Being torn between two women and the situations involved has been no cake walk for him. He has tried for many, many years to stay in his marriage and honor his wife and the life they built. His daughter was the first and most important thing on his mind though. He needed to get her to the age of 12, at least, so she could make some choices of her own. She has heard them argue and knows that the marriage is in trouble and has asked him many times if everything is ok as she is smart for her age and very mature. He weights what exactly to tell her. He doesn’t want her believing a fairy tale and have that shattered but he doesn’t want to burden her with the reality of what is going on. So, when she asks questions, he is honest but not detailed. There will come a time when that will not work any longer but for now, her innocent is much more important.
He thinks back to a time when nothing could have separate him and his wife. They have been through hell and back with him working out of town. He knows his job really didn’t help things but the money was good and it suited him. Likewise, he never heard her complain about his paychecks. He never denied either one of them anything. He never dreamed that she would venture out of their marriage for whatever she needed. He thought he had done his very best to take care of the relationship. He sent flowers randomly to let her know he was missing and thinking about her, he arranged gifts to be delivered, things he knew she wanted. He blindly thought things were wonderful for the most part. Not any more though, he sees where things went sour, in fact, he could almost pinpoint the day. He’s had a lot of time to think about things over the last 4 years. He thinks back to that argument, the one that started them down this path.
He remembers the details clearly. They got together with some friends to celebrate someone’s birthday. The bar they went to had plenty of loud music and even more booze. Too many drinks to countLater, he found her on the dance floor glued to someone he thought was his friend. His hands were all over her ass and they were grinding like teenagers. Jerking them apart, he decided it was time to go and called a cab and left. There was a huge argument that night. Both of them being intoxicated wasn’t exactly the best time to argue either. Harsh words were said on both sides, she admitted to wanting the friend and he was devastated. He distanced himself from that friend and thought she had too. Turns out, that was the first of many lies she told about what the relationship was between her and his friend.
Since then, he has watched her distance herself from him and their marriage. She lies about everything. He knows this because even working out of town someone is keeping an eye on her. He knows it’s sneaky and deceptive but he had a good reason. He’s been truly devastated by everything. In fact, he spent many months where all he could do was hit the gym and work out his frustration on the treadmill. That was his only outlet. He tried talking to her but all he got in return was a cold shoulder or yelled at. As months passed, he decided his approach wasn’t working so he changed it up, he started not saying anything when she lied and he knew it, he let her go and do whatever she wanted, he didn’t both trying to fix anything. He did this so long, that eventually he didn’t care at all.
Long before all this started he had made an online friend. She was funny and they had a lot in common. She talked to him and kept him company many days while he was working out of town. While nothing ever translated between them except to cheer each other up or give each other advice. He thinks back and sees that they, even to this day, have exchanged very little personal information. No spouse or kids’ names, no addresses, he didn’t even give her his last name. Kicking himself, he sees that she never pushed him to give him information he didn’t want to give but he sees that she gave more information to him. That was her way of telling him she trusted him and that he could trust her too. She said many times that she wasn’t there to wreck his life, she just wanted a friend.
She always knew he was married, he was upfront with that information and she always honored and respected it. When his marriage trouble started he quit talking to her, he saw several messages she sent but after a while she stopped. He was sad to not talk to her but he was so upset that he couldn’t even think of what to say to her, he was too focused on being devastated. At some point, he sent her a message and they talked just like they used to. She made him laugh again and although he still had a lot going on, he had moments he could see the sun again.
One day out of the blue she sent him a message, “Captain, I know there is Something going on. I just want you to know I am here for you and I will help in any way I can no matter what it is.” The concern she had for him wasoverwhelming and he caved and told her everything from the beginning. The pressure he usually felt was a little lighter and she gave him some great advice. Though she didn’t know his wife, she seemed to know what her next moves were and what she was thinking, which was invaluable. They discussed every moment his wife put him through and then talked over possible reasons and ways to react to them.
He had missed His friend and she had told him she had missed him too. He heard more in that but he just wasn’t sure she was, after all, helping him with his marriage. Months passed and things at home got worse, he became angry with his wife and with each day it grew. There came a time when he knew it wasn’t going to work out but he needed to change something with work so he could stand a chance in court if it came to that. He Continued to talk to his friend and somewhere along the way something changed between them, at least on his end and he suspected on hers as well. Their friendlytalk became dirty comments and tons of flirting, photos and a few racy chats that started out as a joke or as a tease or as they sharing a fantasy but ended up with him closing his eyes and thinking about her while he pleasured himself.
One day he sent her a message and told her he was headed to a local store in the town she worked in and wondered if they could finally meet face-to-face. She agreed and they met as fast as They each could get there for this was their first in-person meeting. He pulled up in his truck and she got out of her car and walked towards him and he was floored. He knew she was beautiful but this was more. He jumped out of his truck and it felt like he floated towards her. If you were an onlooker you might think it was a scene out of a movie where the two lost lovers rush towards each other and embrace.
“Hello Captain, it’s great to finally see you in person!” She smiles huge and blushes a shade of red that makes his cock hard.
“Hello Nurse Betty!It’s more than great to see you in person.” His smile mirrored hers and they couldn’t take their eyes off each other. He reaches out and pulls her to him and they hug. It had been so long since he felt something like this. “God you’re hot. I knew you were but you’re even more hot in person. I need to hug you some more,” He murmurs in her ear. “I want to touch you so bad,” He whispers as his lips run down her neck and he inhales the scent of her hair.
“Touch me all you want,” She answers breathily and moans as his hands move down her back and grap her ass pulling her closer to him. She feels his hardness and digs her fingers into his back. Turning her head, she nuzzles against his neck and breathes him in. Her eyes flutter in arousal and her hands move over his body exploring him.
“Fuck, I want to kiss you. I need to feel your lips against mine so bad,” He pulls back and places kisses along her jawline. She tilts her head and give him access to her neck wanting him to give her more and wanting to give him more. To him that was the ultimate sign of submission, to bare one’s neck to the alpha. His hands grip her harder and he growls in her ear.
She moans and whispers, “Kiss me, please.” She pulls back to look into his eyes and a moment passes where nothing is said and decisions are made. Not hesitating a moment longer his lips touch hers lightly and his tongue darts out to taste her. His hand still grasps her ass but his other hand moves up and into her hair to tangle in it and grip her tightly not wanting her to pull away. The kiss shakes him to the core. She’s responsive and letting him guide her. Her arms pull him closer as if she can’t enough. He knows he can’t get enough and he only hopes she feels the same.
They get caught up in that magnificent first kiss. For a short time, the world falls away until they hear someone gathering them and they pull back slowly both chuckling. Her blue eyes look deeply into his and he knows he wants thiswoman. There’s so many questions and so much uncertainty in his life at the moment but all he can do is be honest with her and give it some time to see what happens.
He keeps pulling her into him and she lets him, her hand falling lazily on his biceps as if it has always been that way. He is enjoying how easy it is between them and longs for more time with her but he has to get back to work. He leans in and nips her neck and pulls her head to the side so he can enjoy her. She moans whispering his name and his cock becomes harder just when he thought it wasn’t possible. “I really need to get back to work but I’d rather stay here with you,” He whispers in to her neck.
“I want you to stay here with me too but I know you have to get back,” She moans near his ear and he wonders what she sounds like when she cums. He pulls back and they start towards her car. One last pavement melting kiss and he helps her into her car. He leans in one more time before he shuts the door and kisses her, his hand on her leg and moving up to touch her. He catches himself and stops immediately. He starts to apologize but she cuts him off, “Captain, if I hadn’t wanted you to touch me I would have said so.” She smiles and pecks him on the lips again. He smiles back and shakes his head and closes the door.
“Be careful going home,” He tells her and she blows him a kiss as she drives off. Neither one realizes that they both have smiles they can’t wipe from their faces. He can’t wait to text her and see how she feel about everything. He has no regrets and definitely wants to see her again. He knows he shouldn’t but he can’t stay away now.
He walks into the store and walks the aisles thinking only about her. He cannot wait any long so he pulls out his phone and texts her, “How was that? Are you ok?” He asks her generally concerned.
“It was wonderful,” She replies back immediately.
“I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries, if I did, I apologize.” He tells her hoping he didn’t.
“You didn’t at all, I was right there with you on everything. If anything, I was worried about going to far with you. I don’t want to make you feel guilty about anything. If you do at any point, just say and I’ll back off and let you be,” He feels sad thinking about that but knows she would do this for him.
“I don’t feel the least bit guilty. In fact, I feel better than I have in a long time.” The confidence he feels in this statement is high and he’s smiling bigger than he has in what feels like years. “In fact, I want us to meet again, very soon, if you want to that is.” He prays she does.
“Of course, I do, more than you know,” He can’t help but scar in relief.
Weeks pass and he barely speaks to her. She tries to carry on a conversation but he’s having trouble at home again and he feels guilty talking to her about it like he did before. He wants and needs to talk to her but he stops just after he pulls her name up on his phone. About a month later, after some sparse messages back and forth he gets a message from her that stuns him.
“Captain, I don’t know what happened. I am sorry if I pushed you or made you feel like you had to do something you didn’t want to. Please forgive me. Also, I don’t like this awkwardness between us. If it is because of us meeting we don’t have to do it again. I want you to know that I really want us to keep our friend intact. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me about your wife. I will continue to offer you the best advice. I have no illusions about what you really want and where you really want to be.” Her tone seems matter-of-fact but yet hurt by his distance too. He instantly regrets what he has done and he messages her immediately.
“You have done nothing wrong. There has been a lot going on at home and I honestly felt guilty talking to you about it because of what’s going on between us. If anyone has done something wrong it’s me,” He sends the message and hopes she understands.
“Just talk to me. About work, life, your daughter, your wife, your plans for the next vacation, whatever you want. I just want to talk to you. I have missed you.” She tells him and he can feel how sad she really has been and he feels bad for abandoning her.
They pick up where they left off and talk about everything. Eventually his wife and that situation come up and he tells her he feels weird talking to her about it. She tells him not to worry but he knows he will anyway. They never speak about meeting again for months.
She talks about dates she was on and he burns with jealousy but he cannot say that to her. She meets someone she really likes and it takes everything he has not to tell her to dump him. He’s bad for her and he knows it but all he can do is stand by and watch out for her. She goes through several moments that make him want to run to her and protect her. He can tell she was scared and he knows it was that man’s fault. He keeps in close contact with her and worries when he doesn’t hear from her.
After a few months, her relationship with that man ends and he could not be more relieved. In fact, he is overjoyed. All he can do is think about that kiss they shared and how he wants more of them. He has tried to stay neutral and let her be but he is finding he cannot. He has been thinking about her way more than he should and even at times When he shouldn’t. He starts wishing he could share moments with her, he knows he shouldn’t be thinking like that but he cannot help himself. His marriage is in shambles and he has no desire to fix it at all. His wife is busy running around with this other man and she completely ignores him except when it’s convenient for her. He is tired of it and just wants some companionship and to feel loved and to love again, he misses touching and being touched. In fact, he misses everything but most of all he misses his friend.
He remembers her telling him that she knows where he desires tobe more than anything and for so long she was right. He finds that the more distance he and his wife put between each other, the more he wants his friend. He questions if it’s because she’s there and there’s no other woman around him. He has plenty of time to think lately and that’s all he’s done. He’s thought about his marriage and his wife and what he calls his girlfriend. He has come to some tenative decisions and is just waiting for the right time.
In the meantime, they continue to meet and have these steamy kissing sessions. They’re full of password and exploration and he can’t get enough. He wants more. So, the next time they meet he brings up an out-of-town work weekend. He tells her he wants her to go with him and that he has made sure his wife won’t be able to come. She is hesitant but agrees.
The weekend comes fast and he is excited and ready to get on the road. Bidding the wife goodbye, he rushes out the door and heads to meet the woman he affectionately calls his girlfriend. He has called her that to her face but he doesn’t think she realizes what it really means to him. They meet at an out of the way cabin on a lake. The cabin is rustic with hardwood floors and primitive décor. Setting back in the trees just a little but within steps of the water too. It’s ideal for their first weekend like this. He gets there first and inspects everything making sure they have what they Need. He had arranged for groceries and wine to be delivered to the cabin. He is thankful he thought of that because all he wants to leave this cabin for is work and the truth is that he knows he won’t want to leave for that.
He paces for about 20 minutes wondering if she got lost or something bad happened to her. Just as he grabs his keys, he hears a car pull up and sees her sitting there looking as beautiful as ever. He’s nervous but he cannot stop himself from rushing out to her car and pulling her into his arms. It feels right to have her there. He buries his headin the bend of her neck and take in her scent. She smells like coconuts and the beach. He’s always loved that smell. In all their meetings, he’s always caught hints of that scent and every time he smells that, no matter where he is, he thinks of her.
His arms pull her tighter against him and he kisses her neck. Hands moving over her back and down to her ass, he hears her sight and a moan escapes her lips. Just as before one hand on her ass pushing her tight against him and his hard cock and the other tangles in her hair pulling her head back to access her neck better, he peppers her with kisses and nibbles her ear lobe. Her fingers dig into his back and he knows she feels good. Running his lips over her jaw, he guides her head to meet his eyes, he feels her breath on his lips and sees the lust in hers and it mirrors his. Brushing his lips over hers he knows she will wait for him no matter how bad she wants to push forward and capture his with a kiss. “I want you,” He says breathhily into her lips as he consumes her with a kiss that could light up the night and make it look like the day time. Time stops for them and they see and hear nothing else around them. Their eyes flutter open to meet and he says, “Let’s get inside.”
They can’t reach the cabin door fast enough and when they do, he traps her against it and grabs her hands holding them over her head. His finger brushes over her swollen lips from their heated kisses and he moves lower to her breast. Squeezing lightly, he feels the fullness. He can’t wait to see them. “Legs apart,” He murmurs and she complies immediately. She has on that skirt she said she’d wear and he hopes she has on what she was told to have on underneath-nothing. His hand moving over her curves and taking in every inch of her, he reaches the hem of her skirt, he looks up in her eyes and sees her smile and sees the need in her eyes. Her skirt is shorter and he reaches under and grabs her ass and squeezes. He has always loved her ass.”Good girl,” he whispers repeatedly and his hand continues to rub and squeeze.
He looks up into her eyes again and he moves to touch her pussy. His fingers find her hairless, smooth and so very wet. So wet in fact, she has leaked onto her thighs. He needs to taste her nectar bad and he flips the skirt up and tucks it into the waistband. “Hands behind your back, right hand holding the left wrist,” She follows his commands without fail and that turns him on more. He squats down and inhales the scent of her and swipes his tongue over her clip. Her hips grind lightly trying to get friction, needing more of him. She tastes so delicious and he needs a better angle. Standing up again he turns the knob and he leads her in.
“Captain, I need more, I need you,” She tells him as she steps towards him and reach out to give his cock a squeeze. His self-control shatters and he grabs her wrist and pulls her to the bed. Tossing her down, he reaches for her ankles and places her feet on the bed and spreads her knees wide. Her pussy exposed and glistening from her own excitement he began to feast on her. Licking, sucking, nipping, fingering, he takes her to orgasm and she cums wetting his face. He moves to lay on top of her and grabs her hands to put them over her head then stops and looks into her eyes. Unspoken words pass between them and he kisses her tenderly.
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