It was around 9 pm on Friday and Adam had just gotten off his shift. Before heading home, Adam decided to stop and grab something to eat. He knew of a restaurant close by that wasn’t in but near the red light district that was close to his apartment. So he got into his car and started heading towards the red light district. However, once he got on Cherry street he stopped and parked outside The Cage. Adam got out of his car and walked in. He went up to the receptionist and asked table for one. The receptionist led him through the restaurant and placed him in a booth near the back. The cafe was mostly empty except for the occasional staff working there. Adam sat down at his booth and waited for someone to come serve him.
One waitresses came out from the back and started heading towards Adam. She was outfitted from head to toe. Her costume contained black high heels that gleamed at every stroke of light. From there, her legs were covered in tight-fit tan legs that led up to aStrapless black body suit beginning around her short, pump wait. It jutted out from her crutch getting bigger as it climbed up her body and ended below her shoulders while exposing a decent amount of cleavage. White cufflets were wrapped around her wrists that she seemed to be pulling up as she walked towards Adam’s table. To top it all off was a pair of black bunny ears running through her wavy, brown hair that matched her gem brown eyes. As she walked, she crossed one foot over the other and took a step forward seductively; her whole body bobbing up and down with each step. As she got closer, she began to bite her lip and made eye contact. Finally she reached Adam’s table. She took a pen out from behind her air and pressed the button and put the back of the pen to her bottom lip.
“Heeelllooo, my name’s Dominique, can I get you started with a drink?” The waitress said giggling at her own rhyme as if she’d just thought of it.
But Adam was speechless; he was so awestruckby Dominique’s stunningness that he forget to order his drink. Mostly, he was so focused on Dominique’s behind as once he caught a glimpse of her cute, little white cottontail he couldn’t avert his eyes from her small, round tush. Dominique took notice of this.
“Oh? Did something catch your eye?” Dominique said turning around as if to find something that had caught Adam’s attention. But she knew where Adam was looking. As she had her back turned, Dominique subtly shook her ass side to side mesmerizing Adam.
Adam finally snapped out of it.
“Oh oh it’s nothing. Could I do a cocktail please?” Adam asked.
“Ooooo a cocktail for the handsome man coming right up.” Dominique said brushing her hand over Adam’s shoulder. Now she wasn’t even hiding her flirtatious habitures, but they were working as Adam began feeling incredibly horny.
Dominique walked back to the kitchen making sure to jiggle her tail end at Adam. She placed the order for one cocktail and then headedback to Adam’s table. Once she came back, she leaned over and locked eyes.
“Is there any special treatment I can do for you?” Dominique said with a wink as she ran her hand down Adam’s chest and towards his pants.
“Uhh, not particularly. What about the cocktail?” Adam said trying to distract from Dominique’s advance.
“Oh don’t worry, we have another special waitress who’s going to come serve you.” Dominique said teasingly as she ran her hand over Adam’s crotch.
“One cocktail for Adam!” a mature voice shouted.
Adam looked over and couldn’t believe what he saw. There was another woman, a little taller than Dominique, dressed in the same costume except red instead of black. She was also blonde with a set of baby blue eyes. She walked up towards Adam and Dominique leaned back up.
“Hello, my name’s Alexa. You must be Adam?” she said.
“Y-yes, th-that would be me.” Adam said.
“Aww, he stuttered. You tend to have that effect.” Dominique quipped.
“Don’t discount yourself, your just as stunning.” Alexa responded adoringly.
Adam was trying to maintain composition throughout their exchange.
“Could I see that cocktail now please?” Adam said once again trying to distract himself. However Alexa had also taken notice of his eagerness.
“Oh of course, anything for the handsome young man.” Alexa said setting down the cocktail.
“You know, we can offer you more than just a cocktail. We could show you a good time.” Alexa said. Adam was now rock hard and could barely hold on to himself.
“Wh-wh-what’s that supposed to mean?” Adam said as he took a swig from the cocktail glass. He felt like one single touch of a finger and he would explode.
“Hehe” they both giggled.
“Let us show you.” Dominique said climbing on to Adam’s lap.
Adam couldn’t resist anymore and gave in to his urges. Dominique sat on Adam’s lap facing him making sure to place her crotch over his cock. She placed her hands againt the side of the booth behind Adam and began thrusting forward trailing her self over Adam’s excited member. As Dominique continued her grind, Adam let out a little moan causing her to bring her lips to his and begin making out. Just as the two we’re getting into the heat of the moment, Alexa tugged on Adam’s collar. Adam glanced up.
“You know, if you come with us, we can show you an Even better time.” Alexa said with a wink while twirling handcuffs around her finger. Adam said yes and put out his arms. Dominique backed off and allowed Alexa to place Adam into handcuffs.
Adam stood up; his heart racing. They began walking away from the booth and into another room. Adam couldn’t wait for the fun he would have once the handcuffs were removed. They entered a hallway and the girls began teasing him.
“You’re a very naughty boy Adam.” Alexa says.
“You’re cock must be soo hard right now.” Dominique adds on.
“Don’t worry, we have a very special way to deal with you.” Alexa says in her most semiconductor voice.
Adam was going insane. He kept trying to lower his hands to his cock but the handscuffs restraint him. Dominique noticed and began rubbing her hand over Adam’s member causing him to moan.
“Teehee, you’re so cute when you moan.” Dominique said.
“Domi please, you have to wait before the real pleasure begins.” Alexa responded.
Dominique picked her hand up off of Adam’s crotch making him go crazy.
“No please put your hand back.” Adam begged.
“Sorry, got to listen to her orders.” Dominique retaliated. Although Adam knew she was just doing it to tease him even more.
They finally reached the end of the hallway. At the end is a stainless steel metal door. Behind the door is room brightly painted red. On the left corner from the entrance is a rack containing all kinds of outfits: slutty cops, dominatrix outfits, and of course more bunny costumes. Diagonally across is a table that’s holding all kinds of toys such as paddles, whips, candles, etc. More towards the center of the room is a couch, chair, and bed all with their own unique set of restraints. Finally, against the back wall is a decently sized human cage. The three of them get to the middle of the room and stop.
“Stay here.” Alexa says.
Both girls started heading towards the table, and Adam in handcuffs was beginning to get a but more concerned about what’s happening.
“So when are these handscuffs going to come off?” Adam inquired trying to deescalate.
“Oh did you think they were coming off?” Dominique retaliated.
“We’ve been looking for a naughty boy like you to make our slave.” Alexa said.
Just then Adam had noticed what the girls were grabbing from the table: Strap-ons. Dominique was putting on a long, black one that was relatively small in girl while Alexa was grabbing a purple short, strap on that made up for it with it’s girl. Adam gulped. He turned around and ran for the door, but it had alreadyy was locked and there was no other exit outside the room.
“M-m-m, where do you think your going naughty boy.” Alexa said.
“Please stop. I didn’t ask for this. Why are you doing this?!” Adam tried to defend himself.
“For business. If we can get a man to do what we do, then we can bring in more customers.” Dominique said approaching Adam from behind and Suddenly pulling down his pants and exposing his erect penis.
“Oh it looks like your cock even wants in.” Alexa said walking over and rubbing her heel over Adam’s cock.
“Please stop.” Adam pled.
We’re going to break you in, and we’re going to start with your holes.” Alexa said as she went in and gave Adam the most seductive kiss. Just then she gives Adam a swift kick in his groin and sends him to his knees.
“Ungh.” Adam grunts.
“It’s much easier when they’re on the ground.” Dominique said.
Dominique began applying lube to her strap on. She started by taking a big blob in her right hand and rubbing up and down her shake.
“Your ass is just begging for my cock.” Dominique moans.
While this is happening, Alexa takes Adam and positions him on all fours.
Adam still hasn’t recovered from the pain.
Dominique put some lube on her finger and started rubbing it around Adam’s asshole. After a minute, of applying lube, she lunged her finger into Adam.
“AH!” Adam moaned.
“Oh? It looks like he likes this, doesn’t it Alexa?” Dominique said.
“Mhmm I knew he was a whore Domi. He’ll make a fine addition.” Alexa responded.
“What does that mean?” Adam said gasping.
“It means shut up and take this you whore!” Dominique said slamming her cock into Adam’s asshole. She began slowly bringing her hips back and thrusting forward. As she picked up speed until she was fully fucking Adam in the back she would give him the occasional spank. Adam didn’t think he would like this, but he was actually very enjoying it.
“No, pleasese, sto-ooh fuck.” Adam said.
“Mhmm you like this don’t you?” Dominique said.
“Yes, I mean no, I mean ooooh.” Adam tried speaking but the unexpected pleasure from being fucked was enormous.
“You like this don’t you? You’ve dreamed of being toyed with by women, you dirty slut.” Alexa said sternly.
“You wish you could always take our cocks, don’t you?” She added.
Between Alexa’s humiliating banter and Dominique’s thrusting, Adam could feel himself succumb to them.
“Yes, yes, YES, I give in, I feel so good.” Adam said quaking.
“That’s a good boy.” Dominique said.
“Yes, I’m a good boy.” Adam unconsciously said as Dominique pounded him.
Just then Alexa bends down on her knees and looks into Adam’s eyes. She begins applying bright red lipstick and motioning to jerk her cock off. She goes in and bites Adam’s lower lip.
“How would you like to try my big, meaty carrot?” Alexa tells Adam.
Adam nods his head yes. Alexa starts placing lipstick on to him.
“Then I want to see those lips take all of my cock.” She said.
Alexa then brings her cock up to Adam’s mouth and he opens.
“Oh good boy.” Alexa tells him as she thrusts her cock all the way down his throat. Adam gags and she pulls her cock all the way back out.
“Take it.” Alexa says staring into Adam’s now puppy dog like eyes as he nods his head yes.
“Good slut.” Alexa says as she thrusts again. This time she grabs Adam by the hair and starts thrusting into his mouth until she syncs with Dominique. As one pulls back from Adam, the other thrusts in and never give him a break.
“Mphpnmpfg.” Adam tries moaning through the cock in his mouth. He’s lost all sense of self.
“I think he’s close, don’t you Domi?” Alexa says.
“Mhmm he’ll make a fine addition.” Dominique responses.
“Are you enjoying are big, meaty cocks you little slut?” Alexa asks Adam.
He nods his head yes.
“Would you like to feel them some more?” She asks.
He nods his head yes. He could feel himself getting close to cumming.
“Do you want to be our whore?” Alexa asks.
He nods his head yes. Just at that moment Adam cums, leaking semen all over the floor as he collapses on to his side. The girls step back.
“I think he’s finished.” Dominique said.
“Not yet Domi.” Alexa says.
“Come with me to the cage.” Alexa says.
Adam agrees and crawls over to the cage where Alexa locks him in.
“Put him with the other whores, would you Domi?” Alexa said.
“Of course.” Dominique responded.
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