The Careless Witch

This brief story contains milk bondage and humiliation. Reader discretion is advised.

Biting her lip with frustration, Amelia checked the wording of the enchantment in her scruffy, well-thumbed spellbook. She always had trouble with this one, which was why she was practicing in her bedroom ahead of tomorrow’s performance in front of the whole coven. She didn’t want them to call her a clumsy airheaded bimbo again. It had been so embarrassing last time.

“Blindius completeum!” she cried.

There was a gentle fizzling sound, and then nothing. The magic was supposed to create a burst of dazzling colorful lights. Was she saying the words wrong? She looked again at the book and noticed there was a slight smudge over the first word, presumably from when she had been revising while eating chocolate. (A naughty habit, perhaps, but who was going to tell her off?) Maybe it was actually…

“Bindius completeum!”

There was a puff of smoke, and the pretty 22-year-old witch squeaked with surprise. There were no coloured lights, but there was rope all of a sudden, and plenty of it. She wriggled and strained in her chair, and discovered that her wrists were crossed and tightly bound behind her back, while loops of rope encircled her chest above and below – and, rather embarrassingly, snugly between – her perky breasts. Looking down, she saw that her ankles too were tied Together, above her favourite shiny black boots, and her legs were also bound at knee and tigh.

She must have cast the wrong spell! Furious with herself for messing up yet again, Amelia squirmed some more, but was obliged to concede that the bonds were tight and secure, and she would not be escaping through non-magical means.

But after all, she was a witch, and witches have other methods up the sleepes of their tight-fitting black dresses. Hmmm. What spell would fix the situation? Of course! Radagast’s Roaming Rope. She leaned over in her chair, still securely bound,and did her best to turn the pages with her cute little nose, glad that nobody was there to see her in such undignified circumstances. Here was the spell… now, was that a semi-colon or a blob of chocolate? It was hard to read, but what was the worst that could happen?

“Silencium pantymouthius!”

Another puff of smoke, and Amelia, confident in her magical abilities, prepared to spring out of the chair. But what had gone wrong? She was still trusted up, still helpless. And she realized there was something in her mouth…


What had gone wrong now? The confused brunette managed to explore the stuffing with her tongue and a familiar pair of black panties dropped out and fell on the floor. Were those… her panties? She wriggled her legs a little and realized that she was wearing rather less down below than expected…

“Stupid spellbook! What I mean to say was… Silencium rubbermouthius!”

A pause, as Amelia tried to work out if the spell had doneIts job… and then realized that the ropes were all still tied securely around her slender limbs, while something new had appeared between her lovely lips.

“Nh gnnnnmnph!”

It was a large – very large – black rubber ballgag, and the young witch immediately realized it presented two problems: it was muffling her voice extremely effectively, and it was making her drool all over her chest. She wriggled her body vigorously from side to side to see if she could shake the gag out of her mouth, but it was strapped in good and tight. All her actions achieved was to make her breasts jiggle around and flick drool everywhere: it was all extremely humiliating, making her feel like a foolish damsel in distress in some TV show. Vainly trying to free her wrists, she leaned over and turned the pages of the spellbook again, trying to find a way to escape.

There was the solution: Edgar’s Elusive Escape! But could Amelia speak the words through that huge gag?

“Frmmnnm cnmpmmmphnph!”

No, no, no! That wasn’t right at all. Hands still tethered behind her back, legs still secured, none of her bonds had vanished… and there were now large, bright red strips of tape plastered across the ballgag. She was even worse off than before!

“Hrmmnrm crmhrmhrh!”

Amelia looked about hopefully, but she was no better off. In fact, there was now a large black scarf tied over the top of the tape, over the top of the ballgag. She cried out in frustration, but could barely hear herself. That ruled out magic, then. Furious and thoroughly embarrassed, she squirmed as vigorously as she could, but made no progress whatsoever. Tightly gagged, even more tightly bound, and completely subdued, she was utterly helpless, and would have to wait for rescue. She just had to hope her roommate didn’t tell the rest of the coven, or she would never hear the end of it.



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