The Capture of Sweet Pussy

Part One

God how he loved this. Her naked ass faced him; proved high in the air. “Wiggle it for me Sweet Pussy” he cooed as he brought his riding crop smartly across a bare ass cheek.

Face pressed against the carpet she could barely hear her own sobs as she jumped then wiggled in total humiliation..

”Yes master”. “Thank you master”, she cried; knowing what real pain would Follow if she failed to respond properly.

“More!! Sweet Pussy…faster this time”. He brought the crop down again.

“Owwwwww, Yes Master, Thank you master” she chased out while putting a real effort into shaking her rear as quickly as she could.

“This may go on all night Sweet Pussy; I’m having a great time, are you having a good time?”

Pam squeaked out a “Yes Master “ in total submission.

Her capitulation was complete. He owned her, he knew it and to his great delight he knew that…she knew it!

One month earlier:

Pam had walked into his office with the arrogance of a spoiled little brat. She was assigned to Sid as a trainee for her first few weeks as an intern. Because she was a Yale graduate with an MBA from MIT and because she was clearly being groomed by senior management for great things in the company she felt any time she spent with a mid-level manager like Sid was a waste of her time. After all, at 26 she was probably already making more money than Sid. But, a job is a job and she was willing to pay her dues, as long as she was free to show her contempt for those she considered her lesser.

“Sid”, she said “Let me be honest with you, I don’t care squat about inventory management and I do not intend to spend my time learning a job a monkey could do.

“Since the senior level Bozos choose to stick me here for two weeks I suggest we make it as painless as possible for both of us.

“I’ll show up in the morning and for all your little staff meetings and I’ll even tell the VP’s what a great job you’re doing when this is all over, but for the most part; I don’t expect to be spending much time around this department or you. Can you get behind me on this Sid?”

She glared at him with the assurance of someone who was accustomed to getting his or her way. Sid could not believe his luck.

“What a little bit”, he thought.

A bit on the tall side for his taste and a tad thin, but good solid looking breasts and a lovely round ass. He loved round asses.

“Uhhhhh, Ms. Martini, as boring as this assignment may appear to you, there are things to learn here that you would do well to learn early in your career.

“My job for the next two weeks is to shoot you full of inventory management protocol and that, young lady is what I intend to do.”

If looks could kill, Sid would have have struck dead where he sat.

However, Pam replied with a terse “Fine Just fine!” and stormed out of his office.

Sid had a reputation for being a fair, honest and effective manager of people. He hadpassed up several promotions and most folks felt that now in his early fifties, he would probably retire as an AVP in his beloved inventory unit. What they didn’t know was that Sid over the years had turned his department into his personal Venus flytrap. More than one young lady trainee had been cycled through his department for inventory training only to end up wiggling ass in his face and begging to be fucked. Problem was, most of them were fairly nice kids and having bit of a warm heart he usually let them go before

long. Pam on the other hand…. ahhhh yes…quite the bitch. He might hold onto her for a while.

Sid had lived the Dom life for more than 20 years and you just can’t work with so many women that long without learning something about what makes them tick. He found some were simple to bend and mold, others had to be cracked. The consistent element that delivered so many of them into his traps was there own weaknesses. Find the weakness and you own the woman.

Clearned Pam had issues; Sid locked in his office reading her personal file. He knew there was a font of information in personal files. Usually enough to know a person better than they knew themselves. If you know what to look for. He found she was an only child. OK probably a little spoiled from early on. She showed a real aptitude for mathematics. OK not something that would make her popular with boys. A straight “A” students; she probably took a lot of shit from her classmates. She belonged to lots of clubs, Chess, Debate, German, Math, Computer Science and held office in all of them. She even ran for Class President but was only elected Vice President. Sid was sure that pissed her right off. Without doubt , she needed to be in control and in charge. Sid could smell his openings.

Proud and power hungry. Either would be enough to work with but her file was rich with material. Males wrote all of her recommendations from college. They were all a little too good. She had learnedhow to get what she wanted from men. That round ass was probably put to some undergraduate and graduate use. Her first few job appraisals repeated the male pattern but her female superiors used phrases like”. Pam will need to improve people skills as her responsibility grow” “She must learn to develop a comfortable level with her fellow employees” Obviously a leader but not yet a strong team member” and the best comment of all. “Relentlessly seeks perfection in everything that she does or that reflects upon her”

“Vanity!!!”, That would be perfect.

Their training sessions at work started out slow and tense. Pam did not like Sid and she was not above making that clear to him with every opportunity that presented itself. She was bright and not above letting him know that either. Sid on the other hand led her to believe he was only interested in making sure she got a good foundation in inventory management. She soon learned that Sid would tolerate a fairly high level of disrespect aimed at Senior Management. She grew accustomed to calling Sid’s superior “Fat Ass” and ‘though she was being mentored by Rick Johnston the CEO himself, she had no qualms about calling him the “CE Asshole”. This went on for just under two weeks when Sid decided he could take the next step in his plan.

“Well Sid, this is my last day with you and the dummies of inventory world”. Pam sat down and handed Sid her sign off form.

“Pam, it’s been such fun, I’m inclined to ask you to stay with us a bit longer.”

Pam looked at him like you might look at someone who said something so absurd that you had to think a second to assure yourself that it had been said. “Ummmm, that’s not going to happen Sid”, she chuckled. “Just sign the form and let me get the fuck outta here.”

Sid just stared at her….relishing the moment. In a few minutes Pam life would take a turn she could not have imagined yesterday.

“Pam, I want you to listen to something.” Sid turned in his chair and turned on the stereo behind his desk.

Pam’s eyes widened as she heard her voice clearly come out of the speakers…” Sid I don’t care what the fuck Rick said; if he had half a brain, and I know for a fact that he doesn’t, he wouldn’t waste my time down her with the rest of you idiots….”.

A pause and then; “….well if our CE Asshole had any balls this company would be leading our field instead of dragging along behind our competition. We’re not going anywhere until he’s gone!!”

Another pause, followed by yet another foul mouth statement directed at the people who had done so much to help Pam along with her career. Sid had accumulated in just under two weeks about 30 full minutes of Pam ranting and running down just about every powerful person in the company. When he turned off the stereo after a few minutes her silence was deafening.

“Pam, Pam, Pam…. tell me honestly, have you ever heard such clarity?”

“I tell you, the quality of miniature microphones has improved so much in the past few years that you could put one right on someone’s desk or in their phone and they wouldn’t even notice it.”

Pam looked like a deer caught in headlights and Sid was loving it. Now was the time to exploit her weaknesses…her pride, her vanity, her ego. So she said a few (really) stupid and hateful things about her employer, so what? That would not be the end of her life, her career or her world. However, to her; to Ms. Perfect to Ms. Smart to Ms. I’m better than all of you assholes; well, this was a very big deal indeed. She would be humiliated. To Pam, humiliation was not an option. That would be her downfall.

Sid knew he needed to keep her overwhelmed and confused. He did not want that mind of hers to kick in. Pam had to be forced to make an emotional decision. Either from anger or from fear.

“OK Pam, here’s the scoop; you haven’t heard all that I’ve got and I’ve got a great deal more. I even have the telephone conversations you had with thisrich Ivy League Matt guy, your fiancé….and by the way does he know about Ted…you know Ted, the guy at your apartment building who you let fuck you like a pig while you make Matt wait for you like the perfect gentleman, phone sex….gotta love it huh?

“And all this time I thought you were at your desk actually working.”

Pam’s shoulders dropped, as did her jaw as did any fight she may have had. Good, no anger, just resignation. Sid preferred not to fight with his captives.

“Pam it appears you actually don’t know what to say and that has to be a first for you.” “Pick up your jaw and listen.

“There are lots of copies of those tapes and if I do not stop them from being mailed today, your worst fears will come true”.” I do not want that to happen.

“Here’s what I want to happen and I hope you can help me with it.

“I’m not a rapist or a freak but I am a bit of a voyeur” “I like to watch women get off. Since we know you’re not a virgin, and since Ted and I know you’re not shy, do you suppose you could let me just watch you play with yourself a few times?”

He could see her resistance rising… gently he said,

“I promise I will not touch you and after two weeks I’ll let you go on about your life as if we never met.” “You just let me sit here and watch you frig yourself until I come.

“No big deal.”

Pam’s head was still spinning from too much life changing information.

“Just masturbate in front of you?…When?”

The trap was closing; she was negotiating. She was starting to believe she was controlling the situation.

Sid said, “I want you to call Rick and tell him that you’re getting a lot out of this training and ask him if you can stay another two weeks. That will be ten days. Each morning, you come in here show me your pussy and frig yourself until I come. Ten Times Ten Days and you get your old life back. No strings. But I have to come.”

“I don’t want you to touch me understand and I don’t wantto see your fucking prick, keep it under the desk.” Pam spat her conditions at him.

“I won’t say a word” Sid replied…” you’ll hardly know I’m here. Monday morning then at 7am beautiful?” Sid couldn’t help but flash a wide smile.

“Asshole!!” was all he heard from Pam as she stormed out of his office.

The deal was struck and Pam had just closed the trap on herself.

Sid sat in his chair on Monday morning and watched the most pitiful sexual performance he had ever witnessed in his life. It was almost funny. Pam had walked into his office dressed like someone’s grandmother. She plopped down, hoisted her skirt, reached into her panties and began to fondle herself.

“Whoa, wait a second ….I’ve been made more exited by looking at men’s silk underwear….the deal is I come or no deal and I assure you that I’m not going to cum with that kind of performance.”

Pam shot Sid a look of pure hate before she pulled down her panties, licked her middle finger and began making little circles with it around her clip.

“The sooner you come the sooner I’ll probably come.” Sid offered.

Pam raised her feet off the floor and started a nice rocking motion. Sid grinned and popped his cock out under the desk and started a complimentary stroke. He knew she would fake it and he knew he’d let her get away with it for now. So when she shuddered and stiffened, he didn’t laugh he Just imagined the future and shot his load into his waiting hand.

“You’re fucking disgusting” Pam grew and walked out.

This went on for ten days but each day Sid convinced Pam she would have to try to be a little sexier if she expected him to come faster the next time. Pam rising to the challenge…took control and started to come in without panties; later she would turn around so her ass faced Sid and use a vibrator, in general she began to act like a woman who actually enjoyed sex. Sid even suspected that at least once she might have honestly gotten off. Amazing.

Once again Sid sat eye to eye with a defiant Pam Martini. This Monday morning the two weeks were up. Ms. Martini just wanted Sid to sign her out of there and to leave his office forever.

“Here’s my sheet, just sign it and we’re done”. She snapped.

“I’d love to Pam, he said taking the form from her hand,” Problem is I don’t think you want me to.”

“Don’t fuck with me Sid, a deal is a deal and I did my part….sign the fucking form.”

“Still thinks she’s in control.” Sid mussed. He told and said as if speaking to a five year old.

“Pam, deals can be renegotiated and they often are….take a look at this.”

Sid turned his computer monitor to face Pam and when she focused on the image she felt like someone had just punched her in her stomach. There she was, shaking her ass, fingering herself, working a dildo and making love to the camera.

“Can you spell SECURITY CAMERA Yaley?”

Sid wasn’t in any of the films but there were 10 sessions of Pam working herself into a froth. She had no idea of ​​what to do or say at this point.

“Once again…we find ourselves in negotiations huh Pam?

“This time ‘though, you do not have a fucking thing to negotiate with, you will do exactly as I say, when I say or this video and your audio tapes will find their way to places you do not want them to be. I bet Matt’s mother would love a copy…. I know Matt would. Mr. Johnston, our CE Asshole, would probably not find you promote table material after a few glimpses, what do you think?”

“Well buck up, here’s the good news, you are out of here!!!” Sid signed the form with a flourish and handed it to her.”

“I don’t shit where I eat.” You have a great future here at this company and I intend to reap the benefits of your future right along with you. Some day you’ll be at least a Senior VP and you will be MY Senior VP cunt, understand?”

Sid placed a note in Pam’s hand. It said: Read this aloud as you memorize it then eat it. “My name is now Sweet Pussy. SirStroker88 owns me. His address is 2005 Switchback Road, Ashville, NC. I will report to him there tonight at 7:00PM for my first lessons in how to please him.”

Tears rolled down Pam’s cheats as she chewed on the note. Sid looked at her approvedly and smiled.

“Sublime” he thought “ absolutely fucking sublime.”


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