I am to always be naked when he is home. I know that. That has been a rule since day one. I am only supposed to wear the robe when I am cooking for him. I know that too. That has been a rule since the day that bacon splattered me on the breast and left a tiny little scar on my right nipple. I am not supposed to mar my skin either, but instead of getting angry and punishing me, he bought me this beautiful silk robe. He is extremely considerate, quite loving and fair.
But when he got home about 15 minutes early this evening he caught me! I had done two things wrong: 1) I was not naked and 2) I was wearing the robe. I know it sounds like the same thing, but it is not. There are two separate rules and I had broken both of them!
I knew I was to be punished tonight. I shouldn’t have misbehaved. I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway. He will not let me get away with this. No chance.
I did have a stroke of luck though. He had promised to take me to the carnival. He alwayss keeps his promises and tonight was the last night of the carnival. So I knew he would take me. I also knew he would punish me there. I started to get excited already.
He told me I could wear any outfit I wanted but I was to wear my deep purple high heels. No stockings. Just my bare legs. I know he has me wear stockings a lot, but think he secretly prefers to see my well toned legs directly – not through the mesh of lace or fish net. I put extra lotion on my legs and a little extra scent dabbed on my inner thighs and behind my knees. I always do this for him. I think he knows.
I chose my favorite black leather miniskirt, and a brilliant purple blouse that matched my pumps almost perfectly. And, just for grinins, I slipped into my ‘hi visibility flaming hot pink bra. It barely contained my but tonight it was just about having fun. Since he had not directed me one way or the other, I knew not to put on any panties. Wearing panties or not was always his decision. Always. I wovemy hair into a very loose French braid and went to him for approval.
“Ah, perfect! my little wench. Perfect!”
That sent waves of warmth through me. I so wanted to please him. As I knew he would, he thrust his hand up under my skirt to check my panties status. Nope. No panties there! I knew better. He turned at me and gently rubbed over my pussy lips as a reward.
I quietly said “thank you” and smiled at him.
“You are my baby.” he smiled back. He knows I love it when he calls me ‘baby’.
Then, all in the same instant, he drew me close to him with his free arm, held me very tightly, kissed me full on the mouth and thrust several fingers in my very wet hole.
God, how I’ve always wanted him!
He had not mentioned my earlier blunders. But I knew he would. Nothing escapes his attention. I also knew he would let me have a wonderful time tonight. I was getting so excited! If I was good, I mean really good tonight, then maybe he’ll let me suck his lovely cock for a long while later. That would be perfect. There is nothing I love more in this world than sucking him off and having him cum all over my tits or ass or belly. Nothing better in the world!
Then we were off to the carnival. But just as we stepped outside, he touched my arm “Keli, please sit your pretty little ass down on the porch step now and spread your legs for me baby, I have a surprise for you”.
With that, he pulled from his pocket what looked like 2 solid gold pinballs, only smaller. He held them both up and showed me where his initials had been engraved on each of them. I wanted to ask him what they were but, of course I knew not to speak.
He knelt down in front of me, took one of the balls and slowly, very slowly rubbed me up & down on my pussy. My lips were doing their best to hold together but it did not take long for him to break the ball through my fuzzy pink door and expose all that wetness he had caused me. He swirled the icecold metal ball around my and my ass hole for a minute and then “plunk” he thrust it into my pussy. I looked up at him with the question on my lips, but remained quiet. He took the other ice cold ball and did the same thing — only faster and for a bit longer.
“Now this will feel good to you tonight – but you’d better not cum, you dirty little slut. You will cum when I tell you to and no sooner.”
I was getting so hot for him…wanting him inside me too… wanting his cum inside me…wanting his face buried in my pussy…he is the only one who knows…
He takes me by the hands and lifts me to him. I can feel the balls inside me jostling around as I moved. This was awesome!
“These are called ‘Ben Wah’ balls and they brand you as my property. They will stay inside you until I decide to take them out. If I find you have removed them or worse yet, let some horny bastard play with them and you, you will be severely punished. Tell me you understand bitch.”
” Yes, I understand.”
“Now start walking my slut or we’ll never get there.”
The carnival was only about 10 blocks away so this was great. I curried to get in front of him. I know I am to walk 5 or so paces in front of him unless directed differently. He likes to watch me walk. I like to have him watch. I can feel his eyes on me – on my legs – on my ass. I always get very hot when we go for a walk like this. I’ve always wondered if he knows how hot this makes me. But I don’t dare ask. It’s not my place.
But this, too, was new and wonderful. These balls are rolling around inside my pussy. With each step the pleasure increases. I also know why I am wearing spike heels. When I walk in really high heels, I need to swing my thighs very close together to maintain my gait. He is so clever! I can feel the balls more and more as they warm to pussy temperature. Every step brings me closer and closer. This is pure ago! We had only gone about 4 blocks and I was about to cum with every stride! Oh no! What will I do? I’m not supposed to cum and these balls have a mind of their own!
I think he could sense the waves of pleasure I was having, for just when I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore, his strong arm sweeps under my own, stealies me and says “How about if I walk with you the rest of the way baby?”
A real gentleman. He held me close and in silence the rest of the way, I think in part to listen to my breathing. Every time I would get close to cumming, he could tell and he would stop us for a minute to let me ease back down. He was the one that made sure I did not cum. He was the one that made sure I didn’t break the rule.
The carnival was really rocking when we arrived. The rock & roll was blasting from who knows how many half blow speakers. You could tell it was the last night because an inordinate number of ‘carnies’ were there – running around, laughing- drinking -all acting quite silly. Die hard carnies always throw a party the last nightin every town – before they strike the place, pack up and move on to the next town. They say it brings ’em luck. I hope it does. He bought us some ride tickets and we are off.
“What ride would you like to do first?” then added “anything but the merry-go-round.”
Ooooooh! Sometimes you can be so very wicked to me. You know that by saying that I can’t ride something, that will make me want to ride it more than ever! But I pretend it doesn’t both me.
“Oh, the Octopus, I think”
He goes to the young kid in the booth and give him our tickets and, as usual, he strikes up a quick conversation. We get in line. It is one of those turnstile back & forth back & forth lines where you pass the very same people over and over.
He stands very close behind me – not holding me or even touching me really — trying to make it look as if he is just crowded in. But, in fact, his hand finds its’ way under the leather and cares my crack from the top where the small of my back meets the flesh of my ass…straight down to my tight little ass hole and on to my soupy twat. I get chill bumps all the way to my scalp and little piggies! That along with these metal balls moving inside me makes me feel like I will explode any minute. This delicious torture continues as we scoot up in unison to move with the line and maintain our heavenly pussy contact. I am feeling so very good right now!
He leans in to me and asks “Does that feel good baby? Does the slut like this?” then softly, ” Don’t answer. I already know.”
We got jostled a bit but he avoids contact and starts rubbing again but harder than before. It still feels good, but I wish he would do it like before. The line keeps inching along and we come to another u-turn. I open my eyes fully and There he is standing right in front of me!
I whip my head around in time to see that ticket kid pull his hand from beneath my skirt, drop something and curry off. I spin back to face him and he says “You know what that is for don’t you slut!. You broke rules. I must maintain your complete obedience.”
I knew he was right. He is always right. I looked down at my shoes. They were covered in dust.
I just hoped that that had satisfied my debt and I might still get to swallow that granite cock I know he has been working up all evening. He can’t deny me that now! He just can’t! These balls are driving me berserk and he teas me so mercilessly sometimes!
Every ride we ride he finds a way to put something wonderful in me. On the little roller coaster he tells me I must keep my hands in the air the entire time and he then fingers me madly, trying, I think, to make me scream exactly when no one else is.
In the House of Mirrors, he sweeps me to the very center, leans me against a mirror, presses against me so that I can feel his hard cock and then and slides the length of his body down to where he simply moves my skirt aside to allow his tongue to dance on my throbbing.I can see him eating me a thousand times in a thousand mirrors. My head is reeling!
On the ferris wheel, he sits me right on top of his lap when we were at the top – only he has freed his cock and I feel him push it into my aching pussy. This feels incredible… his cock and those metal balls! “You like being this full don’t you bitch?”
“yes” I moaned, “yes!” but the ride is over all too quick..
I want to ask him if we could please go home and fuck now – but it is not my place to ask — I know I must beg. As we walk away from the ferris wheel he puts his arm around me and I lean into his long sexy neck and start to please with him to take me home and to please let me please him. I think he approves of me tonight, because he leads me straight home, into the bedroom and make intensely password love to me. He let me do for him all those things I love so much to do – take his head into my mouth…slurping along the shake – sucking those wonderful balls. He toldme that I had been very good and he was well pleased.
He said I deserved to be treated like a princess tonight.
We finally rested at dawn.
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