The Call Ch. 03

Staci was silent as we continued our journey. There was such a look of worship in her eyes towards me when I finally removed her blindfold; I wondered if she would ever speak to me unbidden again.

“How do you like your new jewelry?” I asked. It would have been stupid to ask her if she was sore.

“They are beautiful. You do not know how much they mean to me, but then again, you probably do.”

“They highlight your natural beauty.”

Staci sat there quietly feeling the discomfort of the piercings, yet at the same time thrilled to her deepest depths. Never had she imagined being with someone strong enough to do such a thing to her. In less than a day, Mark had already satisfied more of her desires than all of her previous lovers. She just hoped her dark desires to be completely dominated and subjugated to pain would not be too much for him.

Delving within her own mind as to what the future might hold for her, the rhythm of the moving vehicle lulled her into a contented sleep. The slightly reclined seat cradle her small form, keeping her from slipping to the floor. The morning sun brought out the golden hues in her hair, which some how seemed to sparkle, matching the sparkle of the rings in her exposed nipples. Soft smells echoed within the vehicle, sounds of an individual who has lapsed into a restful sleep.

He enjoyed the view of her gently rising chest as he drove to their next destination. Some would probably think him weak for letting her sleep, but he knew they were wrong. He wanted her rested and at her very best. How else would she be able to provide him with the very best service possible? Only a fool would fail to properly care for his sub, thereby limiting her ability to be everything for him.

As they pulled into the parking area of ​​their next destination, the unevenness of the driveway was enough to wake her. Raising her arms above her head, she stretched gracefully. Her arching back proudly displayed her full breaststo him and anyone else who might have been looking their way. Shamelessly, she brought her hands down to cup her own breasts. Deliberately, she rotated the rings in her nipples, relishing the sting of the movement in her still very tender flesh.

Shaking his head in amusement, he speak to her. “Quit playing with yourself and get your clothes buttoned up. We have some shopping to do. Afterwards, we will go to lunch.”

“Yes sir,” she replied with a shy smile.

As we walked down the street, she followed slightly behind me, heeling me as best she could. Unfortunately, the crowdedness of the sidewalk made it almost impossible, but I had to give her credit for trying. People almost seemed surprised to see her small form behind me as my large form knifed through the living sea of ​​people. It has always amazed me how people instinctively seem to get out of my way.

I remember bringing it up in a psychology class once I had taken several years ago. The teacher, an older woman, had looked me straight in the eyes and uttered the word “power” to me.

“You radiate power. People react to the confidence you project without even realizing you are projecting it. Just as they are inclined to accept your suggestions since they instinctively feel you are there to lead them.”

The discussion had gone on for the whole hour as the entire class discussed individuals of history who must have possessed such charisma. While I knew I wasn’t in the league of any of history’s greats, I did start to notice when individuals deferred to me. It amazing me how often people turned to me for suggestions on topics I knew next to nothing about. Many times I was tempted to capitalize on opportunities which were offered to me. However, I like to be able to look at myself in the mirror and not be ashamed of my actions.

Of course, many people would consider the way I had used Staci as a good reason to not be able to look at myself in the mirror, but not me. To me it was as natural as rain falling from the sky or the changing of the seasons. My dominance over her reflected the natural order of nature. After all, the majority of animal species on our planet existed in the same type of hierarchy.

Staci almost ran into my back as I abruptly stopped in front of a simple wooden door received in the solid red brick wall. The only thing on the door was the name, “PAMELA’S”. One would have to be informed to have any idea of ​​the wares which the owner offered for sale. As the shop occupied the basement, a flight of stairs going downward was the only thing visible to other passersbys on the street. A second door at the bottom of the steps simply read, “PAMELA’S INTIMATE ITEMS”.

Staci followed me quietly as I pushed the door open. The simple sound of her increased breathing rate made it quite clear she was Very excited about where we were at. The whole room was filled with displays of clothes for the sexually minded to wear. In all of my years of shopping, I had never found another shop which offered as large of a selection. If it existed on the market, it was probably here.

“Hello, my name is Jenny,” the sales clerk introduced herself to me. “How may I be of service to you today, sir?” She did not talk to Staci. She could tell immediately as to what our relationship was by the way we had entered the shop.

“My girl is in need of whole new wardrobe benefiting her station. I want a wide variety of colors and materials. I expect her apparel to be functional while accenting her natural charms.”

“Yes sir,” the clerk replied.

“Follow Jenny and do as she tells you,’ I commanded Staci. “Make sure you address her properly.”

“Yes sir,” Staci replied this time.

The clerk never asked how much I was willing to spend. You didn’t shop at PAMELA’S if money was a concern. You shopped here for the quality and variety offered.

“Come along girl, we will start in the bra and panty section and move our way up to more sophisticated clothing from there,” commanded the clerk.

“Yes mistress.”

With Staci in the skilled hands of the clerk, I moved across the room to another simple wooden door made of oak. Behind it was where I would do my shopping. There was no name on this door for the items offered behind it might offend some members of the community who might by chance come down to the clothing area.

“My name is Angela,” into a young lady as I was greeted by the sales clerk of the second room after I came through the door. “May I be of assistance to you?”

“Yes you may. You may carry my purchases for me.”

“Yes sir.”

For almost two hours she carried my items to the packaging location for me. There was an association of cuffs, body harnesses, body binding materials, and chains to start with. Then we moved on to the whip section, adding several different styles to my pile. Various types of nipple and body clamps soon followed. My new inventory grow by a dozen moreItems in the probe section as I picked through the selection covering a whole wall. Finally, my last item was a simple collar for her to always wear in my presence.

All of my purchases were packaged for me by the time I had picked out the collar. In addition, the clothes picked out by Staci and Jenny was also packaged and ready to go. Signing the sales slip, I handed my keys to the clerk and gave her a description of my vehicle and where I was parked. The store’s sales staff would see to the loading of my purchases while I went and had lunch. They would then bring me my keys at the restaurant. It was a special service they offered to their customers.

“Come along girl, I’m hungry.”

Leaving the store at a brisk pace, we walked the two blocks to the restaurant. A quaint Italian place, it offered private booths and great food.

“A booth in the back,” I informed the hostess.

“This way then sir,” she replied.

The lighting was low with just enough illumination at the table surface to see what you were eating. It was ideal for what I had in mind.

“Your waitress will be with you momentarily,” she continued after seating us.

I had moved to the back of the circular booth to sit with my back against the wall. This way I could see anyone coming towards us. Staci had followed me around the booth seat to sit next to me. Putting my hand on her shoulder, I pushed down on her shoulder and said the word “down” to her.

Silently she did as I commanded, allowing my hand on her shoulder to guide her in the direction I wanted her to travel. Her small size made it easy for her to knee under the table as I directed her into position. Eventually, she caught on to what I wanted of her and quickly knelt between my slightly spread thighs. Deftly, her nimble fingers unzipped me so she could work my rigid staff free of its confinement.

The waitress was walking towards us, but I was certain that Staci’s dark clothes and the low lightingwould make it almost impossible to spot her under the table. I was correct when the waitress spoke.

“I thought there were two of you, sir.”

“There are. My date is occupied at the moment and will return momentarily. We will each have the special of the day and the matching recommended wine.”

“Yes sir. Would you like your wine now or with the meal?”

“With the meal.”

“As you wish sir, it should be out in about five minutes or so.”

“That will be fine.”

Staci in the meanwhile had taken the head of my cock into her mouth to suckle on it. Her tongue was swirling around it, providing me with wonderful feelings of pleasure. However, time was not on my side and I wanted immediate physical relief.

Using my right hand, I pushed the back of her head towards my groin. Inch by inch my cock disappeared into her mouth. Even when I feel her gag as the head found the back of her mouth, I kept on pushing right into her throat. I could feel her throat muscles constricting around the head as she worked her throat to swallow my intruding member. Realizing she needed to breathe, and she was still basically unskilled, I allowed her head back up after only about thirty seconds.

Repeating the cycle over and over again, I slowly face fucked her while I waited for the food to come. Luckily, the excitement of the morning’s activities had primed me well. Just as the waitress was coming with our food, I was cumming deep in Staci’s throat.

“Shall I leave your date’s food since she hasn’t come back yet?”

“Yes. She will be back any minute.”

“As you wish sir, I will be back in a few minutes to see if you need anything else.”

Drained for the time being, I allowed Staci to finish draining me as she cleaned my cock thoroughly with her mouth. With the waitress walking away from us, she finished putting my now deflated member back into my pants and zipped me up. Quickly, she moved back into her seat as she readjusted her own clothes. Smiling at me, she licked her lips as she went to work on the second course of her lunch.

“Forgive me for doubting you sir,” the waitress apologized to as she refilled our wine glasses later. “But, I was beginning to have my doubts if anyone was actually with you. Will there be anything else?”

“No, just the check. I am in a hurry to get home. It’s been a long day.” I could see the package deliverer bringing my keys to me even as we spoke.

“I will be right back with it.”

Accepting my keys from the delivery boy, I tipped him generally even though it wasn’t necessary. My day was going exceptionally well, and I knew he would appreciate it, so why not improve his day too. Leaving money for the waitress with the bill, Staci and I made our way back to the vehicle. I was eager to get back home.


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