate release.
She slumped against him exhausted and spent from their wild mating. She smiled unable to think of anywhere else she’d like to be. With weak arms she reached up and freed Nino from his bondage and his arms wrapped around her holding her close to him.
“If only we could stay like this forever,” she whispered as the carriage gently rocked him inside of her.
“It would be a dream come true, my Goddess,” he replied kissing her forehead.
They laid like that for long minutes dozing as the carriage carried them out of the busy heart of Charleston the gentle rocking often spurring another round of heated love making only to leave them snoozing in each other’s arms. All too soon the carriage stopped at their secret cottage tucked away in the forest. Reluctantly, they dressed and he carried his Goddess into their private cottage where more of his cries of pleasuresure and pain sounded though the night.
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