The Camping Trip

We decided to go camping and some hiking for a week. We set up our gear and start a campfire and u go look for firewood. You come back with an armful and go for more. I stay around the site organizing setting up the tent inside with the sleeping bags and pillows and gathering wood close by.

Its been awhile and you haven’t come back. Hmmm i call out your name and no answer. I sit at the table and have a drink telling myself just be patient. I look around for some more pieces of wood to use for the fire. The wood for the fire is about gone and your not back yet. The sun is setting and it is starting to get dark.

I decide to get in the car that id feel safer. I get in and sit back and I start to relax and I feel the blindfold being put on and when i raised my hands to grab the blindfold you grab my hands and tie them. I hear the car door open and you get out the backseat and pull me out the car. You tear my clothes off. I am standing there scared shitless and no idea what’s going to happen. I ask what do you want? I say if you want money or jewelry I have neither. You don’t say anything you pull me over to a tree and with my nose to the tree you tie me to it. You start spanking me till my ass is good and pink. Then you stop spanking harder with a paddle. You untie me and you turn me around. Im begging and pleading you to stop. Trying to tell him Between my tears that you are in the woods gathering wood and you are here any minute.

You start flicking my clip. Spanking my pussy till it is singing. You start putting pegs on my tits in a circle. It must be 10 pegs. You tease my clip for a bit till I feel like I ready to cum. When I start enjoying it you stop. You start putting the pegs on the other breast. Then you tease my clip again and I feel like im going to cum you quit. And I hear nothing you just leave me like that for a few minutes allowing my mind race. You start to rubevery nose n cranny. I am thinking your just a crazy rapist. Then i hearWhat sounds like wood falling. Hear snapping and crakling. You started the fire again. How is he doing that? There was no wood left when I got into the car.

You come over and until the top half of my body so you can give me good face fucking. Then you retied my top and untied the bottom and you pull up my legs and give me a good fucking and just when im ready to cum u pull out give me a pussy spanking. You let me like that for a few minutes and I’m wondering what is he going to do to me next?

You put cuffs around my ankles. Untie the top and tie my hands. U pull me along we stop and you push my head till its touching something smooth and flat? O the picnic table. You untie my hands and tie them to the table. Im bent over at my wait. You play with my clip again and quit before i cum. You apply lube to my ass and you start playing. You insert a vib and play for awhile. Then you in sert a longer and bigger one and a lot rougher. You are spanking me. You come around and facefuck me again and then you finally fill my ass with your cock. You pull me and the ropes are digging in my wrists and you are pounding me harder and faster and pulling my hair. I feel u cumming. You spank my ass. I hear branches snapping you leaving. im thinking! Im tied to the table faced down wondering who gonna find me like this. I hear limbs snapping and twigs snapping again. OH NO! Hes coming back. Tears start rolling down my face.

I hear you call my name! You remove the blind. Try to soothe me while untying me asking of im ok giving me aftercare. Im telling you what happened and your asking do i know who it was? I said no i was blindfolded and he never said a word. Its then you tell me it was you. It was a fantasy u had. u hold and hug me kissing me. You say lets go home baby. The sun is setting and its getting darker.


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