The Caning

Finding a comfortable, leather chair to sink into, He settled back to watch serena take charge of His hot, little slut. Letting one hand rest on his hardening cock, He sipped a cool drink and watched the two women standing face to face.

Such beauty and sensitivity, it excited Him to see His small, defiant blonde facing the sleek, sultry brunette. For now He didn’t exist, that was apparent from the engagement of the Two sets of eyes on each other…cloudy blue to flashing black. There was all of two inches between the two sets of breasts and He was pleased to see they stood nipple to nipple. Knowing His slut’s arousal at the sight of full, sensitive breasts, Master R let his palm rest on His hard on and smiled to see rem’s fingers twitching slightly at her sides.

“rem, this is serena………for now you will obey her as you would Me. Do you understand, pet?”

Without taking her eyes from serena’s wicked gaze, rem nodded and licked her lips. Her full red lips partingslightly, serena reached over and took rem by her velvet collar. Obediently, rem followed the swinging hips of the more voluptuous submissive and was led to a large, comfy chain locke that had ample room for the two women. Wickedly, serena lay back and spread her creamy thighs for Master R to enjoy the view and for the mesmerized rem to enjoy the scent.

Idly, serena began to slide her fingers down over her rounded belly, slipping them along the inner leg of her slinky, black t-back. Soft brown curls escaped around the edges and Master R could see rem lick her lips. Letting her gaze find His, serena surprised and instructed the delightfully submissive rem to lick her cunt through the fabric of the slippery t-back.

This was delicious! Watching serena’s fingers close over the back of rem’s head, pulling her down into the warmth and wetness. From His vantage point and with the help of strategically placed mirrors, Master R felt his cock harden significantly as rem’s tongue slideAlong the curve of serena’s vulva. serena lay back, spreading herself wantonly and fondled her breasts as rem buried her face. He could hear the wet, slurping sounds and felt His body response. Rising, He reached for a cane and approached His rem’s sweet ass.

“Slide that t-back off, serena, use My slut’s mouth to enjoy a first orgasm of the evening.”

As the scanty piece of fabric fell to the floor, rem’s mouth greedily covered the other submissive’s swollen, pink cunt. Gently using her fingers, she opened the petals, probing deeply with her nose and tongue, exploring serena’s sweet secrets. Standing over the two, Master R loosened the codpiece he’d wound over his cock, setting it aside. Wearing His chases and nothing else, He could see serena’s pleasure at the sight of His rigid penis.

“Take my slut’s hands, hold her tight.” Then He knelt beside His wet-faced slave and caressed her hair and face. “This will hurt. This will hurt worse than anything I’ve yet inflicted uponyou and you will take it. I’m trusting you to endure this, to put off any kind of red-light, to accept this pain as indicator of My love for you.” Kissing her eyes, He ignored the imploring look. He straightened and pushed her face down between serena’s spread legs.

“Scream if you must, scream into serena.”

Caressing her round, sweet ass, Master R checked the balance and Weight of the cane. It’s slenderness believed its bite. With deliberate movements, He gently traced invisible designs on His property’s now-unmarked flesh. He saw how rigid, how tense the little slave was and set down the cane for the moment, kneeing to massage her tension body. Cradling her breasts, squeeze her nipples and biting the back of her neck. The shudder of pleasure and fear shook her frame and He let His cock rest Between the cheats of her ass. Reaching for the cane, He held it under her tits and pulled up, letting the pressure build, letting the cane bite into the tender flesh under her soft breasts. A quick slide of His fingers down her slit told Him what He needed to know.

The little cunt was ready.

Rising, He stepped back and smiled down at serena as she held rem’s head tightly into her crotch. Starting lightly, He gently swatted her vulnerable ass, enjoying how her body jerked with each contact. Giving no warning, He let the cane slice down hard.


The muffled scream that filled serena’s hot cunt made both the submissive and the Master smile. Ignoring any feelings that He might be going too far this time, the Master trusted His own training. Each blow came down onto a new place and soon his slut’s poor ass was striped, brilliant red. It was a testament to serena’s strength and excitement, that rem’s face was never let up from its nest of public hair and juice. The screams were constant now and the victory of them driving up into serena’s open hole was making her wild; she began to hump the slut’s face.

Methodically, radically, with precision and detachment, Master R worked the evil cane up and down His suffering slut’s helpless ass and thighs. As her body compromised and the screams drained off to a low, miserable moan that finally sent serena over the edge, rem disappeared into some faraway subspace. The pain had risen to such a pitch that she could no longer tolerate it. This was exactly where He’d hoped to push her, past her tolerance and into a place of bliss. For Himself, the steady rhythm of His arm, the whoooosh of the cane, the sound it made as it made contact with her tender, bruised flesh; all this hypnotized Him and He found Himself as lost as she. The power of serena’s orgasm went unnoticed by both the Master and his property. Eventually she lay, limp and twitching, but still firmly holding the rem’s head and gently struggling her hair. As delicious as that orgasm had been, serena was jealous of where the other submissive had disappeared to and wished again for a Master such as this, loving and lustful and merciless.

The power of Master R’s strokes had been steadily increasing, the markings on rem’s ass and thighs would be there for days. The arc of pain had reached its zenith just as the Master’s arm began to tire; narrowing His eyes he brought the cane up and with swift certainty, finally bringing it down full force across the sweet spot of the now-silent slut’s ass.

And stopped.

The three remained frozen for a moment, the Master’s cock began to rise again as He refused His composition.

“Now.””, He instructed serena. Without question or hesitation, serena shoved the semi-swooning rem’s face and head up. Master R was satisfied to see rem’s eyes were glazed and unfocused. she was gone. Roughly He grabbed her by her collar and pulled her around so that she was slumped at His feet. Kneeling, He cradled her face and crooned softly to her, fondling her swollen, bruised flesh. Tenderly He rubbed healing oils into her broken, inflamed flesh and then rubbed the oils over His cock. Holding her body up so that the wounded flesh didn’t come into contact with anything that would cause more pain, Master R slid his hardness deep into the wet cunt of His slut. Still not fully conscious, rem parted her legs and gave complete access to her Master.

His heart was swelling with love even as His cock was swelling inside her. To His pride, she had taken the most brutal of beats, she had screamed, but never once did she attempt to escape or end the caning. He lovingly held her soft, compliant body close and thrust up into her, His cock finding its place deep in her body. With words of love, with tender caresses, with a steady rhythm, He began to bring her back and could tell when the tears began that she was with Him again.

As her eyes cleared, as the pain of her ass and back registered, as the extraordinary love in His eyes beamed into hers, rem relaxed in her Master’s grip and let Him drive His hardness deep into her open, plumant body. He covered her face with kisses, licking the tears and softly biting her throat, letting His body own hers. In complete compliance, his slut relaxed into His body, her sweet cunt flooded Him with wetness and then He felt her grip Him. In time to His thrusts, the loving, wounded slut used her cunt muscles to pull and grip and tug His cock deeper into her warmth. His hands were warm and slick with the oils and He held her hot, pulsing body close and drive deep into her. When she gasped at the pain of His grip, He gripped harder and grew softly into her ear.

“you are mine. you will remain mine. I have many places to take you and many lessons for you to accept. I love you with all My heart and promise to bring equal measures of bliss and pain into Our lives together.”

There was more He wanted to tell her, but His balls began to pull up, His penis seemed to swell even more deep inside her body and with breathtaking power He came, spewing and pulsing His hot load deep into her. Closing His eyes, He now disappeared and let His own consciousness ebb.

Hours later He awoke to find his sweet slut nestled into His embrace. The Master was supremely happy with His slut and His life.


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