The Cabin Ch. 04

Thanks again to Kirk2004 for his editing and his patience. Thank you, Kirk!


Kit tells Michael the truth

Michael finished releasing Kit from the table and rubbed her wrists. He took a seat on the couch, pulled her to his lap, and hid a smile at her surprise when he did. He took the afghan off the back of the couch and wrapped her in it.

“Okay, Kitten, I want the truth. Oh no, love, don’t struggle. You have to stay right here. Now tell me what’s going on.” He paused and then added softly, “I’ll know if you’re lying.”

He gave her time to compose herself. Silent tears flowed from her beautiful green eyes, over her cheeks and down her face. She wiggled her hand up between their bodies and used the afghan to wipe her face. She started choking but, before Michael could do anything, she pulled herself together and gulped breaths. The inward battle was so intense and so obvious, Michael hurt for her. He kissed her browser.

“Come on, baby.It can’t be as bad as you think.”

“It is,” she sobbed, paused and then continued. “About four months ago I…I took a dress and a pair of matching earnings from those I had purchased in Paris for Donavan. I don’t know why I took them. It wasn’t as if we couldn’t afford it if I really wanted them, and they weren’t even the ones that I really liked. It was as if I was compelled to take them. I hadn’t even gotten them home when I knew I was no thief. I took the dress and the earrings back the next day, but Suzette found me with them. I tried to explain but she wouldn’t listen. She had a picture of me putting the earrings in my purse. She was going to tell Donavan. Tell you. You’d divorce me she said laughing. It would be the excuse you needed. You were banging Jenny anyway. I—”

“Banging Jenny? And you believed her?” Michael was perplexed at the story that was unfolding, but the idea that he was ‘banging’ Jenny was too incredulous for words. However, the realization that this wasn’t about an affair was a relief, too.

“At first I didn’t believe her, but she was so independent and then she said she wouldn’t say anything if I did a couple of little things for her. The first month or so it was just sneak ‘that pretty silk scarf’ for her or those ‘nice earnings’ or the ‘lovely bracelet’. I would ring them up later and pay for them myself, but it was never enough. On day she wanted something else, I don’t remember what, and I said no more. She just laughed and showed me more pictures of me singing the things she wanted in a bag or in my purse. She must have been watching each time she wanted something. I was devastated. I didn’t keep the receipts; I couldn’t prove that I had paid for them. The pictures looked like I was stealing them.

“Then she said she would tell Donavan and you and call the police. She had proof. She wanted me to…to…to bring her to—oh God, how can I tell you. She wanted me to go down on her…to make her orgasm with my fingers andmy mouth,” she whispered. “I said I wouldn’t. She just lay down on the desk, spread her legs and looked at the pictures. I did what she wanted.

“I’d never done anything like that before…it made me sick. She had a camcorder in the room pointed right at the table. I didn’t know that until the next time when she wanted me to do it again. She showed me the film. She said she’d make me a … a … good little whore. I felt so dirty. It was after that, that I started to avoid you. I loved you so much, and she was making love so depraved. I’d never even kissed another girl that way. It made me nauseous; I throw up and she laughed.

“Then about six weeks ago when you were on that week long business trip to New York, she found out you were going to be gone. I didn’t tell anyone when you were out of town, but somehow she found out that time. Remember when you called that Wednesday evening, and I said I had the flu and didn’t go to work and later when you came home I said I was really sick and didn’t go to work the rest of the week. It’s because I couldn’t. I could hardly walk.

“Suzette showed up at the house with a friend of hers the night before you called. Before I knew it, I was tied to the bed. After being used in ways I didn’t know girls did to each other, she took your wire clippers and cut a piece of coat hanger and shaped it like an S. She held it over the shoes. When she walked back into the bedroom, she was smiling and the coat hanger was glowing red-hot. They stuffed a sock in my mouth and Suzette held the S down on me. I felt a horrifying stall of pain. I tried to scream and I pulled on the ropes around my ankles and wrists. I remember thrashing my head back and forth. I tried to spit out the sock, but I think I must have passed out. The last thing I remember before Things went black, was them standing of each side of the bed holding me down and laughing.

“When I came around the other bitch was wearing one of your shirts and Suzette was going though my jewelry. She took the opals you gave me for our anniversary. She took the opals,” she sobbed. “Before they left, she told me the S stood for Suzette, and now I would always remember the good times we had together. They have pictures and a video of that night.”

Kit told her story between sobs, punctuated with crying and fearful pauses. The fury and rage Michael felt was useless and too late, much too late, to stop the nightmare Katherine had experienced. It was staggering to think of the age she had suffered. He knew Suzette had not only taken advantage of Katherine’s innocent and naivety, but had also terrorized her. He was in shock. How had she endured the intimidation and threats these past months? He held her close, tenderly stroked her back, and encouraged her to finish the tale.

“Every day she would ask me if you discovered her ‘brand’ yet and if you’d asked for a divorce. That’s why I told you I didn’t feel well for the longest time. You kept encourageing me to go to the doctor. I held you off as long as I could without really going. You would want to make love, and I’d put you off saying I didn’t feel well or something. When I couldn’t, I would only ‘do it’ when it was very dark.” A weak smile crossed Kit’s face.

“Kit, why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you come to me immediately? Oh God, Kit, why? What she put you though!” Michael was all but shaking with anger; he could hardly think. “And then I tied you down and beat you. God, Kit, I’m so sorry. If I had known, I’d’ve never hit you with the paddle.”

Katherine reached for and found some composition even, perhaps, some peace. She finally told Michael the awful secret. It was out; the battle was over. Whatever he Did now was out of her hands.

“No, Michael, it’s okay. You didn’t beat me. You didn’t hurt me. It was…”

“It was what?” Michael smiled and she trembled slightly.

“It was… I don’t know why I… why I reacted like I did. Maybe it’s been the stress of the last months. I thought that I would lose you. I was going to tell you. I just couldn’t ever get myself to do it. I just kept getting deeper and deeper. Last week she hinted that she had something really special planned for me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I thought of killing myself, but I couldn’t do it.”

Michael’s arms tightened around Katherine. He could have lost her.

“I should have never let Suzette push me so far, but each time she had more and more stuff to hold over me. I just was sucked in farther. I’ll understand if you hate me.”

“Katherine, do you love me?” He eased her back a little so he could see her tears stained face. He gently kissed her as he cupped her face with his hand. His thumb idly caressed her cheek. He looked in her eyes, the eyes he loved so much and repeated softly, “Do you love me, Kitten?”

“Yes, but—”

“Just yes, my love, no more buts.”

Michael cradled her head in the curve of his shoulder. He pressed his lips against her temple. Katherine fisted her hand in his shirt. They sat like that for a long time.

“Do you want a dividend, Michael?” she finally asked.

“No, baby, I wasn’t kidding when I said I loved you. That will never change. Suzette—Kit, did you say you were compelled to take that dress the first time?

“Yes, I couldn’t understand the overwhelming need to take it and those earrings, but for some reason I just had too. I still don’t understand it.”

“Kit, did anything unusual happening before Paris? Anything happened that had never happened before?”

“I can’t think,” she paused. “Michael, I was having those headaches, and Suzette gave me some pills she said helped her get over her headaches. And the tape…She gave me a tape to listen to a couple times a day, a relaxation tape. It had the sounds of the ocean on it. I remember she said to listen to it on the plane over and coming back and several times a day while I was there because the trip would behectic trying to figure out what to buy. She said I’d probably get more headaches. That’s the only thing I can think of that was different from my normal routine, and I don’t see how that could mean anything.”

“Whe is the tape now?”

“She wanted it back when I returned from Paris.”

“Subliminal suggestions. I’ll be damned.” When Katherine furrowed her browser, he “They used subliminals in advertising until they were declared illegal. They’d make you do things that you probably wouldn’t do otherwise. It’s like hypnosis. Years ago you’d go to a movie and before the movie started a trailer played. During the trailer or previews, candy and popcorn would pop on the screen for a second. Your consciousness mind wouldn’t even notice them but your subconscious mind would. Soon you had an overwhelming desire for a bag of popcorn or a candy bar. They still make tapes with hidden messages, but they have to say that they have subliminal suggestions on them, like weight loss tapes, or, as Suzette said, relaxation tapes.

“If you know someone who can make subliminal tapes, you could have anything put on them, I guess. Suzette did a real number on you, Kitten. I’m sure she must have had one of those tapes made, but why? Why would she want you to take a piece of jewelry or a scarf? Seems like a lot of work for not much of a pay-off, and as far as the sexual stuff, there’s always someone that will fill that need. There must be a reason.

“We’ll use the rest of this weekend to come up with a plan to pay the bitch back, even if we don’t figure out why she’s doing this.”

“Oh, no,” she cried out. “No, Michael, she’ll use the pictures and the video and show everyone. I don’t think I could stand that.”

“Shh, baby, it’ll be OK. I promise.” When she started to cry again, he pulled her away from his chest and smiled. “Only Jamie knows where we are, and I told him I didn’t know when I’d be back in the office; I said I might take most of next weekoff. He can handle any new cases that come into the office, and I don’t have any court appearances until the following week. You’re covered, too, because I told Donavan that we might be gone all week. No more crying. You love me. I love you. We’ll work this out.”

Michael held Katherine for a long time just rubbing her back or caressing her arms. After a while, she finally seemed to relax Against him. His mind, though, was still trying to process everything she had told him. Why? There had to be an answer to the why? And what new torture did the witch plan for Kit; whatever it was, it wouldn’t come to fruition now. When he finished with Suzette, she wouldn’t be able to terrorize anyone, let alone Kit, again.

“Are you hungry?” he asked after a while and started to untangled himself from her and the afghan. He stood and pulled her to her feet and smiled at the confused look on her face. “You really looked incredible tied up by the way.” She blushed. He smiled and leaned down and tenderly kissed her. “I love you, Katherine. I always have and I always will.”

He started towards the kitchen, but stopped halfway there and turned back to her. He said very seriously, “We can have a cosmetic surgeon remove the scar as much as possible when this is over, Kit, if that’s what you want?”

Katherine’s fingers moved to the scar and silent tears pooled in her eyes. Before she revealed the truth about the last few months, all she seemed to do was growl and yell. Now she couldn’t seem to stop crying.

“Maybe I should keep it to remind me how stupid I am. The S could stand for stupid.”

Michael walked back to Kit, and used the edge of his hand to lift her face so that she had to look at him. He cupped her face and ran his lips across her forehead.

“You’re not stupid, Kitten, maybe a little naïve, but not stupid. She used you and manipulated you. I wish you’d told me at the beginning, but I wouldn’t be surprised when we find the tape she gave you that there are some hidden, subliminal messages telling you not to tell anyone.”

In a much lighter tone he continued. “If you want to keep the S it could stand for slave, my slave. I could tie you back up and use that little paddle on you. You seemed to like it,” as he let his fingers slide between her legs and move up to her slit. She blushed, again.

“I think it’s time to eat,” she coughed out.

He laughed. God it had been so long since they laughed together. He pulled her into his arms again and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you, Kitten. I never have or ever will have an affair with Jenny.” He turned to go back to the kitchen, but changed his mind. He turned back to Kit and very gravely said. “I think we should have the scar removed. I hate what that malicious, fucking bitch did to you, how she terrorized and hurt you. I’ll destroy her for what’s she’s done.”

Katherine’s lower lip started to quiver. Michael pulled her into his arms for a second time and said it was okay. Suzette would never hurt her again, and there was to be no more crying which got a slight laugh from her. It was a start at least. He pulled away from her again and headed for the kitchen.

“Katherine, why have you gotten so upset with me the last few months when I call you Kitten?”

“You’re the only one who calls me Kitten. It was your special name for me, an endearment. When everything started happening, I didn’t feel like I deserved your love any more and, therefore, you shouldn’t call me Kitten any more.”

“So it’s okay to call you Kitten again?” He grinned.

“Yes, sir.”

Michael smiled at the use of ‘sir’.

“Do you want to put some clothes on? I promise not to rip them off when I want you naked again,” he said, his grin turning into a sexy smile.

“Do you want me to put clothes on?” Kit returned with a tremulous smile as she followed him to the kitchen. He turned and pulled her in his embrace once again and kissed her browser.

“No.” He did pull the robe closed and tied the belt. The robe didn’t really do much to hide anything it was so transparent. They both smiled. “It’d just be more clothes I’d have to take off later.”

Lunch was soup and sandwiches and after they ate, Michael swung Kit back into the living area and pulled her once again into his lap.

“I wish I had adequate words to tell you, Kit, how wonderful it is to have you back. I was afraid after this weekend you would walk out and dividend me. It’s time to start making plans—no don’t go getting scared on me again. She’s not getting away with this. She nearly ruined our marriage. She hurt you mentally, emotionally, and physically…sexually, too. She made you afraid to talk to me, to let me make love to you. No, Kit, I won’t allow her to get away with this. As a lawyer, I’d go through the court system, but that would be too easy on her. I won’t put you through that.”

With a smile, he added that he had a better idea and picked upHis cell phone and pushed some buttons. In his profession it was sometimes necessary to employ a detective. He knew just the one he wanted for a background check and some survey work.

“Hey, Brian, it’s Mike here. Glad I caught you at your office. I’ve got a job that I want you to start on immediately. It must be strictly confidential. I want you to find out everything You can on a Suzette …” Michael turned to Katherine and, although he could see the terror in her eyes, she gave him the last name. “Etienne. She works at Paris Originals on 10th Street. The boutique is owned by Donavan Kastis. She’s a sales consultant and stylist.” He paused listening to Brian. “Yeah, Katherine is a buyer there. It’s the same place. Hold a minute.”

“Do you know where she lives, Kit?” Michael returned to the phone, told Brian Suzette’s home address, and gave him a description of her. “She’s a nasty bitch, Brian. I need you to find out as much as you can as fast as you can and then I’mgoing to ask you to do some off record stuff.” Michael laughed. “Yeah, Brian, that kind of stuff and yeah, it has to do with Kit. Get back to me as soon as you can. You can call me on my cell phone. I’m working on a plan now. By the time you get back to me, I should have some ideas put together. Thanks, Brian. Yes, it’s very important. I’ll owe you for this one.”


Coming — Fun on a table


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