The Camgirl Pt. 13: Lust-Drunk

XIII: Blake

Blake needed to get fucked. Hard. The ball of frustration she had suppressed all week had become almost unbearable, even more so with two shots she had taken warming her stomach and the plug in her ass.

The loud, thumbing music of the club helped to drop out Blake’s thoughts as she walked towards the dance floor, but by the time she was among the mass of swinging, gyrating bodies, she could have sworn her pussy had started pounding with the bass.

For a moment, Blake looked around to try and find a partner, but remembering how well that had worked out last time, she just chose a group of girls to approach and swwayed to the music, eyes closed.

Blake knew someone would approach her soon—she had made sure of that—and at a gay club, she felt a bit safer acting so brazen.

Blake had wanted to stand out tonight. She’d picked a short sparkling white dress that clung to her like a second skin and hurt no bra or panties underneath. The matchingheels she’d chosen made her ass and legs damn fine, and she’d pulled her hair back in a tight pony tail that lay over her shoulder. She wanted to go home with someone tonight and fuck until they passed out. She needed that.

Though she had taken Chloe’s advice and not thought of Liam while playing with herself at all this week, Blake’s pussy had chosen to be very uncooperative. Blake hadn’t cum since the blonde at the club had fingered her the weekend before. She’d faked it during her show, making the stupid noises pornstars and those convulsing camgirls often made when they “came,” and on Wednesday she’d tried so hard to make herself cum that her pussy was still a little sore.

Blake’s pent-up arousal, combined with her hazy thoughts and the music’s beat that seemed to thrum in her dripping pussy, caused her to moan when a pair of hands grabbed her hips and pulled her back against a feminine pelvis. Eyes shooting open, Blake whirled around and found herself grinning up at awell-tanned brunette with green eyes.

“Hey,” Blake breathed, surprised at the husky tone of her own voice.

The brunette smiled back at her, pressing her hips into Blakes and grinding, “Hey.”

Blake barely stifled another moan at the contact and wrapped her arms around the taller girl’s neck as she gazed up into eyes as lust-filled as she felt. The girl bit her lip and looked Blake up and down languorously, lips curling into a smile when her eyes came back to meet Blake’s once more. Blake did the same and felt her pussy throb as she took in her dance partner’s appearance. This girl wasn’t as curvy as Blake usually preferred, but she was toned. Muscles rippled and showed with sweat on shaped thighs, and Blake’s hands traced a lean figure and trim wait before cupping a firm ass under the girl’s little black dress. The girl’s tits weren’t huge, but decent for how athletic she was. Blake could already imagine licking sweat off the girl’s taut stomach.

As Blake’s gaze returned to the brunette’s, she opened her mouth, but the taller girl grabbed Blake by the ass and moved her so that one of her thighs was between Blake’s legs. A moan escaped Blake’s lips as the girl pulled Blake’s hips down onto her thigh.

Blake’s dress rode up and her pussy made contact with that taut skin, her juices lubricating it as her hips began gyrating on their own.

Blake felt slim fingers trace her jaw and realized that her hands were locked around the back of the girl’s neck, her head pressed against the girl’s chest. Blake looked up at the brunette for a moment before the taller girl leaned down. Her breath felt hot and wet on Blake’s ear when she spoke.

“You’re not wearing anything under that dress, are you?”

Blake shook her head with a whimper, and was met with a low, husky chuckle.

“Grind on me then, but you have to clean off whatever mess you make on my leg. I want to see you lick your fingers clean.”


The word came out half-breath, half-moan as Blake’s arousal spiked, and her hips began moving faster.

The brunette laughed again, and Blake felt the girl began to straighten. Before she could do so completely, Blake tugged back on her neck so that she could put her lips to the girl’s ear.

“I’ll lick it off your leg if you take me home and fuck me after,” Blake breathed.

The brunette let out a low chuckle, and a moment later her lips were crushed against Blake’s. A muffled moan escaped Blake’s throat as she ground harder against the other girl’s leg. A dim part of Blake’s mind wondered what she was doing—she had never done anything like this before—but she shut it up and continued her oral duel with the other girl. Blake couldn’t even tell if she was kissing well anymore, her head was so clouded with arousal. It was all she could do to even respond to the brunette’s mouth as the other girl nipped and sucked at all the right places.

Then the brunette’s hands were back on Blake’sass, kneeing and squeezing as she pulled Blake harder against her thigh. Blake moaned again—this time half-in surprise—as the end of her plug pressed against the brunette’s leg for a moment, lighting up the nervous-endings in her ass.

Fuck, I need that again. Blake hadn’t realized how needed her ass was. She’d forgetten how fucking good it felt to have someone really stimulate her pumped starfish.

Adjusting her hips, Blake ground more inevitably against the brunette’s thigh, ensuring both her pussy and ass got enough stimulation.

The taller girl broke their kiss with a gasp. A low, throaty laugh followed, “Shit, do you have something in your ass?”

Blake nodded, whimpering, eyes hazy as she gazed up at the brunette. Why had she stopped kissing her? Blake’s mouth Suddenly felt so empty. She needed something in or on it.

“Damn,” the girl breathed, squeezing Blake’s ass harder, “You’re a needy little slut, aren’t you?”

The slur stung, but only for a moment. Blake was too far gone at this point to care, and any pain the word brought washed away as Blake whimpered again, nodding as she stretched her lips toward the other girls.

The brunette must have seen the desperation in Blake’s eyes, because she smiled, then ducked in and captured Blake’s lips once more. Blake responded immediately this time, sucking on the taller girl’s lips, nipping and nibbling, painting the girl’s lips with her tongue. She had needed this. Needed it so much.

Blake moaned into the brunette’s mouth again, eyes going wide as the plug’s base pressed hard against her asshole. Her gaze met the taller girl’s, and she found a satisfied, different pair of eyes looking back at her.

Blake could only star spellbound, hands clutching at the girl’s shoulders, as the brunette pumped her finger’s against Blake’s plug, stimulating her asshole while Blake ground her clip against the girl’s tigh. Eventually Blake could no longer meet the girl’s gaze andFound herself gasping with her head pressed into the brunette’s shoulder.

“Are you close?” The brunette’s husky voice asked.

A strange sound somewhere between a whimper and a moan escaped Blake’s lips as she nodded.

“Bite down on my shoulder if you need to.”

Blake was about to ask what the girl means, when her thigh suddenly broke contact with Blake’s pussy. Blake whimpered—almost grown—at the loss of contact, then moaned into the brunette’s shoulder as a fingerprint brushed against her slick lower lips, then dipped between them. Blake’s pussy pressed tight around that finger, making it feel twice as big to Blake, but otherwise, the slim digit met no resistance. Then it curled upward and began moving in and out. A moment later a thumb pressed down firmly on Blake’s clip and began working the nub in slow circles. Blake found herself clutching the brunette’s black dress, moaning into her shoulder. A passing thought of what she must have looked like, how embarrassed she should be, skimmed over the ball of lust her mind had become, then vanished, leaving only the arousal and pleasure brought by the brunette’s fingers.

“Close?” The taller girl asked.

Blake thought she made some form of answer.

“I’ll let you cum once you tell me how you’re going to make this up to me once we get back to my place.”

Blake half-growled in frustration. Now was no time for her to try and make words come out of her mouth! But she wanted to cum so bad.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” Blake managed in between gasps, “I’ll eat your pussy until you pass out, after you pass out if you want, I’ll eat your ass, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, please just let me cum.”

That part of Blake that had been stuffed into the back of her mind, crushed by the mountain of lust and sexual frustration that had built up over the last week, told her she shouldn’t be saying things like that, but Blake didn’t care. She just needed to cum.

“How do I know you’ll still be as…enthusiastic after I let you cum?” The brunette asked. Suddenly her fingers were pulling away from Blake’s sopping pussy.

“No,” Blake whimpered, “I won’t. I promise. Please! Please just—”

Blake cut off with a gasp as the brunette pinched one of Blake’s nipples, hard.

“I’ve decided I don’t want to risk it,” the girl said, “You’re a fun little slut, and I don’t live that far away, but the walk back and the cold air might be enough to cool you down.”

Her hand’s pulled away completely and Blake whimpered again. Then a wet finger was pressing at her lips. Blake let it into her mouth and began sucking her juices off the fingerprint, cleaning it with her tongue before she realized what she had done. She gazed up, wide-eyed at the brunette, who gazed back at her with a mocking smile, then pushed the finger deeper into Blake’s mouth. That would have been a problem if she’d had a gag reflex.

“I’ll give you a choice,” the brunette said, “Either you get down on your knees, right here in the middle of all these people, and lick your juices directly off my tight to prove how much of a slut you’ll be for me tonight, and I’ll make you cum before taking you home with me, or we leave now, and I’ll make you cum with my strapon once we’re back in my room.”

Blake moaned around the brunette’s finger at the images that ran through her brain, then whimpered. She wanted to cum. She wanted to cum so bad, but she couldn’t be so public. She’d likely already attracted too many eyes tonight.

With a growl, she freed her mouth of the brunette’s fingers and met her gaze. Those eyes killed that growl, however, and made her pussy pulse. Those eyes promised Blake that she would cum, and cum hard.

“Let’s go to your place,” Blake said, surprised at the lust thick in her voice.

The brunette grinned, then brought the fingerprint back down and Blake felt the digit brush against her thighs before it reappeared in front of her face, glistening with a bit of cream on it.

“You’ve still got a mess to clean up first,” the brunette said.

Blake’s mind grew even hazier, and her pussy threatened to exploit as she licked her juices and cum off the girl’s finger, her own taste and heady scent filling her senses.

A/N: So Blake can be a domme, but she likes to be subby sometimes, and it’s really hot when it happens with the right person. Did you enjoy this as much as I did? Major Sploosh 😛 <3


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