She answered the door just as he had taught her previously, wearing nothing except the wrist and ankle restraints which made noises when she walked from the clips on the end of them. She always walked more gracefully with the restraints on to minimize the clicking noise but it was still there regardless. All of the implements were laid out for him to pick and choose what he wanted to use but she didn’t know that he had no intention of Using any of them, all he planned on using was the ball gag that she hadn’t experienced yet. He didn’t even plan on using the restraints she was wearing, not yet at least. It had been a week since he saw her last, a week too long for both of them. They were drawn together very strongly and the desire was very intense between them. She craved to be his submissive slut and he couldn’t wait to make her one. Completely owned and dominated by him.
This evening, however, he had had enough of the attitude she had been displaying all week. He wouldn’t give her his cock to suck on regardless of how much she begged for it until she was placed back in the submissive mindset that he so loved her to be in. The time apart wasn’t good for either one of them. She liked to push the bounds a little too much whenever he wasn’t there to put her in her place daily. This evening he would do his best to change that.
He hugged her tightly before grabbing her hair and directing her to the side of the couch. He pushed her harder than usual over the arm of the couch as she realized that he wasn’t going to be going gently with her this weekend. She opened her mouth to protest and he surprised her by putting the ball gag in her mouth and tightening it tightly behind her head. He told her to be quiet, that tonight it was going to be all about him until she learned her place as his submissive slut. Even Though she had already apologized for treating him as she did, tonight she was going to truly be sorry.
He pulled his thick and long cane out ofHis bag that was very similar to the ones they used in school canings. She looked back at his with fear in her eyes as the first cane strike landed and the pain seized through her butt. She was shocked at how much it hurt and how rough he was being with her. She was use to the warm ups and to having things her way but this time she had pushed him too far. He was tired of the attitude and he was going to make sure it ended tonight. He always spoke to her in such an even tone even when he was lecturing her and this time was no different. He told her that everything she did reflected on him and that the attitude she had all week was unacceptable. She was going to have to accept eighteen cane strokes, no less, and if she didn’t hold position then she would get penalty strokes. He informed her that he placed her over the couch to give her some stability so that she didn’t have to worry about losing her balance and that all she had to do was lay there, grip into the pillow that was on the couch and bite the ball gag. He wanted her in a comfortable position so all she had to think about was the pain that would see through her ass.
He raised the cane high in the air and she winced as she heard it swish through the air and send the pain sering across her ass again. He waited about thirty seconds to make sure the pain was processed fully and she was calm enough to take the next one. It would have been letting her off easy to just go through the eighteen quickly without giving her time to process each and every stroke. The next ten strokes landed as her ass began to stripe very nicely from the cane. He was amazed with himself with how well the strokes welded up and looked great on the canvas that use to be such a pure white. Now there were twelve welts covering the center of her ass all the way down her sit spot.
As he brought the cane up for the thirteenth stroke she winced and moved just as she did with most punishments causing the strike to land a little higher than intended. She heard disappointment in the sharp intake of air he took as he placed his hand on her back and grew in her ear that she had earned this and she would take all of it regardless of what she wanted. After all, accepting the entire caning was want he wanted and what would make him happy and since she wanted to make him happy then she should want to receive this punishment without any more of the attitude that put her in this predicament to begin with. Because she chose to move, she would be receiving an additional stroke at the end.
She cried into her ball gag, the drool dripping on the pillow she was grasping ever so tightly. The pillow was now wet with her tears and drool and was even out of shape with how tight she was grasping it. She was still caught up in the words he just said as another stroke came down harshly on her ass. She wasn’t expecting it and she cried out loudly but she managed to stay in position. He was proud of his little slut accepting thePunishment she had earned and couldn’t wait for it to be over to take care of his hard cock that was beginning to get uncomfortable under his boxers. The next four strokes came at a steady pace as they overlapped previous strokes that covered her sit spot. He wanted her to wear his marks for weeks and for her to feel this for days so he paid special attention to her sit spot. He calmly told her that she was such a good submissive During the caning that she only earned herself one penalty stroke.
She was upset with herself for moving out of position earlier. She barely was able to take the eighteen, how could she possibly handle another stroke? He brought the cane high up in the air but this stroke didn’t land on her ass like the rest, it came down harshly on the top her thighs and she let out a scream as one leg jerked up. She Immediately regretted moving, knowing it would only give him reason to punish her further. Normally he would let it go, she was the ideal submissive throuthink the caning but he know that if he let her get away with it now then she would expect to get away with it in the future and tonight was supposed to let her know that her days of getting away with things was over.
He wanted until her breathing calmed and her sobs lessened before telling her that another penalty stroke was going to be added since she didn’t remain in position. She held her breath for a minute while claping the pillow tightly as he brought the cane down harshly across the back of her thighs again. She cried out loudly but she didn’t move. She waited until he put the cane down before relaxing over the back of the couch. He told her to stand up and removed the ball gag out of her mouth. He hugged her tightly and she thanked him but he said that she needed to truly thank him. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to her knees where she knew what to do…
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