“What’s this?” I say pulling my long silky black hair up and in a loose bun.
“I hope you like shrimp scampi, Ms. Lily,” Josh offers. He turns from the stove wearing only an apron and drops to his knees and crawls behind me. It’s six-thirty p.m. and my houseslut pushes his tongue the length of the crack of my perfectly-tight bottom all the way to small of my back.
“Don’t Leave your spottle all over these jeans,” a gentle reprimand before I turn to him and let him leave small kisses on my mound. Just two inches of jeans holds my little boy-slut worshiping my flat belly and the wisp of my groomed chamber. Like a good puppy, he waits for approval. “I have to say, on a scale of one to ten: this greeting gets a five,” I add while eyeing the stove, “Hopefully, dinner will be more satisfied.”
It has been three weeks since my young man, Josh, moved in; but it had been just under two weeks since I pulled on my strap-on and made him my sex slave. Since that first illicit night we have come to an understanding.
Although I have never had a live-in service before, I understand that it is important not to get emotionally close, but yet to keep him hard and hungry. This set up a conundrum for me. As much I love my dirty slut licking me every morning till night, I still needed some cock now more than ever. I have this open relationship with Michael, but our once every few months was turning into once every few days. Although, of course, my little houseslut couldn’t have a problem with me fucking Michael, I was more than sure Michael’s wife, Jen, would mind tremendously if she ever found out.
The day after my Josh rode my strap-on, my slut and I muddled through the next few days coming to terms the Dom/slave relationship. I was excited to come home from work and unwind with a glass of wine on the couch while Josh would entertain me on the floor with a little baby oil laying a large towel. My own little stripper gyrating and pleasure himself whileI would tease and encourage, “Mmm… that’s it. Rub that oil deep in your cock. Faster, now slower. Squeeze your cock harder for me, baby. Mmm, that’s MY slut, showing off his big swollen cock.” His newly shacked crotch straining into the ether, dying to be touched by me made my heart race.
He makes the cute facial and body expressions as he tries to hang on. Many men might shy away from this demand, but my little slut is eager to please and show off all the things his young hard body is capable of. The third night I let him cum, the other nights I did not.
With my hand in my panties, my pussy drops down my ass from watching the fine exhibition, I pull my panties to one side and motion for him to come up and suck my pussy lips and clip deep into his mouth. In my excited state it doesn’t take long to be grinding against his face in pleasure. I need only a minute to recover before I have him devour me again. Then I am off to bed, locking the door behind me.
One night,After cumming three times, I was so fucking hot I had to go off and find Michael’s magnificent cock. First, of course, I tied my little slut’s hands behind his back and set him on his knees right by the front door, so he could count the minutes while I was gone. With just my leather boots on, I throw on a long sweater that barely covered my pussy. With doleful eyes, unable to touch his scanning erection, he looked up at me. Elated, I bent down and kissed his cheek, “Is there anything I can pick up for you while I’m out — besides Michael’s seed in my pussy?”
By Thursday night I designed a new plan to torment my young stud’s cock. He didn’t perform for me that night. Instead, after dinner I leaned him over the couch and reddened his ass with my long bamboo cane. Tears of joy weld in His eyes as he thanked me again and again. “You’re taking my love so well, baby,” I tease while keeping up a constant barrier.
Next, I lay Josh across my lap on the couch, massaging the deep welts on his ass with one hand while I pull on his cock and balls with the other. He squirmed deliciously, reliving the pain while experiencing the pleasure. Then I remember how weeks ago Josh had invited his buddies over to watch a sex tape of mine, “I think your buddies would be jealous of how you played your 32 year-old landlady’s pussy, don’t you?” I then made him an offer he couldn’t Refuse.
Josh, my little slut, would now sleep in my bedroom. He could pull his mattress onto the floor by my big brass comfy bed. Every morning he is my alarm clock. Waking up first, Josh leans in from next to my bed and starts kissing my legs. He can lean on the bed but never climb in; one foot needs to remain on the floor. I lift my legs open and he slowly and gently licks my pussy.
My little slut really puts his heart and soul into taking care of every nose and cranny of my morning flavor before he moves on to slurp my clip in earnest. As soon as my middle shudders with pleasure, I begin my day. My houseslut makes my bed and then breakfast. While I sit at the breakfast table drinking my coffee and reading my paper, I like to put my feet up on Josh’s naked ass. By the time I get to the opinion page I have my foot pushing, wedding in against his perineum. It’s fun to see him try and maintain his balance while his cock grows in desperation.
From there his day is his own. He can go to school and work on His studies. I have come to love living so close to campus. My only stipulation is that he needs to leave in the morning when I do. I don’t want him hanging around the house being tempted to masturbate. So I’ve taken back my key but also his rent payment. I make it clear that he is now not only my slut but also my employee.
One morning I slipped a note into his book-bag along with a pair of my panties and the stainless emerald butt-plug, “Dear Lily’s Little Anal Whore, Wear both of these into your first class. Text me an hour into class and tell me how sexy you feel.” Right on time I received a text at ten-thirty from Josh, ‘Thank you Ms. Lily, My man-pussy is squirming all over the steel spike being pushed by the hard chair.’ I was already on my way to his campus when I texted him back, ‘You have ten minutes to make it to visitor parking, plug out, your pussy open, lubed, and clean.’
My pussy feels so fucking hot as I pull into the far end of the parking lot my Josh nervously bent into position holding onto parking sign. I didn’t say anything at first as I got out of the car wearing my sexy strap-on underneath my loosest pair of jeans. I came up behind him, taking off his coat, and reaching around roughly pulling open his khakis while ignoring his bulge in the lavender panties, “Josh, is your hole hot for me, begging for my cock, like it was that first night?” I take the back of the panties in my hand and tear them in half. Pulling my red upturned dildo out of my fly, I’m shoving into the entrance to his passage. His untouched cock pulses as he begs for my forgiveness. I laugh, “Cumming already? You know that just doubled how long and hard we need to ride your ass.”
On the car ride back to work my pants are open I’m struggling my clip beneath my leather harness. I look over into the passenger seat at the dirty dildo, reflect, and smile on how much of it my anal whore was able to take under those conditions. Stopped at a red light I close my eyes, seeing the field hockey players running by at the top of the parking lot as I pull back on my boy’s shoulders and pound his quivering body from behind. The light turns green, I step on the gas and taste my fingers, imagining Josh walking gingerly back to class still feeling my searing cock — torn, gooey panties dangling between his legs.
We usually arrive back to the house together around six. I relax while he puts on only an apron and make dinner. After we eat together (so far he is an excellent cook) if I’m not going out, I meet him in the living room. For an hOur or two I read or watch TV. I like stories where the Femme Fatale gets exactly what she deserves. My little whore has no hard duties during this time except to remain my little eye-candy, bare-ass on the floor. The only requirement is that he grips an anal plug, small, medium, large, or XL if I’m feeling particularly generous. So far, Josh usually ends up lying on his side curled around my feet.
Before bed I have him draw a bath, it helps me to sleep. From outside the tub Josh is allowed to stroke his cock without result as he gives me a sponge bath. After he towels me off, I lean over the side of my bed and from his knees my who goes to work. With his tongue he makes the sweetest love to my asshole. Licking me long, circling my anal ring and then pushing his soft thick tongue oh so deep until I can’t help but reach down and stroke my clip. Climaxing with a slave’s soft intruding tongue up my tiny aesthetic is a pleasure, I’m certain, of which I will never tire.
As a bonus, that first night with both my hands I spread my ass for him and let him quickly jerk off, first. His pent up boy juice hit the crack of my ass like a cannon. It took him all of about 15 seconds. As if licking an ice cream cone in July, I revealed at how carefully my Josh licked up his runny cream.
That’s it. All he has to do cook and clean and constantly serve me orally, sexually, Unquestionably, and he can live at the foot of my bed. So far, I’ve let him cum twice the first week and once the second week. By the Saturday of the second week I was ready to push his limits.
After morning service and breakfast I took him shopping. The first place we go to is the piercing parlor. I could tell that he was deeply panicked and embarrassed as I told the clerk that my “sex slave” wanted to get both His nipples pierced. I turned to Josh and cupped his cheese, “As you know, I was thinking of getting my nipples pierced, but this is much better. You take this painful part for me and then we can both enjoy them.” I squeezed his hand tight during the procedure. He thanked me for going through it with him. Then it is on to Victoria Secret before home.
“My nipples hurt beyond belief, Ms. Lily,” my Josh whiles in the car ride home while holding his shirt from his skin.
“Josh, you’re sounding rather ungrateful! Is that really something a good slave would say?” I reprimand, frustrated.
“Thank you, Ms. Lily. You’re right. The more sensitive my nipples, my body, the more sensitive I am to you needs,” Josh says palming his own breast as if to get use to the pain. Just watching him is making me wet.
When we get home I take him straight into the living room. I decided that I had stared at his thick hairless cock long enough. I know I have all night if necessary and I am going to take my time. This would be the first time Josh’s cock will enter my pussy so I want to be sure of a couple of things. First, that he would have to endure. For my slut, there would be equal portions of pleasure and pain. And second, that it would be the fuck of his life. After this, he would never have the strength of will to leave me — even if I decided to never give him my pussy again.
From my living room, on either side of my sliding glass doors, I have a two big cast iron hooks from which two large plants hang. This day, however, my Josh will be hanging in between. First, I have him bend over and spread his hairless ass for me. I grease up my six inch utility vibrator. Josh takes the vibrator like a pro. “Thank you, Ms. Lily,” repeats my anal slut as I twist it in. Picking out a cute pair of lacy red panties I had bought for him, I pull them up over his bottom and his growing cock.
I’m taking care to tie each wrist high with a long silk scarf to the top of each iron arm. My pussy is so excited as I tighten the bonds and make my boy slut more and more helpless. I put on his neck the thick leather collar, a ball-gag, and a dark blindfold over hiseyes. Then I pull open the long draws to the condo courtyard. With the late afternoon sun hitting my terrace, I’m chuckling at my Josh’s prediction, on display, his ass in the frilly French-cut panties to anyone and everyone who might happen by. Between his painfully sensitive nipples and his stuffed, vibrating ass, my slut’s vital swollen cock is standing straight out, pushing out the front of his panties.
I am so fucking hot and bothered I decided to go to the bedroom and lay down for a little bit. When I am sufficiently calm I make a couple of necessary phone calls. Then I pick up a non-sexual magazine, Garden and Guns, and try to calm myself, before getting back into it.
Twenty minutes and two magazines later, I’m just starting to formulate how to use my whore for my optical value. I’m picking out the perfect black nylons with pretty darker lace that hold them up to top of my thighs. Picking out my favorite pair of black, dressy, strappy heels and fuck! The doorbellrings! With nothing else on I throw on a white dress shirt of my houseslut’s and head for the door. When I open it there is Michael and his wife, Jen!
Although at five foot-two, Jen is much shorter than either Michael or myself, at the moment every inch of her seem powerful. Michael has his head down in fear and shame.
“Hey Jen, hey Michael, this is a pleasant surprise. I Haven’t seen you two since the Thompsons New Year’s Eve Party.” I stammer wondering what the hell this is all about. Suddenly, I’m feeling wonderfully slutty as I realize the shirt tails do not really cover the tops of my sexy nylons.
“Really, Lily? Is that so? Because Michael says, the reason I’m here is, Michael says he was over here a couple of weeks ago, filming you having sex with some young man you are seeing?” Jen accuses.
“Ummm. Is that what he said?” I answer, trying to play it smart while kinky thoughts race through my head. Such as, the numerous times Michael has told me the drawbacks of sex with Jen. For one, her inability to take his whole prodigious cock in her pussy, and forget anal.
Michael chimes in trying to cover, “Yeah. Jen thinks we’re having an affair. So I told her about you and your boyfriend, and the thing you asked me to do for you.”
Obviously, Michael wants me to cover his ass and keep the truth from coming out. That it was, in fact, he and I having sex while Josh was the one holding the camera. I decided to fight back with a little quasi truth of my own and knock them both off balance.
“Actually, Jen, I really wouldn’t say I’m seeing a young man. I would say, I’ve taken on a live-in employee or sex slave, and yes, Michael did film us having sex [lie], but the young man wasn’t fucking me, I was fucking him with my strap-on.” I answer her trying to sound earnest, as I feel a breeze come through the front door and tighten my nipples beneath the white shirt.
“So you asked my husband to film you fucking some guy in the ass?” JenAsks confused, turning to Michael, “And you did this?”
“Yeah. Ummm. I didn’t want to tell you about all of it. And, but, if Lily wants to tell you about it that’s up to her.” Michael lying through his teeth now, as only a man can.
At first, Jen stands silent contemplating her options, “Well, this is all a little strange, the whole thing. But, Lily do you think I could come in verify that he made this video?” With still a lilt in her voice that she knows her husband is still lying about something.
“You want to come in and watch my sex tape? Watch me, dressed in leather, sodomize some college boy? Can you handle that?”
“You don’t think I’ve ever seen a dildo before? Or your naked backside, Lily? You’ve been sure to flaunt that little butt of yours at every neighborhood pool party since you moved here.” Jen answers indignantly.
“Well Jen, this is my Saturday. And you may have noticed, all I plan to have on is my heels and my ‘fuck-me’ nylons. And I should caution you, my housemate, my college boy, is in the living room, waiting obediently to please that little butt of mine and my fake cock.” I reply as I play with the hem of the shirt exposing a little of my cunt.
“After you,” Jen.
With my guests following, I drop the shirt behind my high heels. I’m walking down the hall as if on a tight-rope to use my ass to full affect. The day’s sun sits low in the open space behind my building as we enter the spectacle that is my living room. My v-shaped stud, his lats and abs hold his ribs, hangs in the space of the natural light, casting a pall upon the room and the married couple.
I’m saying nothing at first, but walking over to the mantle above the fire place and lighting two candles, at one end a blue vase, the other end a red vase that sends a pink glow on my nipples. The silence is only broken by the muffled humming noise coming from my whore’s ass.
“I would like to accommodate you now, Jen. But I’m afraid if I don’t letmy employee down soon he may sue me for unfair working conditions.” I say with my back turned to the couple as I’m going over to my creation. I notice his drool down the ball gag and on his chin. The first thing I reach is his cock and I’m squeezing it very very hard through the panties. I’m running my hands up his torso, and holding up his exhausted arms for him. My good little slut, still blindfolded, is lifting his head curious and embarrassed, no doubt, at the sound of others in the room.
Through the panties a wet stripe runs, following the length of his thick leaking cock. “My beautiful cock, an hour later, still pointing 70 degrees,” I say. In reaction to my hand the shiny head jerks over the waist band. I’m smiling at the nervous couple. “Can Michael’s cock still do that?”
“It works o.k., Lily, although I have a hunt you already know,” Jen answers softer than before. With the blue glow behind her long blond curls and round face, perfectly matching her full breastsand soft curves, it is all I can do by not crossing the floor and putting her over my knee. Instead, I slide my hand into the back my boy’s lacy panties and try to work the vibrator loose. Like a tack or a nail, it doesn’t want to come, and I must work it side to side first and then give it a long slow pull.
“My dirty little who doesn’t want to give the vibrator up from his greedy pussy. Fuck, do I Need a pliers, or, the cane?” I tell my boy-slut as he panics and tries to arch his back to accommodate me. With most of it out I turn the vibrator off, and then push it back in until he can grip it again. The panties have slide off his cock entirely now and just wraps his balls and cup his ass. His ass looks so delicious. The welfares from the week before are almost completely gone. I can’t help but strike his ass with my open hand. His arms twist in his bonds while he tries to be a worthy and sticking his ass out for me.
Slap seven, then eight, I’m forgetting about everything else, then Jen interrupts, “Can we see the video, now?” She moves over to the TV console and eyes my recording equipment.
I give my boyslut three more and then stop. “I’ll tell you what, Jen,” with my best Cheshire cat grin while I run my hands over my Josh and tug on his sensitive nipples by the rings, “We can put the video on, but I need Michael to capture the cinematic moment over here before I let this tired young man down. Nobody quite holds a camera like Michael.”
Jen, is obviously conflicted, and doesn’t say a word as she holds the video for a few seconds and then puts it in the player. Michael hesitates, then take the camera and moves closer. Michael, I can tell is already storing an erection through his pants and needs no further encouragement. He starts filming me while Jen sits down on an ottoman close to the TV and begins to watch.
I slowly straighten my nylons giving the cameraman the view of my long, lean legs and pussy. A pleasure he’s had many times in his past four years of infidelity. With Jen’s back turned, I tease Michael sliding my index finger into my pussy and then bring it up to his lips. He looks quickly to see if Jen is watching and then licks it clean.